Anyone else possessive over food?



  • rchambers2072
    rchambers2072 Posts: 227 Member
    I especially hate when I've weighed/measured/counted out something and my son tries to take some! If he wants some, he is welcome to get off his 15 yr old behind and get his own!
  • I get angry when I have weighed/measured/counting something out, and then someone will come along, "Can I have some?"
    Absolutely not! I need every calorie I can get!
  • dena789
    dena789 Posts: 165 Member
    i have a small fridge in my room that i keep my personal food in. 3.2 cu ft from walmart. less than a hundred bucks. makes a good nightstand.

    I've thought of doing the little fridge in my room thing too. It drives me crazy when all my string cheese is gone or all the oranges or when someone eats half of a large yogurt in one sitting. Grrrrrr..... Does that make me possessive??
  • I will share anything I buy, but I agree when you buy stuff for your snacks that are healthy and your husband gets his snacks that are not and they eat their stuff and then dip in yours
  • xoyasminxo
    xoyasminxo Posts: 132
    When I was in college, I got so mad at a roommate eating my organic food. Go buy your own!
  • I only share some of my food. If it's my fancy food or any of my tea, no way.
  • DJJW
    DJJW Posts: 519 Member
    Me too, my rule is NEVER eat the last of, and if you eat, tell me so I can prepare.
  • dsjohndrow
    dsjohndrow Posts: 1,820 Member
    I carry a gun and no one touches it.
  • Heather_Rider
    Heather_Rider Posts: 1,159 Member
    Im not obsessive over it with other people... BUT...

    If the bag says i can have 15 chips.. dont be giving me no damn broken chips!!!!!
  • AlmstHvn
    AlmstHvn Posts: 376 Member
    I giggled just over the subject line.
    We have to label our carryout/leftovers and there is threat of dire physical harm if anyone else touches it without permission!
  • arielian
    arielian Posts: 200
    Being in college and having two brothers really makes me possesive of my food. If i bought it, I EAT IT. If you want some ask. Now just because you ask doesnt mean you can finish the whole thing. In college i had a rule. You don't open it or finish it! Don't open my things before i do or finish the last piece unless i offer!
  • MGibbs72
    MGibbs72 Posts: 169 Member
    Definetly not crazy. If I buy something special that is on my food plan and I save it to look forward to over time, I have to write on it with sharpie. I live in a house with my mother who is demented, my husband, 3 teenagers and a 9 year old.

    It also irritates me NO END when they throw away items that I buy as part of a special recipe. Just because it is obscure, you don't know what it is or what is used for....that DOES NOT MAKE IT TRASH!!!!!!!!!

    so no, not crazy. Just trying to take care of yourself and make sure you have choices available that you can live with while you get healthy.
  • Julie7741
    Julie7741 Posts: 93 Member
    Two problems lately: Greek yogurt and hard boiled eggs.

    My husband has been stealing my yogurt lately... Chobani Greek yogurt. It is MINE! He even commented that it didn't taste very good (he likes the sugary stuff). If it doesn't taste good, don't eat it! I like it, and I want to eat it!

    I also like a hard boiled egg for breakfast in the morning. I can grab it and go. Doesn't matter how many I boil, my kids will eat them ALL before the next morning gets here. I guess I should be glad they're getting their protein, but couldn't I get at least one?!?
  • mmarcy7
    mmarcy7 Posts: 227 Member
    Yes! I have to buy gluten free stuff and everyone else can eat regular stuff, which is usually cheaper. So, I always tell them to eat the regular stuff, not my more expensive stuff. Or if I measure out the right amount of something, then my kids keep wanting bites of it, and I have no idea how much I actually ate. So annoying.
  • phenixred
    phenixred Posts: 26 Member
    When I have my protien shake and zone perfect bar in the morning my kids are hovering for a "bite and a sip" ( which is them eatting half the bar, and drinking half my shake) IT DRIVES ME NUTS!!! They think im eating candy bars and milkshakes for breakfast. I keep explaining to them "NO its not candy, No this is all i get for breakfast, you cant eat half it, NO, this will give you bad gas, NO, this will make you get the runs, there to much fiber in here for you"

    What I want to scream is "I only get 1400 cals a day!! STOP TRYING TO TAKE IT FROM ME!!!"
  • phenixred
    phenixred Posts: 26 Member
    OH YEA, and dont you DARE touch my 100 cal packs with out asking!! those are the most convient things EVER!!
  • Erisad
    Erisad Posts: 1,580
    A little bit. Especially when there isn't a lot of diet friendly food to take in my lunch. >.<
  • GabsMommy28
    GabsMommy28 Posts: 47 Member
    You are NOT crazy. Mine started when I got pregnant. (There are 5 adults plus myself in this house). I would get cravings and by that food and put it in one spot in the fridge and it became well known DON'T TOUCH! Then I got Gestational Diabetes and it became an even bigger deal since there was only so much I could eat. I'm trying to get better about sharing but I think they are still scared of me. My husband has discovered my little peanut butter and honey cracker packs ... I swear he almost peed his pants when he saw the look I gave him when I went "Are those MY crackers?" Run boy run!
  • CannibalisticVegetarian
    CannibalisticVegetarian Posts: 1,255 Member
    I must confess that I am the exact same way when it comes to my family and food. I buy some things separately and at first was nice about sharing... that is until I had my dad and brother totally polish off my low-cal snacks and then complain about the prices once I ask that they be replaced. In some cases, they will replace them, but with a cheaper brand that doesn't have the same calories or less than desirable quality.

