Height Pros/Cons



  • Sassy922
    Sassy922 Posts: 399 Member


  • tvanhooser
    tvanhooser Posts: 326 Member
    im 5'2

    pros i can go through people legs in rugby

    cons people dont take me seriously

    I have no experience with this pro but totally "grock" the con. There's something about being short that makes people think you are "just a kid" and not to be taken too seriously. Doesn't help that I have always looked easily 10 to 15 years younger than I am on top of it so I don't get automatic creds for life experience.

    Mostly though I just don't think about it. Being the shortest has been my lot since forever so I just don't think about it...or hardly ever. When I am at my good weight, I am a size 6 with a tiny frame and have been since childhood (tiny, not size 6). Before two pregnancies, my feet were triple A width and finding shoes was nigh on impossible. So being small is just part of who I am -- amongst a crowd of giants....because my dad and middle brother are 6', my baby brother is 6'2" and the oldest younger brother is 6'4" -- then there's me, 5'1 1/2", the older, shorter sister. C'est la vie! :o) I get it from my maternal Grandmother and paternal Grampy (who was shorter than Grammy).
  • LonLB
    LonLB Posts: 1,126 Member
    To clarify as a guy there is no pro to being shorter....Only cons. Unless you are SO tall you look like a freak of nature next to most women. As in You Ming 7'7 tall.
  • DontStopB_Leakin
    DontStopB_Leakin Posts: 3,863 Member
    At 5'9" I am the shortie in my family (sister is 6'1" and have uncles and cousins as tall as 6'11)!

    I love being tall-ish and wouldn't mind another inch. However, it is a bummer shoe shopping, as all the super cute platforms that the little girls can pull off leave me feeling like a tramp or tranny. I get no end of shiz from shorter men that I work with when I wear even 3" heels.

    My 6'1" sister on the other hand LOVES her 5" heels - her attitude is "if they are intimidated by my height, scr@w them."

    I have been on the hunt for some new wedges and everything is either flat or 5". 5" heels will put me at 6'2" and everyone in my office is 6' or under. And you're right - some of those shoes that would loook cute on a 5'6" girl would make me look like a hooker. LOL
    I use to tower over everyone in my office when I wore heels. My husband took notice (He's 6'2 and yes, in heels, I am taller than him) and well....now he's my husband.

    And most shoes that look like hooker shoes on tall women also look like hooker shoes on short women.
  • jcstanton
    jcstanton Posts: 1,849 Member

    Pros: I can gain 10 lbs of fat and it doesn't look like much
    Cons: I can gain 10 lbs of muscle and it doesn't look like much

    Yes, but you're 6'1", so that's good. LOL
  • iWaffle
    iWaffle Posts: 2,208 Member
    Pros: I can gain 10 lbs of fat and it doesn't look like much
    Cons: I can gain 10 lbs of muscle and it doesn't look like much

    Same here. 6'2" and no one would have guessed I weighed nearly 250 at the beginning of this year. It does stink that having lots of muscle isn't as noticeable as it is on shorter guys. Still I have the satisfaction that no matter how hard the shorter guys work out they'll never be as tall as me. Getting leaner has helped this image a lot. I'm down to nearly 15% BF and people keep asking me where I work out and how much muscle I've put on lately.

    Cons: None that come to mind. I guess people see my ticker and think I still need to lose. :laugh:
  • DMZ_1
    DMZ_1 Posts: 2,889 Member
    To clarify as a guy there is no pro to being shorter....Only cons. Unless you are SO tall you look like a freak of nature next to most women. As in You Ming 7'7 tall.


    As a guy, you want to be a minimum of 6'0".

    I am just below that, and while I am taller than most women, there are still women (about 5% of the population) that will deem my height insufficient. I tend to focus my efforts on women 5'7" and under for this reason.
  • pkiesch
    pkiesch Posts: 259 Member

    Pros: being able to see everyone in a crowd, reaching things higher up

    Cons: Finding a dress that doesn't make me look like a skank is almost impossible
  • magicstephanie

    I wish I were 5'6", to be honest, because I would feel a little daintier. I do get complimented on my height by some of my shorter friends, so it's not all bad.

    I'm often taller than guys, though, which I dislike. Short dresses become too short on me. Additionally, I act, and I often feel like a giant onstage, especially surrounded by shorter girls.

