BLACK TEAM-New Year and opening to new Members



  • kr65
    kr65 Posts: 6 Member
    Sounds like a great group of people here. A little about me...I began my weight loss journey (one of many) in 2001 when I went from 195 to about 138lbs on the WW program. It was the first time in my life that I FELT really good. I've since realized that 138 was actually too low for me..meaning it wasn't a weight that I could or wanted to sustain for the long haul. My happy weight is 152 and would like to see that again. I've steadily put back about 40 pounds and would like at least some of it GONE FOR GOOD! After Christmas I'm guessing I'm around 180 but I've started drinking my water again and won't OFFICIALLY step on that scale until I 'weigh in' on Wednesday morning.

    I truly believe one of the reasons my initial success was knowing I had to step on that scale once a week IN FRONT OF SOMEONE! So I think participating with a group effort is just what I need.

    PS-how do i 'share' my journal?

  • 72lori
    72lori Posts: 6,758 Member
    Karen- to share your food journal, go to the food tab, then settings, then toward the bottom is a place to make it public, private, friends, passwords. Just freind request us.

    Roni- so happy to see you here! I'm pretty sure you were a black team founder, I don't think we ever thought you left! It's hard not to fall into a 'rut' with eating and exercise. I have to be careful myself. I tend to push too hard, set high expectations for myself and then burn out. Burn out for me usually is followed by disaster.

    Case in point- December I was hell bent to burn 20,000 calories, worked my *kitten* off, only took one day break in like 20 days, was well on track to meet my goal, realized around the 20th as I was getting ready for vacation that I was totally exhausted and stressed out trying to meet my goal. Decided to 'abandon' my goal, ate everything in sight for a week and a half.

    The worst part about my December debacle..... I didn't lose any weight or any body fat doing all that durned exercise. HA! What a motivation! Huh? The good thing- I did learn some things, about me, my body, being realistic.

    I'm taking it back to the basics. I'm listening to MFP, I'm going to eat my exercise caloires (well, most and even that scares the heck outta me, but I will try it).

    Anyway, that is why I won't set a time goal for when I will be 'x' weight. I can't make my body do it. I can work myself to death and may or may not get the results I want. At this point, my body is happy. I need to figure out how to make it lose the 'LAST 10 FROM HELL'. My body really, really likes that last 10. It's got a death grip on it.

    Obviously I know what doesn't work.... now I am going to try some new stuff. If after 2 weeks, I see no progress, back to the drawing board. No more spinning my wheels for months at a time doing the same stuff over and over and not getting anywhere. Definition of insanity my friends......
  • jimswmn
    jimswmn Posts: 1,350 Member
    I just had to share this pic. Not a real good one of me but look at my little helper.

  • jimswmn
    jimswmn Posts: 1,350 Member
    Shuntae..Look at you Hot the new pic.:heart:
  • healthworks

    I cannot let myself go that long without visiting the thread! lol. So glad to see so many new faces. And it's great to hear how all the old timers are kicking butt and taking names! I just want to review a few things for the new folks to make sure we are all on the same page.

    #1: Team Challenges will officially begin this tuesday evening. For the first few weeks I will most likely throw the challenge out myself. then I might look to the team for ideas.

    #2: Weekly weight ins should be reported to me on tuesday evenings of wednesdays days so I can post the team results on wednesday evening. You can just send me a PM (Private message) with your weight. I'll track weight lost and % lost each week as well as total weight lost and percentage lost.

