
  • LindaS175
    LindaS175 Posts: 186 Member
    Why did my post get posted x 2?

    Maybe to say, be strong, keep working to make yourself healthier each minute of each day!:drinker: :drinker:
    Linda SundanceB
  • conniehv40
    conniehv40 Posts: 442 Member
    Good morning

    I am a night-snacker, so I keep reading about snacking-It is a habit that I have to change. SO, last night, dishes done, the tv was calling my name (and that is when I love to snack even when I am not even hungry), my husband and son went to hit golf balls, so I went with them! I didn't burn too many calories, but I went down in weight instead of snacking and gaining or remaining the same!

    Sundance-sounds like you did the same thing-taking a walk with your daughter!
    VogtAndrea-The food jumping in your mouth due to craving! That is ME! That is why I went to go hit golf balls. I need to break the habit!!! (and I should have more protein-I'll try that)
    Kathyszoo-Glad to hear the surgery went well!
    Liz-Sorry about your ankle! I have a sore tendon on the side of my ankle--I was icing last night!
    LaurelFisher-Glad to hear the doctor appt went well. With things like that in your life, maybe the popeyes chicken relieved your stress of trying to make dinner! Stay strong.

    Off I go for a walk, so I can't post anymore-I sent an email to a friend on Wed-otherwise, I'd stay and post and not walk!!!

    You all have a great day and I will be back!
  • DeeDee2211
    DeeDee2211 Posts: 1,133 Member
    Good morning ladies:flowerforyou:

    Kate:smile: , congrats on getting started! Anytime is the right time to start, just look at it as a new lifestyle, there are always things going on, just figure out how to make your choices work!!! Your goals for Aug. sound perfect.

    Janehadji:smile: , yes I loved trying on smaller clothes, made my day a little better. They do have a lot of sales going on right now, I really don't want to spend too much until I get to the weight I'm going to stay at.:happy: .

    Cyndy:smile: welcome, your Aug. goals sounds good. Keep at it!!!!!!

    Beestev:smile: , take one day at a time, sometimes you have to take one hour at a time, but you can change things - you've already taken that all important first step!!!

    PatsyFitzpatr:smile: how exciting to start your training for your 1/2 marathon :happy: , I'm sure you'll do great!!!!

    rpphillip:smile: I, too am having a hard time catching up on everybody, seems like one week is semi busy, the next week is off the chart busy as this week has been. I'm ready for a vacation!!!!

    Barbie:smile: thanks again for this forum, your advice and motivation!!!! I ordered the two books your recommended, The Happiness Project, and A Complaint Free World, they've come in, however I've not had time to even look at them:angry: .
    Hopefully this weekend I'll make some time.

    Misty:smile: congrats on not having to take heart meds!!!!! You can do this, just take it one day at a time!!!

    Dixie:smile: as always you and your husband are in my prayers:flowerforyou: !!! I bet those baby skunks were cute, however I would only like to see them from a safe distance:laugh: .

    Jen:smile: congrats for getting in your water jog!!!!!

    Trustyone:smile: have you asked yourself why you don't care? It might give you good insight into why you keep eating the not so good for you foods. Good luck.

    Rose:smile: I'm so happy Matthew is doing better:flowerforyou: !!!!!! Hope the scale says what you want it to say this morning!!!!

    Lorarock:smile: sinus infections are icky!!!! I usually end up on antibiotics, they always make my stomach upset and I don't even want to eat. Good luck, hope you feel better soon:flowerforyou: .

    Liz:smile: the zoo and art museum :happy: that sounds like fun!!!! Hope your ankle feels better soon!!!

    Michele:smile: you continue to amaze me with all you do!!!! How exciting to watch your pool being put in!

    Momlady6:smile: congrats on getting your exercise in the pool, you're getting fit and having fun!!!!

    Love22step:smile: Welcome to the greatest group of women on MFP!!!!!!

    Kathy:smile: I'm so glad your surgery went well:flowerforyou: !!! Hope your foot is back to new soon!!!

    Linda-SundanceB:smile: walking with your daughter sounds like fun!!!! Sorry your knee is giving you problems, mine acts up every once in awhile, I fell on black ice several years ago, right on my knee, it let's me know when I've done too much:grumble: !!!!

    Sorry if I missed anyone!!!!

