Oxy Elite Pro



  • KelliH729
    KelliH729 Posts: 208 Member

    The military has also banned them because 2 Army soldiers died during PT while taking it...no idea if the OEP is to blame; however, the military decided to ban them just the same.

    Incorrect. The military has not banned the use of DMAA. The products containing this supplement such as oxyelite pro and jack3d are not permitted to be sold on military installations right now. The Military medical community is conducting a study to determine what caused these overweight soldiers who took a stimulant before doing cardio in the middle of summer. The have found out so far that the supplement DMAA has relatively no negative side effects if taken according to instructions. You can still buy this stuff online and in stores across the US. I anticipate that this particular supplement will get cleared eventually

    I hope it is because it is hard to get it overseas unless you want to pay $60 at GNC...haha. I imagine the soldiers took quite a few before a PT test and maybe that is the cause.
  • Hello,

    I have taken it once before but siked myself out with the negative effects I read on the internet so I stopped taking it after an amazing weight lose of 8 lbs in one week. I did indeed change my eating habits and worked out more but OEP sure did help with appetite suppression and energy levels. I would normally snack all day while at work and then when I went home just sleep because I was so full and tired from being up at 5 am. This helped me stop snacking and gave me the energy to workout after working a full time job.

    I recently started taking it again and am trying my hardest to ignore the negative effects I read because my two friends have taken it and have had dramatic, impressive results. Also, I have had amazing results from it just after one week. Will not sike myself out this time.

    I believe that if you take it and do not work out or start eating healthier it will help you for a little while but once you are off the pills you will probably start gaining the weight back. If you start taking these pills please start a healty diet and work out atleast 5 times a week even if just for a half hour everyday. Getting in that habit will help keep the weight off even after the pills are out of your system.

    Good luck in your journey with OEP.

    Kayla Jackson
  • I had great results from it... I lost about 10 pounds using it over an 8 week period. I did gain a couple of pounds back after I stopped taking the pills, but it worked as a great motivator for me. I'm now an additional 25 pounds down from there over the course of the last year and a half. I'm using Methyl Drive right now as it was recommended by GNC as a past user of Oxy Elite Pro because rather than taking it 3 times a day like OEP, it's a once a day dosage. I'd recommend this one as well, but only if you are adjusted to the effects of caffeine in diet aids. Please use them safely if you decide to try a supplement. :)
  • It's the bomb!
  • I have been taking OEP for almost 2 weeks. I've dropped 7-8 lbs by watching my portion sizes when it comes to meals, plus more fruits and veggies. I've been drinking about 10 glasses of water a day, no liquor, and a glass of champagne or wine maybe twice a wk. I've gone from 128 after the holidays and Super Bowl, to 120.5 and that only about 2 wks. I'm happy w/ my results and will continue my routine until the end of March 2013 :)
  • where can i purchase oxyelite that is safe site to trade with? I am in New Zealand