100+ Pounds to Lose? Friends Please? =P



  • xjeanie
    xjeanie Posts: 69
    I'm with you! Add me if you'd like!
  • michaelispas
    michaelispas Posts: 39 Member
    I've lost 82 so far and aiming for 20 more. Feel free to add me. I would love to provide some motivation and diary ideas!
  • Ali155
    Ali155 Posts: 30
    I'm down 23...97 to go. I'm happy to have new MFP buddies as well!:
  • I just signed up for MFP, and was really exacted to see your post! This is exactly why I decided to come here, to find supportive people who are struggling the same way I am! I have 70 pounds to lose and would really appreciate any support I could get and I would be Happy to support you on your journey!
  • amanda3588
    amanda3588 Posts: 422 Member
    I started at 100 lbs to lose, and I'm currently down 32. Everyone is welcome to add me.
  • sexikc
    sexikc Posts: 153 Member
    Yeah thats me...I need to lose that much! Any of you can add me...
  • I need to lose 100+!
    You can add me if you'd like!
  • kborton1122
    kborton1122 Posts: 914 Member
    You CAN do it! It's all about attitude and determination. Add me if you want, I'll help motivate you and you can do the same for me.
  • DannyNovela
    DannyNovela Posts: 39 Member
    lets do this Jessika! i started out at 300 last april and wanted to lose 100lbs. a year and a few months later and i have only gotten down to 237. this was also my 2727271727127th time i was trying to lose weight and after each failed attempt i gained more weight. so i know for sure that using this site and as an app on my phone really kept me honest and going through my weightloss journey.. i am willing to take it with you if you are willing to give it your all! lets go!
  • aaeros
    aaeros Posts: 157
    Yep, losing l00lbs is my goal as well. I've started my Visalus 90-Day Challenge. I am hoping to lose 30lbs or more this first go around. My wife got onto Visalus first and eventually became a promoter. I just liked the shakes, lol.. But now it's time to get serious.

    I've managed to get to the gym 4 times this week and might even go again tonight.

    Feel free to add me. And if anyone is interested, I'm keeping my progress with photo's at http://dcwalsh66.myvi.net/profile/index.html
  • becks2089
    becks2089 Posts: 20 Member
    Any and All can add me! I'm 23, college student, and -100 is around where i need to be to. Add mehhhhhhhhh!! :)
  • ezranch208
    ezranch208 Posts: 25 Member
    I need to lose about 75 more...we can do this! Trying that many times just means you care and didn't give up :wink:
  • deagh93
    deagh93 Posts: 77 Member
    Hi Jessika, I also have about 100 to lose. The fact that you are not giving up is awesome! Feel free to add me. L
  • sefrank
    sefrank Posts: 26 Member
    I too have over 100lbs to lose...when I started on 4/30/2012 I had 143lbs to lose, I have lost 50 pounds. So far but still have 93-100 left to go. Feel free to add me...the more support the better! Congrats on making the decision to stick with it and good luck!
  • julesbollenbach
    julesbollenbach Posts: 13 Member
    I have 60 pounds to lose and it is a challenging time. I have found a lot of help in a book called "Eat this, not that" It changed the way I feel about food in general. I suggest giving it a try. Otherwise I have been eating good and regularly exercising. If you need help or suggestions please feel free to ask.
  • Hi guys :)

    I'm looking to lose about 100 pounds and looking for any tips. So feel free to add me if you'd like.
  • hey there... you can add me... i started with 156 lbs to lose. i have 106 more to go
  • You all can feel free and add me to your list of supportive buddies!! I need all the support and accountability you all can offer!

    I have 100 lbs to lose and have really been struggling!

    Add me and let's all do this together!!
  • N0703989
    N0703989 Posts: 97 Member
    Hi feel free to add me. Attempt number £$#@!!!. But this time feels different :-)
  • eddierich
    eddierich Posts: 5 Member
    Ok...I am Eddie. I am 31 years old and need to lose 100 lbs plus. I currently weigh 305 lbs and feel like I can not get under this stupid 300 lb mark. I feel like I am doing what I need to do. Under calories every day and playing tennis every day. Seems like my results are proving other wise. :(