

  • RebeccaRivastx
    Thursday truth: I had a fried chicken salad yesterday and half of a brownie ala mode... I felt so guilty even though I've been doing okay with me eating. I'm down 23lbs and hope I'm not losing steam.
  • MyM0wM0w
    MyM0wM0w Posts: 2,008 Member
    @ Revadiana - I haven't lost near as much weight as you so I don't have any experience on plateaus like that. Have you printed all your food logs and looked to see where you might be slipping? Perhaps not measuring food as carefully or being too generous with portion sizing?

    @ Aubbie - Welcome!

    @ Naceto - Welcome back, I hope you had a great time!

    @JOe Robbins - It doesn't sound like you fell off the wagon, you hung on and bounced around behind it for a while! :laugh: It was only one meal. You're right, today is a new day!

    @ Datenshi - My deepest sympathies.

    @Sani-D - GOod job! I've had more than a few of those nights...standing in the fridge with something in my hand and I KNOW I don't have any calories left.... :grumble: and have to put it back.

    @Bella - Best wishes to mom !

    @AuntieVaVa - You absolutely have what it takes, baby!

    @JDConst - I can relate, it feels like having to retrain the way I think. No more "I'm just going to skip tonight because XXXX". I have to give myself a mental slap as a reminder that there is NO skipping unless I'm in an ambulance on the way to the hospital. :sick:

    @Genesis - It may not be that they haven't noticed, it may be they aren't comfortable commenting on someone's weight at all.

    @Skinnyjeanz - I'm sure he was thrilled with his walk. YOu can make the run up to him over the weekends. :happy:

    @Ladyiianae - Word.

    @Tikafly - Welcome!

    @andreabeatty - :huh: for shame!

    @Bsexxi88 - Welcome!

    @Trhjrh06 - That would fill me with anxiety as well. Won't it be wonderful when we hit our goal weights and won't even have to CONSIDER that stuff anymore!

    @Jaylee - Love that quote!

    @fresh_squeez - Ditto. My weightloss trucked along until 50 lbs gone and it just...stopped. I knew it was time to start moving mah butt but ewwwwww. Time to add the exercise!

    @OperationNorm - What a sweet faced little incentive you have there to keep moving. It sounds like a fantastic family evening to me.

    @Steel Cut Oatmeal - I love you, you are my hero.

    @butterflylady - He was a fool! Prove to that jerk he was just holding you back! Welcome.

    That all said, sorry for the wall of text.
  • janak2004
    janak2004 Posts: 128 Member
    OK so it's Thursday truth - I'm feeling depressed. I just got engaged on July 21st. This should be a happy time, but it's not. His mother went out and bought me this beautiful wedding dress and it doesn't fit. Why? Because she says I'm fat and need to lose 20 lbs to fit into the dress. Now every time I upon the closet door, I'm reminded that I'm FAT. I am an emotional eater. I'm afraid to step on the scale. I've head the dress waaaaay back in the closet and going to take over my weight. Not because she said I'm fat, but because I need to be healthy. I'm tired of people telling me that I'm fat. I already know that. I need people to tell me that they will support and motivate me on my journey to a healthy me.

    Okay, I can relate to this because I had a similar situation with my boyfriend's mom. She used to critique everything I wore, how I fixed and cut my hair, and my makeup. She would make comments about, "Should you really be eating that?" and always made me feel like because I was fat, I wasn't good enough for her son.

    It would hurt my feelings so bad and one night I finally broke down and cried. Not knowing what else to do,I finally told my boyfriend. He went and told his mom that she had upset me and she ended up calling me and apologizing. She tried to tell me that she just wanted me to "Look my best", but the way she went about it was ugly. Since we talked about it, it has been better and she hasn't come out and said anything hurtful. However, sometimes I know she has to bite her lip. I have noticed that since I've started losing weight though that she says a lot less.

