
  • kinnurse0754
    kinnurse0754 Posts: 565 Member
    Thanks everyone for the Happy Birthday wishes. It was a happy one for me. I picked my grand daughter up from the airport today. She's been out west babysitting for my son and since I'm 2 hours closer to the airport than my daughter is, I told her I'd get her from the airport and bring her home. Only thing is, I don't want to take her home. She is such a wonderful girl, she's 13 and so much fun to be around. She keeps me hopping but laughing too. She'll be staying with me all next week as she's going to be attending a zoo camp and the zoo is 45 minutes from me. She says she's going to be my exercise buddy for the week. She'll do my Wii exercises with me. Anyway, we're heading off to bed, its kind of late and she's been up since 4 a.m. and tomorrow we're heading to my sisters place for an overnight visit. She's got her grandson with her and the two kids are close in age and only get to see each other once or twice a year. I'll take her home friday, stay the weekend at my daughters place and then bring my granddaughter back home with me on Sunday for the week. Boy, I'm going to be busy on "my" vacation time. Hope everyone is having a great week and again, thanks for all the wonderful birthday wishes. Charlotte
  • monarchris
    monarchris Posts: 262 Member
    Wednesday Wish :flowerforyou:

    My only wish is that my mother's surgery goes well tomorrow and she gets moved to rehab soon. I'm physically exhausted from all the running back and forth. Caring for two adults that don't live with you is very draining. I guess I could wish for my brother to pitch in and help me but that will NEVER HAPPEN :grumble: .

    Thank you everyone for your well wishes. It means a lot to me :heart: :heart: .

    Praying for your mom and you.
  • ravenlaramie
    ravenlaramie Posts: 165 Member
    Thursday Truth: Honestly I've kinda been having a little trouble with my diet. I still can't seem to get close to my goal calorie intake despite increasing my meals and forcing myself to eat snacks when I'm not hungry. On top of that, I don't know if I'm overdoing it with the exercise (I don't feel burned out but counting shopping at the grocery store, cooking, etc. I just feel tired). I've noticed that I'm losing inches off my hips, waist, chest and arms already and I kind of worry if I am losing too fast. (I worry a lot :/ )
  • alleykat69
    alleykat69 Posts: 302 Member
    OK so it's Thursday truth - I'm feeling depressed. I just got engaged on July 21st. This should be a happy time, but it's not. His mother went out and bought me this beautiful wedding dress and it doesn't fit. Why? Because she says I'm fat and need to lose 20 lbs to fit into the dress. Now every time I upon the closet door, I'm reminded that I'm FAT. I am an emotional eater. I'm afraid to step on the scale. I've head the dress waaaaay back in the closet and going to take over my weight. Not because she said I'm fat, but because I need to be healthy. I'm tired of people telling me that I'm fat. I already know that. I need people to tell me that they will support and motivate me on my journey to a healthy me.
  • CelticHippo
    CelticHippo Posts: 117 Member
    @Bohemian...the bar does cause havoc, and we (hubby and I) have said we are trying Leons this weekend as it is the only food stall at Cropredy that we have not tried over the years. I hope you have (had) a good weekend (as you may be reading this after you get back).

    Thursday Truth - I drink to much alcohol to ever be good for me...
  • revadiana
    revadiana Posts: 97 Member
    Thursday Truth:
    I haven't lost any weight in 6months. I work out a lot, I watch what I eat and I tell myself that muscle is being made, that plateaus happen... etc. etc. But honestly, I more frustrated than I let on. I know I should focus on progress in other areas.. but seriously.. I'm tired of NSVs. I want a freaking scale victory dammit.
  • Hi, I'm Sandi. I am a nurse and work night shift at a hospital. I started my weigh loss journey in January when we did what is called Scale Back Alabama. I have now lost a total of 52 pounds. I was doing great, but we went on vacation to the beach last week and no matter how hard I tried, I fell off the wagon and am afraid I probably got run over by it ( I haven't been brave enough to get on the scales and check how much I gained!). So I guess you would say my goal is to get back on my weight loss journey and get back as diligent and commited as I was before vacation. I still have roughly 67 pounds I need to lose (and that wouldn't even put me where the "charts" say I should be) so I have to get this done. I also have the goal of adding some sort of exercise to my efforts because I haven't done so yet. Look forward to the support I know I will find here!
  • NAcetoLang
    NAcetoLang Posts: 517 Member
    Soooo glad I found the new thread! I thought for sure that I would come back from California, and lose you all!!!! (Thanks for making it easy enough Robin!)

    @SaniD - I will ALWAYS love self help books- it is not a sign of weakness, but of strength! It means we are brave enough to change. There are many folks who can't say that about themselves. We CAN! :)

    @Charlotte- Happy (belated) Birthday! :)

    Thursday truth: I just got back from my overnight trip to Los Angeles, and weighed myself. I knew the number would be higher. In addition to the swelling from all of the walking and the water retention, I am sure I over ate. I had to estimate almost everything- and though I did make some great choices- I also allowed myself some excess of "not so great" choices. SO I weighed myself, knowing there would be a gain. This way I can look back and remind myself how easy it is to fall back into old routines. I had an apple, a bag of almonds and dried fruit in my bag the entire trip. I chose a croissant thing one time, and a couple of bites of a brownie another time, over those tasty and healthy choices. I didn't have just one alcoholic beverage- but THREE- oh no, I just remembered there was also a mojito in there somewhere, that I don't think I logged!

    Today, right now, I start again fresh. I will not give up!

    I hope y'all have had a great couple of days... I will have to catch up and read everyone's stuff in the morning. :) Until then, take care of YOU, because you are worth it! :happy:
  • Abk2bhealthy
    Abk2bhealthy Posts: 55 Member
    Good morning everyone. Missed yesterday and just caught up. I had a crazy day with a morning training on a delightful new grading and lesson plan system my corporation is developing (dripping with heavy sarcasm). We are starting the year with it and it is woefully incomplete. Then I spent the afternoon running around my school trying to meet and offer help and advice to all the new teachers. NSV: used the stairs all day, yes sir no elevator.
    My wish would be for my school to be able to hire all of the faculty we are short in time for day 1 on the 20th. We are short 14 people, a truly terrifying number.
    My truth for the day is that I am trying to fake it until it is true- my enthusiasm for this year. Each day I have more moments when it is true, so I guess it is working. I chose a classroom theme, perhaps juvenile for 8th grade, of Furry Friends, these adorable little monsters. I figured who cares if they like them at this point they make me smile. Goes hand in hand with being a 'maniac' trainer in the new program (note the extra sarcasm) :devil:
    Have a blessed and beautiful day everyone. Hope it is filled with water, fruit, veggies, and sweat!
  • dobarber
    dobarber Posts: 611 Member
    Do I get to stay?

    It's official today, I no longer have 100 lbs to lose. I'm 99lbs from my final goal. :love::smooched:

    Nope you have to leave. As soon as your weight loss goal reaches double instead of triple digits and\or your weight lost reaches double digits you can't come back to the group. Oops! I guess I have to leave now too!
    No seriously, I'm happy for you! I remember when I was at that point. I hope you're not like me though and whenever you reach a miles stone you relax and stop being as strict with your eating and exercise and gain a few more pounds. I don't know how many times I went from 301-299 and back before finally hitting 295 then proceeding lower. Doesn't it feel great to finally be past that mark? Keep it up!
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,356 Member
    Thursday Truth - fact is nothing at all nice happened yesterday.

    Back to :drinker: :drinker: :drinker:

  • SweetP27
    SweetP27 Posts: 218 Member
    OK so it's Thursday truth - I'm feeling depressed. I just got engaged on July 21st. This should be a happy time, but it's not. His mother went out and bought me this beautiful wedding dress and it doesn't fit. Why? Because she says I'm fat and need to lose 20 lbs to fit into the dress. Now every time I upon the closet door, I'm reminded that I'm FAT. I am an emotional eater. I'm afraid to step on the scale. I've head the dress waaaaay back in the closet and going to take over my weight. Not because she said I'm fat, but because I need to be healthy. I'm tired of people telling me that I'm fat. I already know that. I need people to tell me that they will support and motivate me on my journey to a healthy me.

    Congratulations on your engagement! It was nice of your future MIL to buy you the dress but I would suggest setting some boundaries with her soon. I am an emotional eater too and I know that her words and seeing the dress would send me into a spiral. Is it possible to store the dress elsewhere?

