UK Programme on fasting



  • caraiselite
    caraiselite Posts: 2,631 Member
    i love fasting. i hate when people say it isn't healthy.
  • ElleBee66
    ElleBee66 Posts: 128 Member
    Protein - if people would like to watch the program again, the premise was not diet but aging. Particularly IGF-1 and growing and resting states of the body in relation to cell structure. Protein inhibits the resting state and keeps raised the production of IGF-1, which we know we take protein to grow.

    The point was that fasting was altering IGF-1 markers, which then had an effect on blood sugars, which also had a positive effect on cholestrol and lowering HDL and highering LDL and that had a consequence of losing body fat and therefore weight loss.

    Whilst also altering the chances of needing medication for Diabetes type II, heart disease, cancer and all the other things that go with the overeating western diet where people are becoming fatter.

    Conclusion, much more research needs to be done on humans but if fasting does have these positive effects then if the Fasting protocol were popularised in the UK, the NHS would save an absolute fortune not having to medicate for obese diseases. In type II diabetes alone that is hundreds of billions forcasted over the next 30 years.

    But yeah, he lost weight.


    I am quite shocked that the whole programme was about Growth hormone and all anyone seemed to hear was 'weight loss'.

    The weightloss was actually secondary in my mind - the idea of doing a marathon at 101 was more interesting to me! lol. Being active in my old age is far more important than fitting into a size 10 dress. I think weightloss is just a happy side effect :flowerforyou: I have nightmares of spending 20 - 30years stuck in a chair/bed and wishing I would die!!

    Ok Good :smile:

    I have to confess the weight loss bit IS a happy side effect lol!

    Isn't that Marathon guy just amazing - though I have to say he never looks wildly happy about anything. I saw him carrying the Olympic torch too - he is just great. Fascinating about his diet - I think he said it was a "poor Punjabi farmer's diet" It'd be interesting to know what he actually eats.
  • yarwell
    yarwell Posts: 10,477 Member
    I also read somewhere associated with this programme that the Genesis Institute in Manchester has looked at 2 day fasting, and interestingly an allied study showed that the the same results could be had on those two days eating protein and nuts to your hearts (stomachs) content. I believe they are continuing the study, but for the life of me I can't find the reference to it. However, if it is the case that 2 days of low-carb high protein work the same as VLC, then I don't know if this is just in terms of weight-loss, cancer protection or if the end results are the same as low cal. The effects of intermittent or continuous energy restriction on weight loss and metabolic disease risk markers: a randomized trial in young overweight women. 2 days at 75% calorie restriction vs 7 days at 25%.

    The low carb one I don't think is published yet as a paper, it was presented as a poster in Dec 2011 "Intermittent dietary carbohydrate restriction enables weight loss and reduces breast cancer risk biomarkers" Michelle Harvie et al. Compared mediteranean style diet with two types of intermittent low carbing - calorie restricted 600 cals and ad-lib. No benefit to IGF-1 was found.
  • Loved the show last night.
    Going to give the 5:2 a go for 4 weeks and see how it goes.

    I am choosing Tuesday and Wednesday as my "fast" days - both quiet days, rarely have anything on, so should be doable.
    I will take in 500 or 600 calories on those days.

    The other 5 will eat "normally", but be conscious of not over-eating, and generally be sensible.

    Will log it all on here, so will plot how well it works.

    Are you supposed to do two days in a row?? I'm sure that's harder than alternate fast and feed days!
  • amy1612
    amy1612 Posts: 1,356 Member
    The programme was really interesting. Im not going to try IF now, not saying I wont ever, but at 24, with a good diet, Im not too worried yet.

    Haha Yarwell, gotta love posters. I remmeber at school thinking 'when as an adult, will I ever make a poster?', and now, its how I tell people about my work.
  • mandyw30
    mandyw30 Posts: 73 Member
    It's great to hear everyones views of the programme and of Intermittent fasting!
    Those that are going to try the fasting do update on how it goes!

    Oh and I realise the programme wasn't about weight loss and was about prolonging life. Really my aim is to be healthier, in order to do this I need to lose weight and get fitter. If Intermittent fasting can help with this then it is something I will consider.

    I do also agree that there is no point living longer if you're not enjoying life, but the trouble is cardiovascular disease doesn't automatically mean death. It can result in many years being totally dependent on others and existing rather than living. So any diet that can help prevent this, I think is a good thing.
  • darrensurrey
    darrensurrey Posts: 3,942 Member
    Wonder what the effect is on lean muscle mass? I can't really afford to cut down protein and fast... I find it tough to build muscle as it is!
  • suziecue66
    suziecue66 Posts: 1,312 Member
    Anybody watching the programme on fasting just finishing on BBC 2?
    The presenter has just tried a 5:2 day diet - 5 days eating normally as he was before and 2 days of eating only 600 calories (fast day). He lost 14lbs and 8% body fat. He also reduced cholesterol, and a marker that they use for predicting cancer.
    It's quite interesting about the effects of fasting. There was also benefits of alternating fast days and feed days and also a 4 day fast every 2-3 months.
    Anybody any thoughts on it?
    How much lean mass was lost?
  • girlinahat
    girlinahat Posts: 2,956 Member
    I also read somewhere associated with this programme that the Genesis Institute in Manchester has looked at 2 day fasting, and interestingly an allied study showed that the the same results could be had on those two days eating protein and nuts to your hearts (stomachs) content. I believe they are continuing the study, but for the life of me I can't find the reference to it. However, if it is the case that 2 days of low-carb high protein work the same as VLC, then I don't know if this is just in terms of weight-loss, cancer protection or if the end results are the same as low cal. The effects of intermittent or continuous energy restriction on weight loss and metabolic disease risk markers: a randomized trial in young overweight women. 2 days at 75% calorie restriction vs 7 days at 25%.

