When do you call yourself a runner?



  • sjohnny
    sjohnny Posts: 56,142 Member
    I started a couch to 5K ish program in November of last year. Since then I have run at least three times a week, I've run four 5k races and one 10k. I've dropped my 5k time down from my first race in Febraury of 27:47 to 24:03. I'm signed up for two half-marathons and a couple more shorter races. I love running and look forward to every run. I've run a longest distance of just over 9 miles. I have called in late to work when I've woken up too late to do my morning run and still make it to work on time.

    I'm a guy who runs but I still don't consider myself a "runner". I don't know why not and I don't think others should not consider themselves runners who do less or more than I do. I think it's an individual thing but I just don't feel like I've "earned it" (which seems lame but that's how I feel). I love the quote above but I don't apply it to myself. I'm sure at some point it will "click" and I'll consider myself a runner but I'm not there yet.
  • jenn_pugh
    I would say you call yourself a true runner if you LOVE to run...it is your favorite cardio exercise, and if on a beautiful day, all you can think of is "what a great day for a run", then you are a true runner. You don't have to run a certain amount each week, run a marathon, or even completed a 5k; although, if you are a true runner, you will most likely have accomplished some of these thing because...well...you love you run :) If you couldn't tell already, I consider myself a runner because I get excited even talking about running. I just took a Zumba class tonight, and all through the class, all I could think of was "I should have just gone for a run".
  • ka97
    ka97 Posts: 1,984 Member
    "If you run, you are a runner. It doesn't matter how fast or how far. It doesn't matter if today is your first day or if you've been running for twenty years. There is no test to pass, no license to earn, no membership card to get. You just run." ~John Bingham

    ^^^^ LOVE Bingham!
    To the OP - read "The Courage to Start"; will help you think of yourself differently.

    For me, I never could get around to calling myself a runner. Yes I ran, but it never seemed long or fast enough for me to call myself a runner. Then last year, I got appendicitis. Had some little complications when going home after my surgery, and upon my return trip to the hospital lots of questions and tests, cardio and neuro consults. (Everything turned out fine) Anyways, between the orginal surgery, the return trip, and then of course all the follow up dr visits I had my vitals taken A LOT, and my resting heartrate was always low. Over and over I heard "you must be a runner" or from one medical professional to another "it's ok she's a runner." At first I tried to explain, I'm not really a runner, I just run a few times a week. Eventually I just gave in and agreed, "yep I'm a runner." So I guess that's when I finally started.
  • Emerald_Jen
    Emerald_Jen Posts: 9 Member
    I'm not a runner and I doubt I ever will be.

    I run for a mile, walk a bit, and run for another mile, and walk a bit.. And I'll do that for an entire half-marathon or the running portion of an Olympic-distance triathlon.

    But I'm not a runner. Even if I go out and use my legs to cover a ten mile or fifteen mile distance. Even if I run or jog a part of that. I'm not a runner.

    I'm a ... well. I don't know. I'm not really an athlete, I'm not really a triathlete. I'm just someone who refuses to give up when I cross that start line.

    I'm stubborn - that's what I am.
  • fairc3jam
    fairc3jam Posts: 136 Member
    I have just gotten into running within the past few months. I ran my first mile ever in April before doing a dirty girl mud run. Then I stopped running. Now I am up to running 2.5 miles nonstop on my treadmill, mix in a bit if walking when on the road. Anyways, I still consider myself someone that is learning to run. At what point did you consider yourself a runner? What was the turning point for you?

    When I was training for a half marathon and during.. I had to keep telling myself I AM A RUNNER. Probably couldnt have done it otherwise.
  • shanae727
    shanae727 Posts: 546 Member
    Read my ticker....

    But I think when I got to the point in C25K when I was running straight without walking, I considered myself a runner.

    Love your ticker. The second you start running, you're a runner! Simple.
  • runbyme
    runbyme Posts: 522 Member
    As soon as I slipped on my running shoes!
  • jillybeanruns
    jillybeanruns Posts: 1,420 Member
    If you are committed to it and run regularly, you're a runner. No excuses, no bullsh*t. Just a continuous dedication and practice of it.

    But the defining characteristic is the commitment.
  • Hezzietiger1
    Hezzietiger1 Posts: 1,256 Member
    Do you run with out being chased by grizzly bears, zombies, cops or rabid dogs?

    If you run for the sake of enjoyment or fitness, you are a runner.

    Welcome to the club!

    Probably this...

