Fibromyalgia and Excercise

qtful22 Posts: 10
edited September 20 in Fitness and Exercise
Hi everyone,

I was hoping there would be someone out there who has struggled with excercising and the medical condition of fibromyalgia. I have had it for awhile and ever since I have started a new job about 5 months ago, I have been unable to excercise consistently. Sadly, I gained back all 15 lbs I had lost over the summer. My symptoms mostly consist of severe joint pain in my legs and neck and shoulders and chronic fatigue. After working 8 hrs and then having a two hour commute, feeding my kids dinner (I am a single mom), I am just spent for the night.

My doctor's say to just walk for 5 minutes a day to start. But I find myself pushing and then the next few days I am down for the count. Anyone out there have this condition and have found a way to not let the pain interfere with your excercise regimen???


  • I suffer from fibromyalgia myself. Make sure to drink lots of water during the day, that helps with the pain in the joints. Also, before working out, take 2 ibuprofin, that will help keep the pain from starting. Then, take a HOT shower or bath after your workout. Another thing I do sometimes is a 10 minute quick workout in the AM before starting my day, that way if I am too tired or in too much pain at the end of the day, I already have that workout in there. Honestly though, I have found that the more physically active I am, the more the pain stays away. Of course, there are good days and bad days, but if I stay active, the bad days are few and further between.
  • Hi! My name is Mandi, and I'm a Massage Therapy student. I'm going to be starting my final semester, graduate in May, and then get my medical state license to practice in OH. I have been told that a lot of clients with fibromyalgia seek pain management from MTs, especially those who specialize in myofascial release (MFR).

    I know it can get costly at times to see one, but I DO know that sometimes insurance companies will accept a doctor's script for massage therapy if it is necessary for the improvement of your everyday life. It obviously varies in different places, so this may be not applicable in your area. It may be worth looking into though, if you haven't already. You may even have to go once or twice a week for a little while before seeing results.

    That's just my suggestion for maybe helping you get through your weight loss plan.
  • BrendaLee
    BrendaLee Posts: 4,463 Member
    I have found that if I push through the pain and get my workout in, I feel better in all aspects with my fibromyalgia. What I can't push through lately is the mental exhaustion and depression. If you can, try to fit your workout in early in the day before you're completely sucked out. It's a lot to ask for someone with fibro to work all day, come home to mom duties, and then workout through the pain and exhaustion. I literally feel your pain.
  • mellysbelly
    mellysbelly Posts: 10 Member
    I was diagnosed with fm in 2005. At first I didn't know what to do to help myself. Then in 2006 I quit smoking and started working out. I started slow and worked my way up to 5 days a week in the gym. I felt awesome. One crappy retail job later, here I am, not working out, smoking, and gaining weight. I do take Lyrica, and it takes some of the pain away, but I can't help wondering if it is contributing to my recent weight gain. I go to physical therapy twice a week right now for injuring my shoulder. We are working on strengthening my hips and arms again, so I can get back on the exercise wagon.
    The biggest obstacle for me is the fatigue - Lyrica not helping that, either. My resolution this year is to take back control. Everyday I will get up and STAY up. lol And back to working out and not eating crap - and no more SMOKING!

    Maybe you could see a physical therapist? My insurance pays for it. FM can weaken you, making working out twice as hard.

    Good luck and we know how you feel! :flowerforyou:
  • I was diagnosed in 2009 with fibro by a rheumatologist but I have had it since 1992/1993. My family doctor suggested fibro back in 2005 but I got a second opinion last year.

    I have found it very difficult trying to work out when I am so exhausted I barely get out of bed and then not pushing myself so hard I can't move for the next few days.. Then, to top it off, I quickly become bored doing the same thing over and over in terms of exercise.

    What I do is I plan my workouts but I now make sure to have a "plan b" for those days when exercise seems impossible. I found a book last year that has many wonderful recommendations for exercise and includes many variations so that you can choose the level you want to work at. It is "The Book of Exercise and Yoga for Those with Arthritis, Fibromyalgia, and Related Conditions: Using Movement and Meditation to Manage Pain and Improve Joint Range of Motion" by Lori Newell. has it but it is quite expensive. However, if you can find an affordable copy, I highly recommend it. For the days when the pain and fatigue seem too much, this would be a good book to turn to to get some exercise in without making everything worse. However, your physical abilities may be above the recommendations of the book.

