has anyone tried the shirataki miracle noodle before?



  • aswinter
    aswinter Posts: 13 Member
    Thanks for all the replies everyone! I think I'm definitely going to have to try them because I'm such a pasta/carb fanatic that something has to give.
  • I found the Shirataki Miracle Noodles through a pilates blog site (Blogilates, super fun if anyone is interested!) and she gushed about how awesome the Miracle Noodles are because there are no carbs, no calories, and it is made of naturally water soluble fiber...anyways! I was wondering if anyone has ever tried/used them before in life, heard of it, thinks they're a good substitute maybe for pasta, etc etc

    When I was doing low carb (lost 45 lbs that way!) I used Shiritake Noodles. The only thing I didn't like about them was the texture was a little off and the smell was a little funny. The best thing to do is rinse them really well while you chop veggies or brown meat, then boil them for a few minutes as well. It helps make them a bit more like the noodles you're used to, and the food is still really good. Definitely great on the fitness side. I was very happy with them in the long run. :)

    Edit: I would say you only have to boil them for 3-5 mins.
  • THuffman1967
    THuffman1967 Posts: 114 Member
    I just ordered some this week. I'm anxious to give them a try!! My husband is celiac, so the fact that they are gluten free is also attractive.