Gained weight

I'm a bit frustrated because I gained weight this week. I don't think that I'm counting my calories. I'm I eating enough or too much?


  • ZyheeMoongazer
    ZyheeMoongazer Posts: 343 Member
    I'm a bit frustrated because I gained weight this week. I don't think that I'm counting my calories. I'm I eating enough or too much?

    How much?
  • beckajw
    beckajw Posts: 1,738 Member
    I'm a bit frustrated because I gained weight this week. I don't think that I'm counting my calories. I'm I eating enough or too much?

    I'm not sure I understand. It looks like you didn't count calories on Saturday or Sunday, so you probably ate too much on those days. Right?
  • Theforce31
    Theforce31 Posts: 14 Member
    I gained back 4lbs. It's hard for me to count calories on the weekend but I don't feel like I ate that much.
  • xoyasminxo
    xoyasminxo Posts: 132
    maybe it is muscle? If your clothes still fit nicely and are not snug, don't worry about it.
  • Doberdawn
    Doberdawn Posts: 732 Member
    1. You need to count calories and keep your food and activity diaries. That's the only way to REALLY know what you're doing.
    2. You need to take your key measurements (chest, waist, hips, thighs, neck, etc.). IF you are dieting and working out, you may lose fat and gain muscle, which weighs more. You will know you're still making progress by the declining inches.
    3. You gained how much in what period of time? Weight fluctuates all the time, even within the same day depending on what you're taking in. It is not unusual for me to weigh 5 pounds heavier at night than I do during the morning.
    4. If you are eating too little, you will store/gain weight because your body goes into starvation mode. So, go back to #1. You need to know what your daily goals are and track what you're doing.
    Good luck!
  • ZyheeMoongazer
    ZyheeMoongazer Posts: 343 Member
    I gained back 4lbs. It's hard for me to count calories on the weekend but I don't feel like I ate that much.

    Looked through your diary.

    Are you using a HRM to get the calories burned you entered or are you using MFP values? MFP tends to over estimate, you are eating all the calories back + more. This could result is less of a deficit then you think.

    Track everything! You didn't log at all on several days and some days seem only half logged. You can't half-*kitten* something and still expect great results.
  • Spanaval
    Spanaval Posts: 1,200 Member
    Unless you overate by 14000 cals, you didn't gain that much fat. Some of it could be water weight from excessive sodium intake or hormone fluctuations.
  • Theforce31
    Theforce31 Posts: 14 Member
    You're awesome, thank you. :) half-*kitten* tracking doesn't cut it. I'm using a HRM (garmin) to track all of my burned calories. There are times when I burn more than 900 calories in a single day. I worry that I'm not eating enough. I will take your suggestion and start keeping a dairy for my weekend too.
    You guys have been great. I really appreciate this site!
  • katelouiseoz
    I'm the same, I gave up smoking two months ago and have put on 3kg in that time?? I log everyday and I know on some days I could pick better choices but overall stay within my goal... HELP!
  • Doberdawn
    Doberdawn Posts: 732 Member

    Okay, I am losing steady about 2 pounds a week and have been for months. I learned several valuable lessens re weight loss. I will share them and hope they help you. But, I am not an expert and don't blame me if it doesn't help. <g>
    1. If you are 40+, it is important NEVER to eat more than 500 calories at any sitting. Your metabolism will burn faster (like someone in 20s) if you follow this. There was a study I read.
    2. When you get up in the morning, eat something, ANYTHING, as soon as you are awake. A cracker, a peanut, ANYTHING. This will turn ON your metabolism for the day. The sooner you eat, the sooner it starts.
    3. Eat every 2 to 3 hours all day (have healthy snacks with you like pumpkin seeds or vegetable chips). Breakfast, mid-morning snack, lunch, afternoon snack, dinner. This keeps your metabolism turned on and running all day.
    4. Do NOT eat after 6:30 to 7:00 p.m. at the latest.
    5. You MUST drink enough water for all of your bodily functions PLUS enough to process the fat you burn off. If you diet or work out enough to lose fat, but you don't have enough water in your system that day to process and flush out the burned fat, your body has NO CHOICE but to reabsorb it. You will have wasted all that dieting effort. NO, 8 glasses is NOT enough. A rough measurement (per the doc that put on the seminar where I learned this), is to take your weight and imagine the number of pounds is ounces (no, don't convert it, just pretend). You need to drink half your weight ... so, if you weigh 200 pounds (you'll have to do the kg to lbs conversion as I don't know that), you want to drink 100 ounces (half the number of pounds you have) in water daily. If you want a more precise measurement, you can go to the site and use their official water calculator which goes through all the variables. Whenever I don't drink enough water, my weight loss stalls. Here's the site:
    Okay, I have a few other tips, but try those & see how it goes!
  • katelouiseoz
    Thanks very much Dawn :)
  • happyfeetrebel1
    happyfeetrebel1 Posts: 1,005 Member