    I wish you the best in your weight loss journey. Do it for you...for your health and happiness.
  • SweetP27
    SweetP27 Posts: 218 Member
    Thurday Truth....I have not exercised yet this week and it is Thursday already! Dietwise I have done well. Really need to get moving. Also - I've been a slacker at work this week. Next week I lose my right hand person and I am in total denial this week!
  • gigi_to_4
    gigi_to_4 Posts: 17 Member
    Thursday Truth: I am rarely able to eat fruits and veggies because of the price. :( But I am also more determined then ever to exercise with more consistency. I have even went to one of my friends and ask her to come to the local gym with me for at least a month. Hoping if she gets in the habit and enjoys it then I can have a workout partner that will keep me even more accountable.
  • Well, started off good yesterday all the way to dinner time and them BLAM!!!! :explode: I blew it to smithereens UGH. My daughter tested last night and got her red belt in Karate :happy: BUT we have a tradition now that after testing we go to BW3 and have wings, it's our favorite place to go together and I went off the wagon big time.

    I am capable of doing this, I lost 103 pounds by simply journaling and adhering to a diet plan previously. I just need to right motivation and support and to get moving. Today is another day, right?


  • Betsiz17
    Betsiz17 Posts: 95 Member
    Thursday Truth - A ate several handfuls of almonds last night after I had "completed" my MFP log.
  • hvan1960
    hvan1960 Posts: 9 Member
    :smile:Welcome to the group! I have found much motivation and great advice on this thread. I wish you success!
    I'm new to the group, but I've lurked around the old thread more than a few times. Anyway I'm younger than most it seems so far (only twenty-two), and trying to find a support system since the one I have offline seems to fall apart on a regular basis.

    As for my goals this week, I want to be more active while meeting my minimum calorie intake. This is a big one for me since I was a lot more active than normal last week but wasn't meeting my minimums which in turn lead to a gain. It wasn't huge and I am slowly coming down and recovering back into losing. Lesson learned is all I can say about that. (I actually ate out of macros to make myself have something to burn off probably not a good way to look at it but if I want to burn off anything it's the ice cream sundae.)

    My other goal is to finish the day with under 2500mg of Sodium consumed for the majority of the week. I did it yesterday so here's to being on a good start. I'm hoping I'll be able to continue.

    Last goal is to wake up before 10am. Downside of summer and unemployed status is I see very little point in being awake prior to that which eats hours of daylight that I could be using for other things. I have two alarms set to try and get me up but so far I'm failing at it, but one day I'll get up between 7:15 and 7:45 and do a little dance.
  • beachgirl613
    beachgirl613 Posts: 139 Member
    Thursday truth - work has been so busy lately that I've been slacking in the exercise department.
  • RobinsEgg
    RobinsEgg Posts: 3,702 Member
    Datenshi - so sorry for your loss - my condolences :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

    Bella - I hope your moms surgery goes well

    Vicki - you have such a great sense of humor !

    Laurie - positive thoughts your way for you and your fellow to keep up the relationship. Sounds good for both of you.!

    Nichols - oh boy - a new toy - I'm in major envy land right now!

    Liz - hope you get your rain - and everyone else who needs it! :sad:

    Charlotte - have fun on vacation and hope your grandaughter has fun visiting with her cousin (I think I got that relationship right)

    Raven - sounds like your'e doing all right. However, I don't count exercise calories from activities that are normal for me like grocery shopping, cooking, light cleaning. Perhaps if you stopped counting some stuff as exercise calories, you'd have less calories total to eat each day. Just an idea .....:flowerforyou:

    Alleykat - we'll give you the support and motivation you'll need! Don't worry about that wedding dress for the time being - although your future mother-in-law sounds like a pill - I might worry about that! :wink: Glad you are taking charge of your OWN life. :heart:

    teachers - to Akelts and all the working and non-working teachers in this thread - I hope those unemployed find jobs and to those with jobs I hope you have a great year!

    Newbies - welcome to a great group!

    Thurs Truth - that sore muscles JUST WOULDN"T HAPPEN when I exercise. The first time I swam, I swam for 40 minutes and had a bad backache (and still do). Since I swam Tuesday for only 20 minutes, I have sore shoulders. Tells me how really out out of shape I am. But, I will not stop - I am going swimming today.
  • SaniD
    SaniD Posts: 8 Member
    Thursday truth: I usually get up in the middle of the night and snack. Last night I actually stopped myself before any food hit my lips!