Smokin' Hot Green Pepper's 1/1/10 wk 1

Here's to all of you team! Let's bring it in 2010!


  • kelly_a
    kelly_a Posts: 2,010 Member
  • ittybittybadonkadonk
    ittybittybadonkadonk Posts: 11,634 Member
    hello Peppers:

    Just wanted to let you ladies know that i will NOT be weighing in between 6-8 weeks due to me breaking my foot and being in a cast that long .... i was playing soccer with my son yesterday and fell in a gopher hole and broke my foot... i am sad and this is not the way i wanted to start off the new year but ohwell i cant do much about it so there is no reason to whine about it .....i will be the cheerleader on the sidelines rooting for all of you ... GOOD LUCK
  • sassiebritches
    sassiebritches Posts: 1,861 Member
    Hey babies! I am exhausted. Long day. I got through the holidays without gaining thus far......did not lose either. Stuck at 250. Will touch base more tomorrow I am exhausted.

  • kelly_a
    kelly_a Posts: 2,010 Member
    hey gals...

    I am just gaining my strength back...had a 24 hr stomach flu bug. Was dehydrated all of yesterday from vomiting. No one else has it yet, so keeping my fingers crossed there. We were at -18* and -33* wind chills this am. Brrrrr! The clear blue skies and white snow is sure pretty and, that is it!

    Yay, Sassi! So proud of you holding onto the loss during the holidays! You can do this girl!

    My goals for this week ~
    1. meals, keep as clean as possible and within daily calories
    2. 64 oz water each day.
    3. daily activity: walking, or walk/jog, start C25K, or stretch/tone, or resistance, no stressing, JUST DO IT!
    4. log all stats on MFP, daily
    5. think positve and count my blessings each day:heart::heart:

    Well, have a great day green peppers! Make it count!
  • butterfly0516
    butterfly0516 Posts: 25 Member
    I am new to mfp and I am looking for a small group to check in and help me with accountability. Is SHGP open or closed?
    If it is open what are the guidelines or goals?

    Thank you.
  • kelly_a
    kelly_a Posts: 2,010 Member
    We are open, and we'd love to have another pepper on our team! No guidelines, just a weekly weigh in and we try to do some challenges, that are related to healthy lifestyle changes. Right now it is exercise. You can set your own goals and we will do anything to help you get there. Welcome and good luck....we wish you success here!
  • kelly_a
    kelly_a Posts: 2,010 Member
    Good Morning Green Pepper's!

    Well, it's the first Monday of the new year! I hope many of you are just as excited for this year as I am in making some changes to better our health! It *is* possible, and we all know what to do. We will have good days and bad days, and will learn along the way. A journey that will take us to to a better place. My wish for you all is to have the belief in yourself to push forward and bust the walls of frustration down. To never, ever give up on yourself and to keep reaching for what you truly want. So, let's wake each day with a smile and make it count! Take that plan and act on it!

    1. all my meals are planned for today, but not all prepared....let's see how I do under pressure, mainly time limits!
    2. I plan on starting the C25K today, on my treadmill. some sort of stretching as well.
    3. need to down 2 (32 oz) water bottles
    4. Christmas is getting put away my house will be a mess for a while...
    5. I am getting excited for the Biggest Loser tomorrow and the Hawkeye's play Georgia Tech in the Orange Bowl!!

    Have a great day gang, think positive and do what you need to do to have a healthy one. Let's just focus on **today**! :flowerforyou:
  • CrystalT
    CrystalT Posts: 862 Member
    Good morning everyone!!

    I've got a good attitude for the beginning of a new week. I got up and did 28 minutes of yoga on my Wii this morning. When I get off work, I'm heading to the gym for C25K. I have until the beginning of April to be able to run a 5K. I can do this!!

    IttyBitty, sorry to hear about your foot!! I hope you heal quickly.

    Kelly, let's kick some C25K butt today!! I'm excited about BL, too, but I doubt that I'll be able to watch tomorrow night. Tomorrow is the 5 year ann of my first date with DH!! I'm not sure what the plans are for tomorrow night, but I doubt the it will involve BL. I'll probably just record it and watch it Wednesday.