    Right now I am working out to 10 Minute Trainer: it is a set of 10 minute workouts that can be combined to create a 20 or 30 minute workout. Right now I am just doing one (10 minute) workout a day but for me it is enough because I am so deconditioned. It is a good total body, circuit type workout though. I figure I'll do one month of 1 workout, then add another the next month, and then finally three 10 minute workouts a day for another month or two. Then I hope to be in good enough shape to begin a beginner's running program, Shaun T's Insanity, or P90X.

    Good luck!
  • lotusfromthemud
    lotusfromthemud Posts: 5,335 Member
    Start slowly (five minutes of walking is a good goal). Then, allow yourself extra rest time if at all possible. You will need to push through exhaustion and muscle pain at first, but the movement really does help with the pain. Believe it or not, you will start to crave it.

    It takes time, be patient with yourself. But, you can build up to serious exercise, trust me.

    Your fibro sister,
  • qtful22
    qtful22 Posts: 10
    I have to say, as sorry as I am that there are others who struggle with this, I am glad there are so many that understand! It really is so discouraging to be in so much pain all the time and my heart wants to excercise but my body is saying, "you have GOT to be kidding!"

    I do drink a lot of water. In fact, that's all I drink! Seriously! I live on Advil, but it does little to numb the pain, as I am sure you all know. I have tried to excercise in the morning, but i struggle with the chronic fatigue symptom a lot and find myself hitting snooze everyday. BUT, hearing that I am not alone in my struggle has really given me a boost of energy and encouragement! Thank you all!

    I sure would love to keep this thread going to hear about all of your struggles, successes and things that have worked for you!
  • mellysbelly
    mellysbelly Posts: 10 Member
    Today has been rough. I did not sleep well last night - maybe slept for 2 hours ... But I got up, helped husband get kids ready, and went right to the kitchen and made myself a good breakfast. I then showered and did my exercise dvd. First time doing it, except for one failed attempt last fall. I thought I was going to keel over, but I kept going. After, my legs were actually shaking, and it was a 20 minute video! Argh! :embarassed: I have therapy tomorrow, and I'll work my arms there. I am eating lunch right now, trying to stay awake, lol.
  • BrendaLee
    BrendaLee Posts: 4,463 Member
    Isn't it strange how you can get up after 8 or 10 hours in bed and feel a gazillion times worse than before you went to bed? It's sad to have to recover from a night in bed, but that's exactly how I feel when I get up. What must it feel like to wake up refreshed...
  • qtful22
    qtful22 Posts: 10
    Hey Mandi,

    I rely on massage like crazy! Some of my family thought I was wasting my money on "spa days", but they finally know that massage is essential to pain relief. i also did accupuncture, but when my insurance changed, both are no longer covered. It adds up, out of pocket, so i go when i can't take the pain anymore. I have crazy knots in my neck and shoulders and i deal with it everyday until i can't turn my neck left or right! Only then do i say, "I better go get a massage!"
  • qtful22
    qtful22 Posts: 10
    Hey Melanie,

    I know EXACTLY how you feel! Same with you, BrendaLee! But good for you that you got up and continued with your day! Way to exercise too! I am struggling with my neck and shoulders today, as well as the fatigue, but back to work! Hang in there everyone! Lord knows I am trying to!
  • drvvork
    drvvork Posts: 1,162
    So I'm not alone struggling with this? I feel like no one 'gets it' when I say I'm hurting so bad that I don't want a hug. Last year my docotor put me on Lyrica [the new wonder drug :flowerforyou: ] - I went to him and told him I had to have something or I would have to quit work. I would walk into my worksite and see those huge items I had to put away and find a corner to cry my eyes out :sad: as I was already in pain and knew what my night was going to be when I finished. The Lyrica did help but boy did it put the poundage on my already stressed body. I'm fighting to take the weight back off since the plant closed and I no longer take the Lyrica. I look back and wonder which was worse, the pain or the side affects of Lyrica :noway: . I'm sorry for rambling. I find my excercise is gentle stretching in the morning when I first get up - gentle due to the fact I just don't move too fast... :laugh: and then as I do my housework I dance to my favorite songs. I am hoping I will lose enough and regain some movement to actually take part in a regular exercise program. Until then I will gently sway and be-bop throughout the house to keep myself moving. I take Tylenol Arthritis to take the edge off the aches but like everything else - what works for one may not for another.

