

  • walker54
    walker54 Posts: 64 Member
    Hi All,
    Took yesterday off after working with the trainer on Wednesday. Got contact lenses yesterday, too, and am not sure I can stick with them. It's really hard to stick your finger in your eye! And it feels like I've got sand in my eyes. Maybe bifocals aren't so bad?

    This morning I was up and out to the gym, but forgot my swimsuit so I could only do the "dreadmill" as Amanda called it :happy: , the floor work on abs, and the circuit. Better than nothing.

    My naturally thin DH has been the Food Police and Resident Weight Loss Expert at my house for 30 years. For 29 years I would just grit my teeth and try to ignore his comments. Finally this past year I told him that his comments were not helpful or encouraging in any way, and in fact had the opposite effect. I told him that while I was happy that his own theories worked for his own weight control, that didn't mean they would work for me. Finally I said he needed to either say nothing, or only say something when it could be a compliment. He took it to heart, bless him. Now he's offering encouragement whenever he can, and that helps.

    To avoid overeating on junk food or late-night snacking (I can eat mindlessly in front of the TV with the best of them), I've cut way back on what I bring into the house. I also buy stuff I don't really like. That way it's easier to resist. And if I do cave in, I don't eat much of it.

    Question: I've been getting nauseaous (sp?) while exercising. I'm thinking it has to do with when and how much I eat beforehand. I WAS eating a hearty yogurt/fruit shake first thing in the morning (about 325 calories), but now I'm eating a cup of cold cereal and 1/2 cup of skim milk before hitting the gym. Then I have the breakfast shake when I get home. Even the cold cereal and milk felt like too much this week. Any suggestions from morning exercisers?

    Have a great day ladies. Keep smiling, keep drinking water, and keep logging what you eat.

  • sjn0623
    sjn0623 Posts: 5
    Hi Ladies!

    First of all, thanks for all your prayers and good thoughts regarding my surgery on July 25 which I had written about on July 17. Special thanks to Jeannine, Jane, DeeDee, Meg, Michele and Linda-Sundance for your kind comments and encouraging words. It meant a great deal to receive support from all of you. I'm relieved that the laparoscopic surgery to remove my ovaries went smoothly and I did not experience nausea or extreme pain afterwards like I had after a previous laparoscopy 18 years ago. Based on my OB/GYN's recommendation, I placed a transderm scop patch (motion sickness prevention) behind my ear the day before surgery to help prevent nausea. I had never heard of that, but the anesthesiologist and pre-op nursing staff also commented that it is often helpful to patients. In addition, anti-nausea meds have come a long way since my bad experience. The pathology results indicate that the cyst, which had grown recently and was causing discomfort, was simply a small fibroma. Praise God for benign results, no other issues, a smooth procedure, and a quick recovery. I'm hoping the loss of both ovaries at post-menopausal age 58 will not have any negative effects. . . time will tell.

    During the last couple weeks, I still managed to eat well and drop another pound. Now I need to get back into my food, water and exercise tracking routine. I have resumed daily, slow 1-mile walks to start building strength back up.

    I will definitely look to this terrific group for motivation and support as I resume my weight-loss journey. Thanks again and best wishes to all!
  • MelisRunning
    MelisRunning Posts: 819 Member
    August has started out with a bang for me. Yesterday (Aug. 2nd), I had my first Cataract surgery and will have my second one on the 23rd. On the 9th we leave for a well deserved vacation (which is why my second cataract surgery isn't until the 23rd!). In between all this I begin training in earnest for the half marathon I will be running Nov. 3rd. ~alternating running days with days at the "Y" lifting. Not a problem, right!?!
  • DeeDee2211
    DeeDee2211 Posts: 1,133 Member
    Good afternoon ladies:flowerforyou:

    Posting twice in one day, this is a record for me:laugh: .

    Alwaysnancy:smile: I too have had the urge to hug someone only to realize they would think I was a weird crazy lady, so I just mentally send them a hug:bigsmile: ! I say go for the local trail run!!!!!! So what if you come in last, at least you seized the opportunity:happy: !!!!!

    Lin:smile: what's going on with your Internet service? Ever since my computer came up witht that virus thing on MFP last weekend it hasn't worked right:angry: . I've had to use my iPad for everything, and believe me there are times I need a bigger screen!!!! My friend Gary is going to check it out this weekend, he's the computer geek and can repair anything!!!:happy: .

    Laura80111:smile: Congrats on getting the house sold! That's one less thing you have to stress about!!!! Am looking forward to the time your grandson #3 has finished cooking!!!!