    Everyone have a wonderful day!! :flowerforyou:
  • jacque509
    jacque509 Posts: 978
    Good Moring all!
    Well its Monday, Did not want to go back to work but here I is hahahaha:laugh:
    WELCOME-Butterfly, do we go by butterfly or would u like us to go by your name?
    Ok so did not get up to exercise before work (booo) to lazy so got to go tonight.
    Today goals- 10 glasses of water, 3 down already
    Strenght training at gym tonight
    Walk to car after work - Its really cold out there for Texas that is
    Log all food
    Kelly I am with ya on BL starting tomorrow cant wait:smile:
    Crystal- Happy Anniversity
    Sassi-This is our Year!!!!!!!
    Ittybitty- Hope you feel better soon :cry:
    Well got to get back to work
  • ittybittybadonkadonk
    ittybittybadonkadonk Posts: 11,634 Member
    thanks ladies ..... i was getting my motivation back and was telling myself this is gonna be my year and BAM i break my foot and am out of working out like i was before thanksgiving .............oh well .....march i can start where i left off and continue .... everyone else GOOOOOOOD LUCK
  • kelly_a
    kelly_a Posts: 2,010 Member
    hey smokin' peppers!

    just takin a lil break for some lunch. pry about 1/2 done with Xmas. all the outside stuff will have to wait...covered with snow, and many things frozen in the ground....hopin to hear from my cardiologist this week about blood work...and no changes with my meds?? oh, and I forgot to state my workout goal for the week is 300 MIN's.

    Crystal ~ awwww! how special. hope your evening is wonderful! I am so ready to work my way to that 3 mile jog! woot woot! way to go on the workout this am...and yet another one after work! you's rockin it girl!

    Jacque ~ I think I am sharing some of the bitter cold with ya.....sorreeeee! it was bad over the weekend. and I think it is 2* here now. but the sun is shining and everything white! have a powerful workout at the gym later! burn those cals!!

    Megan ~ darn it. well, like you said, not much you can do, but you do sound positive and I am sure that will motivate you as we will here too. Hoping for everything to heal quickly and you can get back to kickin some wt off. March will be here before we know it and then we'll all be talking about summer! hang in there!

    well, will try to check in later..must get all my Santa's nestled away for the season....
  • ittybittybadonkadonk
    ittybittybadonkadonk Posts: 11,634 Member
    this is the plan while i have a darn cast on my leg ..... sit on the couch and lift my 5 pound weights and maybe in a week or 2 try sitting on my total gym and working out my upper body if it doesnt kill me or my leg ... i am thinking i am gonna look unporportioned LOL LOL
  • Whitneyh29
    HEY OK... I joined this group before the hollidays... i knew that when i went to california for a week I would splurge and let my self do so. I exercised one time.. and am starting again well the plan is for today but prob will be tommorow.. not sure yet still debating haha.. my aunt is doing the hcg diet has anyone hear of this?..i am not sure how i feel about it.. but i do have to say i just had about a 1000 cal lunch.. but i amslowly working this week to get to the same routine i had before the hollidays.. yIKES... anyway good luck everyone..
  • sindyb9
    sindyb9 Posts: 1,248 Member
    Good Afternoon Pepper's,
    I am ready for the fresh start with the new year. I am still trying to fit exercise into my new schedule. Tonight will be my first night at the second job so 12 hour day today. Once I have a schedule to what nights durning the week I am working I will come up with a new schedule to fit in exercise. Until April I am working 7 days a week and in need of a plan because I go from one job to the other dinner would be after 9PM and right to bed after. Not sure how to work that. On the week end it will be easier can walk home for lunch.
    I really want to get in shape this year. I have about 45 pounds to loose. I just need to focus and start logging everything. It just seams so hard lately.

    Goals I want to stick to everyday!
    check in with Pepper's
    stay with in calories
    log everything
    try to get exercise in before bed
    take the stairs at the station

    Kelly hope your blood work comes back ok, I get my results on friday morning. We can do this :drinker:

    Crystal have fun with DH, and keep up the great work.

    Megan hope your foot gets better fast.

    jacque you are doing great, starting fresh with you.

    Sassie no gain is always welcome.

    Whitney we are still working things out too, it takes time to change your life style.

    Well everybody is ready for this year let the loosing start.

    :heart: all of you
  • sassiebritches
    sassiebritches Posts: 1,861 Member
    Yay I found you !!!!!!!!!!!!!! I was flippin lost, I am on 3 groups and I am just lost.....I have not gained ya all. Or lost still. Gonna pick up the workouts this week, see if I can kick start some losses. Had a goal of 10 pounds off in 10 days.....was 30 and now is 10 :( I am staying at my cals, water, just gotta pick up the workouts..........

    I miss you babies!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • PlumCrazyGirl
    PlumCrazyGirl Posts: 1,463 Member
    Happy first Monday of 2010.

    I actually logged in all my foods today - including the piece of birthday cake....... and came in under. Yeah.. Yeah...

    And I was sucessful in walking during my lunch, jog 1 mile and then 30 minutes at Curves.
    Believe me it was cold outside when I did the 20minute walk.

    Unfortunately, the gym no longer has a usable ladies locker room. I did not know the gym lost the ladies locker room on 12/22. Why, the 2 ft of snow we had in December caused part of the locker room roof to collapse.
    So, no showers available at the gym.

    When I look at my kids schedule this week, I'll be lucky if I get another day at Curves. So I need to ensure that I do the lunch walk and jog 2 more times this week.