    Okay, I am losing steady about 2 pounds a week and have been for months. I learned several valuable lessens re weight loss. I will share them and hope they help you. But, I am not an expert and don't blame me if it doesn't help. <g>
    1. If you are 40+, it is important NEVER to eat more than 500 calories at any sitting. Your metabolism will burn faster (like someone in 20s) if you follow this. There was a study I read.
    2. When you get up in the morning, eat something, ANYTHING, as soon as you are awake. A cracker, a peanut, ANYTHING. This will turn ON your metabolism for the day. The sooner you eat, the sooner it starts.
    3. Eat every 2 to 3 hours all day (have healthy snacks with you like pumpkin seeds or vegetable chips). Breakfast, mid-morning snack, lunch, afternoon snack, dinner. This keeps your metabolism turned on and running all day.
    4. Do NOT eat after 6:30 to 7:00 p.m. at the latest.
    5. You MUST drink enough water for all of your bodily functions PLUS enough to process the fat you burn off. If you diet or work out enough to lose fat, but you don't have enough water in your system that day to process and flush out the burned fat, your body has NO CHOICE but to reabsorb it. You will have wasted all that dieting effort. NO, 8 glasses is NOT enough. A rough measurement (per the doc that put on the seminar where I learned this), is to take your weight and imagine the number of pounds is ounces (no, don't convert it, just pretend). You need to drink half your weight ... so, if you weigh 200 pounds (you'll have to do the kg to lbs conversion as I don't know that), you want to drink 100 ounces (half the number of pounds you have) in water daily. If you want a more precise measurement, you can go to the site and use their official water calculator which goes through all the variables. Whenever I don't drink enough water, my weight loss stalls. Here's the site:
    Okay, I have a few other tips, but try those & see how it goes!

    I realize that your intent was to be helpful, but so much is this is just pure myth.

    1. Not true
    2. Also not true
    3. Has been disproven over and over
    4. It is irrelevant when calories are consumed. It's total cals, not time frame.
    5. Water is good. You can tell if you're consuming enough by the color of your urine. If it's clear to pale yellow, you're good. If it's darker, then you should up your intake. Some supplements and meds can affect this though, so for sure try to consume the standard 64 oz :)

    Like all topics, there are ton of myths out there. Part of being here and doing research was to try and read what was true, as opposed to what people just repeat because they've 'heard' it or seen it posted.