    Jipsyjudy:smile: can you think of "dieting" as more of a new lifestyle? Tell that demon in your head to shut up, you plan on feeding it good things when the time is right, give it a tall glass of water instead :bigsmile: . Have a wonderful vacation, maybe that will renew your spirit!!!!!

    Amanda:smile: What a beautiful sight, all those deer:love: !!!! That was really some deep thinking too, I love it!!!

    Janehadji:smile: I will check out Macy's , sounds like a great sale!!!!! Wish I has words of wisdom about your "food police" issues, however is just me and the dog, and she's very supportive :bigsmile: .

    emcwalsh67:smile: I have hypothyroidism and I walk a lot!!!! I might start weight training later on, I did that before and I really enjoyed it, of course my trainer was so good looking, when he said " can you do two more for me" I said " for you I can":laugh: .
    What I do at cocktail parties is have a glass of club soda with a lime, or a wine spritzer, and just sip it. For dinners I usually order grilled fish, grilled chicken, or a small steak with steamed veggies or a salad with dressing on the side, if it's a banquet and you have no control of the food only eat half of it. I usually have one or two glasses of wine with dinners out. Good luck!

    Melanie:smile: welcome, I've not done the JM 30 DS, I think some of the other ladies have though! Good luck!

    Lora:smile: glad you're feeling some better!!! Yum, spicy Thai coconut chicken soup sounds so good :love: !!!!

    Kate:smile: just enjoy the time with you family, get back on track afterwards!!! Sounds like you have a good plan, long walks are so nice!

    Meg:smile: I laughed so hard reading about your fur baby, Benny. I can just see a cute little beagle laying on the table with an empty bag of muffins, with a glazed look in his eyes:laugh: . How in the world did he get up there:noway: !!!! My sweet baby is feeling better, her name is Noel and she's a 7 year old Bichon. The vet has her on Cerenia 16 mg. for the next few days, Metronidazole 250 mg. twice a day until Sunday and they gave her an injection of Famotidine 10 mg., plus some fluids. We've been home from the vets for about 3 hours or so and she's playing, barking at everything that moves, and starving, she doesn't understand why she can't have her normal amount of food all at once:laugh: .it's good to see her happy again!!!! She is also on a low fat diet, and she loves it! Thanks for sending her good wishes:love: . Have fun tonight dancing!!!!!

    Polly:smile: when I was working out a lot with a trainer in the mornings, I didn't eat at all, even toast and peanut butter made me feel sick. I always had a protein bar with me though, usually ate it on the way home. My advice would be to try it one day and see how you do, just remember to have something to eat (protein bar, etc.) with you for just in case! Good luck!!!!!

    Well it is time to get up and mop my floors, I think the doggie is going to keep her food down, and her poo outside now, this will be the third or fourth time I've mopped in two days, I just look at as extra exercise:laugh: . Hope everyone has a fabulous evening!!!!!

  • DeeDee2211
    DeeDee2211 Posts: 1,133 Member
    Sue:flowerforyou: , I am so happy every thing went well for you!!!!! Welcome back to logging food and drinking water:drinker: :drinker: :drinker: . Good for you getting your walks in, you'll be back to brand new in no time!!!!!

    Howardmelinda:flowerforyou: Hope you're feeling betterr! Enjoy you vacation!!!!
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,185 Member
    Lin what's going on with your Internet service? Ever since my computer came up witht that virus thing on MFP last weekend it hasn't worked right . I've had to use my iPad for everything, and believe me there are times I need a bigger screen!!!! My friend Gary is going to check it out this weekend, he's the computer geek and can repair anything!!! .

    I cannot keep a connection. The cable modem doesn't receive---the lights go all wonky and it's off line. This has been going on for weeks. I've reset everything repeatedly, I tried hooking the laptop directly to the modem as they blamed my wireless router. All to no available. I just seem to have poor to nonexistent signal.

  • kathyszoo
    kathyszoo Posts: 311 Member
    Well, didn't quite stay in calorie range today but finally got in all my water!:drinker:

    Pain really kicking in from foot surgery even with the painkillers but hopefully will be all worth it in the end!

    Hope everyone has a great weekend!

  • farnan01
    hello, This is my first post,not my first attempt at losing weight. I am 53 and weigh 180. This is the most that I have ever weighted and I began my first diet at age 11. I am not going to diet. I am going to log my food and exercise. Hopefully posting will keep me honest. I have a real problem with sugar and food. When I am happy I eat. When I am sad I eat. When I am bored I eat. I celebrate with food. I have had the longest relationship with food. I like to eat. That is my problem. I am 5 foot tall and shrinking.
    August: my goals to log my food and exercise all month and to exercise 3 times a week and stretch 7 times a week(back problem)
  • kackie
    kackie Posts: 676 Member
    Hello Dear Ladies!