    Betty :wink:
  • mellysbelly
    mellysbelly Posts: 10 Member
    Just wanted to update to say that I am 1 month 1 day smoke free! :) Also, my therapy script ran out a month ago, been struggling to keep moving since then, BUT I have been eating much better, and am still losing weight!

    edited to add: i have a dr appt friday, and i am telling her i want to come off the lyrica!!! it helped for about a year, but for the past 6 months or so, i am a puffy zombie. LOL
  • nhendri
    nhendri Posts: 236 Member
  • isislc
    isislc Posts: 140 Member
    Wow, I have to say that reading some of your posts, you guys are doing an amazing job managing Fm. Also congratz on being smoke free, cudos to you all.

    I've been dealing with this for almost a year now. Was diagnosed in Oct of last year and it started because of my car accident. Been having a hard time dealing with this since I went from being an exercise junkie and natural insomniac to having to try and sleep as much as I can and pull back on the exercise. I literally slept only 2 hrs a day and no meds could help me get more. I also used to pull 5 hr workouts at the gym for my off days and 2-3 hrs on work days. Now I'm lucky if I can get in a half an hour to an hour at most.

    The thing that gets me through my workouts or my day in general is that I have to be on pain meds all the time. The longest I can go without a pain pill is 4 hrs. Any longer than that and I'm screaming and howling from the pain. It's a low dosage pain pill and I keep trying to wean off of them but I can't, too much nerve damage there and doctor said it will be a matter of time and desensitizing that will eventually take that away.

    So here is my question: When I do my workouts I do them to point of failure, in other words I go as hard and as strong as I can. Now have any of you experienced being so tired afterwards that you actually pass out? Today I did my 30 mins of zone 4 (18-22mph) and Hill climbing on my bike trainer and started up with my headach right away and felt exhausted to the point of passing out. I forced myself to not pass out but I'm really light headed and did/am drinking lots of water. Normally when I have nothing going on, I have enough time to get to my bed after the workout and pass out into a nap for an hour. Anyone ever have that?

    This condition is so hard to handle and there are days I just cry that I can't do more. My body is nowhere near getting used to the new conditions. I still try to do my normal schedule and I can't so my days are usually forcing myself up to do stuff or having someone else drag me to it.

    Any thoughts?
  • isislc
    isislc Posts: 140 Member
    Anyone out there? :drinker:
  • akaDumbo
    akaDumbo Posts: 187

    So here is my question: When I do my workouts I do them to point of failure, in other words I go as hard and as strong as I can. Now have any of you experienced being so tired afterwards that you actually pass out?

    Any thoughts?

    DONT!!! If you have fibromyalgia you should never push yourself that far you will do more harm than good. I know that there are varying degrees of FM but reading what some people are doing I am absolutely amazed, if I did a fraction of what people are doing I wouldn't be able to get out of bed for at least a week. I was diagnosed with ME in 1996 and with fibromyalgia in 2002. My advice to any one who has severe FM would be:
    Dont take additional pain killers before working out the pain will let you know when to stop.
    Dont train using heavy weights
    Do drink plenty of water
    Do build your exercise routine very slowly
    Do start with just stretching exercises and short walks
    Do try massages from someone who is qualified and specializes in myofascia conditions

    I was recently also diagnosed with diabetic neuropathy and my doctor has prescribed amytriptaline to be taken at night. This is an antidepressant but they have found that in a much lower dose it works well on nerve pain. The first few weeks it didn't seem to make any difference but after about 4 weeks I realised that the burning shooting pains were nowhere near as bad. The muscle aches and fatigue remain the same but I am sleeping better and any relief from the pain is welcome.

    Another thing that you might find helpful, a friend of mine who also suffers from severe FM and can barely walk has recently bought a vibration plate. She started with just 1 minute then moved up to 2 minutes 3 times a day. After 6 weeks not only had she lost several inches but she manage to walk round a supermarket for the first time in 4 years. I haven't tried it as I am over the maximum weight of the cheap ones and cant afford to buy one with a higher weight limit, but as soon as I shift enough weight I am going to get 1.

