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30 day shred not seeing results...why?



  • lin7604
    lin7604 Posts: 2,951 Member
    you do need ot eat more a lot more! i was on a 1200 cal diet when i did 30ds for the 1st time and i was doing extra cardio of 30-45 min a day prior to the dvd. I still say hardly any results :( i ate my exercise cals back too to make sure i was eating enough and i use a HRM. The time i did rin30 and saw a little better result i just did rin30 and nothing else... so that is what i am doing this time i am doing 30ds alone and i upped my weights to 5 lbs.
  • tdorton
    tdorton Posts: 22 Member
    I am going through the same thing. I have noticed a change in how I look but the scale stays the same. I really want to see the pounds disappear too though.
  • kittyhasclaws
    kittyhasclaws Posts: 446 Member
    One possible reason for you "not losing" inches: Are you completely accurate on how you take your measurements? Like the same cloth tape every time, on the same exact area of your body every time? I've noticed fluctuations in my inches strictly because I can't get the exact same spot on my body every time, so it's a little off.
  • BeautyAndStrength50
    BeautyAndStrength50 Posts: 273 Member
    After your 30 day Shred get the Ripped N 30 thats when I seen all kinds of results.. Most of mine were from that dvd.. 30 day shred did alittle but move onto another one to get better results.. I would keep going dont give up sometimes your body takes time to adjust to what you are doing. Keep up the good work and good luck.. :)
  • dluechtefeld
    dluechtefeld Posts: 8 Member
    Thanks for that! I will focus on eating my 1200 calories every day and see if that makes a difference :wink:

    You will probably not be able to maintain this approach over the long term.

    Do not focus on calorie intake. Focus on keeping your net carbohydrate intake around 100 grams/day (net carbs = all carbs - fiber carbs). Load up on non-carbohydrate nutrient sources (fats and protein) until you are satisfied. One you adopt this approach, you will find yourself quite satisfied at calorie thresholds that are somewhere between 1200-2000 calories/day.

    Fat and protein drive leptin, the hormone responsible for turning off hunger.

    Carbohydrate drives the hormone insulin, and insulin drives fat accumulation. This is particularly true in women, because estrogen and insulin are closely linked in the metabolic pathways driving fat accumulation.
  • Hi,

    I am experiencing the same thing. So what my doctor said I was to make sure I eat 5 to 6 small meals about every 3 - 4 hours. This is suppose to keep your metabolism up. Also she has me drinking a protein shake at night that has plant sterols in it. So far I am down 3 pounds since I started this routine two weeks ago.The doctor is very happy with that even though I am not. Please keep me posted on your status. We can compare. LOL:smile:
  • I just want to point out that 1 pound of muscle is more dense than 1 pound of fat. Therefore, if you are building muscle mass and reducing the fat, you might not see a change on the scale. As long as your clothes are fitting better and you feel better, you know it's working. Just stick with it!

    And don't forget to change it up. Any trainer will tell you not to work the same muscle groups two days in a row (meaning don't do the same workout every day for a month!).
  • tourettte
    tourettte Posts: 142 Member
    Same here. First I lost 4 (i guess it's the water) then I gained 2lb but my friend says my *kitten* looks perkier so I guess it must be the toning. I'm still not in enough shape to do more cardio. I'll probably borrow my pregnant cousins bike to drive to work (that's 1h a day ride) and see how it goes. I'm amazed I can even do this considering the heat wave we've been having here.
  • BUMP
  • Icaw
    Icaw Posts: 58 Member
    So, I just looked at your photos. You're pretty petite already. You don't look like you have a significant surplus of body fat. Thus, it will take more than the 30 Day Shred to get significant results. Perhaps try a video that focuses purely on weight training and toning?
  • mfp_1
    mfp_1 Posts: 516 Member
    Weighing your food is more important than weighing your body. Do you have digital food scales?
  • ivan1964
    ivan1964 Posts: 435
    Hello and welcome here. You can do anything you put your mind too. I hope you have a great day and feel free to add me if you wish. :smile:
  • juicemoogan
    juicemoogan Posts: 994 Member
    Your body needs a rest day.
  • you know, I've noticed that when I do intense exercise, I can *gain* quite a few pounds (3-5) immediately afterwards. what seems to have helped this is 1) drinking massive amounts of water and 2) avoiding very salty foods. If your body is building muscle (or repairing the micro-tears in your muscles) from your workouts, it uses more water to do that, and if you don't drink enough it will retain water in order to complete the repairs. (I'm not speaking with any authority, its just what I've managed to cobble together from the internets and it makes sense to me.) Once I upped my water intake, especially on heavy exercise days, I saw the weight coming off faster.

    HOWEVER! Don't ignore the awesome NSV (non-scale victory) you've almost reached--doing the 30ds without a break is stupendous! And can only get you closer to your goals!
  • mamasmaltz3
    mamasmaltz3 Posts: 1,111 Member
  • jsh833
    jsh833 Posts: 9 Member
    I saw a posting on pounds of muscle versus pounds of fat on here a few days ago. You can actually gain muscle weight and look thinner, because a pound of muscle is miniscule in comparison to a pound of fat.

    Give yourself a break on the weekends, make sure you're eating at least 1200 cals a day, and drinking enough water.

    good luck to you!
  • devil_in_a_blue_dress
    devil_in_a_blue_dress Posts: 5,214 Member
    What results, exactly, were you hoping for?

    You're already thin without a lot of fat to lose -- if you want to be more defined, you'll need to lift heavier weights. Programs like 30DS and RI30 are for fat burning -- if you are already thin and have even a little tone to your muscles, you really aren't going to see a huge difference.
  • mariposa224
    mariposa224 Posts: 1,241 Member
    I feel ripped off too and disheartened when i see all the fab results everyone else gets! I have already ordered ripped in 30 and plan to start that after 30ds...im hoping that works

    I'm sorry you're having such trouble. I can imagine that would be very frustrating. Yes, it sounds like you're not eating enough. I think once you get that worked out, along with following up with Ripped in 30 that you'll start seeing more results. Check out my blog. I did both and got measurable results. They may not be stunning, but they're visible. http://www.myfitnesspal.com/blog/mariposa224 Keep at it, change will come!
  • What results, exactly, were you hoping for?

    You're already thin without a lot of fat to lose -- if you want to be more defined, you'll need to lift heavier weights. Programs like 30DS and RI30 are for fat burning -- if you are already thin and have even a little tone to your muscles, you really aren't going to see a huge difference.

    I wanted to lose half a stone and tone up everywhere
  • I feel ripped off too and disheartened when i see all the fab results everyone else gets! I have already ordered ripped in 30 and plan to start that after 30ds...im hoping that works

    I'm sorry you're having such trouble. I can imagine that would be very frustrating. Yes, it sounds like you're not eating enough. I think once you get that worked out, along with following up with Ripped in 30 that you'll start seeing more results. Check out my blog. I did both and got measurable results. They may not be stunning, but they're visible. http://www.myfitnesspal.com/blog/mariposa224 Keep at it, change will come!

    You look fab! thanks for that. I have tried to eat more today but i am soooo full and still short of my 1200 calories. Might just have to have chocolate :-). Im on day 25 of 30day shred tomorrow then when ive finished i go on holiday for 10 days and will commence RI30 as soon as i am home. I just hope i dont put lots of weight on in the holiday!