    Don't let your future MIL get you down. Get healthy for YOU, not for her. If you need someone to cheer you on, I'm here! That's what we are all here for! :) I hope this helps you on your journey!

    ~ Jana
  • janak2004
    janak2004 Posts: 128 Member
    Thursday truth...I did bad yesterday and I did not log it because I know exactly how bad I did and I am taking today as a new day.. I will log it when I get home today because I wrote down what I ate. My chaffing is getting better but is not looking better. Might attempt to do some time on the bike tonight. I know the treadmill is still out of the question for now. And I will do my ab/strengthening work out tonight. No matter if I have to do it in my moms room or not!

    I have a suggestion to help against chaffing and you will probably think I am insane, but I swear it works...DEODORANT! (I use Degree) I put it anywhere that my skin rubs and chaffs. It not only keeps the area dry, but it also helps with keeping me from smelling during my workout...LOL!
  • needamulligan
    needamulligan Posts: 558 Member
    @alleykat: On one hand, I have been mad at your future mil all day! Do you like the dress enough to keep it? Can you return it?

    On the other hand, I'm positive that I've done things along these lines to my daughter with only the best intentions. Sometimes, my daughter misinterprets my good/supportive words or actions. Granted, I'm not nearly as blunt as your future mil but maybe she's trying to come from a good place?

    On the other, other hand, how good would it feel to tell her that you have to alter the dress because it's too big?

    @skinnyjeanz: Woohoo RAIN!!
  • janak2004
    janak2004 Posts: 128 Member
    Thursday Truths:

    ~ I did NOT get up this morning and go workout like I had planned, however I am going to make it up tonight.
    ~ I'm dreading my C25K workout tomorrow.
    ~ School is going well and I can't wait to see how my kids did on their pre-test tomorrow! :)

    I hope everyone is having a GREAT day! I've enjoyed reading about all of your progress. The thread is moving really quick so I've been trying to play catch up. :) I'll respond as I can.
  • CathEsh
    CathEsh Posts: 135 Member
    @alleycat ~ I don't think I like your MIL :grumble:

    @monarchris ~ My daughter used to take Ambien, and she ate in the middle of the night without even realizing it, too. Weird. It's great that MFP seem to have helped you with that.

    @Jadslat ~ How does MFP compare to WW? Just curious, since MFP is free and WW is not.

    @butterflylady ~ Your goal is the same as mine! I also want to be down to 200 (or a few pound less) by the end of the year.

    @vinsonh42 ~ I have been doing MFP since July 6, and I am still confused about the whole "net" calorie thing. It has been explained to me at least a dozen times, but I have a hard time grasping the concept of eating back calories. Sometimes I will burn 1000 calories from a long bike ride, and WOWSERS! I'm supposed to eat those back????? :noway:

    @skinnyjeans ~ Thanks for attempting to explain the whole "net" calorie thing again.

    Thursday truth: I read through this forum A LOT but very rarely post. Many have mentioned how fast the thread moves, so I feel like I am "horning" in, just making it move that much faster! I read it often, though, because you all are so motivating! :flowerforyou:
  • ravenlaramie
    ravenlaramie Posts: 165 Member
    @raven--I hope the switch in activity level helps a bit. I change mine to "sedentary" when I'm home for the summer and switch back to "lightly active" when I go back to the classroom b/c I'm on my feet all day.

    I'm sure it will and I greatly appreciate the advice.
  • janak2004
    janak2004 Posts: 128 Member
    So I found this awesome quote today and I know it rings true for me! Sometimes you just need a few words to give you a boost. :)

    "You don't have to be great to start, but you have to start to be great!"
    - Zig Ziglar
  • needamulligan
    needamulligan Posts: 558 Member
    Thursday truth...I did bad yesterday and I did not log it because I know exactly how bad I did and I am taking today as a new day.. I will log it when I get home today because I wrote down what I ate. My chaffing is getting better but is not looking better. Might attempt to do some time on the bike tonight. I know the treadmill is still out of the question for now. And I will do my ab/strengthening work out tonight. No matter if I have to do it in my moms room or not!

