Anyone who has reached the age 50 mark?



  • Shuhawk
    Shuhawk Posts: 3 Member
    Yep - I'm 51. I started using MFP last spring and quit. I was a runner and after I stopped running due to some
    health issues the weight just poured on. This time I'm motivated to keep on keepin on. :wink: We can do it!
  • pen2u
    pen2u Posts: 224 Member
    60 here...It hasn't been quick, but it's been easier this time around because now I'm less impatient and much smarter. This is how I will live for the rest of my life. One of my MFPals is 85; she's been steadily losing for the past year by logging her cals & getting a lot of exercise. MFP has made the difference, IMO.

    My main goal was to get healthy & fit again, but the side benefit has been the compliments I'm getting regarding my appearance. It's so worth it - do it!
  • cindys0417
    cindys0417 Posts: 1,252 Member
    It is more difficult to lose noe than when I was 30 that's for sure. MFP is a good way to go. You can eat anything, you just have to make good choices. It doesn't happen overnight either, My favorite feature is at the end fo the day It tells me what I can accomplish if I am consistent for 5 weeks. I have never miss a mark. Good luck. Add me but have an open keeps you accountable.

    Kristi..are you pretty consistent with that mark every 5 weeks. I noticed that on mine, Friday it said in 5 weeks..230 lbs....then on said 231.5..I noticed I had more sugar and sodium than usual and today it said 227.5...I had high protein today and only 985 calories instead of the usual 1200. Are these weight amounts pretty much on the mark for your food diaries? Just curious...
  • opal24
    opal24 Posts: 205 Member
    63 in October and have lost almost 50 pounds since January this year. I think the difference for me from when I was younger is that I no longer see it as a race, but as something I'm prepared to invest a decent amount of time in. I haven't found it hard at all - you can definitely achieve what you want to if you take the sensible approach.
  • turkkm
    turkkm Posts: 66
    Hi! I am 58 and about to lose the same wieght I have lost over and over. Only this time I want to lose it for good. It might be harder at my age, but I am determined to have no excuses. Good luck to you in your wieght loss journey!
  • cpaman87
    cpaman87 Posts: 193 Member
    I am early 50's and have lost 20 pounds in 3 months by eating better and exercising. It is possible but it is more work than it is for a younger person. Now, let's get going and do this thing!
  • fastforlife1
    fastforlife1 Posts: 459 Member
    I am very curious how many calories a day the over fifty year old women are eat ing a day to lose weight? Also how many people are eating their exercise calories. Thanks
  • turkkm
    turkkm Posts: 66
    My plan said I am to eat 1200 claories. This scares me to death because it seems like nothing. I probably won't eat the calories for exercise since I want to take this off as fast, but as healthy, as is possible.
  • KahuNZ
    KahuNZ Posts: 401 Member
    I am very curious how many calories a day the over fifty year old women are eat ing a day to lose weight? Also how many people are eating their exercise calories. Thanks
    It of course depend on your height etc but I was on 1200 per day and eat most of my exercise cals back (usually around 400 cals)
    Now I am on maintainance I have 1450 cals per day and still eat most of my exercise cals each day
    I am 51 yrs, 5'2" in height.
  • DebraZ2012
    DebraZ2012 Posts: 27 Member
    I will turn 53 in December. I started eating healthy and exercising on February 27, 2012. I have lost 71 pounds so far so yes it can be done. It takes alot of dedication and a good mind set. Add me as a friend and good luck in your weight loss.
  • 7caw
    7caw Posts: 2
    I am 51 and I have found it to be much harder to loose the weight at this age; however, I never let myself get over twenty pound over-weight so I have a stopping point. I can only loose weight by combining counting calories with an exercise program. I have weighed the same for around twenty years(remembering that twenty + or -), so it is possible. It just takes a lot more work now. I find that as a woman, I have to stay around 1300 calories per day in order to maintain my weight, and I must drop to around 1100 to lose the weight. Of course if I do a heavy work-out, I can increase the calories. Stick to it; this is the time to make healthy changes that will last a lifetime! Your body will thank you later!
  • 7caw
    7caw Posts: 2
    I do not eat my exercise calories. I just stick to between 1300 and 1100 per day. You would be surprised at how much you can eat and stick with that amount. I find that I change what I am eating because I want to be full, but eat something that has fewer calories. Counting calories has forced me to really look at serving sizes and the amount of calories in everything that I eat. When I stick to my schedule, I do very well. I am 5'11" and 51 yrs. I am shooting for a weight of 155lbs. I still have a little way to go, but it is coming off slowly.
  • Gapwedge01
    Gapwedge01 Posts: 494
    My plan said I am to eat 1200 claories. This scares me to death because it seems like nothing. I probably won't eat the calories for exercise since I want to take this off as fast, but as healthy, as is possible.

    I have to disagree with you. I am losing 2 pounds a week and eating most if not all my exercise calories back. However, you may do just fine. Stick with what works. Good luck. Age here is 59.
  • turkkm
    turkkm Posts: 66
    My plan said I am to eat 1200 claories. This scares me to death because it seems like nothing. I probably won't eat the calories for exercise since I want to take this off as fast, but as healthy, as is possible.

    I have to disagree with you. I am losing 2 pounds a week and eating most if not all my exercise calories back. However, you may do just fine. Stick with what works. Good luck. Age here is 59.

    Thanks for this reply! I will see what works and will try to stay positive!
  • shariguymon
    shariguymon Posts: 245 Member
    I reached that nearly 18 years hasn't been super easy of course to make needed changes, but definitely possible! Not too hard either!.......You can DO IT!!!!
  • owndbycatz
    owndbycatz Posts: 90 Member
    I'm 61 and yes, it can be done! When I was younger, I could drop the few pounds I'd put on occasionally by just cutting out the potato chips and eating less ice cream. :) Now I have to eat really healthy and not waste any calories with low nutrient food. My situation is compounded by a chronic health condition that has my metabolism at a crawl, but I've still lost 20 pounds in less than 3 months. I'm in it for the long haul have another 63 to go.
  • wrk4me
    wrk4me Posts: 1
    Yes, it can be done, I used Herbalife and lost 30 pounds so far, I'm 56 years old.
  • kathie659
    kathie659 Posts: 5 Member
    Hi, I am 53....the secret formula for weight loss remains "eat less, exercise more". I have lost 9 lbs this month by staying within my caloric range and taking 2 - 3 20 minute walks a day with my dogs. Scientifically they may prove its tougher to lose weight as we age, but I take into consideration that even working 50 hours a week, I have so much more free time then younger women with jobs and small children.

    If I don't lose - its my attitude, not my age that is the problem....hang in there, I am!
  • doomspark
    doomspark Posts: 228 Member
    I turned 50 in March, and weighed about 185. Hit the 200 mark in June, and knew I had to do something. I was 198 when I started at MFP 3 weeks ago.

    You *can* do this!
  • sjtreely
    sjtreely Posts: 1,014 Member
    My cake will boast 51 candles this year. Age has its privileges and advantages. Losing weight isn't one of them, but it can be done.

    I run a cycle of fat/not-so-fat/fat/not-so-fat. I'm very good with the cycle. Actually, I'm an exemplar.

    This much I know for sure ... age cannot be used as an excuse as to why one can't lose weight.