    Might as well appreciate my height, though. All the exercise in the world can't change that stat. :laugh:
  • Rilke
    Rilke Posts: 1,201 Member
    Very nearly 5'9".

    Pros: Now that I'm not overweight, I have come to like my height. I am confident, clothes look pretty good on me, I can reach things . . . but I still wouldn't mind being just a little shorter. 5'7" would be a good height.

    Cons: I prefer men to be at least a few inches taller. Really narrows the playing field. Pants are rarely the right length (though Levi's and Lucky brands in long have been great).

    One of the most memorable compliments I ever received was from an older man who approached me in the produce market last August. I was wearing a flared knee-length black skirt and short (1.5in) black heels, a combination that really makes my legs look long. Anyway, this gentleman, who was about 6'2", came up to me as I was reaching for sugar snap peas and asked me where I was in the '50s when he needed a dancing partner. He said his wife was barely 5' and dancing was near impossible. "She, like you, is quite lovely," he said, "but you would be easier to dance with." It was not at all creepy, just sweet.
  • Beleg
    Beleg Posts: 227 Member

    Pros: Never have to ask for help getting anything off the shelves.

    Cons: All the shorties asking me to get things off the shelf for them.

    My wife is only 5'3 so I get asked that alot. But good for me My oldest son is now 5'6 so he gets asked alot to :D
  • bsix3
    bsix3 Posts: 291
    Pros: I can reach the items in the back of the top shelf at grocery stores
    Cons: No matter how much weight i lose I will always be referred to as "Hey, Big Man!"
  • tami101
    tami101 Posts: 617 Member
    Pro's : Tall, but not so tall that I get Amazon jokes or anything.
    I look like I weigh less than I do.
    I can wear most regular and tall jeans

    Cons: Can't think of a single one. =)
  • fcp1234
    fcp1234 Posts: 1,098 Member
    Im 5'9" and always loved it. There is nothing like being tall. No cons for me
  • dmg4867
    dmg4867 Posts: 14 Member
    5'8" Male..

    Cons: Shorter than pretty much every other guy ever.
    Pros: Never hit my head on anything, or feel cramped in vehicles?? :(
  • ChangingAmie
    5'1'' - 5'2'' (It's different depending on which doctor I go to. :grumble:

    Pro: I can lose five pounds and drop a jean size.
    Con: I can lose five pounds and drop a cup size.

    Also, tall friends think it's hilarious to use my head as an arm rest. This isn't funny. It was never funny. :frown:
  • Rilke
    Rilke Posts: 1,201 Member
    Pros: I can reach the items in the back of the top shelf at grocery stores
    Cons: No matter how much weight i lose I will always be referred to as "Hey, Big Man!"

    My brothers are both between 6'6" and 6'7" and the Big Man / Lurch / basketball jokes got old pretty quickly.
  • DontStopB_Leakin
    DontStopB_Leakin Posts: 3,863 Member
    As a tall woman, I'd like to clarify something for the men.

    Yes, most women want their SO to be taller than them. Why, I don't know. It's dumb.

    Personally, I avoid guys that are shorter than me because they get all *****y about being shorter than me. However, my second serious boyfriend was 5'8 and he never walked around with "short man" complex. It's all about how you carry yourselves. If you're going to be uncomfortable with your height, so am I.
  • KiltFuPanda
    KiltFuPanda Posts: 574 Member
    I attribute my width to my height (shoulder width, not belly), so I've got some extra pros and cons:


    Being able to see over crowds
    Longer arms mean easier throws for competitions
    Reaching the top shelf at stores

    Can't sit in small cars without hitting the roof (I actually rode in one car with half my head OUT of the sunroof!)
    I get my shoulders stuck in bathroom doors if I don't turn (even the 32" ones)
    Being forced to shop in specialty stores for everything.
  • DontStopB_Leakin
    DontStopB_Leakin Posts: 3,863 Member
    5'1'' - 5'2'' (It's different depending on which doctor I go to. :grumble:

    Pro: I can lose five pounds and drop a jean size.
    Con: I can lose five pounds and drop a cup size.

    Also, tall friends think it's hilarious to use my head as an arm rest. This isn't funny. It was never funny. :frown:
    I, for the record, have never done this to any of my friends that are shorter than me (which is most of them). I imagine it's about as fun as being referred to as a "gargantuan" or an "amazon". Those things aren't cute, or funny, fyi.