    On the matter of it an acquired taste? I'm not sure if I like it or not... Just the texture and the look of it turns me off of it. i guess I'll have to take more than a tiny bite to see if I like it or not

    Ok so I am sooo confused on the whole net calories thing. Should I shoot for a net of at least 1200 a day? I have read so many things and they are all different... Eat 1200 and work out and don't eat your exercise cals back... Eat a net of 1200. I just don't know....
    1. Good job continuing with an alternate exercise plan! I recently saw a Gold Bond (I think) Anti-Chafing stick. Wonder if that would help. I've used secret deodorant and that works pretty well.

    2. Maybe it is an acquired taste. If you are making old fashioned oats try boiling lightly salted water first and then adding the oats per instructions. Also, you may like it better if you sweeten it a bit or add some fruit, raisins, milk or cinnamon.

    3. Eat at least 1200 calories per day. Expect to go slow and steady but Go Girl! :happy:
  • monarchris
    monarchris Posts: 262 Member
    I made it walking Belle tonight, didn't want to but knew I really needed to. Also made dehydrated apple slices today for the first time. Next time will leave the peel on as it was really a pain peeling all those apples. I also went to store today so feel I did more physically then I have in quite a while. Everyone have a good evening. Talk to you tomorrow.

  • Lauriek70
    Lauriek70 Posts: 2,087 Member
    I had a most pleasant surprise today when I went to the Amish Market. This is my favorite place to go not only for lunch but for baked goods. I was feeling down when I went today since I could not meet up with this guy, turns out he had to work and couldn't get away. After I picked up BBQ, I headed over to the bakery, yes I wanted something sweat and tempting. While standing in line I noticed that they had just pulled out fresh breads, so I put down the coffee cake I picked up and went and found the Apple Cinnamon bread which was still warm. I went back to line and started talking to the lady in front me. We were commenting on the foods we were picking up and she said I was being good. My response was no I am not and she reminded me that I did something this week to deserve a treat. I thought about surviving the rock climbing camp. She had a son who is mentally retarded and attends a special school and he works at a camp. It came out that I was teacher. As she was preparing to pay for her items she took my bread from me and paid for it as a way to say thank you for being a teacher. I was so shocked and surprised by this generous way of saying thank you. I thanked her for being an involved parent who worked within the system to get her child to the best placement for him. This simple gesture really made my day.

    I did help my trainer move out of the gym tonight. In many ways it was good way for me to bring closure to the situation and to accept the fact that he won't be coming back to the gym. It was a good workout for me tonight with lots of lifting heavy mats and other equipments. The heat helped with the calories burned as well. I just estimated the loss through. Now, I just need to get the financial part straight and I can close the book on personal training sessions at the gym. I will do my personal training sessions outside of the gym.

    KarenLeona- My brother had back surgery back in June and is still not able to do much. He is suppose to be walking daily and has started PT. The PT is mostly stretching right now which leaves him very sore. He still has some pain and the nerve pain is slowly getting better. I hope you are not in any pain and that you can start to exercise again. He did get some good news today that everything is in line and that is healing correctly.
  • susan2396
    susan2396 Posts: 794 Member
    Thursday truth. Nothing too mind boggling, but decided to take a route slightly longer to get home so I didn't have to pass the Dairy Queen. Ice cream is a major hurdle for me and I better keep the temptation as far away as possible.
  • lizmil79
    lizmil79 Posts: 566 Member
    @Lin that would make me mad too about the internet.
    @alley I like how you are taking charge of your life. I don't like your future MIL rudeness.

    Thursday truth is I was feeling thinner my clothes are becoming loose. So I feel thinner till I caught a reflection a side view of myself. I am still obese

    This is going to be a long journey. I want to loose weight for health reasons. But the other is we are going to Disneyland in June I want to not sit on the sidelines but do every ride I want to and not be defer by weight.