    I hope this helps :flowerforyou:
  • lee112780
    lee112780 Posts: 419 Member
    I do not have fibro, but I have costocondritis, inflamation of the cartilage in my breast bone. So I have had the same issues. I used to work out a lot before this, and now, everytime I breath really heavy, my chest hurts that night. Mine should go away, buit I have to give it atleast another month to heal, and do low impact workouts. I know, it's a pain! :cry:
  • lotusfromthemud
    lotusfromthemud Posts: 5,335 Member
    Wow, I have to say that reading some of your posts, you guys are doing an amazing job managing Fm. Also congratz on being smoke free, cudos to you all.

    I've been dealing with this for almost a year now. Was diagnosed in Oct of last year and it started because of my car accident. Been having a hard time dealing with this since I went from being an exercise junkie and natural insomniac to having to try and sleep as much as I can and pull back on the exercise. I literally slept only 2 hrs a day and no meds could help me get more. I also used to pull 5 hr workouts at the gym for my off days and 2-3 hrs on work days. Now I'm lucky if I can get in a half an hour to an hour at most.

    The thing that gets me through my workouts or my day in general is that I have to be on pain meds all the time. The longest I can go without a pain pill is 4 hrs. Any longer than that and I'm screaming and howling from the pain. It's a low dosage pain pill and I keep trying to wean off of them but I can't, too much nerve damage there and doctor said it will be a matter of time and desensitizing that will eventually take that away.

    So here is my question: When I do my workouts I do them to point of failure, in other words I go as hard and as strong as I can. Now have any of you experienced being so tired afterwards that you actually pass out? Today I did my 30 mins of zone 4 (18-22mph) and Hill climbing on my bike trainer and started up with my headach right away and felt exhausted to the point of passing out. I forced myself to not pass out but I'm really light headed and did/am drinking lots of water. Normally when I have nothing going on, I have enough time to get to my bed after the workout and pass out into a nap for an hour. Anyone ever have that?

    This condition is so hard to handle and there are days I just cry that I can't do more. My body is nowhere near getting used to the new conditions. I still try to do my normal schedule and I can't so my days are usually forcing myself up to do stuff or having someone else drag me to it.

    Any thoughts?

    You have to be more careful with the workouts, and with the pain meds, IMHO. The problem I reached with chronic pain is that I went on painkillers and they worked for a little while, then I had to up my dose, then I had to switch my painkiller, then I had to up my dose, and the cycle continued. I finally just recognized that I couldn't eliminate my pain, and wanted the fog to lift, so I no longer take meds. This is an individual choice...but, you are putting yourself in danger if you're working out while on pain meds, IMHO. The problem I've run into with fibro is that since I'm always in pain, I've worked through a few injuries (most recently a pretty serious muscle issue in my shoulder). If you turn off the pain response chemically, depending on the strength of the med, you could actually injure yourself and not know it.

    I wouldn't advise even a "normal" to work to failure every time they work out. How many times a week are you working out, and are you doing full out every single time? It sounds like you are pushing your heart rate into extremely high ranges, which will make a "normal" (I put quotes, because nobody is really normal, but non-fibro types) feel nauseous, faint and post-exercise exhausted. I'm not saying you shouldn't work to failure sometimes, or do sprint training, but it wouldn't be good for anybody to work out that way 5-6 times a week. I would highly recommend you think about a HRM to make sure that your heart rate is staying in a responsible zone.

    I am not of the school of thought that fibro people "should" or "shouldn't" work out a certain way. Everyone is different, and you are in charge of your limitations. The trick to finding these limitations is to build your workouts slowly, and you will know when you're going too far. For myself, I lift heavy weights and I lift to failure. My hard-core lifting friends do this two or three times a week. I do it once a week. I still get results, but I need a longer recovery time, as DOMS sets in and stays longer for me. I do cardio between 5-7 days a week, but I vary my intensity, often gauged on how I'm feeling on a given day.

    Feel free to PM me if you want to talk more about it.:flowerforyou:
  • themommie
    themommie Posts: 5,033 Member
    I also have fibro and it makes it really hard to do anything , especially exercise. It makes it hard for me to even do my normal housework. I am trying to swim and go on short walks with my kids, hopefully I will be able to work up, but for right now that is all I can do. And yes if I push myself to far my body just completely shuts down. And I cant function, I have been known to fall asleep in mid sentence, but this hasnt happened in awhile. If any of you want to add me I would love to encourage each other......
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