
I am eatting right and gaining weight. I'm so upset. I just want to cry. The first couple days I lost a lb. a day. Now I keep going up. I'm keeping close track of what I'm eatting. I'm not going over in anything and can't seem to get enough calories in me in a day.


  • You could be eating to much of the same type of foods, try and mix it up a little, i found drinking Lemon water helped me alot too i would loose 2-3Kgs a week by doing this. Rememeber you could be building muscle too. Stick with it !!
  • amandaxh
    amandaxh Posts: 38 Member
    You can't be losing a pound of fat a day, but you could perhaps be losing water weight since you are sticking to certain foods maybe? Are you exercising?

    How long have you been trying to lose? I recommend upping your calories (as from what you're saying it seems like you're really restricting -- how many cals are you eating?) and light exercise throughout the week. Remember that the beginning of a weight loss journey takes adjustment for your body, you might lose a lot initially, or gain here or there because of water weight and your bodies reaction to consistent intake, etc.
    LuLuSUPER Posts: 189
    open your food diary honey
  • Make your diary open so we can see and help.