

  • janehadji
    janehadji Posts: 206 Member
    For those of you having trouble getting the water down, I find that carbonated water goes down extremely easily and I almost drink too much of it! Regular water, not so much. After years of hauling home cases of Pellegrino for me from Costco, my husband bought me a "SodaStream" machine which carbonates the water at home. I add fresh lime juice to it, and drink it religiously. It helps a lot!
  • rpphillip
    rpphillip Posts: 230 Member
    Hello Ladies !
    I'm sorry that I havn't posted more but I just can't seem to get caught up. I have read 2 pages of post and still have a page or so to go. I do love reading what all of you are doing. It is just kind of crazy here.

    I did not do so well in July I have gotten a grip on it now and I did lose 1 pound the last week. so I think that Aug. will show a better results.

    My Goals are 1.) to Act the way I feel, Thank you Barbie I got this from you . I know that it has helped with my attetude so now I want to be more active , therefor I must put that in my mind and act the way I what to feel , more active.

    2) walk the dog more , and just get to moving more. Less sitting.

    3) check in more and even on my days off.

    4) eat out less and cook at home more, drink all my water. I know this has been a big help this last week.

    5) try and get my hubby on board . this will be a challange.

    always nancy - wow you are doing great!

    Jane - so happy to hear the Move and your daughters surgery went well! I hate to move , but sometimes we do what we have to.

    Laura - is the baby watch still going on, praying all is well.

    Amanda - hows the tooth? There is noughting like Grandchildren! I love to hear I love you grandma and those hugs are the best. so happy you are getting to spend time with your Grandtwins and DD.

    Petalsandpaws- My heart goes out to you and hubby. I have you in my prayers. It sounds like you are on the right track , but I know also that it is not as easy as it sounds so we are here for you.

    To all of you that are new WELCOME:flowerforyou: you have come to the right place.. to all of you that are doing well and met your July Goals , Congrats. well done ! :happy: and for those of you that are having a hard time , I'm there to the thing is to not give up!! We can get there , remember all the others had to start out and if you read thier post you will find that there were times when they felt like giving up, but they stuck it out and it has payed off for them and it will for us to.

    prayer and hugs to all of you that are having health problems , and or family problems. and if I miss anyone I am sorry but I must get back to work, hope to check in agin later tonight.
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,980 Member
    :flowerforyou: What a joy to see all the posts. I hope everyone who posted will keep coming back and become part of the family.

    :flowerforyou: Polly, enjoy your time at the beach and be on the lookout for ways to have fun that don’t require eating---there should be lots of ways to be active outdoors with or without a friend to accompany you…..I have an mp3 player so I have music to keep me company when I walk or do outdoor chores.

    :bigsmile: Gvuletic, I like your goal about encouraging others

    :flowerforyou: Spookyhootch, have you read “the Thin Commandments Diet”……I think there’s a lot of ideas in there that would help you with your goals.

    :flowerforyou: Getninshape, being part of this thread has helped me get rid of the negative voices in my head.

    :flowerforyou: :bigsmile: Jane, you continue to inspire me with your positive attitude…..i hope all is going well with your move and the new setting is happier and healthier for you

    :flowerforyou: Meg, if I have to eat out, Subway is my choice

    :flowerforyou: :drinker: Rose, thanks for your positive attitude and your reminders to keep drinking water

    Alwaysnancy, your exercise continues to amaze and inspire me.

    :flowerforyou: Michele, I have the “sweatin’ to the oldies” DVDs…..haven’t done them in awhile but I remember that I had to do the same one several times before I got comfortable with the routine…..the music is great and I love the various ages, sizes, and fitness levels of the participants.

    :flowerforyou: :heart: Dixie, hugs to you and your hubby

    :flowerforyou: Sundance, I don’t work at a regular job so I have time to walk my dogs for two hours or more each day and walk with friends instead of meeting them for lunch or coffee…..also I go to dance classes three or more time a week.

    :flowerforyou: Amanda, I think of you whenever I turn on the TV to watch the Olympics….and then I think about how you are now getting to spend time with your grandtwins again after that scary time when you weren’t able to see them.

    :flowerforyou: Carol, I looked at your food diary and wonder if it would help you to substitute more fruits, vegetables, and lean meat for the processed food …… you might consider eating back a few of your exercise calories in order to include some additional nutrition.

