Women who are around 5,5 What is your goal?



  • TropicalFlowerz
    TropicalFlowerz Posts: 1,990 Member
  • I'm 5f5 and aiming for around 125. People say 145 is a good weight but that's about what I am and I am not fit.
  • DMW914
    DMW914 Posts: 368 Member
    I'm 5'4 1/2 and my goal is to get down to 130 lbs. too :happy:
  • beejelblor
    beejelblor Posts: 123 Member
    I am around 5'4"-5’5” and in my mid 20’s found 145lbs to be an easy weight to maintain but always felt like I could and maybe should lose weight, I have been working hard for about a year and am now trying really hard to break the 130lbs mark and I have never felt better! Do what feels right for you, set a reasonable goal and when you get there reevaluate it. One thing I found is that everyone has an opinion on what weight I should be, and my opinion is the only one that matters because I am the only one who can feel it and no one sees my reflection the same as me. Good Luck!!!
  • megsi474
    megsi474 Posts: 370 Member
    I'm 5'6" and in the process of getting less jiggly and wiggly, I'll probably lose maybe 5-7 pounds and be around 128-130. I've been gaining and losing the same five pounds for the last six months through lack of discipline and consistency.
  • CoralConnor
    CoralConnor Posts: 42 Member
    I'm 5' 5.5" and would be happy to be in the 160's or 150's. I'm currently 190.
  • mizzesberry
    mizzesberry Posts: 15 Member
    would love to get to 145..... and im 5'4 :)
  • Suziq38
    Suziq38 Posts: 13 Member
    I am 5'6" and I weigh 143 pounds, without clothes.
    I want to be 140, but I am already a size 6, and I don't care to get any smaller.

    I started out at 190 and a size 16.

    It took me a year to lose it all.

    Start by eating right.
    For me 80% of my weight loss was eating the healthy foods...20% was exercise.
    I get tired of people saying....."But I don't have the time to exercise."
    I answer: "You don't have to exercise at first, just eat better and healthier foods."
    You can find the time to exercise later.
    Once you start losing the weight, the exercise will make it even better.
    Almost anyone can find a little time to exercise.

    Also, make your goals little ones at first.
    I just wanted to lose 5 pounds, then 10, then another 10, etc.

    Then keep going!!!

    I have to lose another 3-5 pounds because I think that I would be about 138-140.

    I was 135 pounds when I got married to my husband about 30 years ago.

    Good Luck!
  • I'm 5'5" and my goal is 100-95
  • Hickyvikki69
    Hickyvikki69 Posts: 371 Member
    im the same height. started at 238lbs. currently down to 175 as of today. my goal was 165lbs. but im coming to realize im just gonna lose weight until i can look n the mirror n say dang i look good...
  • Nefetete
    Nefetete Posts: 343 Member
    I am 5'5 and trying for 130 - 135 lb, as recommended by my doctor. If its +/- a few pounds no problems as long as my body fat percentage is around 25%. Which I think is more important.
  • 62clpowell
    62clpowell Posts: 87 Member
    I'm 5'4 am my goal is to be 135 - 140 :smile: hopefully that helps you
  • 5'6" 140
  • I'm 5,2 and currently weigh 162lbs. my pre-prego weight was 130-135. i would love to get to a healthy 120 or 125. that is my ult. goal. but it all depends on what i look like if it be muscle i'm fine with 130, just wanna get the fat off my tummy.
  • Nan_
    Nan_ Posts: 83 Member
    I suppose it depends on your bone size. I am small boned. I am 5'6" and last year I weighed 124. I am trying to get back down to at least 125-130 (I put weight back on after a back injury). It wasn't too skinny for me. I felt pretty good at 124 or 130.
  • kathers01
    kathers01 Posts: 164 Member
    I am 5'5" and I fluctuate between 145 and 150. I am athletic and have alot of muscle. I don't really go by the scale though. I go by how my clothes fit and how I look.
  • ketchup38
    ketchup38 Posts: 112 Member
    I'm 5'5 pear shaped. My goal is between 130-140. When I get to 140 I think I'll have a better idea and decide.
  • My realistic goal is 135-140. My "would really love to weigh" goal is 120 but I am medium-framed and 38 years old so not holding my breath for 120. If anything I'm going by pants size. Bones get denser as we age, thus, adding to our weight. So keep that in mind. I'm shooting for a 7-8 pants size.
  • Jass_mal
    Jass_mal Posts: 68 Member
    I am 5'5" and at my heaviest I was 150lbs. Right now I am at 130lbs and that was my original goal but decided to go to 125lbs, I am trying to get rid of the pooch my 3 daughters left me with. I also have been getting remarks about stopping where I'm at right now but I still don't feel 100%. Before I had my first daughter, I was at 118lbs and that was 6 years ago and one of my sisters-in-law told me that I looked anorexic back then which was a bit offensive. You should get to a place where you are going to feel great and forget about trying to please others, it's your body.
  • tnqnt
    tnqnt Posts: 397 Member
    I think, depending on your frame and muscle base, anywhere from 135 to 155 is a good goal.