Gym vs ?

Cookie_d Posts: 15 Member
edited December 2024 in Fitness and Exercise
I need some advice please, I just don't think gym is for me! I start going and then after a while I get bored of it, it happens every time. I sign up and waste money... How do you get enough exercise without the gym?

Thank you for your feedback.


  • I absolutely despise the gym.
    I just recently started dieting and exercising so I was looking for a way I could avoid the Gym and spending money on a membership that I probably wouldn't use....but I live in an apartment so I go for a walk and every other building or so I run up to the 3rd floor and back down, then walk for a couple buildings and do it again. Kind of like interval training. I also go swimming, and when it cools off in the evening (I live in Florida) I'll go for an hour long brisk walk (I also hate jogging/running.)

    but I also have this Jillian Michaels Kettlebell DVD that I do in the morning mon-wed-fri ....I did it this past Saturday just to kick start, and I'am still incredibly sore. She's no joke.
  • newmooon56
    newmooon56 Posts: 347 Member
    Go on youtube and look around at the many many work outs- step, full body no equipment, aerobics, individual moves you can combine etc etc - on youtube its endless.

    Buy a few dvds off amazon- many great ones are suggested here- I usually pay around $5 and if I do it a dozen times before Im bored I feel like Ive gotten more than my money's worth.

    Run- grab a water bottle and some music and just get out there- walk if you dont run- pick up the pace as much as possible.

    Push ups, sit ups, planks- 10 minutes a day of them never hurt anyone.

    A weight set that adjusts is at walmart/target for under $50. One time investment for a toy you'll use for life.

    Get a friend and walk daily or whenever your schedule allows (Ive learned to go alone- too many ppl do not stay dedicated Im sorry to say)

    Challenge yourself- today I did 4 pushups tomorrow I'll try 6 - then DO IT. Run for 4 minutes today- tomorrow try 5 etc...

    Drop in classes for 5 or 6 bucks- where I live Zumba is constantly being offered in rec centers and even gyms are allowing drop in rates for Zumba- find some and give it a go. Or be a guest with someone who has a gym membership- to mix it up thats what I do 2x a month or so- just to use cool stuff :)

    You have to want it- after a month of exercise hopefully you become addicted. I find cardio kinda addicting- as in I itch to run if I haven't ran in a day or so. So make new habits. Leave the weights laying around so you pick them up when you watch TV or are just bored and walk by them- do a few sets- a few sets can turn into a 20 minute mini work out when you get into it.

    You just have to PLAY- figure out what you like and just do it! Theres a ton I didnt mention because I just dont - bike ride, swim hike or rock climb- but I know ppl that do- kayak, garden, dog walk - hobbies that help! Think think think- of more and the choices are not only many- there are so many great ones you wont know where to start- but pick something and try it today ! Enjoy your work out.
  • lacewitch
    lacewitch Posts: 766 Member
    i run
    i cycle
    i pole dance
    i hula hoop!
  • Cookie_d
    Cookie_d Posts: 15 Member
    Great advice from all, thank you so much - I will definitely stop the gym and start some of the exercises you suggested.
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