31 and Only lost 3lbs my first 2 weeks on MFP

Im 31 5'1 and have been doing MFP for 2 week... I have been working out and every morning either to Turbo Jam or 30 day Shred. My first week I lost 2lbs that was great .... My 2nd week I lost 1lb I am very disappointed. So this week I am going to do a 7 day detox of fruit veggies and lean meet. Has anyone else got a slow start... I need to see lbs off and numbers dropping on the scale. Has anyone else experienced this? Does anyone have any advice? HELP!!!!!!! :explode: :grumble: :sad:


  • kini324
    kini324 Posts: 239 Member
    Hi there,

    3 lbs in two weeks is actually very good! Slow and steady is much better than quick loss. When I started, I had about one (maybe 1.5 lbs) loss per week. Don't get discouraged, if you stick with it, the lbs will drop! I'm doing Turbo Jam and have done 30DS- both great programs!
  • jcreynolds98
    jcreynolds98 Posts: 35 Member
    Don't give up or get too discouraged. I didn't really start loosing weight until about two weeks ago. I am 5' 1.5" and 32. The first few weeks I was trying different things to figure out what worked for me. I started counting carbs a little over two weeks ago (trying not to go over 100 grams of carbs in a day) thanks to the advice of another MFP member. I have lost 6.5 pounds in about two weeks. Also, take your measurements as well. Don't just rely on the scale. Scale numbers will fluctuate depending on several factors. I take my measurements on Wednesday nights and weight on Friday mornings. Hang in there. You can do this. Feel free to add me if you like.
  • RedHeadDevotchka
    RedHeadDevotchka Posts: 1,394 Member
    No no no, stop with the negative talk. You are focusing too much on scale weight. I know it's hard to see that it's not happening as fast as you want it to, I hate the scale btw, but it's never gonna be that fast.
    Throw out your scale! Please just do it. I know you want that security to see the progress but pictures are sooooo much more motivating. The scale doesn't take into account things like bloating due to sodium, our menstral cycles which cause MORE bloating, water retention in muscles from strength training, and a whole bunch of other reasons.
    If you do a crash diet "detox" plan you will end up losing muscle instead of the fat that you want to lose.
    Besides, if you are on this site, it's about learning to eat healthy and lose weight the proper way. Don't give in to the temptation to do this! There's plenty of people, me included, who have been in your shoes. Stay with it!
  • DopeItUp
    DopeItUp Posts: 18,771 Member
    What do you need help with? I wish I could lose 3lbs in 2 weeks. 1lb/week is considered normal and healthy and you're exceeding that by 50%. Be happy. Detoxes are pointless btw, just keep doing what you're doing.
  • dzvinka82
    3lbs in 2 weeks is great! Nothing to complain about. Stick with what you are doing & dont give up :)
  • maria_jason
    maria_jason Posts: 17 Member
    3 lbs in 2 weeks is great! I sometimes only lost ounces in a week. It all adds up.
  • healthtenderfoot
    You're right on track! The best way to lose weight and keep it off is to lose 1-2 pounds per week. Anything more and you'll most likely gain it back once you're done being strict on eating and exercise. Progress will vary for each person, sometimes you might lose 5 or more pounds a week, other times you might not lose at all. Just keep positive and keep at it, you'll get there!
  • juicemoogan
    juicemoogan Posts: 999 Member
    Why are you saying ONLY? That's a pound and a half a week. That's great progress. Your not going to lose 10 lbs a week.. i think you need to make realistic goals for yourself so you don't get disappointing in the normal progression
  • Savemyshannon
    Savemyshannon Posts: 334 Member
    That's 1.5 lbs in a week, which is fantastic... I agree with an above poster who says you may have to reanalyze your goals and make them more realistic to healthy weight loss, lest you get discouraged and quit.

