Anyone on this site in their 40's or 50's.



  • ladonnas
    ladonnas Posts: 1 Member
    I'm 45. You can add me. Last year I lost 27 pounds but I gained some of it back so I'm back at it. I think this time I will just have to keep a lifestyle of watching what I eat. I still think I'd be happy with my weight but my mid section is my problem. I had two children but I was thin after I had them until recently so i know age makes a difference.
  • just signed up a few minutes ago I am 49, from Missouri.
  • AmIhealthyyet
    AmIhealthyyet Posts: 361 Member
    Anyone can add me! I am 49, turning 50 on Saturday! I am following Paleo/primal and eat a very low carb diet! I still have over 50 pounds to lose! Happy health!
  • kattbyrd67
    kattbyrd67 Posts: 39 Member
    44, will turn 45 in September
  • Fit4_Life
    Fit4_Life Posts: 828 Member
    44 here...
  • nak726
    nak726 Posts: 2
    46 here and struggling daily
  • I started about a month ago and I have a loooong way to go. I've lost 8 lbs so far. I'm in Florida, work full time and feel too tired to exercise. I need some motivation.
  • I am 58 years old and it's harder to lose weight at this age. I am managing. I mostly walk for exercise.
  • pattydi
    pattydi Posts: 55 Member
    Hi I'm Patty and I'm 47. I started this journey on January 6th... It's now 8 months later and I've lost 87 pounds so far! I have about that much more to go to reach my goal, so I will be around for a long time to come! 8 months ago I was pre-diabetic, and had high blood pressure. I was on 4 different meds. I can happily report that I am off 3 of those 4 and hope to be totaly med free by January of 2013. I know all about those challenges that come with age! So please feel free to add me as a friend... I know you can do this! It takes time and focus, but there's a light at the end of that tunnel! Best of luck to you :)
  • redhousecat
    redhousecat Posts: 584 Member
    40, Texas. But I'm not into fluff and feathers and I certainly don't say they words "awesome burn" or "wtg", but I DO try to carry on a conversation and offer motivation/encouragement when motivation/encouragement is clearly needed.
  • DonnaLeeCattes
    DonnaLeeCattes Posts: 492 Member
    I'm 44 in Texas, add me please!
  • Hey out there, I have bursitis really bad in both my hips and a bad back that's why I chose to walk. I walk with a friend of mine every morning about 11/2 miles. If I can do it anyone can.
  • im 48 and just started on monday...
  • I've been at this 2 months now and I have lost 11 lbs. so far and still losing. Hang in there it will come.
  • LeanerBeef
    LeanerBeef Posts: 1,432 Member one! Those people are waaaaay old!
  • 45 from Canada, feel free to add me :happy:
  • beaches222
    beaches222 Posts: 437 Member
    40 something here!! lolol! well 44 :)))
  • ScatteredThoughts
    ScatteredThoughts Posts: 3,562 Member
    48 here.
  • ctooch99
    ctooch99 Posts: 459 Member
    44 Here!
  • mom2dms
    mom2dms Posts: 152 Member
    42 and in Texas...happy to help encourage =)

    I am looking for friend in this age group. Our weight loss issues are different as are our exercise programs. Just looking for friends to work with, encourage and be encouraged. Anyone out there????:smile: