23lb lost - don't look any different!



  • Eisskween
    Eisskween Posts: 84 Member
    Honestly, take pictures. You won't notice because at one point, you look at yourself every day. Pictures will show your progress, so you will be able to see it yourself. :)
  • tialynn1
    tialynn1 Posts: 886 Member
    Don't panic! It does take time. I only had 60 pounds to lose and I have lost about 40 pounds of it so far. Sometimes I have trouble realizing how much weight I lost, I don't always see it. People that I see on a daily basis didn't really see it until I lost about 20 pounds. Now, I see people and they say it looks like I am dwindling away to nothing. I don't see that mainly because I still have a belly. I have been at a standstill right now until summer is over because I have been doing way to much traveling and to busy.
  • TheFitHooker
    TheFitHooker Posts: 3,358 Member
    I believe it has a lot to do with where your weight is for the most part that needs to come off. How you carry yourself. Also I suggest taking before and after photo's, not just a before photo then a after I'm done photo, but a before photo, lots of during photo's and then when you are done photo.

    When I am done losing weight, I'll have lost about 130lbs. I didn't really notice much change till I was 205 and got down to 190, that's when I really started noticing in the mirror. But if you taking a photo of yourself, and compare it to when you were 23lbs heavier, I bet you might see a little change? Then again it really depends on where you've been losing weight at. For my, my face, legs, and butt were the first to go.
  • elissamac
    I just want to say that I am very proud of you for losing 23 pounds. I have lost 23 pounds in 5 weeks with my 130 pounds lose total. I just want to share what my zumba instructor told me last week when I was frustrated with not really noticing a difference. I mean I can tell that things are starting to fit differently and I am feeling so much better but like you some people look at me in disbelief. She told me that it takes 4 weeks of eating healthy and exercise for you to notice a difference. It takes 8 weeks for friends and family to notice a difference and it takes 12 weeks for the world to notice. I am waiting for the day that someone says to me, WOW you have lost some weight. I think then I will feel like I am ok and can do this.

    I wish you luck in this journey. I know that it is hard. I have really struggled lately. You can friend me on here if you want. Maybe we could motivate each other.
  • asitis
    asitis Posts: 2
    Maybe you can't see it but I'm sure others can. Depending on how much you have to lose, (like me) it may take quite a while before you start noticing results.,
    Give it time and be patient. I felt a little disheartened that not many people noticed that I dropped any weight (28 lbs.) .It's really difficult knowing how hard we're all trying, and we get no props! Eh, I don't really care anymore about what anyone thinks of me, I know in my heart that I am trying my hardest to lose this extra peson attached to me and it's going to take time.
    Best of luck to you, don't give up! :bigsmile:

    p.s. I barely exercise, however important, but I'm still losing lbs. slowly.
  • elisa123gal
    elisa123gal Posts: 4,306 Member
    The truth is..you have to lose a good amount of your entire weight for the averge person to take note. When you work so hard, you almost think people are crazy for not noticing. But I have found that whenever I lost all my weight.. I only got comments when I was almost at goal. It is a harsh reality. Do it for yourself and don't depend on feedback to keep you going.
  • Beleg
    Beleg Posts: 227 Member
    I have lost 27 lbs of my goal of 143. Pants still fit the same but some of my shirts are a bit looser than they once was. That being said I have lost 2 in on my neck waist and hips. But the biggest notice in inches came this last week with my 7lbs lost. Keep your head up you will start noticing things.
  • nz_deevaa
    nz_deevaa Posts: 12,209 Member
    I'm sure my first 23lbs came off my chin/s.

    I didn't start getting comments about my weight loss until I lost so much weight I had to buy new clothes. Them people started commenting.
  • therealangd
    therealangd Posts: 1,861 Member
    Congrats on the loss. That takes a lot of work and dedication. Keep it up.

    As to your issue of not seeing a difference, you definitely have to take before pictures. Take some today. Front, back and side. You also have to take measurements. These are what I take. It maybe overkill, but I like it. neck. chest. rib cage. Waist. Hips. Both thighs. Both calves. Both biceps. Both forearms. And then finally. Even if you do take measurements like those I've noted, there are other places that you are losing it that you can't really measure. Your face. Your wrists and ankles. Your feet. The fat around your organs.

    Try not to value your self worth by what other people say. Set goals for yourself and achieve them. Try to set a fitness goal to take your mind off the weight loss goal. This is a hilly battle you are facing. Lots of ups and downs. In order to stave off demotivation when the scale doesn't do what you want, other goals will help keep you focused.
  • KarmaxKitty
    KarmaxKitty Posts: 901 Member
    thats so harsh :(
    erm I would go to your gp because thats not right ..all that exercise should be toning u .
    some people have strange metabilsms , you might be harming yourself without realizing .
    Im not an expert , just saw the post and felt bad x

    This is wrong.

