Women who are around 5,5 What is your goal?

Hi , my names Kayla and i ve been on MFP for a month.
I Started ut as 194 Lbs and im currently 190 Lbs.
My goal is 130 lbs. Is that too skinny for my size?
My mom went on and on the other night how i should stop at 145 Lbs..
Feel free to add me.


  • anyone
  • Do what you think is comfortable for you. As you loose weight you will be able to see what a good weight range is for you. Remember you are doing it for yourself not for anyone else. :smile:
  • At 5'5 I think I might agree with her you might look to skinny but like the other post you will see what's best for you when u get to 145. If you like it stay there if your not happy try to lose more. My goal is 125 but I am only 5 foot
  • flamenco92627
    flamenco92627 Posts: 14 Member
    It's funny, because the charts say that 130 is good, but I've found IRL that 140-145 is a good range. I'm trying to get to 140 and I'm 5'4". However, I won't complain if I can get to 130 or even 125! Sorry, I'm no help! LOL
  • At 5'5 I think I might agree with her you might look to skinny but like the other post you will see what's best for you when u get to 145. If you like it stay there if your not happy try to lose more. My goal is 125 but I am only 5 foot
  • Tlopez428
    Tlopez428 Posts: 115
    I am 5'5" to 5'6" and my goal is 135...I think anything between 125 to 145 is a good range for our height. It also depends on your body shape and how it looks at that weight. I still look a little heavy at 145 so I would prefer 135 for myself personally.
  • TKHappy
    TKHappy Posts: 659 Member
    I'm 5'5" and my goal weight is 128 (almost there). When I started MFP I was 145 lbs, my highest weight ever being 195lbs. I carry my weight in my hips and thighs...my upper half and lower half just don't match :) I really think it depends on the person and your shape and where you are comfy! My sister is also 5'5" and her goal weight is 122, she's been there before and for her shape looks good there....I would look sickly if I got to that weight so really it depends per person! :)
  • sewerchick93
    sewerchick93 Posts: 1,438 Member
    I'm 5'5", when I was looking back at old pictures, I feel that I looked the best when I was 140, so that's my goal. You have to look at your body composition and how you feel the best.
  • I'm 5'2 and I've read on charts that 120 to 150 is a decent weight range for my height. If you're 5'5 you might want to allow yourself a little more leniency. Your weight will also vary depending on your muscle mass, so keep that in mind too.
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    Both of those weights are within the healthy range for 5'5". I'm 5'5" and over the years I've weighed everything from 110 to 175. Other than slightly high triglycerides at 175 I was healthy at all those weights.

    My goal was a pair of jeans not a number on the scale. The last time I fit into the jeans I weighed about 145, which is 7 lbs less than when I met my goal.

    But when I was in my 20's and 30's my wieght was mostly in the high 120's to low 130's. It's always bounced around a lot.
  • crystalflame
    crystalflame Posts: 1,049 Member
    I'm 5'5", and at 145 I looked pretty chunky - to be fair, I wasn't toned at all. I'm shooting for somewhere between 120 and 130 - when you get close to your goal weight, it becomes about the inches and the toning, not the lbs =)
  • allison0820
    allison0820 Posts: 323 Member
    I'm 5'6"ish on good days... my starting weight was 242.. I'm 200 now... I'm shooting for 175 for now then when I hit that I'll re-evaluate my goals...
  • TXHunny84
    TXHunny84 Posts: 503 Member
    I'm about 5'6" and am aiming for 125 ultimately but I'd be happy between 130-135lbs.
  • I am 5'4" and have been around 135-140 since I have had kids and I am happy at 130, no muffin top or anything, I am almost there and hate those last few pounds, but you have to go by how you feel and how big boned you are, you cannot expect to be 120 something if you are big boned, it's just not going to happen. go by how healthy you feel.
  • DoxieLove10612
    DoxieLove10612 Posts: 145 Member
    5'5 28 years old.

    SW 154
    CW 148
    GW1 145
    GW2 135
    UGW 128

    I say 128 because my best friend is 5'4 and 127 and we were the same weight before she got all skinny on me. BUT if I get to 135 (where I was 2 years ago before I discovered the love of my life...BEER!) and am happy that is all I really care about. :)

    What are your net calories all you 5'5ers around my CW? Mine is now set to my BMR 1466 but it changes daily depending on whatever shenanigans I read on the internet...oy!
  • TheArmadillo
    TheArmadillo Posts: 299 Member
    I'm 5'5'' and aiming for 130 but we'll see how I feel when I get near there. I did a online calculator that said at 20%bf I should weigh 139lb which I was really surprised at.

    I want to be toned so it'll be more about the look than the scales when I get that low.

    Also I have a very large bust - even at a UK size 8-10 I was an e cup so I suspect they count for a lot of extra weight :embarassed:
  • DoxieLove10612
    DoxieLove10612 Posts: 145 Member
    Hi , my names Kayla and i ve been on MFP for a month.
    I Started ut as 194 Lbs and im currently 190 Lbs.
    My goal is 130 lbs. Is that too skinny for my size?
    My mom went on and on the other night how i should stop at 145 Lbs..
    Feel free to add me.

    every one is different. take a gander at this site. I love looking at all the ways people look who are exactly the same height and weight!!!

  • pippinboy9
    pippinboy9 Posts: 73 Member
    I"m 5'4" and my goal is 160 (or there about) Once my clothes start fitting properly again, and I can get back into my "skinny" clothes, I won't even look at the scale anymore. For me, it's not about weight, it's about "size".
  • CopperGalaxy
    CopperGalaxy Posts: 27 Member
    Hi there i'm 5'6'' and my goal is 137, only because that will be the middle of "normal weight" for me in terms of BMI. I wouldn't mind if my weight naturally settled slightly higher than that, as long as I feel healthy.
  • Uxorial
    Uxorial Posts: 38
    I'm 5'4" and shooting for 145lbs.

    I'm an hourglass shape and have a large frame. Lower than that for me starts to look sickly and people ask questions about my health.

    So, I'm just going for 145. I'll see when I get there if I want to go any lower.