Don't bite my head off here.....



  • somedaysoon84
    700-1200 calories is a lot of burn. don't use the MFP calories burned, they are super duper high. i was using them for a while, and pretty much stopped losing.... did some checking around, and it was about 200-300 calories off everyday. that's HUGE when you're working out 5-7 days a week. and eating them back.

    the problem is, if you aren't putting enough fuel to the fire, it will burn out. BUT i wouldn't consider 1800 calories low by any means. and if you aren't getting as many burned calories as you think, you may be on the right track. i'm set to 1200, and i eat back most of my workout calories, so that puts me in the 1500 ish range daily.
  • Meraid
    Meraid Posts: 148 Member
    if you're hungry, you're hungry. if you're not, you're not. just listen to your body's natural cravings. don't feel like you have to answer to complete strangers just because you netted a small amount of calories. like you said, there are some self-righteous people on here who think they know all about food and everyone's body because they read a bunch of stuff on the internet. and then there are people who are just along for the ride and practice diff'rent strokes. you're not going to screw up anything if your body is telling you that it doesn't need anymore food.

    this. eat when you're hungry, and be mindful of whether what you're eating is appropriate to fuel the activities that you have planned until the next time you eat. calories in, calories out.

    Can't this be dangerous to go by though? My friend is developing an eating disorder and told me that she can go awhile without eating and not feel hungry. Although now she says it's developing into pain.
  • Ghilber
    Ghilber Posts: 19 Member
    My goal is 1880 and I rarely eat anywhere near that on weekdays. I have 3 scrambled eggs for breakfast, a spinach, chicken breast, chickpea, cucumber, avo salad for lunch and approx 200g rib fillet and 3 veg for dinner (a mix between carrot, broccoli, cauliflower, sweet corn and potato) I also have fruit, usually bananas and at the moment some oranges and a cuppa soup as snacks if I'm hungry. Plus usually 3 coffees per day (no sugar). I'm rarely hungry, and if I am I have one of my snacks cuppa soup or fruit and It's usually only 1200-1400 calories per day. I would have to go out of my way to eat up to 1880.

    Plus when I exercise I net way below my goal calories.

    I'm getting plenty of good foods, I feel great and I think to push myself to eat up to this 1880 that an App has selected for me is just silly.

    Weekends are different because I might go out for dinner or have some beers or something.
  • st0rmch4s3r
    i have found out by experience only that it doesn't matter when you eat, it's what you put in your mouth...i eat something every two hours i am awake, it helps my metabolism...i weighed 325 in april this year and i'm down to 294...when i eat, i'll eat like a tomato and a cucumber or a couple of fruits, i have even had a small bag of chips, between my "main" meals, but sometimes i just eat fruit and veggies and some type of meat during the day...i have also cut back a lot on sodas, my dr told me to drink g2 or powerade zero, to me it tastes like weak koolaid, but every now and then i will drink a coke, i'm also type 2 diabetic, i take insulin and oral meds and i still eat my chocolate, but not as much as i used to, but anyhow i hope this helps you and anyone else who reads this...
  • hooperkay
    hooperkay Posts: 463 Member
    I think you should do whats best for you. I play tennis at night so I'm in the same boat. I get done at 9-10. I'm not coming home, taking a shower, and then eating... no way. I eat during the day anywhere from 1200-1800 calories. Some days I burn 1400-2000 calories from exercise. There is no way I can eat that much! I am eating healthy foods and I'm not gonna eat high calorie stuff just to get more calories in. I feel great and I'm losing weight at a good pace. I've even added high protein bars/ powders to my diet to add calories with protein. Problem is finding ones with low sugar?? I'd say eat like 6 300 calorie meals and if your hungry add a few more to one or more meals. I feel like if your not maintaining you exercise to lose, and eating those back are counterproductive. Everyone has their own opinion. Change what you do, listen to your body, and find what works for you!! If you don't eat enough then you'll be tired, hungry, and irritable.
  • elijhasmomma
    elijhasmomma Posts: 270 Member
    Oh and what does it look like if you go by week? Are you netting a good value at the end?

    For the first week (july 27th thru aug 2nd) i netted 4,759cals but burned 7,432cals.
    For the week just ending (aug 3rd thru aug 9th) i netted 4,947 cals and burned 6,222 cals...

    My daily nets usually hover in the 700's but now i fele bad so I made myself eat a piece of sausage and bread LMBO :grumble:

    this is craziness. i know i cnt sustain life this way, but as im so overly weight..le sigh-i am 277lbs as of july 23rd at 5'9...i want to work on droppin as much as i can quickly, then tapering off to start the 1-2lbs a week loss and start lifting. I feel fine, I never feel weak or that I am going to pass out. If my numbers are correct...

    I had a weekly deficit the first week of 20,068 which is = to 5.7lbs and this past week i had a deficit of 18,496 = to 5.2lbs. I honestly TRY to eat. But before I got pregnant and gained all this weight (i use to be 180)-i was running 1-2 hrs a day and only eating 1600 cals a day and dropped like 24lbs in a month. (i was 220 before the loss) then i got pregnant., I didnt calculate or monitor. I simply wrote down what I ate to make sure it was 4meals of 400cals each.
  • kjw1031
    kjw1031 Posts: 300 Member
    If you don't eat enough then you'll be tired, hungry, and irritable.

    Well this made me laugh out loud after having read the original post!
  • spazz_face
    I always net low, really low. usually <200, today it is 86. I am eating big healthy meals, I am not hungry, and I am losing weight. I am happy with that. Different strokes. If what you are doing is working for you go for it. If i did the whole eat what you burn id be eating 2500cal a day and that idea is horrifying for me.
  • Pebble321
    Pebble321 Posts: 6,554 Member
    if you're hungry, you're hungry. if you're not, you're not. just listen to your body's natural cravings. don't feel like you have to answer to complete strangers just because you netted a small amount of calories. like you said, there are some self-righteous people on here who think they know all about food and everyone's body because they read a bunch of stuff on the internet. and then there are people who are just along for the ride and practice diff'rent strokes. you're not going to screw up anything if your body is telling you that it doesn't need anymore food.

    this. eat when you're hungry, and be mindful of whether what you're eating is appropriate to fuel the activities that you have planned until the next time you eat. calories in, calories out.

    Can't this be dangerous to go by though? My friend is developing an eating disorder and told me that she can go awhile without eating and not feel hungry. Although now she says it's developing into pain.

    I think "eating when hungry" is another one of those things that works really well for some people and not so well for others.
    Personally, "eating when hungry" for lots of years led me to be obese. Eating around about the (net) calories that MFP recommends for me has seen me lose lots of weight and keep most of it off for almost a year. to get used to just how much food my body needs in a day to keep me at a healthy

    It sounds as though your friend has lots of issues going on, and in her situation, waiting to be hungry sounds like a very bad idea.
  • Healthy_Melva
    Healthy_Melva Posts: 91 Member
    My best loss that lasted the longest followed the motto of "eat only when you are hungry, and don't eat more than you should for your stomach size." In this way of eating, we gauged our stomach size based on the size of our fist. That doesn't sound like much food, but after a while it was about how much I needed. I got hungry every 4 hours, and I ate what I wanted, so long as I didn't overeat. I lost 60# and kept it off for 3 years. I had a clinical depressive episode and gained it back in about 3 years.

    This time around, I'm following MFP's suggested calories in and calories out formula with the exception that I only eat back 1/2 my exercise calories. This is working for me.

    About extreme exercise and not feeling hungry-- my husband falls into that niche. He lost 50# over the past year or so, but just couldn't get that last 10-12# off. I convinced him that he isn't eating enough food, so he has been eating more and has started losing again.

    In my humble opinion, his extreme exercise habits suppressed his appetite, so he never felt hungry. It took him a while to get to where he would eat at least two meals a day. Now he is up to three. He expends so many calories that I try to get him to eat a snack, but no luck so far. He is much less irritable and sleeping better now that he is eating more calories.

    I hope this helps.
  • cartrat
    cartrat Posts: 120 Member
    if you're hungry, you're hungry. if you're not, you're not. just listen to your body's natural cravings. don't feel like you have to answer to complete strangers just because you netted a small amount of calories. like you said, there are some self-righteous people on here who think they know all about food and everyone's body because they read a bunch of stuff on the internet. and then there are people who are just along for the ride and practice diff'rent strokes. you're not going to screw up anything if your body is telling you that it doesn't need anymore food.

    this. eat when you're hungry, and be mindful of whether what you're eating is appropriate to fuel the activities that you have planned until the next time you eat. calories in, calories out.

    Can't this be dangerous to go by though? My friend is developing an eating disorder and told me that she can go awhile without eating and not feel hungry. Although now she says it's developing into pain.

    yeah... no it's not. EDs are psychological. EDs are a *symptom* of a person's psychological problem whatever it may be. this is... just not eating when you're not hungry. period.
  • odusgolp
    odusgolp Posts: 10,477 Member
    I always net low, really low. usually <200, today it is 86. I am eating big healthy meals, I am not hungry, and I am losing weight. I am happy with that. Different strokes. If what you are doing is working for you go for it. If i did the whole eat what you burn id be eating 2500cal a day and that idea is horrifying for me.

    That's very very concerning.
  • Nerdy_Rose
    Nerdy_Rose Posts: 1,277 Member
    No matter how many times you tell yourself and everyone else that netting 86, 200, or even 900 calories per day is healthy because "it works for you" it "must be OK." It's not. It's unhealthy. I know you won't listen. But you are not a magical exception to the laws of physics, and if you insist upon eating so little, at least don't encourage other people to hurt themselves too.
  • elijhasmomma
    elijhasmomma Posts: 270 Member
    So you don't want rude people.. but yet you tell people to shove it.. Pot calling the kettle black anyone?

    Anyway, back to your question.. if it's one day, no I don't think it will be a problem.

    My question is, are you basing your calories of TDEE or what MFP gives you? If it's TDEE then exercise is already included, and you don't need to eat those calories back. If it's based of what MFP gives you, then you should prob. eat some of those calories back depending on how much you need to lose.

    Also, how are you calculating exercise? Because 700-1200 calories for workouts sounds a bit out there..

    HEY, it's MY forum post thanks. And the comment was meant toward RUDE PPL. and for the person who said I IMPLIED everyone was rude..I SAID--i read the forums and SOME of the ppl can be real JERKS...*end rant

    I don't like to eat my calories back. I try not to unless I net super low around 245 or so. I have 120lbs to lose--and i DONT use MFP numbers, I use the zumba site for my cals until i get my HRM and I use the running and walking "headqurters" site to calculate and have a diff site to calculate my cleaning cals burned which I ONLY log if Im doing it for more then an hour and am breaking a sweat. 700-1200 isnt high when you consider I may Zumba for 20-40 mins high intensity and then jog/walk 30-40mins in the same day. Some days I do more--i.e. Zumba 40 mins-(660 cals by my weight and intensity) C25K program 30mins-(321 cals mix of walking/jogging.warm up) and then I may walk with my son in the evening 30-45mins (around 300-350cals for my weight) so uhmm yeah that right there is about 1200..I might not do all three every day but I do at least 2 EVERY DAY (7x a week) hence the 700-1200 range given.

    I go by what MFP sets. My TDEE is 24855...mfp wants me to "net" i suppose 1590 a day...I cant do that AND burn all the cals I do (which I enjoy Zumba and jogging). I may have eaten 1650 but once I burn say..920..I'm netting 730cals...I've already eaten ALL my meals including snacks. Why would I force myself to eat those back at night, especially before going to bed??

    I eat the protein bars and I incorporate vegetables and fruits in all my days. I eat plenty protein (pass the steak and chicken pls!!) And I often have my carbs under 180g and try to keep fat under 75g) I haven't done my weigh in yet as I will do my first one on the same scale I took my weight on when I began (at my drs office) on the 20th. I guess I will know then what will work for me and what won't. Like I stated, this isn't something I plan to keep doing long I lose weight and go on to learn more, I can start to balance things out better I suppose and try different foods or whatever.

    Jeez everyone getting butthurt cuz I asked ppl not to be rude-this is a "community" for support right? Stop being so damn uptight. :noway: I don't care what you do on other people's or your own stuff, but I don't wanna see that mess. If I wanted someone to talk to me like I was an idiot I'd have made one of the smartass forum topics SOME of you ppl go back and start to make fun of someone who is just trying to learn and you probably knocked what little self confidence they had to a negative I recall, the person I am quoting in this post, someone made fun of something you posted about not burning fat from exercise right?? And you got butthurt they "didn't give you credit" or "understand" what you were saying..:huh: Kinda rude ain't it
  • dayone987
    dayone987 Posts: 645 Member
    So you don't want rude people.. but yet you tell people to shove it.. Pot calling the kettle black anyone?

    Anyway, back to your question.. if it's one day, no I don't think it will be a problem.

    My question is, are you basing your calories of TDEE or what MFP gives you? If it's TDEE then exercise is already included, and you don't need to eat those calories back. If it's based of what MFP gives you, then you should prob. eat some of those calories back depending on how much you need to lose.

    Also, how are you calculating exercise? Because 700-1200 calories for workouts sounds a bit out there..

    HEY, it's MY forum post thanks. And the comment was meant toward RUDE PPL. and for the person who said I IMPLIED everyone was rude..I SAID--i read the forums and SOME of the ppl can be real JERKS...*end rant

    I don't like to eat my calories back. I try not to unless I net super low around 245 or so. I have 120lbs to lose--and i DONT use MFP numbers, I use the zumba site for my cals until i get my HRM and I use the running and walking "headqurters" site to calculate and have a diff site to calculate my cleaning cals burned which I ONLY log if Im doing it for more then an hour and am breaking a sweat. 700-1200 isnt high when you consider I may Zumba for 20-40 mins high intensity and then jog/walk 30-40mins in the same day. Some days I do more--i.e. Zumba 40 mins-(660 cals by my weight and intensity) C25K program 30mins-(321 cals mix of walking/jogging.warm up) and then I may walk with my son in the evening 30-45mins (around 300-350cals for my weight) so uhmm yeah that right there is about 1200..I might not do all three every day but I do at least 2 EVERY DAY (7x a week) hence the 700-1200 range given.

    I go by what MFP sets. My TDEE is 24855...mfp wants me to "net" i suppose 1590 a day...I cant do that AND burn all the cals I do (which I enjoy Zumba and jogging). I may have eaten 1650 but once I burn say..920..I'm netting 730cals...I've already eaten ALL my meals including snacks. Why would I force myself to eat those back at night, especially before going to bed??

    I eat the protein bars and I incorporate vegetables and fruits in all my days. I eat plenty protein (pass the steak and chicken pls!!) And I often have my carbs under 180g and try to keep fat under 75g) I haven't done my weigh in yet as I will do my first one on the same scale I took my weight on when I began (at my drs office) on the 20th. I guess I will know then what will work for me and what won't. Like I stated, this isn't something I plan to keep doing long I lose weight and go on to learn more, I can start to balance things out better I suppose and try different foods or whatever.

    Jeez everyone getting butthurt cuz I asked ppl not to be rude-this is a "community" for support right? Stop being so damn uptight. :noway: I don't care what you do on other people's or your own stuff, but I don't wanna see that mess. If I wanted someone to talk to me like I was an idiot I'd have made one of the smartass forum topics SOME of you ppl go back and start to make fun of someone who is just trying to learn and you probably knocked what little self confidence they had to a negative I recall, the person I am quoting in this post, someone made fun of something you posted about not burning fat from exercise right?? And you got butthurt they "didn't give you credit" or "understand" what you were saying..:huh: Kinda rude ain't it


    are you sure you're not hungry?
  • Robin_Bin
    Robin_Bin Posts: 1,046 Member
    There's quite a bit of research showing that people who eat breakfast tend to lose more weight than people who skip it. Other than than, it doesn't seem to matter when you eat. As for the total, I've found the MFP recommendations to be fairly good. As for "eat when you're hungry", I think many people are on this site because that didn't work for them (both those who are under and over weight).
    Good luck getting healthier!
  • Lleldiranne
    Lleldiranne Posts: 5,516 Member
    It might be good to add in a few more nutrient-dense calorie-dense foods through the day. Maybe peanut butter, nuts, cheese or something like that.

    Also make sure that you are getting accurate measures of how much you're burning. If you don't have a heart-rate monitor, it would be a good investment for you.

    Because, yeah, in my opinion, if you're only netting 250-1000 calories a day, you may be putting yourself at risk, not only of stalling out your weight loss in the future, but possibly of health concerns too.
  • WendyTerry420
    WendyTerry420 Posts: 13,274 Member
    That happened to me last week, and I crashed on Saturday because of it. You are either not recording something right, or you are on your way to a crash day of lethargy and feeling weak from lack of energy. The average person can't sustain netting below 1200 for very long. Your body will eventually turn on you. Try adding a protein bar or granola bar or some peanuts or something similar that has higher calories and contains carbs, protein, and fat. Your body will thank you later.
  • elijhasmomma
    elijhasmomma Posts: 270 Member
    No matter how many times you tell yourself and everyone else that netting 86, 200, or even 900 calories per day is healthy because "it works for you" it "must be OK." It's not. It's unhealthy. I know you won't listen. But you are not a magical exception to the laws of physics, and if you insist upon eating so little, at least don't encourage other people to hurt themselves too.

    I NEVER said it WAS healthy. I asked if it was "really that bad" because I'm not fitness expert..hmmm

    Nobody said I won't listen, and if you thought I wouldn't why waist your energy explaining it to me? Your irrational comment about how I encourage others to do so is completely irrelevant. Never did I say hey! guess what guys! i lost 547464lbs netting -300cals a day. You should try it too!! I simply made a post about what MY situation was and wanted to get some insight. I almost didn't post it because I knew there would be some negative feedback but hey, take the good with the bad. I'm actually a quite chipper person. And how I see it, again-I am NO expert at this, I don't eat a little. I eat A LOT. I just happen to enjoy Zumba and I tend to burn a lot because Im so overweight right now. I'm fully aware that once I lose I will have to up my goals because A.)I wont burn as much doing the same activities and B.) My needs are going to change.

    And for anyone who thinks Im irritable (LOL @ this) I'm truly a bubbly person. I dnt bring my claws out unless needed. So yeah....:bigsmile:
  • odusgolp
    odusgolp Posts: 10,477 Member
    I have Xanax & tequila. Would you like some?