    OP, just give it more time. You say that you can see a difference in your ankles. That IS change. It's small, but that's how it starts, with really small changes. If you are eating healthy and working out (even a little bit), you will see change. It's about patience. Don't forget to periodically take photos. If I hadn't done that 20-30 pounds ago, I wouldn't have noticed a difference today. For most people, the midsection is one of the last place to shrink. Think about your face, arms, and legs. Chances are you'll see a change in them FIRST before you notice your middle going. And by then, your pants will be slightly looser and you won't even have noticed.
  • Falling2Grace
    Falling2Grace Posts: 220 Member
    As above really.

    Now, I'm not expecting miracles, and I have definitely noticed a difference in my general health, which I am happy about. But 23lb seems like a pretty substantial weight loss to me, and whilst my ankles are definitely making an appearance, when I measure myself (hips, stomach and thighs), I have not lost an inch!
    My clothes feel exactly the same, and when people ask how I'm doing with my weight loss and I say 23lb, I get a look of disbelief.

    I go to the gym around 3-4 times a week, but I do cardio exercises, not muscle building.

    Has anyone else experienced this? I do have a grand total of 121lb to lose (98lb left), so I'm wondering if it's because I have a long way to go. It's not overly motivating, if I'm honest.

    Are you taking pictures? If you aren't........do. That is how you will really see the difference.

    This! Ive lost 15lb. My measurements have only changed slight ut my clothes dont fit any better and i couldnt see much a difference...until i took a pic and compared it to my start weight...WOW! the change.
  • kmsairam
    kmsairam Posts: 317 Member
    What everyone else said. PLUS: the people that see you everyday may not notice at first. I have 45 to lose and most people don't start commenting til about half of it is gone (Yes I have gained and lost the same 45 lbs before). Then there are the people that are comfortable knowing you as a fat person. They may even have a negative attitude about you trying to lose weight. Ignore them and keep doing what you're doing. Eventually, just like the fat, you will shed the negative people from your life as well. Congrats on your success so far!
  • GnaBean
    GnaBean Posts: 112 Member
    I read this analogy about a roll of paper towels. Image that's your body. Pretend that 4 sheets = 1 lb. When you have a full roll of paper towels, and you remove 4 sheets, it's not very noticeable. Even 4 x 20 sheets. But as the roll gets smaller, removing sheets becomes more and more noticeable. So keep on doing what you're doing!!

    This was a great visual for me. Wish I could take credit for it, but I read it online.
  • jcraig1980
    I agree with everyone else. 23#'s lost is fantastic! Don't feel to bad, I have lost 30# and the only person to notice in my family is my daughter who is 8 and awesome MIL. Of course, my daughter kindly reminds me that I still have stomach fat to loose. Gotta love her! But no one else has said 2 words to me about it. I too get discouraged when the tape measure doesn't move like I think it should. I did find that getting a new haircut showed me my weight loss more. Keep up the good work!
  • postrockandcats
    postrockandcats Posts: 1,145 Member
    The fact that you're seeing it somewhere is a good thing! If you were only needing to loose 50 pounds, you'd see a lot more of a difference after 23. I'm sure there are other differences other than your ankles- start taking pics as others have suggested :)

    I do suggest weight lifting. You won't get "man muscles," if that's your worry. You'll get more toned and better fat burn. You'll also get stronger bones and other great benefits!

  • Chairless
    Chairless Posts: 588 Member
    Lots of good advice here, good luck and just keep going.

    Food for thought, when i reached my goal weight i found out how much my belly, the one area i was actually bothered about, weighs.

    157 lbs, wobbly beer belly with almost the same measurements i started with, 150 lbs no belly -5 inches or so off the waist. All my belly fat weighs about 7lbs. I had to remove nearly 40lbs of "other" to get rid of the one thing i thought was most noticeable.
  • marsellient
    marsellient Posts: 591 Member
    I've been told that the first place I gained weight will be the last place it comes off. Thus, for me, and maybe for you, the last place it'll come off is around my middle! 23 lb is fantastic. You are obviously doing something right! Keep it up!
  • spongebex
    spongebex Posts: 194 Member
    Thing is, if I haven't lost an inch, where/how am I losing it?


    From places that really matter.

  • Juliebean_1027
    Juliebean_1027 Posts: 713 Member
    As above really.

    Now, I'm not expecting miracles, and I have definitely noticed a difference in my general health, which I am happy about. But 23lb seems like a pretty substantial weight loss to me, and whilst my ankles are definitely making an appearance, when I measure myself (hips, stomach and thighs), I have not lost an inch!
    My clothes feel exactly the same, and when people ask how I'm doing with my weight loss and I say 23lb, I get a look of disbelief.

    I go to the gym around 3-4 times a week, but I do cardio exercises, not muscle building.

    Has anyone else experienced this? I do have a grand total of 121lb to lose (98lb left), so I'm wondering if it's because I have a long way to go. It's not overly motivating, if I'm honest.

    I lost 47 pounds and was wearing the same exact sizes, same pants, etc. It's different for everyone. I noticed small changes in my body (not with the measuring tape, but when looking at pictures) after about 6 months. Hang in there. I feel your pain, but it's definitely worth it to stick with it!
  • colawoman
    colawoman Posts: 43 Member
    Don't worry - you're going in the right direction - remember you probably gained slowly and really couldn't' see much of a change until you gained a lot!! Keep at it- you're doing GREAT!!!