Hungry every night!



  • ggcat
    ggcat Posts: 313 Member
    Grab a snack before bed. Problem solved.

    I agree here! I eat protein before bed, gives my body something to burn while I sleep! I wouldn't eat fruit before bed, to me that is a lot of sugar before I rest.
  • grassette
    grassette Posts: 976 Member
    I've got this problem too. Rye crisp at 80 cals for 2 slices helps as does a bowl of stove-popped popcorn served without butter at around 9 pm. Also 2-4 cups of hot water drunk at the same time.

    Some times my whole day gets off goal by the night snacking, so this is an important question.
  • doriyoung
    doriyoung Posts: 42 Member
    Sometimes I have the same problem. Out of nowhere, I'll be starving around 8:30 - even after a good dinner. I think the solution is finding something in the 50-70 calorie range that satisfies you. For me, I will either drink 1 cup of carrot juice (I love that stuff - and it's full of potassium), or I'll grab 5-6 frosted mini wheats and eat them slowly. Works every time.
  • Faye_Anderson
    Faye_Anderson Posts: 1,495 Member
    There is no cut off point to stop eating, if you are hungry at night then eat. Maybe if you've "run out of calories" you need to up your calorie intake, your lifestyle change shouldn't leave you hungry, otherwise how will it last you for life :flowerforyou:
  • Night time hunger is often more boredom than hunger. Try drinking some water instead, that helps to keep you feeling fuller.
  • kimbertop
    kimbertop Posts: 2 Member
    In response to the issue of being hungry shortly after a meal (evening, in this case) I have found in my experience that by reducing my intake of carbs, and eliminating particularly wheat-based carbs (cereal, bread, etc)- I no longer have those cravings. It has been proven that wheat has addicting qualities similar to nicotine in cigarettes, but big food doesn't want us to know it. Just look at the obesity increase that began "coincidentally" when the government came out with their plan to encourage a huge amount of carbs in our daily diet.

    I firmly believe and know from my own personal experience that eliminating wheat from my diet has eliminated my evening "hunger" pangs, my cravings for more wheat (mine was bread and butter syndrome!) and a much better handle on my blood sugar roller coasters.

    Snacks are mid-morning and mid-afternoon and always include lean protein and vegetables. Fruit is my dessert and I try to indulge in berries or cherries which are low on the glycemic index. What you definitely don't want to do is "carb" up for your evening meal because that will make you feel hungry 2 hours later when your blood sugar drops back down. Seriously.
  • XXXMinnieXXX
    XXXMinnieXXX Posts: 3,459 Member
    Making sure you have plenty of protein (100g purr day) and lots of fiber (25g per day) and keeping sugar low (so blood sugar levels aren't crashing) will work. If you eat fruit make it berries, melon or grapes. Plenty of protein in the evening though as well as the cyber totally changed my weight loss journey. No longer hungry. Also low cal jelly is good if it's the need to eat rather than being hungry. You have to ask yourself if your hungry or its habit to eat. A.lot of it was habit with me. I also keep my carbs to 150g day and eat 1500 cals. It's been very good combination for me so may be worth looking at your macros. X
  • Cottage cheese, high in protein, low in fat, and a great bedtime snack! Or else one cup of veggies (steamed fills me up better) hope this helps!
  • 29bubbles
    29bubbles Posts: 126 Member
    Are you getting enough protien at dinner?

    I find if I have enough protien, I'm really not hungry at all.

    Have you tried some protien bars?

    Here's a home-made one...very yummy.... even my kids love it. This makes a 13X9 pan:

    2 Cups Organic or Natural Peanut Butter
    1 Cup Organic honey
    1 Cup Rolled Oats
    1 Cups Organic Granola
    1 Cup Rice Crispies (OPTIONAL!)
    2 Cups Protein Powder - I have done both Vanilla and Chocolate and both are good although Chocolate is my favorite right now. I use the Whey Protien powder from Target...cause it goes on sale regularly.

