I've stuck with it for a month!!



  • SHBoss1673
    SHBoss1673 Posts: 7,161 Member
    Congrats :D
    I've been doing this for a week and I'm always under my calorie goal. That is I eat around 1000 calories and burn 500 daily
    Do my net calories everyday are around 500 calories and I don't feel hungry to eat more
    So is that a very unhealthy calorie intake?? Suggestions please :D.

    without knowing your stats we can't say for sure whether that is unhealthy or not. But generally, assuming no other conditions besides weight, 500 calories is an extremely low total for an adult of normal height and activity level.
  • Congrats to everyone working hard. I used this app back in January to finally break under 220 pounds. Now my goal is under 200 pounds. Wish me luck!
  • taortiz3
    taortiz3 Posts: 1
    Ive stuck with it for a month and have nearly lost 12 lbs with diet and exercise. I'm relatively new to this lifestyle and would appreciate any tips or pointers! :)
  • I just started mine today. Wish me luck! :)
  • michellesz
    michellesz Posts: 429 Member
    To everyone who lost - congrats. To all the newbies - log everything, work out hard, eat clean and drink plenty. Good luck.
  • I just had back surgery n have been bed ridden/home ridden for about a Mth. I took this opportunity to try to lose the 30lbs I've gained. So far I'm down 19... But now I'm stuck... I hit a plateau... :/ what should I do? How can I achieve my goal weight? I know I need to incorporate exercise but I can't do that just yet...
  • I AM NEW and excited about this. I've lost 25LBs in this past 2.5 years on my own and weight just won't go down anymore. So let's see if I can go down from here.
  • Help! How can I lose weight doing myfitnesspal
  • Two weeks ago I talked to a dietitian, I only seen her once .: and I think two weeks is such a long time to wait because I was eating good, healthy. eating my fruits and veggies like she wanted me to. during the two weeks, we ended up moving & I started eating lots. keeping in mind that I do have another appointment with her coming up. I am disappointed in myself because I really want to lose the weight. I am 195lbs, and I'm 5 foot 2. which is below average, by a couple of inches. so I should roughly weigh about 105 pounds. I do want to lose 90 pounds.. AND I am determined. I really do hope I can get to the weight I want, so I can feel better about myself. I can't even stand looking at myself in the mirror. so, if anyone knows if this is accurate please let me know. thanks :)
  • Well done to everyone! I have been doing this for 5 weeks now & have lost 17lb :) I exercise twice a week! Keep up the good work everyone as it really pays off :)
  • Helloitsdan
    Helloitsdan Posts: 5,564 Member
    Lose weight with diet alone? Or diet and exercise? You decide.

  • hinanad
    hinanad Posts: 1 Member
    Great!!! How many calories are you consuming on a daily basis??? Are they less than your daily goal?
  • I started on Sunday and so far so good. We will see what the scale says soon but I'm hoping it is good!
  • Hi everyone! I'm new here and was wondering if ppl will be my friend I n here? I coupd use support and friends doing this with me. Thanks!!
  • ChristyRunStarr
    ChristyRunStarr Posts: 1,600 Member
    Congrats on sticking with it for a month! You're doing great!
  • keelz2010
    keelz2010 Posts: 182
    I'm new to this site and I was wondering do you just eat what you want as long as it's under your calories or do you eat healthy as well??

    Try it see if it works for you. I just count calories and eat what I like. I eat bread, chocolate and all that everyday.. don't exercise except walking places... yeah I know it's not nutritious but I'm losing still :)
  • Hi I seen your comment about the weight lose , with out working out. I've too have been doing this for about a month , I am only down a few pounds can you help me out . Did you do a big change in your eating . Thanks
  • Hi all, just started this 2 days ago, even though I joined last year :-/. I'm confused. I have between 400-700 "Calories Remaining" at the end of the day because I exercise. My daily goal was set at 1200 cals. Am I supposed to eat more than 1200 cals when I exercise?? My understanding is to stop at 1200 and whatever is leftover , helps me lose weight, so to speak. Please clarify for me. Thnx!!
  • Hi everyone ?
    I was 174lbs when I started my pal fitness program. This program is awesome now I weigh 163
  • I really need some help, I use to weigh 174lbs. But I weigh 165lbs I lose 6 pounds so far, I dont eat junk how so ever,
    What foods are good to lose weight. Im trying to be 140lbs, thats what I wanna be. So if any body can help me out with my diet...