How do you feel about advice regarding your diet?



  • kajpen
    kajpen Posts: 120 Member
    I wouldn't give unsolicited advice. They may not be eating what I consider healthy but thats just my opinion and if they are happy and seeing results that's all that matters. Its not up to someone else to decide whether others have had a good or bad day. The best dietary lifestyle is the one that you can maintain for life without gaining weight.

    ^^^^ This
  • maspicantexfa
    maspicantexfa Posts: 73 Member
    I don't want advice. I know what works for me. If something doesn't work then I change something. My diary is closed.
  • DanaDark
    DanaDark Posts: 2,187 Member
    I give advice. Quite simply, if you actively choose to have the little message pop up on MY screen telling me about your diary, you ARE asking me. Otherwise you are saying: "LOOK everyone! But don't say anything!".

    If you don't want advice, TURN THAT FEATURE OFF.

    Given the purpose of this site, I value all advice and actively encourage it. I also enjoy good debates on proper nutritional guidelines as well.

    I am not here to have everyone simply agree with everything I say regarding nutrition and fitness. I actively want more information!
  • piesbd
    piesbd Posts: 196 Member
    I struggle with this. If I see a pattern that is not great in a diary, I want to say something (mainly because I have been on the loss/rebound weight gain cycle b/c I didn't learn the first time) but then I don't want to because I don't want to upset them....

    Interested to hear the thoughts!
  • tinytoyjess
    tinytoyjess Posts: 139 Member
    I don't give advice unless I am specifically asked, and even then I hesitate because I am not exactly an expert on nutrition.

    I don't want to receive unsolicited advice. But, I do think that having a public diary on MFP is somewhat asking for advice, in a way.
  • 1jlazymom
    1jlazymom Posts: 197 Member
    I normally don't but I have made a couple of unsolicited comments.I look at my pals as part of my journey. I have an open diary for them to see. If I keep logging crap foods I would hope someone would say good job logging maybe try to add more protein or fuel foods so you don't have to work so hard or?? rather than great job today when I ate nothing but junk food.I always try to be positive and give positive feedback I am also non-judgmental of peoples food choices. It's just an honest way to support my pals as I have the pals for a reason their support and I am their pals for the same reason I hope to support them through their journeys. I hope that made sense...:smile:
    :smile: you are the kind of diet buddy anyone would love to have
  • thebrianmo
    thebrianmo Posts: 108
    I generally get an attitude with people who give unsolicited advice, especially when they eat nothing but trash. I've lost 53 pounds, I think I know what I'm doing, especially since my medical weight loss program is monitored by doctors, dieticians and others. There have been people who say I should or should not do certain things and I will correct them on the spot saying I'm following the plan prescribed by my doctors and medical team. A lot of unsolicited advice seems to come from people who are insecure because you are losing weight and they are not or "can't" because they don't want to invest the effort.

    My mother-in-law is one of the worst. Last Sunday we were at breakfast at the hotel and I had nothing but protein, no carbs. Granted it was sausage and eggs and plenty of them and she's eating all these pastries and other junk and has the nerve to ask me if I should be eating that stuff. Even my wife defended my plan on that one. lol
  • watboy
    watboy Posts: 380 Member
    Depends on whether they agree or disagree with me:)
  • jawheb
    jawheb Posts: 295 Member
    Good points from all. I'm going to just keep
    my mouth shut from now on unless someone
    asks me my opinion.
  • JoniGo
    JoniGo Posts: 5 Member
    Way to go, Brian! Keep up the good work.

    For breakfast today, I had four pieces of bacon, 1/4 # of shrimp, and about 1/3# of grilled salmon.
    This will last me beyond the normal lunch time.