    I have learned one thing this weekend. I'm done with the snow. lol. Well tommorow is offiicially day one of the 16 week cycle of Triathlon training. Gotta hit the pool tommorow and work on some drills. Food is generally a challenge at the momment. The battery in the heart rate monitor is DEAD and I desperatly need a new one. The problem I am having is that the only thing I have gotten good at is the basic math of this whole thing. Eat what MFP says, burn what MFP says and I am golden.
    That worked well when I was just trying to lose the weight. But the training I am doing now is a different animal. I have to eat enough to fuel the work and keep this evolution going.Toward the end of my training I need to be upwards of 4k calories daily to meet the needs of the training. Oy boy this is going to be interesting. This is going to be a tough thing to figure out and I am so glad I have all of you to share this journey with. Two sprint distance and one olympic distance on the plate for this year. I have alot of work to do. Last year I was 319 pounds and on my way to an early grave. Today I start my journey to the Iron Man and nothing is going to keep me from crossing that finish line. No matter how long it takes me.

    For the new folks. Their is one bit of advice I want to give you all as you start your journey here. Their will be times when things will be difficult. Times when you will feel like its beyond your reach and it is just taking "Too long". Try to remember this.

    "Whether you do something to improve yourself or not the time will pass either way. So even if you only lost 5 pounds in a year the that year will pass either way. You can be 5 pounds healthier or be no better then you are today."

    This is a journey of small steps. It's not something that will happen overnight and for that reason it's so much more worth while. Their is an old chinese proverb that says "It is better to take many small steps foward then to attempt a giant leap and stumble backwards". The same is true about this change. Their is NO finish line here. This is a change that you must make for the rest of your life. Educate yourself and grown as part of the process. You will not only become thinner and more healthy, you will become a more confident person. A better father/mother, a better husband/wife, a better sister, brother and friend. You my friends, both new and old are capable of far more than you realize and in this journey you will learn that very little if anything is beyond your reach if you can find the strenght, dedication and will to make it happen. I have seen things on this team that have brought tears to my eyes and have changed me forever. I have had momments in my journey that will stay with me forever. I have seen so many people conquere so many mountains here that I know....I KNOW.....I KNOW, each and every one of you can reach your goals and set greater goals for tommorow. This is a journey of self discovery, a finding of your self worth and a chance for you to truley love the most important person on this earth.....Yourself. I am pleased and honored to have been a part of your journey's this past year and I am blessed to be here at the beginning of so many more. The day is ours to take black team and their is nothing that can stand in the way of a heart and mind joined for a purpose. Here's to 2010 :drinker: . God speed black team. God speed.


    Hi Team.. Old-sters :smile: and Newb-sters :smile:

    WoW alot of happening here... its so motivating to see and were just on the brink of beginning!! (jumping up and down excited)

    ~Andrew OMGoodness... your words are so inspirational!!... Thank you!!

    My work out for today- 20 mins warm up on the treadmill and Chalean Extreme- Burn Circuit 1... its my 2nd week in!

    Anybody else doing CE or has in the past !?!?
  • jimswmn
    jimswmn Posts: 1,350 Member
    Welcome to the Newbies!! WOOT! I love fresh blood......buawahahaaaaa..........ok, not such a good evil laugh, but I tried!

    I have done nothing..................NOTHING for 3 weeks. Oh I cleaned, slept, read a book.............complained my neck hurts.......a LOT.....

    Then I came back home, to the Black Team. Again the do do do do do do do do do BATMAN...............signal went out to me and drew me back in where I belong!

    Yesterday I just wanted out of the house. To get my blood flowing again. My son's GF called for a date at the biggest mall on SoFla on the coldest day of the year. I'm IN I yelled!!

    We had a great time and walked 2 miles or more (I do not suggest the cute little heels I was wearing, ouch!)

    I ate well, laughed a lot and only bought some shoes for my DH.

