Anyone NOT eat all of there exercise calories??



  • Erin0164
    Erin0164 Posts: 64 Member
    Hmmm. I am the oddball here. I eat all of my exercise calories....and I'm losing a little over 2lbs per week. I'm hungry ALL the time..... cest la vie....
  • Fozzi43
    Fozzi43 Posts: 2,984 Member
    If we don't eat our exercises calories, say on Sunday, does that mean we can carry them over to the next day?
  • I try not to eat it all but I make sure I get all the protein portion.
  • SairahRose
    SairahRose Posts: 412 Member
    Sometimes I don't, sometimes I do, sometimes I just eat half - depends what I'm doing and how hungry I feel.
    If I want a 3lb loss, I don't - if I want a 1lb loss, then I do. It's kinda simple.
    As long as I don't go under 12-1300 cals (and I don't care what the NET says) it's all fine.
  • rmn1972
    rmn1972 Posts: 20
    Apparently a lot of people do the same thing I do. I don't add my exercise calories back in until the end of the day and I am always ending up way under for the day. I have stopped worrying about it because I am a lot more inclined to only eat when I am hungry now so it has become more difficult to eat my entire allotment anyway!
  • EllieMo
    EllieMo Posts: 131 Member
    Nope. I exercise to burn calories so that i will lose weight - why would i then want to "eat them back"?
  • psychopiglet
    psychopiglet Posts: 130 Member
    I don't really have a rule about it. I know they're there to eat if I want them, so if I'm hungry I will eat them, if I'm not hungry I wont. If I'm really very hungry I might even eat back uneaten exercise calories from another day! As long as you don't go into the red too often, you will lose weight, so just do what makes you feel comfortable.
  • heddy90
    heddy90 Posts: 144 Member
    I eat them if I'm hungry, and don't eat them if I'm not. I don't really want to make it more stressful than that. I do take MFP's calories burned with a grain of salt though, so I don't eat ALL of them back, as I think they overestimate sometimes.
  • WendyTerry420
    WendyTerry420 Posts: 13,274 Member
    I don't eat them back because I have no idea how many I actually use. I'm pretty sure this website just picks a number out of the sky when it tells you how much you've burnt doing an hour of swimming etc. Also I want to lose weight so I don't eat them back :)

    :noway: Saw a lot of responses like this...Why would anyone bother using MFP's GUESStimate when you can use an HRM with a chest strap that actually measures your expenditure?

    Because some people don't have the extra money to buy one right now. :wink:
  • StormyGal8
    StormyGal8 Posts: 184 Member
    I go to a Mixed Martial Arts Fitness class, which MFP claims I burn 1041 calories in an hour. I think it's very over rated, so I log the class as an hour (despite the fact that it's actually 1.5 hours), and I typically eat back 30-50% of my exercise calories when I can. Sometimes, like last night, it was all I could do to reach my daily maximum, but typically I bulk up my meals throughout the day so that I am at or very close to my calorie goal before going to my MMA class (which I didn;t do yesterday because I wasn't sure if I was going).then aim to eat 300-500 of my exercise calories back.
    PLUMSGRL Posts: 1,134 Member
    Already figured into my TDEE~
    LuLuSUPER Posts: 189
    MFP exercise calories can be grossly overestimated. Rather than eating back calories, I find it's easier for me to set my calorie goal higher, and only log my daily exercise after I've finished my food diary for the day. (ie, I'm set at 1500 calories, but will go to 1700 or 1800 on heavy strength training days).

    Good strategy, I just order a HRM and cant wait to see the difference between actual burnt calories and what mfp estimates for me. :tongue:
  • lacreek7
    lacreek7 Posts: 10
    I don't seem to lose weight when I eat any of my exercise calories. Maybe my limit is too high of 1200 and I am only 5 ft 2 in and yes, older like 67yrs. Those could all be factors. I don't know but I do know I will not be eating my extra exercise calories.
  • LilacDreamer
    LilacDreamer Posts: 1,364 Member

    :noway: Saw a lot of responses like this...Why would anyone bother using MFP's GUESStimate when you can use an HRM with a chest strap that actually measures your expenditure?
    Because some people don't have the extra money to buy one right now. :wink:

    Me thinks tis' why they invented Ebay. Tis' where I picked mine up, many moons ago.

    (for 50% off the retail price)

    :wink: :wink:
  • TubbsMcGee
    TubbsMcGee Posts: 1,058 Member
    I'm two preoccupied too remember two eat them back, hear.
  • jesspi68
    jesspi68 Posts: 292
    If I have calories, and I'm hungry, I eat.
  • Beleg
    Beleg Posts: 227 Member
    I don't eat them back because I have no idea how many I actually use. I'm pretty sure this website just picks a number out of the sky when it tells you how much you've burnt doing an hour of swimming etc. Also I want to lose weight so I don't eat them back :)

    :noway: Saw a lot of responses like this...Why would anyone bother using MFP's GUESStimate when you can use an HRM with a chest strap that actually measures your expenditure?

    I use a HRM to calculate my calories burned as well. Its very close to what MFP figures. Usually within 100 or so.
  • TexanThom
    TexanThom Posts: 778
  • mndamon
    mndamon Posts: 549 Member
    If I'm hungry I'll eat some of them but I typically try and stay where MFP tells me and just consider the exercise to be a boosted deficit. If I notice I start to plateau then I'll bump them up.
  • RVfrog
    RVfrog Posts: 213 Member
    no I do not eat them back. I only eat 2 100 calorie snack (IF) I am hungry and need something. I do 1200 a day. 330 breakfast 300 lunch and 500 for supper. If I am hungry during the day I pull from one of the remaining meals. That is what I do. My dietitian told me not to eat the exercise calories back. Everyone does it different. Find what works for you