    My sweet fur baby is not feeling well:cry: , she has pancreatitis, and is having a flare up. I ended up having to go by the Vet. yesterday afternoon and pick up some meds for her, however she is still feeling not so good. I'll call the Vet. this morning and see if I can bring her in, at least today is the one day I have free.

    Hope everyone has a great day!!! Drink your water:drinker: :drinker: :drinker: and log your food!!!!

  • Alwaysnancy
    Alwaysnancy Posts: 51 Member
    My vow to log food hasn't gone well. I really have to brace myself and just eat the right things but I seem to have a lot of cravings lately. However, one of the fellows at work who has been overweight the whole time I've been there (20 years) suddenly looks a lot lighter. He's lost 75 lbs by cutting down on his food and walking lots. It's always an inspiration to me when some who you never knew skinny can do it. It reinforces the fact that really anyone can. I'm so happy for him. I walked by him as he was explaining his regimen to the plant manager and resisted the urge to give him a hug. He would of thought I was crazy.

    I'm off today so I took my garmin gps watch outside and set it up for some interval sprinting. However I did something wrong and it stopped after one interval so I started the timer and just kept doing the run fast walk fast thing. It never takes me long to get going.

    Someone here said something about my husband exercising with me. He's always been really active and never ever had a weight issue so he's just happy now that I've gotten fitter because I can keep up with him more. Once hockey season starts in Sept he will probably just do the odd run with me. We are doing the Run for the Cure on Sept 30th and I'm hoping to enter the Toronto women's run in October with my daughter and friend. Hubby might try a couple of local trail runs but I checked the results from last year and I know I'd be the last person to finish. My friend/boss said not to let that bother me. I don't mind that I will never be first but I really hate being last and really far behind. I'm a slow runner and until I get faster I'll do it on my own or bigger runs where there is a range in pace.

    Heading to Toronto this afternoon to bring my daugher home. Her brother's birthday is Tomorrow and she wants to visit him on his birthday and us of course. Can't believe he's turning 29....where did the time go.

    Planning a nice long run early tomorrow probably before the others get up. I'll definitely be partaking in frozen yogurt or ice cream and wine this week.

    Lorarock, are you on medication. Hubby has bad allergies and he has some reactive lung disorder or something like that....

    Hope everyone has a great weekend especially the others who are enjoying the long weekend in Canada.
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,359 Member
    Hello to all - just finished reading all the updates. It is so motivating!! I love being part of this group that's in it help each other. It is wonderful. I'd love to post more but my Internet connection is already starting to timeout this morning (thought I could beat it to the punch as it usually works in the morning).

    I hope everyone has a healthy, safe, weekend with lots of :drinker: :drinker:

    By the way, I found a working VCR and a bunch of my old tapes so I'm set now to live in the past a bit with Jazzercise, Sweatin to the Oldies, Jane Fonda, Gilad and some old Billy Blanks tapes. I hope they will still play in the player.

    I need to check again with our library. They don't seem to have many exercise DVDs. What is available I've found out can be checked out for 3 weeks at a time while all other DVDs are one week only. Apparently there's not a big demand!!

  • stangma
    stangma Posts: 211 Member
    Well welcome to all the new ladies, just keep logging and come read these posts every day, even more so if you want to eat, but should not!

    @Sundance - GREAT advice - this will keeps the hands from going to the mouth ! LOVE THAT :D
  • Laura80111
    Laura80111 Posts: 958 Member
    :flowerforyou: Friday, Friday (doing the happy dance)

    I just lost my post:sad: ...said lots of encouraging things too....so will say...I've read...I've thought of you all and gave you high fives and words of encouragment:drinker:

    Hubby came to work with me today. We will do some target practice when I get off and we brought our bikes so we will go do a bike ride after. Hoping to keep the eating under control this weekend too....you know that's always the challenge for me.:blushing

    Welcome to the Newbies:flowerforyou: You will find positive encouragement here:drinker: :

    I signed the papers to accept the third offer on Mom & Dad's house. Of course I'm taking a hugh loss, but if the inspection goes according to plan next Tuesday by the end of the month I will have that issue out of the way:happy: Then we will start to decide what to do about selling our house and doing the downsizing, that will be NO fun:sad:

    We are still on baby watch, DIL #2 is totally over this and keeping up with grandsons #1 & #2 are getting harder and harder as she just can't get off the floor anymore if she gets down there with them to play. So grandson #3 continues to "cook" stay tuned for further developments:wink:

    I must go. I have billings, payroll and other papers calling my name.

