


  • nickiog
    nickiog Posts: 187 Member
    i have a 4 year old and a 4 month old..when my baby was first born i mostly snuck out in the morning before she woke up but now i tend to just find a random moment and leave them with their dad or grandma for an hour and run to the gym.

    if that doesn't work than i try to do yoga or something once they are in bed cause if i work out too late at night i cant sleep.

    more recently though i haven't been doing " real " workouts but i have just been making it a point to do a lot of outdoor activities like the park and swimming and just making sure im not just sitting around but that im engaged in movement the whole time.
  • bushidowoman
    bushidowoman Posts: 1,599 Member
    I'm a homeschooling mom of six who works weekend option (Fri-Sat nights.) For me, the best time is first thing in the morning before I get started with everything else. I work out at home--martial arts and dumbbells. I have a heavy bag hanging in my shed to practice punches and kicks, and I practice kata in the yard. If I don't get up early enough to work out alone, then we have P.E.--I keep the kids busy with pushups, planks, light dumbbells (1 or 3 lbs), or running laps in the fence. The oldest also practices kata. The 1 and 3 yo try to imitate what the rest of us do. They love it!
  • myfitnessisavirtue
    myfitnessisavirtue Posts: 673 Member
    I am not a mom but I gotta say, Yay moms for being active!

    My masters and doctoral research is in how a child's perception of their parent's modeling and support behavior influences their likelihood of being physically active... If you are a good role model, your child will not only be more active but like to be active!

    Also, I wanted to mention that there are ways to get your kids involved in PA with you...some of my earliest family memories were biking or running or summers at the pool... Thanks again for being awesome moms!

    I am hoping this is the case. I prefer to exercise alone but I include my kids. We do Wii Fit Plus quite often. I do my hour and then they each get 20-30 minutes to use it (supervised of course). They LOVE exercise and it gets some energy out. My younger one loves to walk. We can be at the park playground and he insists that we take a walk rather than play.

    I am not gonna lie though, I am looking forward to school starting to get some more peaceful exercise :)
  • bacamacho
    bacamacho Posts: 306 Member
    I work till noon then have 1.5 hours to burn before I pick up the kids from school. That's when I do it all. When husband returns from deployment, I go back to a schedule that eliminates that 1.5 hour window, but husband will be home so that he will be home with kids while I get my training done. I'll run in the morning, then do any cycling and/or swimming in the early evening when he gets home from work.
  • bushidowoman
    bushidowoman Posts: 1,599 Member
    Do you reckon anyone has asked dads when they find time to work out?
    I dunno, but that's a good question. Daddies need to stay healthy, too! And there are many dads out there who work long hours while still being very involved with their families. Maybe we should ask them?
    My own dear husband works 12 hour shifts with a 45-minute commute to and from. So he leaves the house at 5:30 am and doesn't get home until 8pm. After being pretty much on his feet all day, he's TIRED. And he misses us and wants to spend time with us.
  • mlb929
    mlb929 Posts: 1,974 Member
    I get up really early to workout before my kids wake up. I also workout on my lunch hour as a second workout. And I will do a workout before bed of stretching or tai chi while they are getting ready for bed or after dinner. I make exercise my priority, my kids know it, they know Happy Mom = Mom that exercised.
  • crrc78
    crrc78 Posts: 207 Member

    I am jealous. I work 5 days a week, and Im gone 7am to 6pm. When I get home I only have 2 hours to spend with my baby before he goes to bed. I feel so guilty working out when he is awake. Then when he goes to bed I have other things to do or Im too tired. I know, I know. Im making excuses.

    THIS IS EXACTLY WHERE I AM - plus, my husband owns his own business and works CRAZY and unpredictable hours so I have NO time for myself, and when my daughter finally goes to bed (she's 4 and sometimes doesn't fall asleep until 10pm), I'm so wiped out. SUCKS, and I'm trying to figure something else out because this isn't working.
  • nikcasso
    nikcasso Posts: 27 Member
    I am a mom of 4, work full time (leave 7 am, home by 5:45 pm) and freelance many nights and weekends so going to a gym is out of the question. At first I thought the same thing as you...where do I find the time? I started with 3 days a week...2 of those days on weekends and one week day. Then I bumped up to 4 days, and now at 5-6. I do step for 30-40 minutes. High cal burn in short time. The days I add strength tend to go longer so I try to make sure those days are weekends. Find a hiigh insensity excersise you like and just make sure they count. Even as the kids get older, your guilt will not lessen so if you want this, you have to build it into your life style. Also...I tried double workouts on weekends in earlly am and late pm but it was too much. Good luck!
  • fcp1234
    fcp1234 Posts: 1,098 Member
    I am jealous. I work 5 days a week, and Im gone 7am to 6pm. When I get home I only have 2 hours to spend with my baby before he goes to bed. I feel so guilty working out when he is awake. Then when he goes to bed I have other things to do or Im too tired. I know, I know. Im making excuses.

    My schedule is the same as yours. Also, my husband travels for work so I am often on my own with my little ones in the evening and it's near impossible to work out with them wandering around unsupervised. I get up in the morning and workout. It's hard but once you get in the groove it isn't as bad as it is at first. My alarm goes off at 5:00 and I'm either out for a run (if my husband is home) or in the basement doing a video or on the treadmill by 5:15. I work out until 6:00 or 6:15 and then get ready for work. The trick is to go to bed early enough. I try to head up to bed by 9:30. If I'm later than 10:00 then that 5:00 alarm is a real bummer. I'm not going to lie... I'm not perfect and there are nights I stay up too late and mornings I don't get up but if I can do it at least 4 out of 5 mornings, I call that a success.

    Feel free to friend me for extra support...

    My husband travels a lot for work too. I hate his job sometimes.
    I started working out this week in the morning. I left home at 6.30 and made it to work at 8.
  • fcp1234
    fcp1234 Posts: 1,098 Member
    It's got to be a priority. I would rather leave a sink full of dishes or not put the laundry away than not work out.

    I could not be able to do that! I am COD like that.
  • danilynn2
    danilynn2 Posts: 47 Member
    I get up at 5:15 and workout with 30 Day Shred before I work 7:30-4. Then after the kiddos are in bed, I catch a workout on the elliptical!
  • msrootitooti
    msrootitooti Posts: 253 Member
    I work full time.. leave at 6:45 and get home at 5 and have a 6 year old and 18 month old. I try for 4-5 days a week. 2 Days during the week I go to the gym after putting them to bed. One day I work out at home with a video. On the weekends, I try to go for a run during the youngest's nap.
  • lilkat_0087
    lilkat_0087 Posts: 55 Member
    I have 4 yr old twins and work full time. I work out after they go to bed during the week. On weekends we do something active or they try to join in on a video. It's something that I need to find time to do for my own mental health.