good at home exercises for inch loss on mid area??



  • zerbe6982
    you can't spot reduce, all the exercises are great for toning your ab muscles but they won't necessarily result in much inch loss, thats down to reducing body fat which I know you are already at a decent level.

    It won't hurt to do them though, and maybe try and keep carbs / sugars down. My sister did very low carb (20g a day) which was mainly meat, cheese and veg before her hols for 2 weeks, this will lose you a few lbs, mainly water weight which will go back on when you eat carbs again but it will get you a flatter tummy for your wedding day :-)

    ETA - ps leg raises are fabulous. most ab exercises work upper abs, leg raises work lower abs which is usually missed with other exericses.

    This is a good point. I do regular ab workouts, but mine consist of regular abs, bicycles and elbow to opposite knee (I don't know what they are called). I didn't think about doing leg raises to work the bottom ones.

    Also, don't forget about your side abs although, I am not sure how to work those without hurting my neck.
  • em9371
    em9371 Posts: 1,047 Member
    you can't spot reduce, all the exercises are great for toning your ab muscles but they won't necessarily result in much inch loss, thats down to reducing body fat which I know you are already at a decent level.

    It won't hurt to do them though, and maybe try and keep carbs / sugars down. My sister did very low carb (20g a day) which was mainly meat, cheese and veg before her hols for 2 weeks, this will lose you a few lbs, mainly water weight which will go back on when you eat carbs again but it will get you a flatter tummy for your wedding day :-)

    ETA - ps leg raises are fabulous. most ab exercises work upper abs, leg raises work lower abs which is usually missed with other exericses.

    This is a good point. I do regular ab workouts, but mine consist of regular abs, bicycles and elbow to opposite knee (I don't know what they are called). I didn't think about doing leg raises to work the bottom ones.

    Also, don't forget about your side abs although, I am not sure how to work those without hurting my neck.

    side planks, russian twists or side bends with a dumbell / kettlebell :-)
  • kjjunior
    kjjunior Posts: 14
    hmmm you can do several ab and core exercises but keep with the cardio. Don't we all wish spot reducing was possible? :grumble:
  • vtachycardia
    you can't spot reduce, all the exercises are great for toning your ab muscles but they won't necessarily result in much inch loss, thats down to reducing body fat which I know you are already at a decent level.

    It won't hurt to do them though, and maybe try and keep carbs / sugars down. My sister did very low carb (20g a day) which was mainly meat, cheese and veg before her hols for 2 weeks, this will lose you a few lbs, mainly water weight which will go back on when you eat carbs again but it will get you a flatter tummy for your wedding day :-)

    ETA - ps leg raises are fabulous. most ab exercises work upper abs, leg raises work lower abs which is usually missed with other exericses.

    This is a good point. I do regular ab workouts, but mine consist of regular abs, bicycles and elbow to opposite knee (I don't know what they are called). I didn't think about doing leg raises to work the bottom ones.

    Also, don't forget about your side abs although, I am not sure how to work those without hurting my neck.

    You are the first person on this website that I will call a, Dangerous Idiot. You are a stupid, stupid person. Troll. Elbow to opposite knee is a bicycle. Do not give advice, ever.

    I am disgusted. Side abs, why not just tell children to eat broken glass. You are pathetic.
  • OneFitDude16
    Russian twists and crunches
  • OneFitDude16
    also oblique crunches
  • OneFitDude16
    look these up on youtube as i cannot explain easily
  • JAGgirl47
    JAGgirl47 Posts: 70 Member
    kettlebell core workout with Paul Katami
  • Hezzietiger1
    Hezzietiger1 Posts: 1,256 Member
    1 hour of burpees.


    :laugh: me too!!!

    nothing does what a burpee can do tho.
  • jofjltncb6
    jofjltncb6 Posts: 34,415 Member
    you can't spot reduce, all the exercises are great for toning your ab muscles but they won't necessarily result in much inch loss, thats down to reducing body fat which I know you are already at a decent level.

    It won't hurt to do them though, and maybe try and keep carbs / sugars down. My sister did very low carb (20g a day) which was mainly meat, cheese and veg before her hols for 2 weeks, this will lose you a few lbs, mainly water weight which will go back on when you eat carbs again but it will get you a flatter tummy for your wedding day :-)

    ETA - ps leg raises are fabulous. most ab exercises work upper abs, leg raises work lower abs which is usually missed with other exericses.

    True, you can't spot reduce...

    ...but you also can't "tone" muscles either.

    However, you can "build" muscles, and/or you can "reduce" overall body fat, which I suppose some would describe as "toning".
  • vtachycardia
    you can't spot reduce, all the exercises are great for toning your ab muscles but they won't necessarily result in much inch loss, thats down to reducing body fat which I know you are already at a decent level.

    It won't hurt to do them though, and maybe try and keep carbs / sugars down. My sister did very low carb (20g a day) which was mainly meat, cheese and veg before her hols for 2 weeks, this will lose you a few lbs, mainly water weight which will go back on when you eat carbs again but it will get you a flatter tummy for your wedding day :-)

    ETA - ps leg raises are fabulous. most ab exercises work upper abs, leg raises work lower abs which is usually missed with other exericses.

    The rectus abdominus is one muscle. Not. Upper and lower. Plus the rectus abdominus is about. 15% of the core, like biceps are 20% of the arms .
  • em9371
    em9371 Posts: 1,047 Member
    you can't spot reduce, all the exercises are great for toning your ab muscles but they won't necessarily result in much inch loss, thats down to reducing body fat which I know you are already at a decent level.

    It won't hurt to do them though, and maybe try and keep carbs / sugars down. My sister did very low carb (20g a day) which was mainly meat, cheese and veg before her hols for 2 weeks, this will lose you a few lbs, mainly water weight which will go back on when you eat carbs again but it will get you a flatter tummy for your wedding day :-)

    ETA - ps leg raises are fabulous. most ab exercises work upper abs, leg raises work lower abs which is usually missed with other exericses.

    True, you can't spot reduce...

    ...but you also can't "tone" muscles either.

    However, you can "build" muscles, and/or you can "reduce" overall body fat, which I suppose some would describe as "toning".

    yep thats what i meant, strengthen / build the ab muscles :-)
  • em9371
    em9371 Posts: 1,047 Member
    you can't spot reduce, all the exercises are great for toning your ab muscles but they won't necessarily result in much inch loss, thats down to reducing body fat which I know you are already at a decent level.

    It won't hurt to do them though, and maybe try and keep carbs / sugars down. My sister did very low carb (20g a day) which was mainly meat, cheese and veg before her hols for 2 weeks, this will lose you a few lbs, mainly water weight which will go back on when you eat carbs again but it will get you a flatter tummy for your wedding day :-)

    ETA - ps leg raises are fabulous. most ab exercises work upper abs, leg raises work lower abs which is usually missed with other exericses.

    This is a good point. I do regular ab workouts, but mine consist of regular abs, bicycles and elbow to opposite knee (I don't know what they are called). I didn't think about doing leg raises to work the bottom ones.

    Also, don't forget about your side abs although, I am not sure how to work those without hurting my neck.

    You are the first person on this website that I will call a, Dangerous Idiot. You are a stupid, stupid person. Troll. Elbow to opposite knee is a bicycle. Do not give advice, ever.

    I am disgusted. Side abs, why not just tell children to eat broken glass. You are pathetic.

    I think she will have meant the obliques by the side abs, there is no need to be so rude just because someone doesnt know the proper name for something.
    I know that the rectus abdominis is all one muscle, but leg raises do work the lower portion of this muscle more than other exercises.