  • JipsyJudy
    JipsyJudy Posts: 268 Member
    I completely flopped in terms of all my goals for July. And I gained another pound. Now 6 pounds over my lowest weight back in March. So for August, I need to do two very basic things. First, I need to heal my foot injuries (now seeing a podiatrist), and second, I need to get my motivation back. My psyche seems to be in full-scale rebellion against doing data entry and record keeping, both here on MFP and at work, where my primary chore is doing bookkeeping. Also I'm feeling fed up with dieting. I start out fairly well in the mornings, but by sometime in the middle of the afternoon, the little demon in the back of my mind starts screaming, "I'm sick of this!" I have a hundred reasons to be motivated to log, diet, and keep improving my health, but none of them seem to be working anymore. Well, we're taking a ten day vacation later this month, and I hope that helps!!!!
  • tiarapants
    tiarapants Posts: 1,015 Member
    Hello ladies

    I’m writing from my notebook in the coffee shop between appointments, so can’t respond to everyone, but know that I’m thinking of you.

    Driving through Richmond Park this morning I was halted in my progress by a herd of deer – about 100 or so – they decided to cross the road just as I got near to them. Now they don’t all go at the same speed, some make a mad dash for it, some meander slowly and get distracted on the way. Some didn’t make it all the way across without having a bit of a fight, or a poo, or a graze or even a suckle from mummy. By the time the road was clear and I was able to start the engine and drive on, about a quarter of an hour had gone. It came to me as I was watching them that the ladies of this post are a bit like those dear. We are all travelling towards a similar goal, but we all have different things that get in our way on the journey.

    How deep! On the other hand it was a real pleasure to sit and watch the deer. Makes a change from the rat race when I’m travelling on the tube up to Mayfair.

    Anyway my ‘dear deers’ – I hope you are having a good day and take a little time to switch off your engine and just watch something beautiful going on around you.

    Love to you all
    Amanda x
  • janehadji
    janehadji Posts: 206 Member
    Good morning! Does anyone else have problems with the "food police?" With me, it's my husband. I've literally asked him hundreds of times to stop this, but he just keeps going. It makes me stressed out and upset, and then I eat more! Two nights ago I weighed out my portion of meat so that I wouldn't go over my calories. When I put it on my plate, he looked at it and his eyes bugged out and he said "that's a LOT of meat, I can't believe you're really going to eat all of that." I explained to him that I weighed it so I wouldn't overeat. He then said a lot of other things about overeating, and moved on to how I needed to take smaller bites and chew slower. Argh! I was so mad, and then he started in again last night about how "overweight people tended to just sit around doing nothing all day (I do a lot!) and then end up in wheelchairs." He is obsessed about my weight and I am ready to scream!! (He is normal weight and I'm a chubby size 12).

    Thanks for letting me vent!

    @Laura80111 Congrats on getting the house under contract! I'm sure it will be a relief to have that out of the way at last. :smile:

    @DeeDee Yep, great sales right now when you don't want to spend a lot on a transitional size. Macy's has some 65% off racks (even a few 75%) plus a coupon for another 20% off. Can't beat that!
  • Not 50+ but not too far away... could use the motivation. Two weeks and down 5lbs. I have thyroid disease and have found that the only thing that works is exercise 5-6 times per week at one hour a day and mix it up between circuit training and power walking. I travel a lot for work and could use some ideas on how to stay on plan while traveling. Its really hard to stay on a food plan because of the dinners and cocktail hours. I can always work out in the gym so exercise is not the issue. Any ideas on how to stay on plan food-wise while entertaining clients would be greatly appreciated.
  • lulu3561
    lulu3561 Posts: 85 Member
    I'm 51 and my personal challenge is to reach 70 pounds lost by August 25th - right now I have lost 62.2 pounds. I have 4 weeks to do this in.
  • My August goal is to loose 5 pounds. This is the first time I see this thread for ladies 50+. I have some amazing young lady friends on here. But always willing to make a new friend . I would appreciate any help and would love to give support to you all as well. I asked a question to a friend and she wasn't sure of the answer so I will ask you. If anyone would be so kind to answer I would appreciate it.
    My question is:
    At 52 years old, should I be able to keep up with 30DS dvd put out by Jillian Michaels?. Not sure if this is a legitimate question even. I bought the tape a couple years ago. I did it for 15 days. Then I went on vacation and haven't gotten back to it yet. It really intimadates me. I walk 2-3 miles at least 4 times a week. I also do the Leslie Sassone "Walk 4 Fast Miles " dvd in inclement weather. I do a little strength training but never log it. I would like to know if this DVD was intended for 20 yr olds, 30 yr olds, or anyone. I rejoined MFP on July 8, 2012