    :flowerforyou: Deedee, congrats on the new clothes

    :flowerforyou: Ruth, I try to avoid eating out because it is always a problem for me…..good luck

    :flowerforyou: Pamela, dancing has been the center of my exercise program for a long time…good for the body, soul, and brain.

    :flowerforyou: Laura, we sold our house last year for a lot less money than we wanted, but were glad to have it over…good luck to you

    :flowerforyou: Connie, what a great idea to have your goals as a screen saver

    :flowerforyou: Junekaatz, if not now, when…….this minute is the best time to begin the rest of your life healthy

    :bigsmile: I read every post carefully and I am so happy to be connected to all of you….but I am past my allotted half hour sitting down, so I will post this now.

    :heart: Barbie from NW Washington
    August resolutions:
    *walk the dogs for an hour or more every morning
    *100 Warrior III poses or squats a day
    * 3 minute timed plank every day
    *17,000 steps a day
    *finish the rock project in my yard
    *act the way I want to feel
    *come from a place of love
    *don’t take things personally
  • katiejarr
    katiejarr Posts: 251 Member
    For those of you having trouble getting the water down, I find that carbonated water goes down extremely easily and I almost drink too much of it! Regular water, not so much. After years of hauling home cases of Pellegrino for me from Costco, my husband bought me a "SodaStream" machine which carbonates the water at home. I add fresh lime juice to it, and drink it religiously. It helps a lot!

    This is a great idea!!!!!
  • arewethereyet
    arewethereyet Posts: 18,702 Member
    Thanks Barbie for having a safe haven for those of us who need one.

    Man it is scary out there. If y'all don't know I am a volunteer moderator here at MFP. I enjoy helping out, it is part of my nature.

    Some days I cannot wait to come here or my other thread home and just read.

    You ladies are lovely:love:
  • dmisty24
    dmisty24 Posts: 26
    Hi All:

    I went to the cardiologist today and I am so happy that she said I don't have to take heart medicine. She wants me to take cholesterol lowering meds but everyone that I have tried causes muscle pains.....so I made a commitment that I would really clean up my diet and she can check my numbers agin in 3 months. She greed....so here goes. I have committed here and to my cardiologist.......made it thru the day eating really healthy. Good luck to all,

  • petalsandpaws
    Your an inspriation Sundance. Love reading all your posts. Keep up the good work your are doing..
    One more day to travel this week then rest on the weekend. Garden has to be caught up. Looking a little peeked with me gone everyday. Had lunch with two baby skunks yesterday.:huh: My husband and I stopped at a rest area on the way home from his radiation treatment and there they were!!:laugh:
    Still getting my food in, but no excercise. Have to make up for that on the weekend.
    Good day overall.
    Hugs, Dixie:heart:
  • djhobs
    djhobs Posts: 200 Member
    I got back in the pool and did my jogging today..dh just laughs at me but I was glad I did it...question about deep water jogging /training...what is that? My pool is an above ground so I am jogging in water that is about chest deep...is that good? (I am NOT a runner...this is the most jogging I have ever done!
    :flowerforyou: Laura - good luck with the real estate negotiation ..it is such a difficult market out there
    :flowerforyou: Dixie - I keep you and your hubby in my prayers..your strength and positive outlook are inspiring and amazing

    Have a good night all..hugs and high fives, we are unstoppable!
  • trustyone
    Hi ya'll,

    I can't seem to quit eating!!!! My daughter just graduated from high school so I have that empty nest feeling going on. Lots of drama and trauma within my family blah blah blah. I work out 4-6 days a week. I do long distance bike riding, in fact, just did my first metric century ride a couple of weeks ago. But.......I am gaining weight!!! I start to eat something bad for me, think about it a moment then actually say in my mind " I don't care" then I eat it. I have always been active, always watched what I eat but for some reason I can't seem to get it under control. I can't seem to get the self discipline to do better. I mean, I get up at 4:30 most mornings to go work out but I have lost any self control in the food department. Any words of wisdom, criticism anything that might help me get some perspective would be most appreciated. I will be 50 in February.

  • LaurelFisher
    LaurelFisher Posts: 407 Member
    :flowerforyou: Good evening all, Matthew went to the doctor for post surgery check up and to get his stitches out:huh: The doctor said he is doing great and all vitals were right where they should be.:smile:

    :frown: I swear I think my husband is trying to sabotage my diet. :huh: Hubby bought popeyes chicken for dinner...I have no will power...SOOOO Leslie Sansone 4 mile and 2 mile to work off the extra calories...:blushing:
    :yawn: I am soo tired:yawn:
    :smile: I got on the scale at work this afternoon (unofficially) and it said 199.:smile: ..real weigh in is tomorrow morning.
    I am hoping for 198 which will give me 18 pounds lost. :love:
    :wink: Think I will go jump in the shower and hit the bed:yawn: :yawn: :yawn: :yawn: :yawn:
    :heart: Love ((((HUGS)))) and Prayers, Rose
    :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker:
  • jaks97
    jaks97 Posts: 179 Member
  • lorarock
    lorarock Posts: 29
    I'm checking in. Still feeling icky with the sinus infection that blossomed into bronchitis . Antibiotics make me feel nauseous, and then I eat carbs. Ready for this crud to go away. Afternoons are hard for me......I eat lunch and then continue to graze. I guess next week will help, because I return to work full time. Haven't been able to work out because of lung issues. If anyone has a home remedy for a quick recovery from a sinus infection, please share. It has been going on for a week and I am tired of coughing etc.
  • lizmil79
    lizmil79 Posts: 566 Member
    Hello Ladies,

    @DeeDee Cool on the new clothes how exciting!
    @Amanda how are you feeling? glad you are having a good time with your twin grandkids
    @Polly Love the water, sand, sun --enjoy your time at the beach.
    @Hugs and Prayers
    @LaurelFisher Good news about Matthew. Husbands are funny I know mind is always offering to go get fast food.
    @Sundance So glad you are still on this journey.
    @AuntieBk you have really good goals for August.
    @Barbie --love that you get such nice walks in with your friskie poodles. We are going this weekend to adopt a new fur babie.

    Today was ok sort of convicting part of job took clients to zoo start at 10 am end at 12:30. After lunch was the art museum so by the end of the day my exercise was done but my left ankle is so swollen and painful. That should not have wipe me out so much. Crazy. I love coming to this group I try to check in everyday. It is so encouraging

    Take care
    Thank you
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,391 Member
    Welcome everyone new to a wonderful place

    Well, I know that I won't be logging food tomorrow. They're delivering the pool. It should be some sight. It seems that they're going to deliver it, put it on our front lawn, then turn it right-side-up, then the crane will take it over the house and place it behind the garage, most likely it'll (the crane) then go up the access road to behind where the pool will be, pick it up and set it in the hole. It'll most likely have the be picked up and set down multiple times before it is leveled off. A friend asked to be told when it'll be here so I called her. I know that she doesn't really like to cook, and since we need to eat anyway, I told her I'd make some spaghetti sauce. That's something I can put in the crock pot early in the day, let it cook all day, and then when we're ready for dinner just make the spaghetti. I made a key lime pie (which I'm not real crazy about), then tried to make a banana butterscotch bread. Vince wanted to keep the porch open for the cats and it got so humid in here that the cake just stuck to the pan so I made it again. Don't know why, but it's sticking to the pan again. Maybe I need to let it cool in the pan more. Well, if worse comes to worse, we can have the pie. I'll just watch my portions and drink lots of water (which reminds me that I should make some iced tea.)

    Kat - congrats on the teriffic weight!

    Amanda - you sound so in love!

    DeeDee - that's wonderful that you got new shirts. It feels so good, I know.

    Looks like this butterscotch banana bread is going to stick to the pan, so maybe I'll resort to old faithful -- a pineapple angelfood cake

    Don't know why, but I got up at 3am. today, then went back to bed, got up, exercised, had breakfast of steel cut oats and cherries, then went to the library to return the Sweatin to the Oldies DVD and got out a yoga DVD and a step one. I'm not sure about the step, but I'll give it a try. I asked them to get three other DVD's in that branch, I may want to do them next week. I was surprised when I got home around 11:30 that the guys were finished here for the day. They wanted to finish digging the hole, we have gravel which they'll put on the bottom of the pool tomorrow, then they went to work on other jobs. They want to have this weekend off so they're going to try really hard to get the pool in the ground. Still won't have any water in it, they'll check Monday to be sure it's still level.

