Sooooo hungry - what can I do?

This is day 3 of my diet and running program. MFP has allotted me 1450 calories per day. I'm not tired or anything... Just the hunger pains are soooo bad. How long did it take for the cravings to go away for you? On my way name from work, I drive by about 11 fast food places and as I drive I can name something I want from each place. I want it more now than ever... What can I do? How can I get these hunger pa ins to subside quickly?


  • LovePBandJ
    LovePBandJ Posts: 288 Member
    They should go away soon! Usually the first three days are the hardest! Every day is easier from there. Maybe you'd benefit from having 6 small meals a day. You will have to play around with your diet to find out what works for you. Being hungry isn't right.
  • sunnyshine1313
    sunnyshine1313 Posts: 116 Member
    Oh boy, that struggle, does it end? :wink:

    Just eat every few hours so that you never get to the point of starving, and if you feel hungrier towards the end of the day, save some calories for that time of day. Buy some low calorie snacks to keep with you and lots of water. I just bought some raspberries and light whip cream to curb my hunger pains. Just fight the urge, you will be proud tomorrow!
  • MB_Positif
    MB_Positif Posts: 8,897 Member
    That sounds like a low number of calories for a man. On the days that you run, are you eating back the calories you burned from running? I personally would suggest eating more! Are you set to lose one or two pounds per week?
  • Wingwoman21
    Make sure you aren't actually thirsty. I get extra hungry when I'm not drinking enough.
  • beckyinma
    beckyinma Posts: 1,433 Member
    Keep fresh veggies in your car or in a cooler with you at all times so you always have something sensible to munch on when you need it.
  • ettezus
    ettezus Posts: 10 Member
    Oh I totally know what you mean. The first week was agony for me. I just couldn't focus. I did up my meals to about 5 smaller ones a day, except for breakfast. I made sure my breakfasts were heavier, e.g. whole grains, protein. Tends to make me less hungry throughout the morning, which sets the pace for most of the afternoon. And then yes, water and veg tends to work when I'm starving. I avoid gum and carrots, for some reason, they just make make me hungrier?
  • monicalord
    monicalord Posts: 26 Member
    Drink a TON of water!
  • LifestyleChange33
    LifestyleChange33 Posts: 169 Member
    go to a grocery store an buy some raw nuts. My favorite is a trail mix type deal called Simplicity Medly- found it in the organic section of Fred Meyer. Have a SMALL handful and drink a large amount of water. Breathe slowly for 2 minutes (yes, seriously) and see how you feel after that. All the best to you!!:smile:
  • Capt_Apollo
    Capt_Apollo Posts: 9,026 Member
    1450?? dude, unless you are really really short, i don't think you should be eating that little.
  • arock1000
    arock1000 Posts: 61 Member
    Drink lots of water, make sure you eat bulky foods with lots of protein and fiber (chicken and broccorri) - these will keep you fuller longer. Eventually your stomach will shrink and you'll get fuller faster as well.
  • saragato
    saragato Posts: 1,154
    What are you eating? If you're hungry all the time then you're not eating the right things to fill you. Proteins are usually a good way to fill up and it's good for you, fiber too. Keep something like string cheese or granola bars on hand, stuff that's low-cal but will fill you up between meals. And drink lots of water, it can help too.
  • Pebble321
    Pebble321 Posts: 6,554 Member
    That's a very low number of calories for a man - I suspect you are hungry because you aren't eating enough!
    I'm a 5'4" woman and I get seriously grumpy on 1400 NET calories a day (ie eating 1400 plus what I burn from exercise) so if you are a busy person (you must be with all those kids) plus you are running, and only eating 1450 - no wonder you're hungry.
    Eat more!
  • tlynnweb
    tlynnweb Posts: 201 Member
    Yes, your calorie goal sounds way too low for a man. I mean, I'm a woman 5'5" and 159 lbs and i get 1567 a day! I am also following a running plan. You should go to and look at their section on calories to determine what you should set yours at!
  • twake14812
    I am the same as you. I feel hungry a lot! I have been playing around with my meals to figure out what is going to work best for me. I am still tweaking it to get it right. My problem is I am never hungry in the morning, but at night I am soooo hungry. I try to eat every 2-4 hours so I am not so hungry. Hopefully you find what works for you, and I hope I find what works for me soon too ;) Best of luck!
  • susan2396
    susan2396 Posts: 794 Member
    I would try to eat some almonds or some type of protein before leaving work. This will tie you over until you get home and get you past those crazy fast food places. I always try to have apples or bananas at work so if I need to eat one in the car I'm all set. Always important to be prepared and no your trigger spots.
  • jndijohnson
    distract yourself! Eat a small, healthy snack. Keep something in your car to have during the drive. Nuts. Dried fruits. Anything. Chew gum!
  • smhammons
    smhammons Posts: 115 Member
    brake it down to 6 small meals and always plenty of water.... take a look at the way my diary it is set up and if you would like go ahead and friend me mine is an open book and I would be glad to help encourage you I am on here everyday.
  • tlynnweb
    tlynnweb Posts: 201 Member
    Also, if you are going to eat that low of calories, you need to eat back your exercise calories!!! What are you netting each day?
  • TinaBasinger
    Sounds low to me, too. Good rule of thumb is to take your weight x 10. So, if you're 180 pounds, you'd eat about 1800 calories a day to lose weight. Don't go over 2000 or under 1200. Not hard and fast rule, but a good guideline.
  • beckyinma
    beckyinma Posts: 1,433 Member
    Ps, looking at your diary you are NOT eating enough! You should always hit your allotted calories if you can, eat a breakfast with more protein, even by adding just a yogurt or cheese. PROTEIN is the primary building block of life. It also metabolizes slower and will keep you feeling full longer. You also arent getting enough water. Look at Tuesday, you ended the day with 1000+ cLories left. No wonder you are hungry.