    I am SO behind here but wanted to say hello and HAPPY AUGUST to each of you! We are in MT and have had constant friends and family since our son's wedding in chicago. I can't seem to find a minute to myself:grumble: :grumble: But house should be empty soon and I WILL be back. Take care, Dear Friends:heart::heart: :heart: I miss you!
  • djhobs
    djhobs Posts: 200 Member
    :flowerforyou: Amanda - I loved your thoughts about the deer...you are a marvel at making lemonade..instead of being aggravated (my first inclination) you enjoyed the view!

    The jillian Michael's 30ds...I bought it, tried it and did not like it at all...I agreed with her theory on exercise but did not like her or the 2 amazon women on the disk...shallow of me probably but I gave it to my dd..she likes jillian!

    I just bought a Leslie sansone Dvd..walk away the pounds...I should probably check them out of library first but unfortunately I am one of those impulse shoppers...I am looking for some new ideas..will let you know.

    I did my kettlebells and scary lady weights this am...felt good...I am embarrassed to admit how long its been for a workout...I have 2 whiteboard calendars that I have in the basement with my workout stuff...June calendar looked great, lots of different colors for activities, several times each week...and then there was July...couple colors ....not bad until the 10th and then NOTHING....oh my...I have erased June and am using the blankness of July for my motivation. Some good (and surprising) info was when I finally stepped on the scale (also in the basement) I was 2 lbs less than when I left for vacation, but not at my lowest...so the journey continues but am feeling a little more in control

    Hugs and high fives..enjoy the weekend but let's control the food,the treats and (alas) the wine!
  • Alamaug
    Alamaug Posts: 21 Member
    Hey yall! Feeling good, let's keep it up!
  • ucabucca
    ucabucca Posts: 606 Member
    Hi Ladies, I like this group I seem to be around young college age students most of my time so to have an opportunity to hear from some closer to my age is cool. I am 51 and in a little bit of a different boat than most I have recently gained back to a healthy weight and my goal is to maintain or gain is good too.My goals for August are 1) to start jogging and cut cardio time down by doing this
    2) continue strength training
    3) keep up on eating habits as things change with possible job
    I look forward to getting to know at least some of you more
  • LaurelFisher
    LaurelFisher Posts: 407 Member
    :flowerforyou: Good evening ladies, today was horrible and NOT a good day!:grumble: verrrry stressful day at work :noway: and I fell off the wagon..:huh: so to speak. I had a grilled cheese and SMALL chocolate chip frappe from McDonalds for lunch and then went to the Chinese Buffet for dinner. NOT pretty! I will be doin Leslie Sansone 4 mile and 2 mile to try and take some of the sting out of my "pity party" indulgence:sad: . I am starting over tomorrow. :love:
    :flowerforyou: DeeDee, Meg, Barbie, and Michelle thank you so much for your well wishes for Matthew and encouragement for me.:love:
    :flowerforyou: Well I better get busy with my exercising.
    :heart: Love ((((HUGS)))) and Prayers, Rose
    :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker:
  • jb_2011
    jb_2011 Posts: 1,029 Member
    hello, This is my first post,not my first attempt at losing weight. I am 53 and weigh 180. This is the most that I have ever weighted and I began my first diet at age 11. I am not going to diet. I am going to log my food and exercise. Hopefully posting will keep me honest. I have a real problem with sugar and food. When I am happy I eat. When I am sad I eat. When I am bored I eat. I celebrate with food. I have had the longest relationship with food. I like to eat. That is my problem. I am 5 foot tall and shrinking.
    August: my goals to log my food and exercise all month and to exercise 3 times a week and stretch 7 times a week(back problem)
    Hi there farnan, and everyone. It's just something we need to do for ourselves. We're a little older and it takes time to learn a new routine of diet and exercise. I began my first diet at age 11, too. My parents took me to the doctor and had diet pills prescribed. Did it help? No! It's all about learning how to care for ourselves for once and and to eat proper, nutritious foods. Most of us give all of our attention to our families, our loved ones and friends, and dogs, lol, and pay no heed to the harm we're doing to ourselves. It's time we learned a new way of thinking. I'm not out of the woods yet by any means, even though I've lost a lot of weight. I still have to consider myself first (not easy) and make certain that I fuel my body correctly, and exercise on a regular basis. I was never one to exercise, ever. For years and years I exercised my skills at piano and guitar and songwriting, but that's about it. Now I see things differently. Pain motivated me to change. Sciatic nevre pain, elevated hip, spine all out of whack. It's a long story how I got into that mess, but I managed to get myself out of it with lots of stretching and eating right. I don't want to be in pain, I don't want to be stooped over and limping along with a cane, I don't want to have the desire to eat everything in sight. Well, there are days when I'm weak and eat too much, but for the most part I'm learning to control myself. It's a work of art. I'm here to tell you it can be done. Log your foods, take long walks, drink lots and lots of water and get plenty of potassium and Omega-3s. This is what has worked for me. I'm still chubby in spots, and have a tempermental knee, but I fully intend to continue on this wonderful path to the best health I can be in at 57 years old. You can do it, too. Just take little steps. Big changes will happen. It's taken me 19 months to lose the weight. I feel amazingly better. And happier.