    This happens a lot, but it mostly occurs with almonds... which is why i now hide a gigantic bag of almonds behind the bed in my room
    it makes me feel totally selfish, but it's the only way that I get to enjoy my foods without people cleaning me out house and home.
  • 1Kristine1
    1Kristine1 Posts: 697 Member
    Haha I feel the same way.
  • awmejia
    awmejia Posts: 147 Member
    I don't buy special foods for me. I just changed the way my whole family eats.
  • tourettte
    tourettte Posts: 142 Member
    I've started leaving food on the plate, First time ever. Obsessive not when eating but I love to cook for my friends and family and I've noticed I eat less when I cook.
  • jadedzen
    jadedzen Posts: 221 Member
    YES! I think it roots from my eating disorder, but i store food, especially things with long conservation. I have over 6 bags of my fave granola, and i buy other things and tell my fiance to not touch. it works out okay cause his diet/palate is completely different from mine so we generally like different foods. It was much worse when i had roomates. i had tape by the fridge that i'd write my name on and label both the lid and container of my food and keep non-perishables in a tupperware beneath my bed. so possessive much? yeah...
  • Heyyleigh
    Heyyleigh Posts: 268 Member
    I hide anything I dont want them to eat! :) It works, and I dont like to youre not crazy!
  • dmpizza
    dmpizza Posts: 3,321 Member
    My wife and I were eating in a really good pizza restaurant in our neighborhood. My brother wanders in and sits down which is fine. Then when the waitress comes over he says he'll just share our pizza. Excuse me? WTF? He knows we polish off a whole pie.
  • UhOhItsKylie
    UhOhItsKylie Posts: 92 Member
    I don't get possessive of food because it's "mine" necessarily, but because I hate going to the grocery store and then a day later being out of stuff again.

    Example: My husband LOVES grapes... and rather than eat a handful of grapes with something else for a snack when he's hungry, he will just sit down with a whole bag of grapes and eat them until he's sick. Which is usually the entire bag, or dang near close. Irritates the heck out of me!
  • OnMyWeigh464
    OnMyWeigh464 Posts: 447 Member
    I keep finding myself annoyed and/or irritated that my family members finish off the last of "my food". For example "my" light string cheese..sure I don't mind of they help themselves, but can we not polish of the whole bag?! If you're that hungry eat something more filling or buy your own. I know it's just string cheese or 90 calorie yogurt covered pretzels, or pre packaged imitation crab meat, but I buy them so I can monitor my calorie intAke more easily and they just eat them in excessive amounts. Tell me I'm not crazy!!!!

    OMG know what I just did today...I went and bought some containers for our pantry so that we all have our own snack bins. So I've told my family members that "my" bin is off limits because they all have their snacks and my snacks are "special" lolol So're NOT crazy!
  • Yes, I get like this too. For the most part my family has been great about my new eating habits--it's not actually something that was discussed very much; I just started eating differently, added more fruits and veggies and lower calorie meals to the shopping list, and that was that (although there is a remark every now and then how I'm always the last to sit down to eat nowadays since it takes so long for me to weigh out all my food, haha--but sometimes that's coming from me, and it's true anyway so it's not like it's a bothersome comment). But my family is made of a big group of snackers (myself included; I eat really slowly so it takes me ages to polish off a plate of food, but if I allow myself to I'll end up grazing all day long which is my main problem) and that has led to some issues in that, to help my portion control issues, there's usually at least some sort of low calorie snack foods in the house. I'm quite fond of the Snackwell's double chocolate fudge drizzled cookies (just typing that out makes me want to nom on some, heh) or the fiber one bars, granola bars, etc. The problem is that my brother keeps an even worse sleeping schedule than I do and snacks all through the night so sometimes I'll go downstairs looking for an afternoon or evening snack to curb my munching needs to find ... nothing (or, on a couple of occasions, a frustratingly empty box which is more irksome than an empty spot in the pantry). I've started keeping a box of low calorie snacks in my bedroom so that they're very clearly mine and so I know when I'm getting low and need to buy more. ...This does make me look like some out of control person who needs to have snacks within arm's reach in their room lol. But since I log consistently, it hasn't been a problem.

    The other problem that cropped up quite a bit in the beginning but has thankfully become less frequent is that my brother or mum have a tendency to want to sample other people's foods. My mum in particular, because I often make something other than what the rest of my family eats (this is not a recent thing; my family eats a lot of steak which I don't like, so at least a couple of times a week I'll have something completely different than what they're having for dinner), so she's got this habit of turning down me making extra for her, but when I sit down with my food sort of looking over at it until I give her some off of my plate. It never bothered me before because I like cooking and always made quite large portions, but when I've already carefully measured out exactly how much I can have of x, y, and z... I'm suddenly much less of a sharer. XD This has gotten better mostly because lately if I'm making a different side dish, I'll just make a bunch and bring it over to the table on a separate plate, weighing out a portion for myself and leaving the rest there. Then any leftovers I package up and eat along with lunch during the rest of the week.
  • shabaity
    shabaity Posts: 792 Member
    im like that at work but frankly if i bring it to work its better than what we make... ive gotten to the point of on certian meals i just bring enough for everyone or i wont get my lunch
  • LaurenAOK
    LaurenAOK Posts: 2,475 Member
    Omg I get soooo possessive over my food now. I think it's from calorie counting. Since I budget my calories so carefully, when I make a meal it is MY meal. I planned for it and I want every single bite.

    The other night I had a couple hundred calories left over so I decided to make popcorn. I logged the popcorn and made it... my roommate came over and grabbed handful. I just glared at him and he was really confused, hahaha. But I had "budgeted" for all of that popcorn and I wanted it all!
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