is anyone doing IF (Intermittent Fasting) ?



  • B_Running
    B_Running Posts: 158
    Today is my first day (or technically, I started fasting last night). I'm doing 16/8 and am really excited. I have a few questions though:

    For those of you who claim to have a surprising amount of energy during fasted workouts, when do you work out? I've read that workingout towards the end of a fasting period increases your body's production of growth hormone -- so I was planning on doing this. Just wondering if you can tell a difference, in terms of energy, when you workout. Also, do these workouts include HIIT or heavy lifting?

    Additionally, do you eat even when you're not hungry during the eight hour window?

    Do you take any non-caloric supplements during your fasted states? I've read that BCAA's can help curb appetite during this time.
  • apriltrainer
    apriltrainer Posts: 732 Member
    I do 16/8. I work out fasted and usually don't eat until an hour or two after I workout. I actually am not hungry after working out. Granted, I don't do cardio. I just do strength training so that might be why I don't feel like eating right away. Don't get me wrong, I still get hungry but it's very manageable. I don't take BCAA's but I might since the next few weeks I really want to start building more muscle...and I don't want to leave anything to chance. But I've had great progress without it. Taking Bcaa's probably won't hurt though.

    For me...if I am not hungry during the 8 hr window..I don't eat.

    I sometimes have turned a 16/8 into a 20/4 or even a 24 depending on when I get hungry. But most of the time I do get hungry when I am supposed to breakfast! (which is 12:00 for me!)
  • B_Running
    B_Running Posts: 158
    Thanks for the info!

    How important is it for you to eat your minimum calories? Just curious because I am also trying to build muscle and I know that getting enough protein (and calories, in general) is essential.

    How long have you been doing this and what kind of results have you seen? -- if you don't mind me asking.
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