    Good luck
  • meshashesha2012
    meshashesha2012 Posts: 8,326 Member

    Okay, I am losing steady about 2 pounds a week and have been for months. I learned several valuable lessens re weight loss. I will share them and hope they help you. But, I am not an expert and don't blame me if it doesn't help. <g>
    1. If you are 40+, it is important NEVER to eat more than 500 calories at any sitting. Your metabolism will burn faster (like someone in 20s) if you follow this. There was a study I read.
    2. When you get up in the morning, eat something, ANYTHING, as soon as you are awake. A cracker, a peanut, ANYTHING. This will turn ON your metabolism for the day. The sooner you eat, the sooner it starts.
    3. Eat every 2 to 3 hours all day (have healthy snacks with you like pumpkin seeds or vegetable chips). Breakfast, mid-morning snack, lunch, afternoon snack, dinner. This keeps your metabolism turned on and running all day.
    4. Do NOT eat after 6:30 to 7:00 p.m. at the latest.
    5. You MUST drink enough water for all of your bodily functions PLUS enough to process the fat you burn off. If you diet or work out enough to lose fat, but you don't have enough water in your system that day to process and flush out the burned fat, your body has NO CHOICE but to reabsorb it. You will have wasted all that dieting effort. NO, 8 glasses is NOT enough. A rough measurement (per the doc that put on the seminar where I learned this), is to take your weight and imagine the number of pounds is ounces (no, don't convert it, just pretend). You need to drink half your weight ... so, if you weigh 200 pounds (you'll have to do the kg to lbs conversion as I don't know that), you want to drink 100 ounces (half the number of pounds you have) in water daily. If you want a more precise measurement, you can go to the site and use their official water calculator which goes through all the variables. Whenever I don't drink enough water, my weight loss stalls. Here's the site:
    Okay, I have a few other tips, but try those & see how it goes!
    wow. i've been not following most of these and not having issues with my metabolism being sluggish or losing weight or shredding fat.
    1) i regularly eat meals that are 600-900 calories

    2) i workout in the morning sometimes i take my sweet time about going to the gym which means i sometimes might not have my first meal until 5 hours after i've awaken but usually it's 2-3 hours after i wake up.

    3. i eat 2-3 large meals a day

    4. i dont pay attention to the time i eat. sometimes i wake up in the middle of the night at 3 am to have a snack and will go back to sleep
  • Doberdawn
    Doberdawn Posts: 732 Member

    I realize that your intent was to be helpful, but so much is this is just pure myth.

    1. Not true
    2. Also not true
    3. Has been disproven over and over
    4. It is irrelevant when calories are consumed. It's total cals, not time frame.
    5. Water is good. You can tell if you're consuming enough by the color of your urine. If it's clear to pale yellow, you're good. If it's darker, then you should up your intake. Some supplements and meds can affect this though, so for sure try to consume the standard 64 oz :)

    Like all topics, there are ton of myths out there. Part of being here and doing research was to try and read what was true, as opposed to what people just repeat because they've 'heard' it or seen it posted.

    Good luck

    Actually, I *have* done my research and these were all learned from various scientific studies and input from doctors. And, I have STEADILY lost 2 pounds per week EVERY week following them. My friends who were stalled and tried this also lost weight. You can look for and find the studies. You can even find much of this information repeated on Dr. Oz.
  • Doberdawn
    Doberdawn Posts: 732 Member
    Here are a couple of sample quotes:

    Per Dr. Oz "Finally, don’t forget to drink your water! Not drinking enough will also slow down your metabolic rate as much as 3%!

    "Eat just enough so you're not hungry — a 150-calorie snack midmorning and midafternoon between three meals (about 430 calories each) will keep your metabolism humming." Dan Benardot, PhD, RD, an associate professor of nutrition and kinesiology at Georgia State University, and Tammy Lakatos, RD.

    I am far too busy to spend time finding more quotes from medical and scientific experts to humor you. But, I posted what I have learned via research, reading health articles, attending health seminars, watching The Doctors & Dr. Oz, and talking with my own doctor. They have worked for me and are continuing to work for me. I believe that IS the point of this forum.

    So, I am down 46 pounds lost at an average of 2 pounds per week. Take it or Leave it.
  • happyfeetrebel1
    happyfeetrebel1 Posts: 1,005 Member
    Dr. oz

  • happyfeetrebel1
    happyfeetrebel1 Posts: 1,005 Member
    The same dr. oz that recommends raspberry ketones?

    The one that endorses all the other medical crap cause he gets paid?

    THAT Dr. Oz?


    Actually, though, I wasn't trying to be rude. I was just trying to say that repeating oft quoted myths aren't helping anyone. I know you were making an attempt to help

  • amandae0182
    I didnt gain but i didnt lose as much as i usually do because i was excersising and not eating ENOUGH calories!
  • Doberdawn
    Doberdawn Posts: 732 Member
    The same dr. oz that recommends raspberry ketones?

