I don't like veggies so how do I eat healthy?



  • hcglindsey
    hcglindsey Posts: 37 Member
    I have always hated veggies ! But if i put garlic salt and butter on them i will eat them.....I did noticed that once you stop eating so much proceesed salty and sweet food your taste buds change and you even start to crave them.
  • Ozzyzmommy
    Ozzyzmommy Posts: 142 Member
    First I have to agree with Awesomeone66...
    Choosing to start your healthy lifestyle means you first need to incorporate good foods, and delete the bad...
    I still eat hotdogs, but I read the nutrition info before I add to my shopping cart... I do this with all my groceries...
    When it comes to veggies I dont like eating them plain, so I "Decorate" them as I call it... I'll add salsa to them, as salsa is low in calories.. I'll even add once in a while Nacho cheese sauce, 1 Tbl is 20 calories, but it gives them a nice taste, for a different change now and then...
    All the foods you listed can be put into your diet moderately, and with adjustments to amount and making them low cal...
    I know I rattle on sorry, but over the years I have learned so much because I loved all the "Good" foods that put my weight on...
    Good luck to you.. I wish you all the best on your journey :0)

  • bwag0655
    you could try to eat them with cheese. obviously you'll eventually want to use less and less cheese since its high in fat and calories, but thats how i started to like brocolli and now i love it and can eat it just steamed.
  • Owlie45
    Owlie45 Posts: 806 Member
    I had the same issue I HATED salads now several times a week ill have one and ENJOY it.

    What part of the salad do you not like? I didn't like the lettuce part. Well it was more like I didn't like the iceberg. No matter how much I doctored it up I couldn't do it. So I tried others. I found that I love loose leaf lettuce. I can eat a leaf alone and not gag.
    Try different kinds because they don't taste the same.

    Cook them differently, my mom always boiled them to mush and I didn't like that. But I do enjoy them sauteed. Infacted I sauteed a bunch of veggies this morning and put them in with my scrambled eggs.
  • kayemme
    kayemme Posts: 1,782 Member
    learn to like them. you probably haven't had them prepared properly in the first place.

    "salad" isn't always just lettuce... so you may just need to broaden your horizons. best of luck!
  • 47Jacqueline
    47Jacqueline Posts: 6,993 Member
    Maybe you're cooking them too much and they are mushy. I steam my veggies so they are still crunchy, then I like them better. I don't know, but this is a suggestion.
  • Molly_Maguire
    Molly_Maguire Posts: 1,103 Member
    Do you have a food processor? My SIL's husband is a lot like you, he's a strict "meat'n'potatos" kind of guy. She tricks him into eating vegetables by slipping pureed cauliflower into his scrambled eggs before they're cooked, or white carrot puree into his mac n cheese, etc . He is the pickiest eater on the PLANET, and he can't even tell the difference, has never caught wise in four years that she is pulling the "picky toddler trick " on him every day.

    If he can't tell the difference, I bet you won't either. :) Give it a shot!
  • sknevins
    I was very much like you. I find I like most vegetables raw and I like very few steamed. The only thing I like "cooked" is corn and onions and peppers sauteed. You do need to try different things until you find a few you can eat. Good luck!
  • eireannyoung
    eireannyoung Posts: 154 Member
    I NEVER liked vegetables, so I hear ya!! The way I started "training" myself to eat more vegetables was.... to drink them! I bought a juicer and juiced lots of healthy vegetables, with carrots as a base (carrots are very sweet, but if you don't like them you could also try apple juice, etc.) I know some people say that you really should eat vegetables instead of juicing, because then you'll get the fiber, but I think if there's any possible way you can get more vegetables in your system then go for it. It gives a really nice energy boost early in the morning :)
    You can also sneak some spinach into a fruit smoothie or buy the Odwalla green juices once in a while.
  • 0somuchbetter0
    0somuchbetter0 Posts: 1,335 Member
    I eat a lot of veggies while I'm watching TV. I don't mind because I'm not really paying attention.