    But as this journey is going on I just don't want to be on the sidelines anymore no matter what I do.
    Have a good night
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    @susan--I hear you on the ice cream--it is definitely the one treat I really have trouble avoiding. I keep 80 calorie Weight Watchers Dark Chocolate Raspberry bars in my freezer. They are yummy when a craving hits, but not so tempting that I will eat a whole box. :blushing:

    @laurie--what a great story; how nice of that woman!

    @chirs--I'm sure Belle loved the walk! :heart:

    @cath--you are absolutely NOT "horning in"--don't ever feel your comments aren't welcome and valuable. :flowerforyou:

    @jana--what week are you on with c25k? I remember getting really intimidated around week 4 or 5, but just keep going--you will do great! If it helps, focus on how good you will feel after you finish the run, rather than how much you are dreading it.

    @needamulligan--I KNOW!! If you had told me I would be HAPPY about a downpour like we had today, I would have said "you're crazy!" But I was actually excited when I opened the door to go grocery shopping and had to turn back for my raincoat. :happy:

    @mymowmow--actually, my dog would probably be happier if I never made him run--he's a big, lazy boy!

    Tomorrow I am watching my niece for most of the day, so i will get on here when I can.
  • CathEsh
    CathEsh Posts: 135 Member
    @needamulligan ~ I sometimes add an 1/8 cup of raw oatmeal to my yogurt. Both granola and oatmeal will add "crunch" to yogurt that I like, but the oatmeal doesn't add the sugar that granola does.
  • witchmoon
    TRUTH: I was not a good girl today! :grumble: lots of stress and the beer has been calling for a long time, (weeks)! So I gave in to 3! Ah hemm.......and a chocolate chip cookie! (my favorite sweet snack). So now I have to start over tomarrow. Everyday is a test, Ya win some ya lose some. I've really done well actually but haven't seen any results for 3 weeks! Thats discouraging! So tomarrow I am gonna get up early, meditate, clean house, and have a heathy breakfast. Then I'm gonna hit the lake and visit the fruit stand! I will do 45 min instead of 30, treading water using different limb motions to work all muscles. I will not punish myself, and I will have a better day tomarrow and will try to get in some exercise both saterday and sunday! Read lots of the posts tonight! Hang in there everyone and good job! Night all! :yawn:
  • ravenlaramie
    ravenlaramie Posts: 165 Member
    "You don't have to be great to start, but you have to start to be great!"
    - Zig Ziglar

    Totally stealing this lol

    Friday fitness: honestly I think I'm gonna lay off on the exercise today- I'm pushing myself way too hard and I don't want to hit a plateau because of it. I'm not gonna sacrifice what I've done so far by overdoing it with snacks and stuff though so I think I'll be alright.
  • dmisty24
    dmisty24 Posts: 26
    Well...I do need to fess up....I have only joined a few days ago but I was doing really well.....that is until Thursday when I took my two nieces on a train ride. I started breakfast really good....but just went downhill from there. Dinner was a veggie burger with no cheese....but the sweet potato fries really were over the top! Snacks got me in trouble from an ice cream sandwich, cheetos , an oatmeal cookie and lemonade....which all took place on the train!!

    Well, the one right thing that I did was at least I recorded all of it in my food log. I am committing to a much cleaner eating day tomorrow!!!
  • Mack_W
    Mack_W Posts: 3
    Hi, I'm sort of new here...made a profile awhile ago but never commited to it! That will no longer happen as I've gained...ok A LOT since then and I can no longer live with myself...especially since ok this is embarrassing but since shaving my legs has become a hassle instead of luxury! I'm just confused how I didn't notice the weight piling on...seriously it was like I just woke up one day and boom! I'm huge and none of my clothes fit...well I'm sayin' good bye to wearing my husbands shirts! Wish me luck!