    The one that endorses all the other medical crap cause he gets paid?

    THAT Dr. Oz?


    Actually, though, I wasn't trying to be rude. I was just trying to say that repeating oft quoted myths aren't helping anyone. I know you were making an attempt to help


    Being rude and saying it wasn't intended that way does not make it less so. In the future, you may wish to think before you post and phrase things more respectfully.

    In any event, while I don't take raspberry ketones, I have read there are scientific studies to support their use. Studies have shown raspberry ketone effective in regulating Adiponectin, a hormone that causes the body to boost metabolism and burn fat faster and more efficiently. See for example, Morimoto, C., Satoh, Y., et al. (2005) Anti-obese action of raspberry ketone. Life Sciences, 772194-204. doi: 10.1016/j.lfs.2004.12.029; Nutrition & Functional Food Research Team, Korea Food & Drug Administration. (2010) Raspberry ketone increases both lipolysis and fatty acid oxidation in 3T3-L1 adipocytes. Planta Med, 76(15), 1654-8.

    So, if that is something which Dr. Oz has suggested might help folks, there does appear to be scientific backing for his saying so... not just your claimed financial motives.
  • Spanaval
    Spanaval Posts: 1,200 Member

    Okay, I am losing steady about 2 pounds a week and have been for months. I learned several valuable lessens re weight loss. I will share them and hope they help you. But, I am not an expert and don't blame me if it doesn't help. <g>
    1. If you are 40+, it is important NEVER to eat more than 500 calories at any sitting. Your metabolism will burn faster (like someone in 20s) if you follow this. There was a study I read.
    2. When you get up in the morning, eat something, ANYTHING, as soon as you are awake. A cracker, a peanut, ANYTHING. This will turn ON your metabolism for the day. The sooner you eat, the sooner it starts.
    3. Eat every 2 to 3 hours all day (have healthy snacks with you like pumpkin seeds or vegetable chips). Breakfast, mid-morning snack, lunch, afternoon snack, dinner. This keeps your metabolism turned on and running all day.
    4. Do NOT eat after 6:30 to 7:00 p.m. at the latest.
    5. You MUST drink enough water for all of your bodily functions PLUS enough to process the fat you burn off. If you diet or work out enough to lose fat, but you don't have enough water in your system that day to process and flush out the burned fat, your body has NO CHOICE but to reabsorb it. You will have wasted all that dieting effort. NO, 8 glasses is NOT enough. A rough measurement (per the doc that put on the seminar where I learned this), is to take your weight and imagine the number of pounds is ounces (no, don't convert it, just pretend). You need to drink half your weight ... so, if you weigh 200 pounds (you'll have to do the kg to lbs conversion as I don't know that), you want to drink 100 ounces (half the number of pounds you have) in water daily. If you want a more precise measurement, you can go to the site and use their official water calculator which goes through all the variables. Whenever I don't drink enough water, my weight loss stalls. Here's the site:
    Okay, I have a few other tips, but try those & see how it goes!

    Man, I must be the size of a small whale by now, 'cause I break pretty much every one of these. There really is no scientific basis for these claims.

    1. I eat 500+ calorie meals. Sometimes, I eat 1000+ calorie meals. I'm 41, and weigh 110 lbs. or thereabouts.
    2. I follow IF. Which means that I eat no breakfast fairly routinely. I break my fast when I feel hungry, sometimes as late as 2:00PM. Your metabolism does not stop when you sleep.
    3. I eat when I'm hungry. Sometimes, that means I eat a couple of times a day, sometimes, it means I snack all day long.
    4. I routinely eat late at night. Like at midnight. Meal timing and frequency have no relevance to weight loss.
    5. Umm...NO! If you are eating at a caloric deficit, your body will convert stored fats/muscle to energy. It is important to stay hydrated, but there is no need to overdoo it.

    P.S. you're not the Doberdawn associated with the toenail dremeling info, are you?