    Hot hot hot here in Portland this weekend, I've been watering like crazy! I'll be canning this weekend, beans and corn. Nice weather for canning, 100 degress predicted LOL :noway:

    :flowerforyou: Laura, thanks for the "you can do it!"

    :smile: jb
  • dmcguig
    dmcguig Posts: 1 Member
    Hi all, very new here, happy to find all of you. 61 and heaviest ever, very discouraged, very out of shape. Know it's time to pull myself together, be my healthy strong self again. Have been very sedentary, sit at computer for work all day, love to write so am at computer alot in the evening too. Resist moving big time, but know it even just a little bit will help in so many ways.

    August goals: Movement every day: walk a bit or stretching... something
    Log food every day
    Eat more slowly, mindfully

  • sonn1253
    sonn1253 Posts: 1 Member
    Hello! Just joined and am hoping this will help me move off my plateau. Have lost 15 lbs since December but have so much more to go and I am now stuck. I go to gym 3 or 4 times a week which helps, but I am lately having trouble avoiding sweets...especially ice cream in this hot hot weather. Try to eat frozen yogurt when available, but hubby keeps bringing home ice cream and I can't resist!
  • DLKRay
    DLKRay Posts: 12 Member
    HI I am new to this site. Hopefully I will find friends and encouragement here. I have about 160 to lose. I will be 63 this month and feel like I'm running out of time. I want so badly to make this a success. I've been on many weight loss regimines over the years and about 60 pounds less than my highest weight about 5 years ago. I have managed to keep it off for all this time but couldn't seem to keep going in the right direction - I've just sort of STUCK. I'd lose a pound or two only to put it back on the next week.and then lose maybe 5 but put back 8 - all the time hovering around where I am now.
    I'm working with a nutrionist to get me going again but can only see her a few times so this has GOT TO STICK this time. She's given me the direction I needed. That coupled with the news of my bad back and maybe some heart issues has given me the motivation I needed to get back on track. So Hello and where do you all get those cute weight trackers at the end of a lot of the posts?
  • jo3y20
    jo3y20 Posts: 89 Member
    Good evening ladies,

    I've been doing the MFP plan since January 2012 and have lost 46#. :happy:

    I have bad feet and knees so I started exercising slowly. I work sitting at desk/computer all day and have lived a sedentary/couch potato lifestyle :embarassed:

    In the last 6 weeks I have started walking before work. I have worked from 20 mins. up to 50 min. (time permitting).

    My question is. How long does it take before your legs don't feel like lead??? :huh: I feel like if my legs didn't feel so heavy I could push myself even harder.
  • VickieZureich
    VickieZureich Posts: 37 Member
    I was encouraged to see this group up;I am 61 years old and although it is taking me longer to lose at my age;I plan to keep it up until I reach my goal...going on vacation this week so will have to be extra careful...I will be more conscious of it now that I have joined this group..Celebrating our 40th anniversary and we both are in better health and keep eachother accountable...Nice meeting some nice folks out there...Vickie:flowerforyou:
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,992 Member
    :bigsmile: kathy, I haven't tried the 17 day diet but women on this thread have tried it in the past and all have spoken highly of it.

    :flowerforyou: DeeDee, I read inspiring books in the bathroom so I start my day with positive thoughts and have other reminders of healthy thinking.

    :flowerforyou: Melanie, I've never done the 30DS but I know women in their 50's and 60's who've done it----some may not do it perfectly, but it sounds like an awesome challenge

    :sad: :sad: Meg, poor Benny Beagle

    :bigsmile: Amanda, I loved your description of the deer. We have a few deer in our neighborhood but see them one at a time or a mom with her one or two babies

    :bigsmile: jb, thanks for your wise and motivating words.

    :sad: :sad: :sad: My hubby is sort of gone for two weeks being the emergency fill in house sitter for a friend who had a crisis and needed someone to fill in to watch the four black standard poodles and two horses.....he'll be home on and off but sleeping over there.