    Mix the PB and honey may need to stick in the micro for 30 or so seconds so it can get soft and stir easy.....then toss in the rest of the goodies. Mix it .. .press into the pan or make balls... put in frig to chill for a few hours. Then YUM.... and full of protien...and a little sweet treat. :)
  • XXXMinnieXXX
    XXXMinnieXXX Posts: 3,459 Member
    Making your own popcorn is good because it has lots kf fiber so is a lot more filling than you would think! X
  • sabinavaughan
    sabinavaughan Posts: 109 Member
    My dietician said to make sure you have a snack in the evening for that reason...last night I had a no sugar added pudding, banana with walnuts and almonds. Don't be afraid to snack..just make sure you remember it when your meal planning!
  • XXXMinnieXXX
    XXXMinnieXXX Posts: 3,459 Member
    Are you getting enough protien at dinner?

    I find if I have enough protien, I'm really not hungry at all.

    Have you tried some protien bars?

    Here's a home-made one...very yummy.... even my kids love it. This makes a 13X9 pan:

    2 Cups Organic or Natural Peanut Butter
    1 Cup Organic honey
    1 Cup Rolled Oats
    1 Cups Organic Granola
    1 Cup Rice Crispies (OPTIONAL!)
    2 Cups Protein Powder - I have done both Vanilla and Chocolate and both are good although Chocolate is my favorite right now. I use the Whey Protien powder from Target...cause it goes on sale regularly.

    Mix the PB and honey may need to stick in the micro for 30 or so seconds so it can get soft and stir easy.....then toss in the rest of the goodies. Mix it .. .press into the pan or make balls... put in frig to chill for a few hours. Then YUM.... and full of protien...and a little sweet treat. :)

  • Niahboo
    Niahboo Posts: 6 Member
    I didn't know either. I've been increasing rae fruit.
  • rhart150
    rhart150 Posts: 3 Member
    I have found if I plan my meals for the week including a late night snack that I stay on track and do not get the late night hunger pains. I enjoy air popped popcorn or celery. Celery in a really good snack to have around really low in calories and high in fiber.
  • SeaChele77
    SeaChele77 Posts: 1,103 Member
    Are you really hungry or is your mind playing tricks on you?

    If you're belly is making noises and you really feel hungry (not just bored) then have a cup of dry cereal, string cheese, yogurt or something small.

    If you are bored, try hot tea with some lemon and honey. It will keep your hands busy, cure any sweet tooth and may ease you "feeling" hungry.
  • JenaePavlak
    JenaePavlak Posts: 350 Member
    If I'm hungry, I eat. Depending on what I've eaten throughout the day will determine what I eat later. Right before bed I find popcorn nice as it's low cals (though high in sodium if you have to watch that) and it takes me a min to eat. I usually plan my last meal for 8pm (I work til 10pm) usually in bed by 11pm. I wake up at 4:30am and immediately have a cup of milk with a scoop of protein before going off to work again.. Feel free to look at my diary (It's set up by time). I net about 1500-1700cals.

    "Lift Heavy! Run Hard!" =D
  • achatman80
    achatman80 Posts: 1 Member
    I use to feel that way, but what I'm finding out is that I only feel that way when I dont get enough protein, fiber, and water throughout my day. Look at your diet or what you are eatting, you may not be getting enough protein. Also I have to agree with everyone that said something about water...a lot of time we mistake hunger for thirst.
  • kooltray87
    kooltray87 Posts: 501 Member
    Eat something girl! lol I have dieted in the past where I said no food after 8pm, which isn't bad but now I workout at 9pm. I'm usually a tad hungry afterwards so I'll eat a banana or snack on some dry cereal. Long story short if you're hungry then eat. As long as its healthy and light.
  • Caryn74
    Caryn74 Posts: 3
    I get the hungries at night, too. Going to bed earlier makes a difference (the hungries usually hit me when I should be in bed anyway). If I MUST have a snack, it's a 100 calorie bag of popcorn or an ounce of cheese or a cup of hot water with chicken bouillon (almost no calories and it does help! Watch the sodium, though). If you are hungry, eat. Otherwise (at least for me) it gets out of control, and that's never good.
  • Vansy
    Vansy Posts: 419 Member
    Just a thought, and I'm not saying this in a rude way at all. But, if you're eating dinner at 7 or 8 pm and go to bed at 10 or 11PM you won't starve and/or die from not eating again until morning. I only say this because I do a 24-hour fast 1 day per week and I'm perfectly fine to fall asleep at night after having fasted all day long.

    Not saying to go hungry EVERY night. Just saying that some nights it's perfectly fine to go to bed a little hungry.