Please, somebody tell me this is all worth it!



  • LokiOfAsgard
    LokiOfAsgard Posts: 378 Member
    First off. WOW!
    That's awesome!
    I can hardly comprehend 70 lbs in 7 months!
    Secondly, I think those girls just don't want to notice, because surely that much in that little amount of time is noticeable. I think one person above me said that it maybe because they want instant gratification. Which is probably true.
    And third, If I were you, I use use this as inspiration to KEEP GOING! Show them what hard work can do, because the other girl may have lost quite a bit, but she's not going to lose much more than that. YOU ARE! You're going all the way! And WITHOUT meds and WITHOUT any kind of sickness.
    Best of luck <3's!
  • Kalliejc
    Kalliejc Posts: 36
    Hi . I had a very difficult experience today. As you know I've been working at eating healthy and exercising for 7 months now, with a loss of 69 pounds. It took me a long time to actually start to feel a bit proud of my accomplishments.I am very private, but can accept a compliment.

    Today, 'Carla' came to see me at work. While 'Carla' was there.. Kendra arrived. Kendra has had a real problem with her thyroid over the last year or so and gained a considerable amount of weight . Over the past few months, drs. have resolved her issue with meds, and as a result she has lost a large amount of weight quickly... and, effortlessly.

    Carla was very surprised to see Kendra looking so well, HUGGED her and gushed on and on about how much weight Kendra lost... while I stood there.. meanwhile.. Carla has NEVER noticed that I have worked very, very hard to lose 69 pounds. Carla and Kendra continued to talk and I was left out of the conversation entirely.. as if, somehow I don't even understand what it's like to lose weight.

    Why oh why am I not worth a compliment?? I was wearing nice, flattering clothes (but I will admit they didn't show off my body as much as Kendra's did hers. What really bugs me is that Kendra admitted she didn't have to do a thing to lose the weight.. man, and here I am working away every single day and no one says a word. I know that being healthier is really just for me.. but admit it, if it happened to you, you'd want to explode a little too... gah!!

    So glad I have a place like this to let it out. So, my options now are: do something to drop weight more rapidly in hopes that someone will soon say something... give up because it's never going to work anyways, and not matter what I do no one will ever recognize my efforts, compliment, or encourage me..or, just press on and please myself.. I know the answer.. but I admit, I do need some encouragment today.

    I only read a few of the comments because they were annoying to me. I completely understand what you're saying. You're not stupid. You know you're doing it for yourself. But it still hurts when your hard work isn't noticed by others. Yes, of course you want to be healthy. But you also want to look good in that little black dress (or whatever it is). And that means that you want others to think you look good in that little black dress.

    Keep your head up. Try to revel in how YOU feel about yourself. I saw an ex boyfriend today from afar. I'm about 30 lbs heavier than I was then. My first thought was, "Oh my God, if he sees me he's going to think i'm such a fat cow. He'll be so relieved I broke up with him." then I caught myself. I thought, I've been working my *kitten* off for two weeks and I feel so good.......I can't wait until he sees me in four months.

    I think you need a boost of confidence. Go get your hair done. Get your nails done. Do it to make you feel better about yourself. Because that'll start permeating from you. Start treating yourself to things that make you feel good about yourself because then you'll start feeling DAMN good about yourself and people will start noticing. :)
  • eowyn61
    eowyn61 Posts: 3
    I would imagine that every one of us gets to this point. There are those times when the scale doesn't change, or it goes up even a few ounces.... [EEEEK!!!]

    But our bodies adjust. And we need to change a few things, maybe, so we "kick" our success back into gear.

    Just keep swimming! (Dory, Finding Nemo) Don't give in to the unhealthy ways, and don't think that a slip means failure!!! Even the Bunny Hop has one step back!! But it still makes progress...
  • Maybe she's jealous 'cause you're eating right and exercising. :laugh: But seriously, that's impressive, nice job :)
  • :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

    Yes, it is worth it. I think everyone wants to look their best and get compliments but I think it's more important to get healthy. I was almost 400 lbs about 6 years ago but with the help of surgery I lost 100 pounds and I have lost another 75 over the years with 25 more pounds to go with the help of myfitnesspal. Don't give up, my goal was to lose 200 pounds and I got stuck for a couple of years but I am on fire now. Be encourged you can do anything you want, be blessed.
  • You already know the obvious answer here so I won't bombard you with it. Also to be frank I doubt I can connect with this story very well either. But you should know that I'm sure there are reasons as to why you weren't included. It could be personal rapport, you're weight loss was probably more gradual and less noticeable, I know people with thyroid problems and most of the excess tends to go around the neck area which is much more noticeable than a belly, perhaps you weren't as vocal about your weight loss as the other lady, but my number one guess would be that with Kendra it was a medical issue that she couldn't have helped that caused rapid noticeable weight fluctuations in her body. You and Kendra are in two completely different ball fields as far as weight loss is concerned. Also it seems like Carla knew Kendra before the weight gain which I'm sure also has something to do with it.

    Nothing that I've put is meant to say you didn't deserve a compliment, you really do, 69 lbs is a huge feat, but it is to try and make a case that it was nothing personal, well except my first reason listed. You should definitely be proud of your weight loss, and believe me it'll all be worth it when you hit your goal. i'm halfway to mine and I couldn't care less if someone passes me a compliment, don't get me wrong I'd be thrilled to get one from someone I know, but it's never something on my mind or anything I'm anticipating. Maybe it's a guy thing? *shrugs*

    So congrats Gwenski on the first 69 and cheers to the next 26!