Packing Lunches for Work

Dozrzz Posts: 245
Hey guys! So I am a teacher and have about 20 minutes for lunch. I was doing alot of frozen lean cuisines and such last year but this year I want to try more fresh foods. I have this really cool lunch box that has all these different cubbies that I plan on using for lunches. It looks like this


So what I need are suggestions for different things I can put in the different cubbies! Ideas?? I like variety so the more ideas the better!


  • kadinlucas
    kadinlucas Posts: 77 Member
    I recommend a sandwhich, some carrots, grapes and strawberries... Sorry couldn't resist, but the food in the picture looks awesome.

    I think carrots are awesome, and snack on about 2 per day.

    Maybe some nuts or seeds to have a sneaky snack when the kids are being a pain in the *kitten*.

    People seem to have a thing against bread but I wouldn't know what to do for lunch if it wasn't a sandwhich.
  • mecagney
    mecagney Posts: 21
    Wish more people would respond to this. I struggle with this same problem. The best thing I came up with was baked fish, I used gordons skillet tilipia whatever you like, tropical salsa and quinoa with roasted veggies. Yum! I felt like I was eating fancy. By the. Way where did you get that cute lunchbox?
  • Dozrzz
    Dozrzz Posts: 245
    I have done where I grilled up a bunch of chicken breast tenderloins and eat 2 for lunch either in a wrap with some cheese and salsa, or maybe chopped up with some pasta. But I like have different things to snack on too. I like the nuts ideas to snack on. Do you use dips with your carrots? I usually don't like carrots much, but with a dip maybe it would be more interesting lol. Or some broccoli and a dip? I don't know... lol
  • mahardin
    mahardin Posts: 18 Member
    I would troll around and see if there are any new sandwich ideas. I'm always a fan of hummus with veggies, cottage cheese (add Lawry's salt if you want it not so bland), Babybel cheeses, couscous, and soup! You could get a thermos and have things to dip in the soup in the cubbies...

    Here is a link to "cubby based adult lunches":
  • misty0413
    misty0413 Posts: 212
    I do a lot of food prep on sundays becuase I take my lunch to work. usually take chicken/ brown rice with a fruit or veggie.. tuna with 1 TBS mayo and a pickle / triscut crackers and fruit of your choice. grilled chicken into a salad with yogurt or fruit. I save my lean cuisines for a craving like pizza or mexican food . I am trying to stay off frozen dinners but if I do I also eat friut or veggie with it so I am not hungry an hour later.
  • sabinavaughan
    sabinavaughan Posts: 109 Member
    Nothing says you can't make extra at supper and pack those cubbies when you are done. Who cares if you just have a little bit. Might as well use it up if you have it.

    Hummus is another great thing I love to have with some carrots or whatever your fav veggies are to eat!

    Good luck and do research the net..there are lots of great ideas!
  • Where did you get that awesome lunch box? I, too, am a teacher and always struggled with different things to take besides the usual. I am also trying to avoid eating the extra lunches the kids get completely this year, so that lunch box would help to vary my ideas. I don't want to do Lean Cuisines or other frozen meals either anymore.
  • jrditt
    jrditt Posts: 239 Member
    My friend taught me this delicious lunch i make on the regular. First you cut up 3 pieces of bacon and start browning them, then throw in 3 cloves of garlic and some veggies like carrots and cucumbers. Let those heat up and then put a splash of white wine which gets the bacon flavor off the pan. Finally, put in a whole bunch of mustard greens, mix it up and then put a lid on it for a minute so it starts to wilt.

    I usually have that on quinoa or boiled sweet potato. around 360 calories depending what you put it on and it's a ton of food.
    ZEESLIM Posts: 4 Member
    Carrots and hummus
    Wheat thin chips and wholly guacamole (they come in 100 cal snack packs)
    Apple sauce and granola thin dark chocolate squares
    Celery and PB
    Leftover chili with shredded cheddar and cracker

    Tuna salad sandwich with bread-and-butter pickles on bread of your choice. Pack the pickles separately so they don't get the bread soggy. Chips

    Heat a baked potato (bake an extra one the night before) in the microwave, then stuff with shredded cheese and cooked broccoli, and zap again until cheese is bubbly.
  • angieb327
    angieb327 Posts: 7 Member
    I was thinking hummus and crackers. Yogurt. Sliced turkey and cheese rolled up and microwaved to melt the cheese slightly. With or without crackers. And of course, water.
  • Great ideas! I work the front desk at a high school and am always looking for good ideas for lunch. I try to take my lunch because if I leave and I have had a bad morning I will try to eat something to "make me feel better" It's just easier to play it safe.
  • Dozrzz
    Dozrzz Posts: 245
    Where did you get that awesome lunch box? I, too, am a teacher and always struggled with different things to take besides the usual. I am also trying to avoid eating the extra lunches the kids get completely this year, so that lunch box would help to vary my ideas. I don't want to do Lean Cuisines or other frozen meals either anymore.

