Anyone Give up WW to join MFP?



  • vcp214
    vcp214 Posts: 23 Member
    I'm a fallen Lifetime WW member, currently about 3lbs above WW goal weight. I tried the new Points+ system to lose 40lbs of pregnancy weight and could barely lose .5lb/week. I've been doing MFP on and off for over a year and love it.
  • leodru
    leodru Posts: 321 Member
    Ive done WW successfully in the past loosing 35kg. Put nearly all of it back on and tried WW at home again over last few months with little results...
    Loving MFP and have already lost 5kg in four weeks! I have the scanner for my pantry and am finding the calorie counting a lot easier - and fun!

    How does one get this scanner you speak of?


    The scanner they are referring to is in the iphone app - when you "Add" to your diary there is a barcode icon - you can hit it and it scans barcodes of most food - its works around 95% of the time. Great tool.
  • Susan2BHealthier
    Susan2BHealthier Posts: 130 Member
    I was doing WW online but not losing any weight Jan-May. I ditched WW in June and have lost 16 lbs since then on MFP. MFP macros showed me I wasn't getting enough protein and fiber....once i started meeting my macro goals I started losing weight. WW website was always crashing, their database is far inferior to MFP, and the helpful, encouraging, community at MFP has helped me stay on plan everyday. Really, isn't it all about calories/macro nutrients anyway? "Points" is just a gimic ...stop converting to points...GO CALORIES.
  • runzalot81
    runzalot81 Posts: 782 Member
    I've been doing old WW on and off for years. I've been really committed this year but wasn't losing any weight. Even gained some.

    Since I've been on here the last five days, I've discovered that I am not eating enough. I am very active but I had learned to be too restrictive with my calories on WW.
  • mesee619
    mesee619 Posts: 84 Member
    I log everything in at MFP but I still weigh in weekly at WW. I am not using the points system just the accountability for my weigh ins. I have lost 9lbs so far. Its been about a month 1/2. Wish you luck on your descision
  • WW is a scam... MFP is basically the same thing for free. I'd say just go with this.. i have lost 8 pounds so far using this, but couldn't loose weight on WW because i could never find the foods i was eating on WW.
  • I finally did.... this is my first week on MFP and it's similar to WW but I like it more b/c it's more detailed with the micronutrients you should be eating too. So far so good. I only lost 1 pound but that's better than nothing. It was really hard for me to stay on point with the new points plus system at WW. 26 points was way too little. So far I like MFP. Good luck on your weightloss! :smile:
  • beekuzz
    beekuzz Posts: 428 Member
    WW is too expensive. If i were still on WW, like years ago, I would have just earned my 10% pin for losing 10% of my total body weight. But MFP is free and there's no ploy to keep important info from you so that you spend a lifetime paying them. Save your money and invest it on yourself in good food and new clothes.
  • angelb1983
    angelb1983 Posts: 160 Member
    I have tried WW several times. My first time I lost 50 pounds so I know it works, but I have found MFP a lot easier to follow and I feel a lot less restricted. Im actually glad you posted this because I have a WW online account that I forgot about because I never get on there anymore and it expires this month so I have to delete it before they charge me again. It is so nice to have such a supportive group that doesnt charge anything
  • gmpuggles
    gmpuggles Posts: 137 Member
    I'm currently a member there - joined in March of last year - and recently joined MFP after hearing good things about this site from various people. So far I have to say that I like keeping track of the food I eat here over on WW, especially now with the upgrades they did to their database. Right now I'm contemplating dropping the online part of WW and just attending the meetings because I do like the accountability of the weekly weigh-in while tracking what I eat here.

    Another thing that I've been enjoying here at MFP is that the community appears to be more active, and maybe a little more helpful that over on WW.
  • nmwss
    nmwss Posts: 2
    I quit WW as well, and started MFP around 2months. So far, I haven't seen any results, but I haven't committed to it 100%. I've decided to put my all in and see how it goes. I love that it's free. The only thing I would caution is because MFP has a large food database you have to make sure the calorie count for the food you select is the correct item or amount. I'm constantly looking at the back of food labels and comparing to the food database to make sure I'm selecting the right item. On the plus size, unlike WW because the food database is so large you find a lot more items. Also, MFP is less restricted which can be a good or bad thing. Good luck!!!
  • triolo4810
    triolo4810 Posts: 1 Member
    I gave up WW and joined MFP it is basically the same thing. I like MFP because it is easier to eat the major point foods, portioned of course, and not use every point you had for the day. This is also free which I like as well!
  • CMcD1445
    CMcD1445 Posts: 48 Member
    I was on the ww program in 2008 and it worked for 9 months. After my birthday that year....well, i fell off the train. MFP is better in my opinion because it has better tools, and of course is free. Although free isn't the reason I stick around. I like MFP because it has a good community with something for everyone and that really helps. Being a guy, I sometimes felt a little awkward at the WW meetings...

    My diet the primal and I log/track through MFP. No more falling off the train!
  • I've never tried to lose weight before. I joined MFP to better my health to lower my cholesterol and sodium intake. The weight loss was a convenient side effect. I ended up losing 30 lbs over 2 months and have quite easily kept it off for 2 yrs.

    While I can't speak on WW, I will simply say MFP is really intuitive and user-friendly. If you have scanning capabilities (I use my iPad), it's not only easy, it's kinda fun. lol.

    Good luck!
  • Donnaovercomer
    Donnaovercomer Posts: 55 Member
    i quit WW, I found this site by accident and have been here every since. As long as your honest with yourself with exercise & food intake you cannot fail. Plus there are people here for support & motivation.