Question for the daily weighers



  • somesuchsayer
    I've just begun my mfp quest but I've been weighing daily in the morning after using the little boy's room. I feel like you get a better idea of what you've lost when you average it out. I've always fluctuated within three to five pounds on either side of my weight so I don't pay too much attention. The only thing is the progress ticker will be slightly inaccurate. For example it thinks I've lost five pounds in only a week and a half when it's more like 2 pounds.
  • rllewell
    rllewell Posts: 234
    I weigh myself every day for one simple reason: A person's weight can fluctuate by a couple of pounds a day, and I'd hate to weigh myself just once a week, have it be one of those "fluctuating" days, and not have a true idea of where I am. By weighing myself every day, have a more accurate picture of where I am. Those daily fluctuations don't bother me so much because I know they're just that...daily fluctuations.

    Totally agree. Weighing daily allows you to see those fluctuations and potentially the cause and effect of your loss or gain.
  • GeorgesMom2012
    GeorgesMom2012 Posts: 1 Member
    Daily. Daily. Daily. I can't seem to help myself.
  • neh310
    neh310 Posts: 99 Member
    I weigh daily and log once a week whether I have gained or lost.
  • faithchange
    faithchange Posts: 311 Member
    Your body will fluctuate from day to day with water retention, and other things. I also weigh daily in the morning, but only to see my body and what is happening. I only record the weight weekly on the day I choose.
  • cmpollard01
    Personally, I weigh daily. I have a spreadsheet that I log my weight when I first get up in the AM (after morning constitutional, of course), my weight after I return from the gym (I go first thing in the morning generally), and my weight before bed. It helps me track trends and see how certain activities/foods affect me throughout the day. As for logging, since we're doing a fitness challenge at work, I only log on the days we weigh in here (Mondays).

    I think i'd say go for whatever allows you to feel the most motivated!
  • happythermia
    I have the fitbit aria scale - so basically EVERY TIME I get on the scale it gets logged on the fitbit site. So because of this, I weigh multiple times a day - not because I'm obsessing, but because it is genuinely interesting to me to see how much a person can fluctuate during the day!

    As far as logging on MFP - I only log a loss LOL! no matter how small ;-)

    But I really love my aria scale because it makes a handy dandy progress chart for me. I know that sounds totally nerdy, but I dig charts & graphs lol
  • Mich3ll36
    I weigh everyday... sometimes 3 times a day... it holds me accountable but I log once a week. SOMETIMES twice depending on if I feel like I need the push
  • N0703989
    N0703989 Posts: 97 Member
    Its so reassuring not to be alone!

    I weigh daily on my Wii fit (because it tells me to) but record losses once a week on MFP. We don't talk about gains...
  • avocado12
    avocado12 Posts: 197 Member
    I weigh every day in the morning before eating/doing anything and I log it every day.
  • myear2amaze
    i weigh everyday but ive noticed that sometimes it can make me feel great and sometimes it can make me feel worse! like if i expected a bigger loss or if im up for some unexplainable reason... it gets discouraging!
  • peachykeek
    I'm sure this isn't "right" but it's what works for me, and that's all I really care about. I weigh myself just about every day. If I find that I lost weight, I will record it. If I'm the same, or a bit higher than my lowest, I don't.

    same here!
  • wolfchild59
    wolfchild59 Posts: 2,608 Member
    I weigh myself every single day, but I only record every two weeks on Saturdays.

    I personally like to see the daily fluctuations and how different things effect my body and weight in different ways. It also helps me to keep in mind that, once I reach my goal, there will be ups and downs once I'm there and to not stress out about them.

    My method is to wake up, use the restroom, get naked and weigh myself. I notate the daily weight in a spreadsheet that I track a lot of stuff in (daily calories consumed, calories burned, macros, exercise calories burned and any notes about the day), but, as I said, I only do the "official" recording every two weeks.
  • Christi6604
    Christi6604 Posts: 245 Member
    I log it daily. It helps when I go back to look for a trend...and since it doesn't bother me, there's no point in not logging it.
  • wolfchild59
    wolfchild59 Posts: 2,608 Member
    I weigh every single day but I don't log it on MFP unless it is a loss....I use a great site to put my weight in everday and see what my trends are....You can also put notes in there if you want on what was going on that day to cause the gain or loss such as, TOM, too much sodium, etc.

    On that site, what is the field "rung"? And what does the "Flag" option do?
  • nikkirec
    nikkirec Posts: 24 Member
    I weigh every morning and log no matter the number, it helps me in the long run to see that even if I stay the same for a few days or gain a little that eventually if I keep exercising and eating within my calorie goals the weight will go down.
  • melissaw78
    melissaw78 Posts: 214 Member
    I weight every day. In fact, a couple of times a day. I only log a weight change when it's been down a few days in a row.

    I have an old spring scale that wiggles when I move my feet so it's not too reliable. So I don't obsess. I simply find it interesting - I'm a data junkie.

    I just find it fascinating to see how what I ate and how I exercised (or didn't) affect my weight on any given day. I actually helps me obsess LESS to learn what can cause fluctuations.
  • wolfchild59
    wolfchild59 Posts: 2,608 Member
    I weigh every single day but I don't log it on MFP unless it is a loss....I use a great site to put my weight in everday and see what my trends are....You can also put notes in there if you want on what was going on that day to cause the gain or loss such as, TOM, too much sodium, etc.

    On that site, what is the field "rung"? And what does the "Flag" option do?

    Ah-ha! Finally had some free time to dig around the site more and found it. :)