    I do appreciate any information on this.
  • stangma
    stangma Posts: 211 Member
    @Amanda - that is awesome! Don't you just love it when life makes sense like that? Thank you for sharing. :drinker:
  • lorarock
    lorarock Posts: 29
    Good morning all! I am up, moving and trying to stay positive today. I turned off the TV so I don't sit and vege/eat without realizing what I am stuffing in my mouth. I made a list of things to get done today and hopefully can check at least half off. Feeling a little better as far as sinus/bronchitis. Maybe antibiotics are finally kicking in. I used a neti pot at first symptoms, but this went from a tickle in my throat to total sinus blockage within hours. Continue to use it at least 3x a day along with antibiotics, steroid nose drops, mucinex and cough drops.

    Hubby and I are going to Patti's which is about 90 minutes away from where we live. It is a marvelous place in Grand Rivers, KY. They have won many awards for their 2 inch pork chop. All the food is delicious and well prepared. They also have huge portions, so our strategy is to share everything. That way we can have an appetizer and one of the wonderful goodies. If it is not storming we may get to play putt putt and burn some calories. They have a great course built into a hillside.

    Planning on make a recipe from "Cooking Light" to use up a chicken breast that is thawed. I'm going to try the spicy Thai coconut chicken soup. I stumble across an old issue yesterday with many chicken recipes. Maybe if I cook something a little different and tasty, I can get out of the carb stuffing slump I am in. I usually make soup and freeze for my lunch during the school year, so this can be a new twist on flavors if it is good.

    Hope everyone has a delightful day! Lora
  • yoyonomore55
    yoyonomore55 Posts: 350 Member
    My August goal is to loose 5 pounds. This is the first time I see this thread for ladies 50+. I have some amazing young lady friends on here. But always willing to make a new friend . I would appreciate any help and would love to give support to you all as well. I asked a question to a friend and she wasn't sure of the answer so I will ask you. If anyone would be so kind to answer I would appreciate it.
    My question is:
    At 52 years old, should I be able to keep up with 30DS dvd put out by Jillian Michaels?. Not sure if this is a legitimate question even. I bought the tape a couple years ago. I did it for 15 days. Then I went on vacation and haven't gotten back to it yet. It really intimadates me. I walk 2-3 miles at least 4 times a week. I also do the Leslie Sassone "Walk 4 Fast Miles " dvd in inclement weather. I do a little strength training but never log it. I would like to know if this DVD was intended for 20 yr olds, 30 yr olds, or anyone. I rejoined MFP on July 8, 2012

    I do appreciate any information on this.

    I started the 30 day shred, but found the jumping moves to be difficult (bothered my knees). I have decided to start it again and modify the jumping rope moves to fast side steps or jogging in place. The rest of the workout was very doable. I am 57, recently lost 70 pounds, walk 3 miles a day briskly and kayak whenever I can get to the lake. It sounds like you should be fine with it. I used to do the Leslie Sansone dvds. If you can handle those the 30 day shred should be okay.

    Good luck to you. Keep in touch. We can compare notes on the shred!
    Deb A
  • junekaatz
    junekaatz Posts: 119 Member
    Hi Ladies,

    The temptations begin, I will be away from the computer, the tracker and the support for 4 days at the family reunion. This means big family breakfasts of sausages,bacon and eggs, potlucks full of everyone's specialties, all kinds of snacking food and of course there is the beer for ballgames and wine around the campfires ... its a minefield.

    I know to use a tablespoon instead of a serving spoon at the potluck, skip the really creamy (good looking ) dishes and in general cut my normal servings by half. I have not told my family I am working on a newer me, most of them are skinny and have no concept of the struggle. Usually the first question out of their mouths is, "So have you lost anything yet?"

    While I don't play ball or golf anymore, perhaps some nice long walks will be in order.

    My goal for the reunion is to enjoy myself but try not to come back heavier than I was when I started this journey just a few days ago.