    If you want me to run with you.. give a clown a knife and tell him to chase us! I hate running! LOL
  • drgndancer
    drgndancer Posts: 426 Member
    I totally stole that Bingham quote for my profile. Running is about love of sport, not ability or skill. For all you guys that won't call yourselves runners, the rest of us know you are. We can wait for you to realize it.
  • tpittsley77
    tpittsley77 Posts: 607 Member
    I would say you call yourself a true runner if you LOVE to run...it is your favorite cardio exercise, and if on a beautiful day, all you can think of is "what a great day for a run", then you are a true runner. You don't have to run a certain amount each week, run a marathon, or even completed a 5k; although, if you are a true runner, you will most likely have accomplished some of these thing because...well...you love you run :) If you couldn't tell already, I consider myself a runner because I get excited even talking about running. I just took a Zumba class tonight, and all through the class, all I could think of was "I should have just gone for a run".

    I love this answer. Thank you!
  • smileybooliz
    smileybooliz Posts: 193 Member
    Funny you would ask this question because I was wondering the same thing. I've only been trying my hand "running" for two weeks. I started jogging 50 steps the first day. Then walk. Then jog another 50. The next day I thought I bet I could go 100 steps...and I could. Then walk a bit and do another 100. The third day I tried 200 and did ok. I do better at doing 100 then walk a bit then another 100. I'm finding that even in the short amount of time I've been able to do more sets of 100 each day than I did the day before. Maybe eventually I'll be able to run without walking in between. Even if that doesn't happen for a while I'm at least out there trying. I think when I've lost more weight it will get a bit easier. I'm hefting quite a bit of baggage while I'm out there.... :embarassed:
  • jeffrodgers1
    jeffrodgers1 Posts: 991 Member
    Do you run with out being chased by grizzly bears, zombies, cops or rabid dogs?

    If you run for the sake of enjoyment or fitness, you are a runner.

    Welcome to the club!

    For fitness, yes. I cannot say I am exactly enjoying it yet! Every time I am out there, mentally I am cursing myself out for deciding to take up running. Lol.... Then I hear the endomondo lady tell me my pace at my first mile, and it brings me joy that I am beating my last time. Then I get home and definitely experience that runner's high. Its the same with golf for me.

    So at what point do you start completely enjoying it?

    That depends upon you. I found I loved it more when I found people to run with. The social aspect is wonderful.
  • tpittsley77
    tpittsley77 Posts: 607 Member
    I'm not a runner and I doubt I ever will be.

    I run for a mile, walk a bit, and run for another mile, and walk a bit.. And I'll do that for an entire half-marathon or the running portion of an Olympic-distance triathlon.

    But I'm not a runner. Even if I go out and use my legs to cover a ten mile or fifteen mile distance. Even if I run or jog a part of that. I'm not a runner.

    I'm a ... well. I don't know. I'm not really an athlete, I'm not really a triathlete. I'm just someone who refuses to give up when I cross that start line.

    I'm stubborn - that's what I am.

    This is how I feel too! Definitely stubborn here. Born with a heart problem. Grew up being told all the things I shouldn't do. Now I have come to the conclusion that I need to decide what is right for me. I am running slowly. But building up good cardiovascular health while doing so. Stubborn I am.
  • tpittsley77
    tpittsley77 Posts: 607 Member
    Thank you everyone for all your stories and words of encouragement.
  • LastMinuteMama
    LastMinuteMama Posts: 590 Member
    Do you run with out being chased by grizzly bears, zombies, cops or rabid dogs?

    If you run for the sake of enjoyment or fitness, you are a runner.

    Welcome to the club!

    ^ and this >
    oh another trigger was when I realized that I was getting cranky and irritable because I HADN'T gone running... when it seemed to become a NEED rather than an I have to...
  • wingshooter2004
    oh another trigger was when I realized that I was getting cranky and irritable because I HADN'T gone running... when it seemed to become a NEED rather than an I have to...

    That's it right there for me. When I started feeling like I need it is when I started calling myself a runner. Before that, I said I was a jogger.
  • ashleyjoy80
    I would say you call yourself a true runner if you LOVE to run...it is your favorite cardio exercise, and if on a beautiful day, all you can think of is "what a great day for a run", then you are a true runner. You don't have to run a certain amount each week, run a marathon, or even completed a 5k; although, if you are a true runner, you will most likely have accomplished some of these thing because...well...you love you run :) If you couldn't tell already, I consider myself a runner because I get excited even talking about running. I just took a Zumba class tonight, and all through the class, all I could think of was "I should have just gone for a run".

    This is how I feel too! Running is where my heart is but I believe that anyone can be a runner. I just happen to be one of those that LOVES to run and I feel awful when I haven't been running.
  • debussyschild
    debussyschild Posts: 804 Member
    When you run! :)
  • HisPathDaily
    HisPathDaily Posts: 672 Member
    For me ... when it was zero degrees outside (Fahrenheit) and I was lacing up ... I knew :)

    BUT ... I was before that ... and so are you :)