4 for 5 challenge *always open* week of Jan 4 week 2

missheidi Posts: 465 Member
edited September 20 in Motivation and Support
Ok, this is a thread I was part of on My food diary a couple of years back. I can't pay for mfd right now, and I like mfp, so I thought I'd start it here.
Here's the deal: there are five goals:
1. log all food and drink
2. stay within calories
3. exercise 30 minutes
4. drink your water
5. do something for your mind. this can be spiritual, or just relaxing at home with your kiddos. whatever improves your spirit or mind.
6. you can have your own optional goal of your choosing, like an extra 15 min of exercise or something, but this does not count in the challenge.
The challenge starts every monday, please check in by sunday night for the next week. Every night, log onto the thread to report what you did that day. If you met at least 4 out of the 5 goals, you are still in the challenge. If you meet all five goals for three consecutive days, you earn a grace day to use when you flub. Each challenge member is responsible for keeping track of their own grace days. Grace days can be banked as well. If you are really on top of things, it is possible to earn two grace days a week.

We will start a Friday weigh-in/check-in this week on the 8th.
If you mess up a day and don't have any grace days, just join us again on the next sunday night, but keep in touch on the thread.

if you have questions, you can message me.

Have fun, stay focused!

Peace and health,


  • debnu1
    debnu1 Posts: 1,568 Member
    Weigh ins sound good!
  • Sounds great count me in!!! I lost 52 pounds last year and want to lose another 50 this year!!! Thanks for starting this challenge!
  • missheidi
    missheidi Posts: 465 Member
    ok, i'm in for the week! woohoo! bring it.
  • Sounds good, can I join?
  • debnu1
    debnu1 Posts: 1,568 Member
    Welcome all! This thread is sure to keep you accountable!!
  • debnu1
    debnu1 Posts: 1,568 Member
    I guess we are starting strong today!!

    Today I:

    logged my food
    ate to lose
    only exercised if you count the shopping and hefting 25 lb bags up and down...
    drank my water
    got my haircut--I think that is definitely something for myself. :)

    4 out of 5 is not bad!

    How did you do?
  • j_g4ever
    j_g4ever Posts: 1,925 Member
    1. Got all my water in today
    2. Right on for calories
    3. Took time to myself. Just me and my hubby. So glad the kids are back in school.
    4. Exercised for about an hour
    5. ate to lose

    I'm back on track and I plan to be that way for a while.
  • missheidi
    missheidi Posts: 465 Member
    welcome to the new people! if you have questions, feel free to post them here or message me.

    today i
    logged everything
    ate to lose
    drank huge amounts of water
    exercised for an hour
    took a nap and got the ornaments off the tree!

    everyone looks great!
  • Chocolickkyss
    Chocolickkyss Posts: 3,654 Member
    I just found this thread but would like to participate: here's my count for today:

    Completed 40 minute Biggest Loser dvd
    Logged all my food
    W/in my 1300 calories
    Drank 11 glasses of water
    Continued reading my book

    Day 1 = 5 for 5
  • Monday

    1. logged all my food
    2. Exercised for an hour
    3. Ate to Lose
    4. Did NOT drink enough water
    5. Worked on my website/ blog

    4 out of 5 - Really must try harder with the water.
  • nolachick
    nolachick Posts: 3,278 Member
    oooh so glad I found this thread! thnx CHOCO. will post tonight when I've finished logging
  • debnu1
    debnu1 Posts: 1,568 Member
    If you are looking for new and different recipes you can check out my food blog I started, not long ago...


    Let's get 5 of 5 today!!
  • End of the day here in the UK

    1. Logged all food and drink
    2. Ate to lose
    3. No exercise to (In my defense I am snowed in!!)
    4. Got all my water in
    5. Spent time dancing to disney with the kids.

    4 out of 5

    See you all tomorrow!!!!!!!!!
  • mrsgiffin
    mrsgiffin Posts: 122
    Hey! I would love to partcipate in this!!! I will post tonight!
  • Chocolickkyss
    Chocolickkyss Posts: 3,654 Member
    Here's my count for today because I won't be able to log in later:

    Completed 50 minute Jillian Michael's "Boost Your Metabolism" dvd
    Logged all my food (I'm eating dinner w/in the hr. It's cooking and logged)
    W/in my 1300 calories
    Drank 8 glasses of water (this doesn't include the water I will have w/dinner)
    I will watch The Wire (absolutely love this series) and the Biggest Loser tonight

    Day 2 = 5 for 5

    Hope everyone had a great day and will have a great evening.

    See ya in the a.m.!
  • j_g4ever
    j_g4ever Posts: 1,925 Member
    I ate to lose
    Drank lots of water
    logged all my food and was under calories
    took a nap ahhhhh I love naps.
  • debnu1
    debnu1 Posts: 1,568 Member
    Oooh I should have taken a nap!!

    logged my food
    ate to lose (in fact I calculated a recipe wrong and so got to eat even more)
    drank my water
    and played the piano for a bit, haven't done that for a while.
  • missheidi
    missheidi Posts: 465 Member

    1. logged all my food
    2. Exercised for an hour
    3. Ate to Lose
    4. Did NOT drink enough water
    5. Worked on my website/ blog

    4 out of 5 - Really must try harder with the water.

    Sue, try just keeping a bottle with you everywhere. i like my 24 oz one, got it at target and it even has a dial thingy to keep track of how much i drink!
  • missheidi
    missheidi Posts: 465 Member
    5/5 today! woohoo!
    It looks like everyone is doing really well. If you are snowed in, you can still exercise! pushups, situps, squats, lunges, jumping jacks, squat jumps, lunge jumps, dips off a chair, those can all be done at home with no add'l equipment.

    today I
    logged everything
    stayed under my calories
    worked out for an hour
    drank 12 cups of water
    BIGGEST LOSER!! woohoo! (im so hooked on that show.)
  • mrsgiffin
    mrsgiffin Posts: 122

    I drank a ton of water over 64 oz
    logged in my food and exercise
    was under daily calorie intake
    did jillians 30 day shred and did 30 mins of cardio
    got to cook a new healthy dinner and watch the biggest loser!
    Had a great day!!
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