    Keeping my fingers crossed,
  • lorarock
    lorarock Posts: 29
    Wow! "Spicy Thai Chicken soup" is the Bomb. Only takes about 20 minutes from start to finish. That was a satisfying lunch, and I have leftovers for next week at work! I got the recipe from an old issue of cooking light. :happy:
  • megblair1
    megblair1 Posts: 1,225 Member
    YAY it’s Friday! But sadly this is my last full week off for the summer. I wish everything started after Labor Day. It’s too hot and too “summery” to think about going back to work. Weighed in today and weight stayed the same, so I’m ok with that especially since we had birthday mania around here yesterday. I did pretty well last night; I cut everything in half when I got my plate, but still came home feeling stuffed. I guess I can’t even eat a half portion, which is fine by me. I’ll just have to remember and plan to eat even less next time.

    We took DH to a nice restaurant and when we came home, our dear little Benny Beagle…he who is on a very strict low fat diet…was semi-conscious on top of the dining room table with an empty bag of English muffins by his side. I had just bought them yesterday and of course he ate them all. How he got on top of the table is anyone’s guess. The chairs were all pushed in and he can’t jump that high, or so we thought! Everyone looked at each other and said “Who left the pantry door open!!!?” None of us had noticed it was open when we left. We have to leave it shut because once he started recovering from his pancreatitis, he got in there once and ate the entire contents of the bottom shelf. He had never done anything like that before! So lesson learned….shut the door! :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    Yoyonomore: That sounds like a reasonable and very do-able plan. You have done so well this far losing 69 pounds!

    Kate: welcome! I understand the frustration of being forced into a sedentary lifestyle due to injuries but I must say I have never been stabbed by any part of a deer! :bigsmile: Welcome. Lots of people miscalculate how much they eat, which is why just keeping track causes weight loss!

    Cyndy: Welcome and love the dog pic! I have always loved those “bully breeds”. My DH used to raise pit bulls and we loved those too. I always think of Winston Churchill when I see bulldogs!

    Beestev: wonder where they came up with the term “comfort food”. It sounds great, but always makes me feel icky! :sick:

    Barbie: you are always so motivational, thanks again for heading this up! I loved your advice to T. I have also heard “If you fail to plan, you plan to fail” which seems to go right along with your thoughts. :flowerforyou:

    Misty: yeah for you and your wonderful doctor who was willing to listen and work with you. You can do this! My goal is to get of Metformin which is for high blood sugar, after I lose 50 pounds. I am prediabetic and chose to go on meds to prevent getting full blown diabetes. I am blessed with a doc who is willing to let me take the lead on my own health.

    Dixie: so nice to see you posting. Lunch with the skunks! That’s a blessing…the little guys knew you two to be gentle and kind and maybe in need of a little pick-me-up. :flowerforyou:

    T: I don’t really have any words of wisdom for you but I used to be just like that….”I don’t care” attitude and eat what I wanted. I don’t know why I am doing well now. It just seemed to be the right time. Good for you and all your activity, even if you are overweight, you are still probably healthier than many people. I’ve been thinking about what I will gain when I lose….from that cheesy Special K ad, I know, but I learned a lot by thinking about it. Maybe you can look at it that way? What will you gain?

    Rose: good for you to add extra exercise since you knew you ate too many cals. :happy:

    Michelle: the new pool will be awesome! Enjoy!

    Kathy: glad your surgery went well. Good thoughts for a speedy recovery!

    Linda: you go girl and get that 6 days of exercise in! You can do it!

    DeeDee: your poor baby. She has chronic pancreatitis, doesn’t she? What meds do you give her? I have to take Benny Beagle back next week for what I hope is his final round of blood work. I am sending good thoughts your way, so share them with your baby!

    Janehadji: I’m sorry to hear about the food police AKA hubby. Have you explained to him (calmly, and at a neutral time) how you feel when he makes those comments? I would want to scream, too! And your “chubby size 12” is pretty darn good…the average size now in America is a chubbier 16! He may be threatened by your attempts at weight loss or worry that other men will look at you.

    To all the other newbies: welcome and know that you can do this! To everyone else I missed; stay strong and know that I am sending you good thoughts.:smile:

    Well I need to get working on the book. Didn’t do anything on it yesterday. I was going to go to work today but decided instead to stay home and work on that. Tonight is date night…so out to eat again but we are going dancing afterwards. Everyone take care and drink up! Blessings, meg
  • joy2320
    joy2320 Posts: 19 Member
    you are busy,and no wonder your losing!!!