    Believe it or not, I got it at Office Depot while I was shopping for post-its and things for my desk! It just looked interesting and I bought a special insulating sleeve that fits over it to keep things cooler longer. Very cool!
  • Dozrzz
    Dozrzz Posts: 245
    So many great ideas!!! YES! I haven't tried hummus but it sounds like I should give that one a try with some veggies.

    When you guys do yogurt that isn't the little individual kind, what kind do you use? I was thinking of mixing in my own granola or fruits or something... I'm just not sure it is worth it. May just as well use the premixed individual cups?? What do you think?
  • chippy83
    chippy83 Posts: 92 Member
    *Meal Ideas:

    -Sandwiches on wheat bread or sandwich thins

    -Lunch meat with crackers & cheese (could be sliced cheese, Laughing Cow, veggie cream cheese)

    -Pita pockets-- grilled chicken, avocado, lettuce, cucumber, splash of ranch (Bolthouse Yogurt one is amazing and only 45 cals/serving). Use different spices on the chicken & different sauces to make different flavor profiles.

    -Lean Cuisine meal w/ yogurt, fruit, or veggies on side

    -Bean & cheese burrito

    -Leftovers from dinner

    *Sides: I usually bring baby carrots, variety of munchy veggies (carrots, bell pepper, celery, cucumber) with dip, or fruit. I like the Special K Cracker Chips (Sour Cream & Onion flavor) for a treat if I'm craving chips (only 110 cals for 27 chips; 1/2 a serving is usually perfect)

    *Snack/Dessert: I love the Trader Joe's Fiberful Rolled Oats & Chocolate Chips granola bars for a mid-afternoon chocolate fix (only 120 calories, 3.5g fat, 9g fiber)
  • Nyranee
    Nyranee Posts: 57
    I cook on the weekend all lunches for the week. Usually two types of chickenbreast (different spices) all done in the same pan. Then I have a three layer steamer where I prepare 5 types of vegetables. and a rice cooker where I cook brown rice for 5 meals. Pack it in boxes, heat in in the office and voila very healthy meal. Sometimes I do Pasta with a light sauce all selfmade never any ready packs, sometimes a sandwhich but I am not much of a bread person, sometimes omlette and salad.

    For me this works well.

    In addition I pack in smaller boxes the fruit potions for the day and one tread.

    Works well for me but I could never live from sandwhiches as my main meal and lunch is my main meal.
  • melaniecheeks
    melaniecheeks Posts: 6,349 Member
    Google bento boxes for some great suggestions of how to use a lovely compartmentalised box like that.

    I'd go for:

    something high protein, a chicken breast, sliced ham, some cheese or nuts. Or a boiled egg.
    A variety of crunchy veg - carrots, peppers, cucumbers
    Something a bit fancy - black olives, marinated artichokes,
    And some fruit - strawberries, grapes, sliced pear, satsuma
  • StephStepByStep
    StephStepByStep Posts: 131 Member
    Brown rice
    Veggies and hummus (I LOVE Tribe roasted red pepper hummus!) ...with carrots/celery/cucumbers/cherry tomatos.
    Fruits! Try new fruit each day....I LOVE mangos/kiwis/strawberries/cherries/bananas! Dried fruit is also good, but could have lots of sugars so be careful!
    Grapefruit - Keeps me full and it's so large for so few calories! I eat it plain.
    Oatmeal - I mix my oatmeal with a Tbs of peanut butter and a half mashed banana..yummy!
    Cooked Mixed vegetables with low sodium soy sauce
    Nuts - Almonds are great!
    Hard boiled eggs
    Peanut butter and apples
    Baked sweet Potato fries (Amazing!!)
    Cottage cheese
    Apple sauce

    Well, these are pretty much the foods I've been eating for the past month so I hoped I helped! Now I'm hungry... :)
  • lkcuts
    lkcuts Posts: 224
    I alot of times do what was suggested in an earlier comment.... leftovers from the night before,rice , chicken,salad. portions are useally 3-6 ounces 1/2 cup etc so fit pretty good in a plastice container. nuts for a snack. Mine isn't as well contained when I add salad and a container of measured dressing but leftovers are clean eating plus saves money on extra items for lunch.:bigsmile:
  • pippinboy9
    pippinboy9 Posts: 73 Member
    I haven't read all the previous comments, so I apologize if I'm repeating ideas that have already been given.

    Salad...lots and lots of salad. They're so versatile!! Get creative with them too. Spinach, herb mix, spring mix, romaine, carrots, tomatoes, celery, zucchini, cucumber, broccoli, grapes, strawberries, oranges, apple, sunflower seeds, dried cranberries....the list is endless. You can mix and match, make your own dressing, blah blah blah.

    I'm a huge vegetable eater, so automatically I think of putting in extra celery etc for a little snack.