    \day I begin the c25k again. It irks me to think I would be on wk 6 if I kept it up.....but as a wise woman once said

    Whadayagonnado? smiley-confused005.gif[/url]


    Yay Jeannie's back. I'm going to redo the C5K but have to wait till it warm up just a little bit.
  • healthworks
    Bobbi CUTE- CUTE picture... he looks so intense.. shaking out those sprinkles!! :smile:
  • jimswmn
    jimswmn Posts: 1,350 Member
    Bobbi CUTE- CUTE picture... he looks so intense.. shaking out those sprinkles!! :smile:

    Willow..thank you!
  • jimswmn
    jimswmn Posts: 1,350 Member
    To all the Black Team Recruits...Welcome ! (In case I forgot or missed someone) I too will add everyone to my friend list when the full list comes out. Feel free to add me and I will accept.
  • AmandaJ
    AmandaJ Posts: 1,950 Member
    Bobbi, he is adorable!!!! He is 3, right?
  • arleneevans
    Hi my name is Arlene and would like to join this team
  • Marla64
    Marla64 Posts: 23,120 Member
    Bobbi CUTE- CUTE picture... he looks so intense.. shaking out those sprinkles!! :smile:

    Perfectly illustrating the difference between moms and grandmoms--

    I'm seeing the shaker in his hand and thinking about the mess I'd have to clean up.
  • Marla64
    Marla64 Posts: 23,120 Member
    Willow-- I'd like to look into the Chalean extreme-- something new to shake things up.

    I have taebo and Turbo Jam-- and I run-- but the DVDs are a bit old--
  • Marla64
    Marla64 Posts: 23,120 Member
    Hi my name is Arlene and would like to join this team

    Hi Arlene!!! Welcome!
  • jimswmn
    jimswmn Posts: 1,350 Member
    Bobbi, he is adorable!!!! He is 3, right?

    He turns 2 tomorrow.
  • jimswmn
    jimswmn Posts: 1,350 Member
    Bobbi CUTE- CUTE picture... he looks so intense.. shaking out those sprinkles!! :smile:

    Perfectly illustrating the difference between moms and grandmoms--

    I'm seeing the shaker in his hand and thinking about the mess I'd have to clean up.

    All I could think of was I can't wait until Alex gets here so we can bake sugar cookies. :heart:
  • AmandaJ
    AmandaJ Posts: 1,950 Member
    Bobbi, he is adorable!!!! He is 3, right?

    He turns 2 tomorrow.

    Well good grief, I am a bad guesser! :smile:
  • 72lori
    72lori Posts: 6,758 Member
    Bobbi- what an adorable helper!
  • arewethereyet
    arewethereyet Posts: 18,702 Member
    I don't know, Roni-- call it a gut feeling, but I just had a sense that you needed a shout-out-- praise God--

    You're here-- you're back-- you're with us-- and we'll see you through.

    We're all in the same boat, my peeps-- let's start rowing!!!

    Marla, Marla, Marla. What can I say? Your terrific, and you have no idea just how much I needed that shout out:flowerforyou: Thank you again my friend:heart:



    So glad to see you!!
  • Tri_Dad
    Tri_Dad Posts: 1,465
    I debated whether or not I would be able to make the commitment to such a visibly committed team. I'm rarely online during the day but I am going to do my best to check in every evening.

    I'm Audrey and I would love to join the Black Team. I've been doing MFP for about six months and I'm about halfway done. Now its going to get hard and I could use the advice and support. My wife has just decided to start her own weight-loss program (although she's decided to do Weight Watchers) and I know she will struggle and I will struggle to help keep her motivated. So I also think I'll need a place where people can understand how hard it can be when someone doesn't want to change.

    Welcome to the group Audrey. We are glad to have you with us. It can be difficult when you know that the one you love will most likley struggle and might not be ready to change. It is important that you focus on your efforts. While it is important to provide support, don't let it get in the way of you reaching your goals. All we can do is work hard, set a good example and hope that the day comes when it "Clicks" for them as well. I am blessed to have my DW on this journey with me. Just like every other aspect of my life she is supportive beyond words and I am lucky to have her. She once told me that when we started this journey together one of the reasons she went along with it is that she didnt want me to get thin while she was still big. Now she is leading the charge in this family and I look to her example for motivation. One amazing gal I am telling ya.