Working Mom-Struggling to do it all-100 lbs to lose

Anyone else out there struggling with trying to do it all?

I'm Melissa-38 years old & have a 2 year old daughter, a husband, a yellow lab & live in Colorado. I have a super demanding job in the legal field and am active in some Volunteer/Community work as well.

Demanding job, busy 2 year old, husband, eat right, exercise, keep the house clean, do the laundry, cook healthy meals, find time for "me," and trying to not let the stress of it all ruin the best of intentions.

Anyone else in the same boat?

I'd love to connect with some people who are in similar situations and see if we can support eachother through all the chaos of trying to do it all!

**Friend me if you can relate and maybe we can support eachother to being "Super Woman" or "Super Man."

Good Luck to everyone!!


  • mesee619
    mesee619 Posts: 84 Member
    Am here add me--I have 5 kids a husband and two dogs!
  • fitaries2be
    Just joined today I would love to add friends for support. I also have a stressful job & find myself being a stress eater, need to concentrate on turning to exercise instead. Anyhow, feel free to add me I could use the motivation & would like to help motivate others. Looking to loose at least 100lbs to start. Good luck to all :)
  • GabsMommy28
    GabsMommy28 Posts: 47 Member
    Ugh I know the stress. A very attached 8 month old, a husband and a house of 5 people (including me, not including the baby) to cook three meals a day for. While trying to clean the disaster my husband leaves in his wake while trying to find time to exercise. YAY, fun times, LOL. If life was easy it would be boring, that's how I look at it. Add me if you'd like.
  • jw17695
    jw17695 Posts: 438 Member
    I have a fifteen month old and practically live at my job. I completely understand you. I've also got two Aussies. Thankfully my husband likes to cook so that's his duty. :wink:
  • AESprouse
    AESprouse Posts: 112 Member
    I have a 2 year old son with autism, a husband, a fulltime job, and attend online college fulltime. I need to lose 105lbs in order to join the army which I have wanted to do since 2006. It's tough but I am determined to do it. I just joined here today.
  • LinsenNRoses
    LinsenNRoses Posts: 284 Member
    Me!!! I have a 5 year old son and I work the overnights! I also work around 60 hours a week and don't get much sleep at all!!! Anyone can add me! I've been at is for 6 months so far and have lost 41 pounds! 43 more to go!! :smile:
  • AmyFett
    AmyFett Posts: 1,607 Member
    I have two kids, 3 and 2, and 2 cats, 3 brand new baby kittens, just turned 4 weeks old, I'm taking classes for medical transcription, and in college full time for accounting, and have a husband and a house and everything too. It's possible.
  • smsgreaves
    smsgreaves Posts: 57 Member
    I found I couldn't add something new without taking something away....

    So I gave up housework for the gym!! Well, 5-6 days a week anyway :wink:
    There's still days I attempt to use it as an excuse, but suprisingly hubby and daughter are helping out just enough that I haven't had to throw in the towel yet! (so to speak :laugh: )

    Good luck to everyone!!
  • smsgreaves
    smsgreaves Posts: 57 Member
    I have a 2 year old son with autism, a husband, a fulltime job, and attend online college fulltime. I need to lose 105lbs in order to join the army which I have wanted to do since 2006. It's tough but I am determined to do it. I just joined here today.

    Aww special good luck to you!! Such a great motivator there :)
  • LinsenNRoses
    LinsenNRoses Posts: 284 Member
    I found I couldn't add something new without taking something away....

    So I gave up housework for the gym!! Well, 5-6 days a week anyway :wink:
    There's still days I attempt to use it as an excuse, but suprisingly hubby and daughter are helping out just enough that I haven't had to throw in the towel yet! (so to speak :laugh: )

    Good luck to everyone!!

    I also gave up housework most days!!!! I would rather be healthy than have a clean house!! lol
  • vampire_cakes
    vampire_cakes Posts: 38 Member
    You can do it girl, you just got to get that motivation its REALLY hard especially coming from someone who has worked back to back jobs with school too. Just add exercise in with your routine like parking away from buildings, and taking stairs. :) YOU can do it we have faith in you!!
  • Alaskapickle
    Alaskapickle Posts: 3 Member
    Me, too! I'm a teacher with three kids, youngest going into kindergarten the oldest taking off to college, the middle one is in high school. I have a 150lb lab/dane mix who needs exercise, too. Been married 21 years, and need to take off 73 pounds. I took off 75 pounds two years ago, but I have gained back 34 pounds of it :(

    I am also dealing with an arthritic condition that keeps me sore and tired some days, and perfectly fine on others. It is hard to keep myself working out when that acts up, and I'm also an emotional eater, so those two things are big hurdles.
    I have a hard time keeping up with people on the computer, but I would love to read your stories and keep motivated.
  • AliDarling
    AliDarling Posts: 373
    Ii hear ya. got a 2 year old daughter, husband that live on pepsi and fast food, (skinny as a damn twig >.<) and I'm looking for work. may be getting hired at a new warehouse soon, 10-12 hours on my feet.
  • ahjenny
    ahjenny Posts: 293 Member
    I'm in Colorado, too. :)

    I hear ya on trying to do it all. I am waiting for a day off to get with my husband about who's doing which chores. I have a feeling that I'm doing a lot more than he is, and I think it'd be nice for him to see how unbalanced things can be. Maybe you need to sit with your husband and do that too.
  • biggbucks
    You look great
  • RockyMtnJhawk
    Thanks everyone for the responses, ideas & encouragement. It's nice to hear that I'm not the only one struggling to be Super Woman!

    As for my husband...he's amazing and does most of the laundry, a lot of the cooking and a great deal of the housework. I work a ton of hours at the office and often have to bring work home, too.

    They are offering a Zumba class tomorrow at the office so I'm going to go to that ... I really do find that when I exercise, I'm able to handle the stress of Super Woman pressure, way easier to handle!

    You guys are all amazing!! Thank You!!
  • Meganalva
    Meganalva Posts: 282 Member
    Totes understand being busy!! Single mother of 3 little ones under age 6, full time job, then all the household responsibilites, ugh!! Hard work! Although my weight is now lost, I'm training for races! If you still wanna add me, feel free :)
  • SarahNicole1227
    I struggled with the same for a long time. What I have finally come to realize is: STOP trying to be superwoman, you're setting yourself up for failure by doing too much. Superwoman is not attainable. I have two kids under 7, one kid with special needs, a house that doesn't clean itself, a part-time job and a DH who is at work or school to provide for us pretty much all the time.

    You have to prioritize. And forgive yourself if you weren't perfect that day, if there's dust laying around, you ordered pizza for dinner because you were exhausted, you didn't eat enough veggies, NO one is superwoman, she's a fictional character in a cartoon, If you try to do too much, you set yourself up for failure because it's impossible to be perfect.
  • YahsPrincess
    How bout a single mom of 5 trying to do it all! =) I'll add u as a friend! I need all the support I can get too.
  • DoomCakes
    DoomCakes Posts: 806 Member
    Not in the same boat per say. I'm busy with just a hyper puppy and a boyfriend, keeping our small apartment picked up and being the primary source of income. He pays his half, but I have to make sure I'm buying and cooking food as he is not at full time status with his job yet and we're working to keep his truck fixed up so it'll last till he gets a promotion or new job. I used to be in the fire department till I moved, have a demanding full time job as an administrative assistant that is now as my boss says "her right hand". So busy yes, but in the terms of your level no.

    Kudo's to you though on all you do! That's just fantastic. Especially the volunteering bit :)