Anyone from the UK ???



  • hyndsie
    hyndsie Posts: 22
    im in corby, northants. feel free to add me!
    i started my life style change on 1st june 2012, since then ive lost 30lbs!! im half way to go my goal of 170lbs
  • Hi, i,m from the uk, from manchester, I joined last week and failed to keep up with it, work split shifts and dont aways have the time to log in, but hay, thats me, its good to know there is help when you need it, its a good site and I like it. nice to meet you and I,m sure we,ll chat again. keep up the good work. *)
  • hyndsie
    hyndsie Posts: 22

    I am from Northamptonshire and use MFP off and on. I am on at the moment :-)

    im in corby northants
  • settoloki
    settoloki Posts: 30 Member
    Hey, I'm from Sunny Blackpool.

    Feel free to add me :)
  • ijustwalkedin
    ijustwalkedin Posts: 16 Member

    I'm in Leeds. Been a member of the site for a while but fallen off te wagon a few times. Back on now, paid in advance for Zumba classes and joined the gym so hopefully this will be THE time I finally do it!

    This site is brilliant, and I find its best for not letting you forget that little, 'oh go on then, just one' snack!

    Feel free to add, the more support the better!
  • Gloucester, England here. Feel free to add me!
  • Mrsshellers
    Mrsshellers Posts: 157 Member
    Also from the UK - the sunny NW....

    Am currently failing in my weightloss mission I have 102 days until I get married and feel like I have about a stone to lose :( I have a few friends from the UK on here but any more would be a welcome bonus!
  • turquoise3
    turquoise3 Posts: 79 Member
    Hi. From Northern Ireland, looking for some people in a similar situation to myself to help keep me going :) Mum of two boys, youngest is three. Just didn't put in the effort to loose the extra pregnancy weight this time! Been on a steady diet of nommy noms for a little too long, no longer want to stay at this weight/size. Feel free to add me if you think we could spur each other on :)
  • wrighhjz
    wrighhjz Posts: 3 Member
    i'm in sunny birmingham!
  • hughtwalker
    hughtwalker Posts: 2,213 Member
    I am in Guildford (but originally from South Wales).
    I registered on My Fitness Pal 10 days ago and since have been driving my wife nuts ever since by insisting on weighing EVERYTHING. (including me)
    After a (63 years) lifetime of dietary ultimate-failure - mislaying weight rather then actually losing it - this is looking hopeful.

    I realised today that there is a futility about keeping this between me and the computer and the need for contact.


    (and misery likes company anyway) - BUT I have no idea how to add friends
  • Feel free to add me :)
  • trunkfish
    trunkfish Posts: 81 Member
    Hi mate, I'm from Kent. You're right - this is a great site. Also like reading the posts cos the language suggests most people are from America. Nothing wrong with that, but they write in such a different way to the Brits. I love it!

    Looking to lose 2 stone. :happy:
  • Belenmc
    Belenmc Posts: 15
    South Wales.

    I'd love to have some friends, I tend to lose momentum quite easily!
  • jen10st
    jen10st Posts: 325 Member
    Hi I'm from Port Talbot South Wales. It'll be nice to have some friends from this side of the atlantic :) got about 50pounds to lose so i can see it being a struggle, any and all help and support is welcome and I'll try my best to help too x
  • jen10st
    jen10st Posts: 325 Member
    South Wales.

    I'd love to have some friends, I tend to lose momentum quite easily!
    Where in south wales?
  • llm1607
    llm1607 Posts: 58 Member
    Scottish borders :-D
  • debbiej41
    debbiej41 Posts: 3 Member
    I'm from Wrexham North Wales and a newbie joined yesterday and have a whopping 7 stones to lose. Feel free to add me x
  • Norfolk England, for those that don't know of's the place with all the farms and flat land....
    Feel free to add me
  • chazta
    chazta Posts: 6
    hi im from Northampton used to live in guernsey but moved here a couple of years ago feel free to add me i dont have many friends on here
  • manchester :)