    I think I'm going to skip exercising tomorrow, just in case the pool guys get here early I want to be ready! I got that yoga DVD in case I need ed to do it Sat. I do want to get to the farmer's market, tho. Well, it looks like they may not be here Sat. so I can go to the yoga at the Y.

    I'm really thinking that my foot hurting was in a way my body's way of saying "slow down". When I did the DVD today, I didn't do any exercise where I'd put a lot of weight on the front of my foot (like a reverse lunge). Right now it feels so much better. I'm also thinking that I really need more support in my shoes during the summer, I'm wearing sneakers right now. OK, not the greatest...but better than flipflops. Ordered Birkenstocks from this one place. Unfortunately, they have to get them from the warehouse so it'll be 3-4 weeks. Also, they charged shipping. Well, Amazon and Zappos were sold out of my size, and this late in the season I doubt they'll be getting them in.

    Meg - I guess I need to call tomorrow my "free day". I'm not planning to log food, just watch portions. You know something, it's interesting, the healthier you are eating, the more you don't want non-healthy foods or much less of those foods. I'm sometimes having trouble staying totally away from them (sometimes????) but I do find that I'm satisfied with less. Well...I'll eventually get to the point where I don't want it at all.

    bclin - what an adorable pic you have!!!

    Just the other day someone on the radio was talking about her daughter just had her birthday and they made their own soda. Before that I had never heard of the SodaStream. What a great idea!

    arewetheryet - thanks for all you do here at MFP (but this is still the only forum I go to and one reason is because I know that no one is going to badmouth anything you say but only be supportive and helpful)

    Misty - what a wonderful report you got from the cardiologist! You CAN do this.

    Dixie - you are a true inspiration. With everything going on, you still do so great

    Trusty - I know what you mean when you say you get to the "I don't care feeling". Have you ever tried having just a few mouthfuls of the "bad" food? Put that amount on a small plate even before you start eating the "bad" food. Then, you can say "I don't care". Little by little you can put less and less of that food on the plate until you no longer want it. Give that a try.

    Rose - Matthew is a real trooper. So happy for you all.

    I already have some blueberries in a dish along with a sample size of this apple cinnamon cereal (it's just 110 calories) for breakfast tomorrow. Oh, I can't wait!!!!

    lorarock - I know when I get a sinus infection, if the mucus is clear or slightly yellow-ish, a neti pot helps me. but if the mucus is a greenish color, the infection is too far gone and nothing short of an antibiotic will help me.

    Jen - I take a deep water class, but I really don't see that there's much difference between jogging in the shallow or the deep end short of the fact that in the deep end you have no impact whereas in the shallow what you have some impact. In both shallow and deep you have resistance to the water.

    Gotta get to bed. Hope I can sleep. Have the spaghetti sauce in the pot in the refrigerator so all I have to do tomorrow morning is put it in the crockpot. Made the pie and the angelfood cake, so I think dinner is well taken care of.

    Hope everyone has a great evening.

  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,980 Member
    Hi ya'll,

    I can't seem to quit eating!!!! My daughter just graduated from high school so I have that empty nest feeling going on. Lots of drama and trauma within my family blah blah blah. I work out 4-6 days a week. I do long distance bike riding, in fact, just did my first metric century ride a couple of weeks ago. But.......I am gaining weight!!! I start to eat something bad for me, think about it a moment then actually say in my mind " I don't care" then I eat it. I have always been active, always watched what I eat but for some reason I can't seem to get it under control. I can't seem to get the self discipline to do better. I mean, I get up at 4:30 most mornings to go work out but I have lost any self control in the food department. Any words of wisdom, criticism anything that might help me get some perspective would be most appreciated. I will be 50 in February.


    :flowerforyou: stop buying "bad food"......if it's in the house, it's in the mouth

    :flowerforyou: buy "good food"......if your body is properly nourished, it is less likely to be looking for something to eat.

    :flowerforyou: make a plan for what you are going to eat for the day.

    :flowerforyou: strategy is stronger than willpower

    :flowerforyou: keep coming back to this thread and read what all your new friends are saying.

    :bigsmile: never, never, never give up
  • momlady6
    momlady6 Posts: 31 Member
    :happy: I am doing the same in our above ground pool- jumping jacks, sideways lunges, running back and forth, flutter kicks! I am loving it - I get a nice workout and boy does it cool hot flashes!!!