    Slow, steady weight loss is the weight loss that will stay with you for life.
  • mwhtmh
    mwhtmh Posts: 14
    Don't be discouraged. Keep up what you are doing. You are loosing weight at a steady pace. You are doing something right you did not GAIN three pounds.:drinker: :drinker:
  • postrockandcats
    postrockandcats Posts: 1,145 Member
    You're loosing a pound and a half a week?? That's great! If it were as easy as eating the right foods for a week and suddenly being thin, we'd not have sites like this one let alone an obesity issue at all.Be easy on yourself.
  • jdsmom0104
    jdsmom0104 Posts: 236
    3# is very good!!! you should also start measuring yourself... that is always your best way of seeing how you're doing
  • vguynes
    vguynes Posts: 794 Member
    Three pounds in two weeks is GREAT! When I started I only lost a pound a week (even less some weeks). You're doing a fantastic job! One pound a week may seem slow, but if you lose it slowly by leading a healhier lifestyle, you're more likely to keep the weight off. Slow and steady wins the race! Hang in there!!
  • ohnuts14
    ohnuts14 Posts: 197
    That's not a slow start, at all. Weight loss isn't always going to be the exact same amount every week. There will always be fluctuations depending on your body, hormones, and other circumstances. Losing weight every week, no matter how much, is already a good start. The most important part is that you lose consistently without gaining back -- which will happen from time to time as well. You can't expect perfection, weight loss isn't an exact science. Don't get discouraged if you don't see exactly what you had hoped to, because that will happen, a lot. You'll have the occassional week where you won't see any weight loss, and you'll see the occassional week where you might've even gained a pound or even two. It's good to expect this, so you don't get discouraged if and when it happens. The most important thing about weight loss is to just remain consistent. Just keep eating right, and keep exercising, and you will continue to see results, even if they fluctuate. It sounds like you had a really good first couple of weeks, so keep up the good work.
  • bookyeti
    bookyeti Posts: 544 Member
    Are you working-out to LOOK better, FEEL better, and improve your health? Or just to see the number on the scale go down. I'll take the former over the latter any day!

    Advice: Keep doing what you're doing (MFP works!), but instead of stepping on the scale, take progress photos as often as possible and measurements.
  • Belfastlassie
    Why are you complaining??? That is great work losing 3 lbs in two weeks, I am lucky to drop that in a month.. You have to remember you didn't get where you are now over night or in just a few weeks, it took months perhaps years to gain the weight you are trying to lose, so why do you think it is going to just fall off in the first few weeks?? That is just being silly. :bigsmile: You are above the the normal weight loss that is recommended with mfp. As some one else said, slow an steady is much better, as the longer it takes to get off the longer it will be to try to come back on.. Your body is in shock, with exercise, an trying to eat right, give it a chance to get use to the idea of your new way of life. Make sure to do the measurements that is vital... I may go weeks with no weight loss, but the inches are coming off.. This site is helpful if we use it right, an don't expect miracles in the first few days weeks, or months.. I wish you lots of good success on your journey.
  • Kess31
    Kess31 Posts: 27 Member
    Thank you all so much for the adivce and the kick in the behind.. I am very obsesed with the scale but Im going to measure myself and continue on my turbo jam and 30 day shred and check my inches in a few weeks...

    The Detox is Fruits Veggies and lean meat a good way for me to add this into my diet.. I eat pretty well but not alot of veggies... I want to say thanks again.. and you are all right that is a good start long as im losing and not gaining ... I have to practice patients...
  • AmyFett
    AmyFett Posts: 1,607 Member
    I've been at this going on 5 weeks now, and I've lost about 9-10 lbs in that time. and that was mainly my first 3 weeks. I'm stuck now, for over a week the scale hasn't moved. At least it's not going up =) Just think, that's 3 lbs you NEVER have to see again. And if you stick with it, it'll become 4, then 5.... and then more and more. Never to see again.
  • kie_kie
    kie_kie Posts: 106 Member
    3 pounds in 2 weeks is amazing... it took me 3 weeks to lose my second 3 pounds so your doing very well. keep it up and dont stress. Even if you think that's a small number every pounds counts!
  • jhunt90
    jhunt90 Posts: 78
    I don't know if you're like me, but I'm the kind of person that will lose practically nothing for a few weeks and then all the sudden drop. Like my first 2 weeks I lost one pound, then 2 weeks more and I'd only lost a total of 3.5 pounds, and then my fifth week I just suddenly dropped 7 pounds! So don't get discouraged, besides the first month or so when you start, your body is getting used to the change so you won't lose as much right away, but be patient and it'll start coming off faster :)