    Ittybitty - what a way to start the new year.... hopefully your recovery goes well.

    Take care everyone. Tuesday is a new day...... new start.
  • butterfly0516
    butterfly0516 Posts: 25 Member
    Hey all - thank you for letting me be a part of the SHGP!

    Jacque - thank you for the welcome and my name is Christy.

    My goals - stay within my calories daily, track ALL of my food, exercise 5 days a week and ultimately lose 70 pounds.

    Current weight as of this morning is 239.

    I love fresh starts and this is a new year and we can all succeed !
  • jacque509
    jacque509 Posts: 978
    Ok, so it was a good day and a bad day. hahaha well got the water in yeah!!!!!!! walk the 1 1/2 mile to the car after work yeah!!!! Log all foods even the bad stuff yeah!!! Never made it to the gym to do strengh training boo!!! Went over on the cals by well I dont want to say but I am going to because I have to take responability for my action 400 agh!!! boo!!!
    Ok so tomorrow I will try harder, 3 out of 5 not bad right?
    Tomorrow goals
    log all food
    walk to car

    Christy-Good start! were here for ya
    Cindy-you probably lose weight with all that workin
    Sassie- u go girl
    B- u can do it, u first then u help those kids
  • kelly_a
    kelly_a Posts: 2,010 Member
    evenin gals..

    well, I started the C25K, but that is it. will plan my day better tomorrow for exercise. one more day off before school resumes here. I have 2 bus trips, Thurs and Sat. Jan is my busy month for wrestling. I have not been outside since 12/31. will start my bus and let it run a while tomorrow. year is 1/2 over, for school that is. youngest son grad's from hs and oldest grad's from 2yr college. boy, do I feel old....lots of emotions ahead.....

    Megan ~that's right sweets, you can still burn calories doing many other things...get creative! hey, we pepper's are all shapes and sizes, but always ** smokin' hot ** :wink:

    Whitney ~ hi there! so glad to have you with us! I have never heard of the hcg diet..what is that about? you will do fine, just take baby steps, and plan as much as you can....all your meals, workout time, etc. the less you have to think about all the changes you're making the less you will stress about it. good luck here! check out all the tools and let us know if you have any ques. we'll help you any way we can!

    Cindy ~ gosh, you are so busy. that must be tough, and kinda stressful. always remember how important it is every day to take care of ** you**! is it possible for you to get 10 minutes here and there. it all adds up in the end. like maybe some circuit training, brisk walks or jogs....just some ideas. I know you will figure something out, cuz I know how much this means to you. keep at it and stay positive!!

    Barb ~ great job have done wonderful! sorry bout the locker room, hope it is fixed soon. here's to another great day Tues!!

    Christy ~ welcome, again!! you're gonna love MFP!! this is the only place I have *ever* had success with in losing wt, in almost 15 years!! I am still working towards a healthier wt, but the support here is the best! we will always be here for you and help you the best we can. what helped me the most is logging all my food, ( every single morsel ), buying a scale to measure and weigh food, treating weekends like a weekday and not having any forbidden foods.....moderation is key. good luck!

    Sassie ~cals, check, water, check, you are doing it girl! one day down, a new one tomorrow! same thing, different day! you can do it! OMG!! you have been smoke-free for almost a year!! congrats!! so proud of you!!

    Jacque ~ I don't think 400 cals is that bad. just move forward. tomorrow will be a better day and you will do great, I know you can do it!! keep on keepin'...I'm right there with ya!

    Have you all checked out the "tools', the BMI, BMR calculators?? I have noticed and some others have commented as well, that the BMR is a higher calorie level than when we do our "goals". AND, with my calorie level higher, I lose more wt. Just wanted to share this with ya all so you could check it out....

    So, I am excited for the new peeps here and I will be adding them to the chart soon.... and still trying to get a new one formed. do any of you want to do other challenges, week to week? just post your ideas. Some of us are doing a personal exercise one where we post how many minutes/hours we will workout for the week...a weekly goal. I am aiming for 300 mins this week! Have a great nite!

    Hope all is well with Miss V, Angie....Porka...? :heart:
  • CrystalT
    CrystalT Posts: 862 Member
    Morning everyone!! I went to the gym last night for C25K, but I didn't finish the workout. I wasn't really feeling well, so after about 15 minutes I had to cut it short. Tonight I'm going to do BL Yoga or Boot Camp. Tomorrow I'll try C25K again. I'm really excited about Thursday because my sister and I are going to try Zumba class. I've been dying to try this for years, even before I started losing weight.

    Welcome Christie!!

    Barb, Wow!! You have no locker room at the gym? That’s crazy!

    Jacque, 400 calories may have pushed you up to maintain for the day instead of lose. Not too big of a deal. Good luck on your goals for today. Let us know how it goes.

    Kelly, way to go on C25K!!