    Bought the pool for the kids but I am so glad we have it!!! And the kids think I'm hilarious... Lol
    I got back in the pool and did my jogging today..dh just laughs at me but I was glad I did it...question about deep water jogging /training...what is that? My pool is an above ground so I am jogging in water that is about chest deep...is that good? (I am NOT a runner...this is the most jogging I have ever done!
    :flowerforyou: Laura - good luck with the real estate negotiation ..it is such a difficult market out there
    :flowerforyou: Dixie - I keep you and your hubby in my prayers..your strength and positive outlook are inspiring and amazing

    Have a good night all..hugs and high fives, we are unstoppable!
  • love22step
    love22step Posts: 1,103 Member
    Happy August! As usual, I'm a little late, but I'm here! I'm 60, but feeling much younger these days. Goals for August include maintaining my weight loss, increasing my cycling distance, and building a goat barn. So much work, so little time! Let's take on life full throttle, ladies! Have fun!
  • kathyszoo
    kathyszoo Posts: 311 Member
    Hi all,

    First chance that I really had to get on my computer. Surgery went very wel!:smile: Thanks for the good thoughts!
    Happily surprised that it's not a big clunky boot, more of a sturdy velcro shoe and can bear weight a little, supposed to walk on heel,
    I even managed to stay in within my calorie goal today and was even under!

    Laura80111-I plan on doing my chair exercises after my one week check-up. In fact, you might have been the person who told me about them. There are several ones that I use from youtube.

    Megblair1-Good luck to your DH with his upcoming surgery! It definitely sounds alot more indepth than mine was. Right now elevating and icing it and already sick of being a couch potato. But the good news in doesn't hurt at the moment, although klutsy me already bumped it which didn't make my doc too happy:frown:

    Barbiecat-You always have great suggestions for all of us! I'm going to check out "The Thin Commandments" and was wondering if you have an opinion either way on "The 17 Day Diet".

    I did catch up on everyone else's posts and as always, thanks for sharing!

  • VogtAndrea
    VogtAndrea Posts: 236
    For you ladies that are in the pool and exercising (too), GREAT!!!!! Who cares what you look like out there, just do it and enjoy it and the results. I know that I am.
    As to others having problems with food jumping into your mouths, forcing you to chew and swallow it..... Don't bring it home. Leave it on the shelves in the store! (except for those blueberries, .... I'll take em!)
    Seriously, you get craving, pour a glass of water and drink it before you give in. Sometimes I find that I'm craving because I'm low on protein because that craving's still there after I finish that water. Then I will have protein but just a little. If you're working out really hard all the time and finding yourself craving salty food. you likely need the salt. Club soda will replace alot of what you're missing.
    Give it a try. That works for me MOST of the time.
  • LindaS175
    LindaS175 Posts: 186 Member
    Hi Ladies,

    I finally went for a walk this evening with my daughter. I was off work, so I was so happy to be able to go for a walk in the evening!
    This was after 2 round's of trap shooting.:drinker: My knee was killing me by the end of the walk. We met a lady that lives in our neighborhood. She is a social worker and recently divorced. She had her son with her and her labs. She has a black lab who is a dwarf. She has deformed legs and blindness in one of her eyes. She rescues labs! Bless her for caring for unwanted animals!

    Dixie- sounds like you are making the most of each day with your husband. Your positive attitude will be really healthy for your husband.(though you must be crying on the inside), you are a strong woman and you are doing so well to be eating well. You can catch up on your exercise this weekend. The exercise will be really good for you! Keeping you and your husband in my prayers.

    Michelle, how are they dropping in a pool? Don't they make it with that plaster stuff? They spray it on the sides etc? I am curious as to how your pool is made.

    Kathyszoo- glad your surgery went well! Here's to a speedy recovery!
    Barbie, That is so true about having unhealthy food in the house. I stopped buying ice cream and most sweets,junk food. If we want an ice cream we go out and get it!

    If those of you who are hungry, try eating small meals every 3 hours. Keep your metabolism fueled and you will burn your calories better:drinker: :drinker:

    DeeDee- I so need to buy some clothes, but I will wait for as long as possible, because I am moving towards a smaller, healthier me each day!:smile::bigsmile:
    Well welcome to all the new ladies, just keep logging and come read these posts every day, even more so if you want to eat, but should not!

    Here's to working the next 6 days in a row! :noway: :noway:
    Hugs to:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: all!! Linda Aka SundanceB :heart: