Online dating WTF? messages



  • Krisstah
    Krisstah Posts: 136 Member
    Honestly, this is why you need to look outside your house for a date. Not the interwebs. You can't filter the interwebs.

    Meeting someone in person before the first date has huge value.

    A first meet usually never happens based on their first messages though
  • TravisBurns
    TravisBurns Posts: 353 Member
    lol. I am noticing the population on the thread. 100% female. Good god. Men are just vile on these dating sites aren't they?
  • mszebra
    mszebra Posts: 94
    I don't put a ton of stock into online dating. I have an active profile up- if something happens- great. I just do what makes me happy, and hopefully I'll run into someone cool in my travels. :)

    And re: man hating/being creeped out - yes, men like sex. I like sex too. And I'm not going to blame a dude for trying to get laid- but I'm not interested in having someone wear my underwear on the first date. I like to save that for the second date- what kind of girl do you think I am?
  • moonpieto
    moonpieto Posts: 76 Member
    I had an "engineer from the University of Kentucky" just this week tell me he was in town for business at the Anatole Hilton in downtown Dallas (nice place) and would take a cab to my place to get togeather adding "if you know what I mean by getting togeather." Really? Hmmm hahahaha. What a jerk. He was "seperated" from his wife. I figured the worse thing I could do was let him go through life being the idiot he is and did not respond to him again. I had already the night before I read this, told him over the phone that I didn't really think going out to dinner with someone who was getting on a plane and leaving tommorow was something I needed to do. (Ruin my diet? ROFL) Now I think he was frankly quite scarey.
  • Krisstah
    Krisstah Posts: 136 Member
    lol. I am noticing the population on the thread. 100% female. Good god. Men are just vile on these dating sites aren't they?

    Lol i have even had messages on here and this isn't even a dating site.
  • acoons1990
    I love this thread!! I actually met my current boyfriend online, and we've been together for a bit... But I heard from some weirdies before that! Many that were much older than me, and one who evidently thought "num nums" was a good thing to call me in the first message... >.<
  • ashlinmarie
    ashlinmarie Posts: 1,263 Member
    Honestly, this is why you need to look outside your house for a date. Not the interwebs. You can't filter the interwebs.

    Meeting someone in person before the first date has huge value.

    A first meet usually never happens based on their first messages though

    When I had my profile, we would message back and forth for 5 days before I would consider giving them my phone number and/or setting up a meet. Then of course, I'd meet up with them at a restaurant for lunch that was close to my apartment in case they ended up being creepy and to keep myself safe.

    I met a lot of crap guys not as memorable as the one I mentioned above, but I must say, I did meet my best guy friend and my husband on that site so I guess it can't be all bad!
  • caraiselite
    caraiselite Posts: 2,631 Member
    stay away from the 'dating' area of craigslist unless you like seeing weewees :p
  • KravMark
    KravMark Posts: 308 Member
    So Im responding to this thread because it was advertising dates on Weds, Tues & Fridays ? WTF

    Just kidding,
    loved reading all the posts
  • DontStopB_Leakin
    DontStopB_Leakin Posts: 3,863 Member
    I don't put a ton of stock into online dating. I have an active profile up- if something happens- great. I just do what makes me happy, and hopefully I'll run into someone cool in my travels. :)

    And re: man hating/being creeped out - yes, men like sex. I like sex too. And I'm not going to blame a dude for trying to get laid- but I'm not interested in having someone wear my underwear on the first date. I like to save that for the second date- what kind of girl do you think I am?

    Omg. I nearly peed.
  • lkm111
    lkm111 Posts: 629 Member
    i get a whole lot of first contact messages with just a name and a phone number.... like im going to randomly call or text a complete stranger. then i click through to their profile and it's not filled out. Sure, i want to talk to someone who's too lazy to fill out their profile AND too lazy to send a decent first email cause they sound like a winner. NEXT!

    The sad thing is, there must be someone who takes them up on their lame messages, or I don't think they would be sending them in the first place.
  • MissShancey

    "Hey, I just met you and this is crazy, but here's my skype so cam sex maybe?"

    LMFAO ... considering the kind of creeper messages people send ... thats a good one haha ..
    i like it! it would have worked on me lol
  • vcreinert
    I met my husband online and we have been married almost 20 years.
  • Bittersweet82
    I don't put a ton of stock into online dating. I have an active profile up- if something happens- great. I just do what makes me happy, and hopefully I'll run into someone cool in my travels. :)

    And re: man hating/being creeped out - yes, men like sex. I like sex too. And I'm not going to blame a dude for trying to get laid- but I'm not interested in having someone wear my underwear on the first date. I like to save that for the second date- what kind of girl do you think I am?

    Omg. I nearly peed.

    Me too! awesome
  • LifestyleChange33
    LifestyleChange33 Posts: 169 Member
    Ah people, Lol! I gave up on online dating a long time ago. Nothing good ever came of it! is a great way to find a group of people to hang out with and the site has lots a singles groups...
  • avir8
    avir8 Posts: 671 Member
    There is a lot of weirdness in online dating. Women deal with over the top come ons. Men deal with women who are resource wasters, flakes, overly fussy, etc. Not sure who has it worse, but my own skewed vision would lead me to saw that online dating is worse for men. I say this because women, if even average looking, are sitting on full inboxes. Weeding through the bad ones to get a few good ones is an easier task than what men typically deal with online.
    I'd rather have an empty inbox than messages from losers
  • lisag2007
    lisag2007 Posts: 130
    I had a guy tell me he owned a convenience store and could get me free gas and cigarettes if I had sex with him. I don't smoke, but I guess if gas prices were this high back then, maybe I would have said yes? LOL Just kidding....not in a million years. I also had a bunch that would ask about oral sex, right off the bat. I guess they were putting feelers out...does she like it? Will she do it? Alot? LOL....yeah, because that is the first thing I would want to talk about with a complete stranger. Whatever.
  • Bittersweet82
    I remember seeing once (about 10 yrs ago) an email that asked if I would go with this particular man to the middle of a crowded mall and sit on a balloon and pop it for $1,000.....I was a struggling college student.....of course I thought about the money for a split second! HAHA
  • thedancingleper
    thedancingleper Posts: 158 Member
    Not quite an online experience, but in real life, this one guy said if I dated him he would in return take me to Disneyworld and buy me an iMac. I wondered what other conditions this guy might have that weren't so positive, so I said no immediately.
    EBFNP Posts: 529 Member
    I rejoined a few months ago, but I am ready for my membership to expire.Such a waste of time and money. Honestly, I probably have a better chance meeting someone in the parking lot at work..