    The low carb one I don't think is published yet as a paper, it was presented as a poster in Dec 2011 "Intermittent dietary carbohydrate restriction enables weight loss and reduces breast cancer risk biomarkers" Michelle Harvie et al. Compared mediteranean style diet with two types of intermittent low carbing - calorie restricted 600 cals and ad-lib. No benefit to IGF-1 was found.

    ah, thankyou. I was hoping it wasn't just something my brain had made up!!!
  • ElleBee66
    ElleBee66 Posts: 128 Member
    Loved the show last night.
    Going to give the 5:2 a go for 4 weeks and see how it goes.

    I am choosing Tuesday and Wednesday as my "fast" days - both quiet days, rarely have anything on, so should be doable.
    I will take in 500 or 600 calories on those days.

    The other 5 will eat "normally", but be conscious of not over-eating, and generally be sensible.

    Will log it all on here, so will plot how well it works.

    He didn't do two days in a row and some weeks only did one day - he was losing too much weight. He did say that they said to do two in a row but he didn't.

    Are you supposed to do two days in a row?? I'm sure that's harder than alternate fast and feed days!
  • suziecue66
    suziecue66 Posts: 1,312 Member
    Loved the show last night.
    Going to give the 5:2 a go for 4 weeks and see how it goes.

    I am choosing Tuesday and Wednesday as my "fast" days - both quiet days, rarely have anything on, so should be doable.
    I will take in 500 or 600 calories on those days.

    The other 5 will eat "normally", but be conscious of not over-eating, and generally be sensible.

    Will log it all on here, so will plot how well it works.

    He didn't do two days in a row and some weeks only did one day - he was losing too much weight. He did say that they said to do two in a row but he didn't.

    Are you supposed to do two days in a row?? I'm sure that's harder than alternate fast and feed days!

    I think 2 days in row harder. Did he lose lean mass? I can't watch it won't work.
  • Loved the show last night.
    Going to give the 5:2 a go for 4 weeks and see how it goes.

    I am choosing Tuesday and Wednesday as my "fast" days - both quiet days, rarely have anything on, so should be doable.
    I will take in 500 or 600 calories on those days.

    The other 5 will eat "normally", but be conscious of not over-eating, and generally be sensible.

    Will log it all on here, so will plot how well it works.

    He didn't do two days in a row and some weeks only did one day - he was losing too much weight. He did say that they said to do two in a row but he didn't.

    Are you supposed to do two days in a row?? I'm sure that's harder than alternate fast and feed days!

    I think 2 days in row harder. Did he lose lean mass? I can't watch it won't work.

    Hilarious, and now the mythology and confusion starts.
  • Nicelshe
    Nicelshe Posts: 13 Member
    I am going to try it as well - looks great. Going to do Wednesday and Friday as I only swim in the mornings those days. I would love to hear everyones results and suggestions on what to eat on the fasting days. I was thinking of making home made vegetable soup as high in nutrients, filling and low in calories
  • beattie1
    beattie1 Posts: 1,012 Member
    I read that Michael Mosley ate scrambled eggs for breakfast and fish with steamed veg for dinner.
    I'd love to know how those who try it get on.
  • HollyMuz
    HollyMuz Posts: 2 Member
    I think i'm gonna do it... see how much I can lose that way and if it works i'll be a very happy bunny :)
  • suziecue66
    suziecue66 Posts: 1,312 Member
    Loved the show last night.
    Going to give the 5:2 a go for 4 weeks and see how it goes.

    I am choosing Tuesday and Wednesday as my "fast" days - both quiet days, rarely have anything on, so should be doable.
    I will take in 500 or 600 calories on those days.

    The other 5 will eat "normally", but be conscious of not over-eating, and generally be sensible.

    Will log it all on here, so will plot how well it works.

    He didn't do two days in a row and some weeks only did one day - he was losing too much weight. He did say that they said to do two in a row but he didn't.

    Are you supposed to do two days in a row?? I'm sure that's harder than alternate fast and feed days!

    I think 2 days in row harder. Did he lose lean mass? I can't watch it won't work.

    Hilarious, and now the mythology and confusion starts.

    I'm asking if he lost Lean mass - what's wrong with that. Also I think fasting 2 days in a row would be harder.
  • rubyjune27
    rubyjune27 Posts: 87 Member
    Just posted on another thread.

    I am splitting my 2 days as I have non running days when I only swim. I never eat breakfast and skipping lunch will suit me. I intend to consume my cals (500) by eating vegetables and some protein, egg or tofu as I don't eat meat. I shall also consume some as milk in drinks during evening. I will be sick of black tea and herbal tea by 18.00.

    It's funny I used to manage my weight through this sort of regime years ago but stopped because all the advice/guidance/dictates said this was bad. Now it is proven to be healthy, so until there is more evidence it is bad again, this will fit my lifestyle and really help me with my weight loss and health.
  • @ I am asking about lean mass -

    It is the whole flow of that quote, not you in particular. But if you missed the point, it was about aging not dieting and not about answering questions about lean mass, that was not the data being explored. So, ask questions about IGF-1 and fasting.
  • lacewitch
    lacewitch Posts: 766 Member
    did the program mention any long term effects of intermittent fasting? it may lose weight quickly but i'd want to know what effect it had on my hormone balance in the long run before considering it!