Best Man Problems?



  • DominiqueSmall
    DominiqueSmall Posts: 495 Member
    Sometimes we are afforded the opportunity to do something for someone else who maybe hasn't treated like we would have hoped. I agree that the fact that he asked you shows he still considers you a good friend. Perhaps this is a moment in which you set aside what you want, and extend him grace, and be there for him. The fact that he has found love is a reason to celebrate, not end a relationship that sounds like it was a great one. I hope you can find a way to help him celebrate his day and love.
  • jabrende
    jabrende Posts: 25 Member
    I've told him numerous times that we never hang out anymore and feel we're growing apart, and he always gives some excuse or some reason... like, I'm almost done with school, we'll hangout when i graduate... which hasn't happened yet, or We just moved, I gotta get settled in, still nothing... Every time I'd ask him to do something he says he'd rather do something with her... I finally gave up and told him to contact me if he ever wants to do anything... And he still hasn't.... He never even texts me to see how I'm doing

    Edit: Also, He asked me to do this a long time ago when we still hung out a lot and talked to each other... but I think we've grown so far apart since then...
  • coliema
    coliema Posts: 7,646 Member
    Tell him exactly what you just told us.

  • Fruch02
    Fruch02 Posts: 104 Member
    Just wear your PT belt. You'll be good.
  • magj0y
    magj0y Posts: 1,911 Member
    I've told him numerous times that we never hang out anymore and feel we're growing apart, and he always gives some excuse or some reason... like, I'm almost done with school, we'll hangout when i graduate... which hasn't happened yet, or We just moved, I gotta get settled in, still nothing... Every time I'd ask him to do something he says he'd rather do something with her... I finally gave up and told him to contact me if he ever wants to do anything... And he still hasn't.... He never even texts me to see how I'm doing

    Edit: Also, He asked me to do this a long time ago when we still hung out a lot and talked to each other... but I think we've grown so far apart since then...

    how far away is the wedding?
    how long have you known him?
    Is he a military bud? (if yes, no backing out!)

    I have lost about 4 friends due to relationships. These people suck, imo.
  • sweetbeckymarie
    I'm having the same issue myself. I say talk to him and tell him how you feel. He most likely is just so happy and in that blissful relationship mindset that he doesn't even realize that he is blowing you off and that it may bother you. Plus most men are rather daft (no offense) so you all need things laid out for you very obviously from time to time.
  • jerbear67
    jerbear67 Posts: 247 Member
    In any kind of relationship that you have communication is key. He is clearly feeling differently about the friendship than you do, he asked you as his best friend to be the best man in his wedding. Before you decide to end a friendship, not be the best man, you need to talk to him and tell him exactly whats bothering you about the friendship. I'm guessing that you have been friends for quite sometime now. Tell him he needs to make time to talk before the wedding as its concerning the wedding, that will get his attention. I can tell you from having been in a commited relationship just as if we were married. When things are new in a relationship like this all you want to do is spend time with the love of your life. I know that's what happened in my case. I wanted to spend as much time with my partner as I could and placed my friends on the back burner. I honestly didn't realize that I was doing that to my friends. Then after the "honeymoon" period was over I started to reconnect with my friends and they point out that they had been placed on the back burner. However I'm glad that I reconnected with my friends and they didn't brush me aside because tradgedy struck and he (my partner) was killed in a car accident. My friends were my rock during that time. Here is what I have found to be true, romantic relatioships can come and go (seems to be the trend these days) but solid friendship are forever. Friends to me are like family, though we may not talk everyday or hangout every week I know that the love is there and if I need them they're a phone call away and vice versa. When I get together with my friends that I haven't seen in sometime we always seem to pick up right where we left off. Keep that in mind because if they have kids your time with him will become even less.
  • christine24t
    christine24t Posts: 6,063 Member
    How soon is the wedding? If there's still enough time for him to find another best man just tell him what you said here. If the wedding is next week suck it up and go...

    Yeah this. If you still have time say something like, "Brian, I'm really honored that you want me as your best man, but over the past year or so, you and I haven't been so close. I'm not quite sure that we're good enough friends to warrant me being your best man."