    Yogurt, cottage cheese, hummus......anything goes when it comes to dip!

    Cut up your fave fruits

    Wraps....any kind you like. I find they're a nice change from a "boring" sandwich. Try lettuce wraps too....just use a large lettuce leaf instead of bread or tortilla/pita.

    hmmmm, maybe I shouldn't have commented on this just now....I'm starting to get hungry lol.
  • BexleyGirl
    BexleyGirl Posts: 102
  • jenni177
    jenni177 Posts: 13
    I have the exact same lunch box! I have a cover for it too which fits really nicely and has a handle on it. For those in Australia you can get them from Woolworths during back to school time they had a ton of them, I think big W also has them all year round.
    Tomorrow I'm having cheese and crackers (in the orange and green containers), a musli bar and yougurt. I'm having a ham and cheese sandwich for lunch, and rice cakes for afternoon tea (these fit nicely in the centre section with the divider in between). I will also be having some fruit, but that is the disapointing thing about this lunch box is it doesn't fit apples or bannas in them unless they are cut up. Some other things that are good:
    Rice crackers (fit perfectly in the orange and green containers)
    Rice paper rolls
    Wraps (cut in half, fit in the sandwich compartment)
    Dried fruit
  • premiumchilenita
    premiumchilenita Posts: 600 Member
    Sometimes I make sushi for dinner and I pack a few for my son's lunch box for the next day. They are great as they are all fresh ingredients and not to mention delicious. And once you know how to make them there is an endless amount of ideas on what do put in them.
  • lilah808
    lilah808 Posts: 60
    Lean proteins with veggies!!
    Almond butter with baby carrots, celery, or apple slices.
    Humus with cucumber chips/rounds.
    Curried chicken lettuce wraps.
    Tuna salad and raw veggies.
    Smoked chicken and apple sausage slices and raw red bell pepper chunks.:flowerforyou: :glasses:
  • lilah808
    lilah808 Posts: 60
    How could I forget... deviled eggs!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • chanson104
    chanson104 Posts: 859
    I like plain Greek yogurt that I can mix things into -- blueberries, strawberries, cherries, etc. Sometimes I mix some Kashi go lean crunch or crumble into it. My favorite thing to do is to mix almond butter in with the yogurt and use it as a dip for apple slices. Home made larabars are easy to make and yummy. There are a lot of recipes out there if you google it.
  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,459 Member
    trying to figure out how to add this to my topics... :bigsmile:
  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,459 Member
    I found this thread here a few weeks ago with 35 lunch ideas so just sharing the link in case it helps too (if it works lol)
  • sweetjen8302
    sweetjen8302 Posts: 25 Member
    yummy! Im getting some great ideas, I hate having to figure out what to do for lunch. I do have to say that I found a great recipe on Pinterest that Ive been eating, its low carb, low cal, and low fat! I usually cook a few days worth at a time and freeze it in portions, much better than the sodium and carb filled frozen meals. I dont know what the exact recipe was, but Ill give you my version which is actually a shorter cooking time and omits the oil that the original recipe called for

    Enchilada Chicken
    1 boneless, skinless chicken breast
    taco seasoning (the one that you usually put in the taco meat)
    1 can of enchilada sauce
    1/4 cup of cheddar cheese
    fresh green onions

    -Dice the chicken breast and coat with taco seasoning, just use 2 tbl spoons or so, save the rest for later
    -Cook the chicken in a skillet until its almost cooked through (this is where you were supposed to use oil, but I throw a little water in the oan and it does just fine)
    -Once the cheicken is almost cooked, put in a baking dish and cover with a 1/4 cup of the enchilada sauce, and 1/4 cup of cheese
    -Bake at 350 until bubbly, about 10 min
    -top with green onions and enjoy!

    I usually eat it with a tsp of light sour cream and some cucumbers
  • Kimmer2011
    Kimmer2011 Posts: 569 Member
    Black Bean Salad: black beans, corn, tomatoes, peppers, lime juice & olive oil.
    French Potato Salad: steamed red potatoes, steamed green beans, red onion, diced ham, Italian dressing.
    Bulgur Wheat + protien + steamed vegetables
    Fried rice (heavy on the vegetables, light on the rice)
  • jopipa1
    jopipa1 Posts: 12 Member
    I really like whole weat tortilla wraps! they're usually better than bread :D
    I like to pan fry a bit of turkey, spinach, tomatoes, paprika...sometimes I do scrambled eggs inside instead and I usually add some fresh veggies like cucumbers or lettuce to either one :) pretty quick. If you don't feel like frying, put the tortilla in a microwave and just add turkey ham and raw veggies.
    Blueberries are a good snack, low calories, same with any yummy berries really...if you can afford the extra calories add a few spoons of yogurt. Cinnamon is really good with this too and will keep your sugar in check :)
    Nuts and dark chocolate are a good option if you have a sweet tooth aswell