    Bad advice. Mindless eating...slippery slope.
  • eireannyoung
    eireannyoung Posts: 154 Member
    If you do end up making a salad, here are some things to put on it that will make it taste better. A good salad should be a meal, and iceberg lettuce should be illegal! LOL

    -Grilled chicken/steak/bacon etc
    -Candied pecans/almonds/etc
    -Feta cheese/goat cheese
    -Extra virgin olive oil
    -Basalmic vinaigrette
    -Sweet bell pepper (this is actually a fruit!)
  • ancarignan
    Do you like to cook? I think beeing a good cook (or learn how to become a better one), is a big part for a good diet. I love to cook, and I love to try different recipes, an easy way is to join Pinterest, it's fun, and super easy to found a lot of good recipes. Also don't be afraid to taste new stuff, don't close your mind over the vegetables!
  • Renee2GetFit
    Renee2GetFit Posts: 162 Member
    Oh my goodness, first of all, thank you all so much for your post. I've read each and everyone of them and I've learned some very interesting new ways to prepare veggies. I didn't realize that there were so many people just like me that didn't care for veggies - I thought I was just weird honestly.

    I went ahead and just purchased the book Deceptively Delicious recommended by a few. I went ahead and bought because I also have a 12 year old soon that is turning out just like me and is becoming overweight. My hubby and 13 year old daughter love veggies. So, I'm hoping that book will help me to find ways to get my son to love veggies too. I'm going to really try to make this a change for my entire family, not just me.

    I need to go to the store soon and I think I'm just going to buy a hand full of different veggies and try cooking them in different ways to see if I can find like/tolerate using the helpful tips that several have given.

    Again, thank you to all for your comments and help - this is exactly what I needed.
  • zrmac804
    zrmac804 Posts: 369 Member
    I eat a lot of veggies while I'm watching TV. I don't mind because I'm not really paying attention.

    Bad advice. Mindless eating...slippery slope.

    Why is it bad advice if it's vegetables?
  • lshaunessy
    I didn't read all the posts (bad me), so I don't know if this has been suggested yet, but one thing I did for my kids when they were younger and gagged at the thought of veggies was I'd hide them in their foods. I'd boil the veggies until they were soft ( i know it takes some of the vitamins out but better some than none, right?) then I'd puree the veggies and the water they were boiled in until it was smooth, thin it out with veggie broth, season it with tomato sauce and spices, toss some cubed chicken and noodles in and voila soup that they had no clue was veggie rich. Only way my kids would eat things like broccoli and cauliflower, or even carrots when they were little.
  • HealthFreak1967
    HealthFreak1967 Posts: 116 Member
    once you start eating them and get off the processed junk, refined sugars, and high fat foods, you will acquire a taste to them and eventually like them. tht's what happened to me, now i don't feel right unless i have some greens and veggies every single day. it's where all he vitamins and minerals r at!!! it's the food we are meant to eat, real food, not packaged n processed!

    anyways i suggest eating veggies with hummus, a really good salad dressing that you love, avocado, or in nori sushi wraps. green smoothies would also be great, as you can add as much fruit as you like to sweeten to taste and you can't taste the greens at all

    best of luck
  • NZhellkat
    NZhellkat Posts: 355 Member
    You can add vegies like carrots and broccoli slaw to pasta sauces. You just have to put the sauce through the food processor or blender. Stir fry vegies are so much nice than plain boiled or steamed. Seasonings make a big difference. I had bell peppers and onions to a lot of my fav dishes.
    My suggestion is go to the library or local bookstore and check out some cook books. They have some wonderfully delicious ideas. Good luck with your journey
  • beattie1
    beattie1 Posts: 1,012 Member
    Do you like soup? Maybe as the weather cools - some time in the not too distant future - you'd like some lovely warming soups made with veg? Blend them if you don't like lumps you can identify & add some bacon bits or a little grated cheese to distract you - lovely!
  • Owlie45
    Owlie45 Posts: 806 Member
    I eat a lot of veggies while I'm watching TV. I don't mind because I'm not really paying attention.

    Bad advice. Mindless eating...slippery slope.

    Why is it bad advice if it's vegetables?

    Mindless eating of anything isn't good, you can still over eat on veggies. A better choice but not good habit.
  • themommie
    themommie Posts: 5,023 Member
    I would suggest experimenting with them by cooking them different ways, my kids dont like spinach but when i make spinach quiche or spinach frittata they love it, my kids dont really like squash but when i make lasagna with zucchini instead of noodles they love it, my kids dont like cabbage either but when i put it in different stirfrys and make chow mein with it they usually like it. Also zucchini tots are good look them up on skinnytaste.com. Find ways they you will eat them, choking them down is silly then you wont stick to your new eating plan. Also if you dont like vegetables even after experimenting then eat alot of fruits instead. But you are going to have to change what you eat if you want to lose weight. Cut out the mac and cheese or find a way to make it with lower calories. this is what I do , I find new ways to make it. If you add broccoli and chicken to your mac and cheese it makes it less cals and substitute nonfat milk and low fat cheese. I hope this helps