ChaLEAN Extreme

ZeldaCat Posts: 76
edited September 20 in Fitness and Exercise
Hey everyone - I recently started Beachbody's ChaLEAN Extreme (Monday 1-4-10 to be exact) and wanted to start a thread for anyone else who is doing it as well, finished it, or thinking about starting it. Feel free to come on here anytime to help keep each other motivated - I could certainly use all the help I can get!

Hope to hear from you guys, have a great Friday!


  • gmvanloo
    gmvanloo Posts: 100 Member
    I'm thinking about doing ChaLean next. I'm about to finish up with P90X. I heard Chalean will really get you even ripped. Would love to know what you think.

    Are the workouts set up day by day? How long are the workouts?
  • kandyjo
    kandyjo Posts: 4,493 Member
    The ChaLEAN Extreme was recommended to me by a beachbody coach... I was thinking about trying it out!
    What is your opinion of the program?
  • Well, this is my first Beachbody workout and actually my first attempt at some sort of weight training and...I love it so far! I have only done 4 days so far but the workouts seem to be between 30-45 minutes long. The program comes with a day by day schedule -- 5 workout days and 2 rest days (I take pilates classes on the rest days). You will need either weights or fitness bands for it, I only have 3 and 5 lb. dumbbells but am planning on getting SelectTech weights today so I am able to challenge myself more.

    You do 12 reps of each exercise except on cardio days when you use lighter weights but do more reps. I have been using my HRM and on weight training days I normally burn around 150-250 calories; on the cardio day I burned 450.

    Well, let me know what you ladies decide! Would love to have you join me!
  • kandyjo
    kandyjo Posts: 4,493 Member
    Well, this is my first Beachbody workout and actually my first attempt at some sort of weight training and...I love it so far! I have only done 4 days so far but the workouts seem to be between 30-45 minutes long. The program comes with a day by day schedule -- 5 workout days and 2 rest days (I take pilates classes on the rest days). You will need either weights or fitness bands for it, I only have 3 and 5 lb. dumbbells but am planning on getting SelectTech weights today so I am able to challenge myself more.

    You do 12 reps of each exercise except on cardio days when you use lighter weights but do more reps. I have been using my HRM and on weight training days I normally burn around 150-250 calories; on the cardio day I burned 450.

    Well, let me know what you ladies decide! Would love to have you join me!

    sounds awesome!! I have 2 lb weights and 5 lbs weights. I also have resistence bands (3 cords)... I have been planing on adding to my dumbells though (that sounds funny)!
    I will look into it some more and get back with you ;)
    I am doing 30 Day shred right now... I also do Hip Hop Abs when I want something lighter and fun! I go to the gym for jazzercise and also do a class for legs, butt and abs ... But I'm always looking for something else to add... Its seems to keep it fresh when you have choices. Good luck! Keep us updated on your progress!!
  • kicklikeaGIRL
    kicklikeaGIRL Posts: 867 Member
    Hi everyone! I am doing the ChaLean Extreme program, and I am currently toward the end of the PUSH phase (2nd phase). If you are using free weights you will definitely need more than 3 & 5 lbs, just because Chalene's motto is "Go Heavy or Go Home". I used the following weights for the first phase, BURN--- 5lbs, 8lbs, 10lbs, 12lbs, 15lbs. For the PUSh phase I have used the following: 8lbs, 10lbs, 12lbs, 15lbs, 20lbs.
    I LOVE this program and I have seen a huge difference and a lot of toning. I also include a lot of cardio aside from my CE workouts to burn more fat. It is an amazing program and I definitely recommend it. I'm not a fan of the resistence bands, just because they don't work as well for me. But, Chalene also shows you how to use the resistence bands. Chalene Johnson is very motivational, and I LOVE her programs!!

    Good luck! hope you all see the results you are looking for!! I know I sure am!
  • Dawna - Thanks for posting! I am definitely planning on getting heavier weights today (even thought the lighter ones are hard for me as it is!) I like it a lot so far as well. My boyfriend and I have also decided to purchase a treadmill (which we are getting tonight YAY!!) so I am planning on starting C25K on Sunday.

    Are you following the nutrition guide at all Dawna? I don't have it so that's the one thing I am unsure about...
  • Hey everyone! .... Hi ZeldaCat!

    I just thought I'd mention that I have been doing the Chalean Extreme as well. I too have only been doing it for 4 days and LOVE IT! I am currently using the resistance bands but am thinking about going out and getting those SelectTechs ZeldaCat mentioned. The resistance bands are ok but it takes a little longer to switch during your workouts.

    Dawna---I was just curious have you seen any results using Chalean Extreme? Have you lost any inches or weight with the program?

    Everyone have a wonderful weekend!
  • jclguru
    jclguru Posts: 123
    First guy! Woo-hoo!

    I just received my dvd's a few days ago. Right now I'm just going thru
    watching them just to get familiar with what's going on. I'm then going
    to start January 11.

    I even took pictures of myself...which will never see the light of day :)

    I know she pushes Bowflex, but if you want something cheaper than
    the Select Techs, look into Lifesmart 118' Adjustable Dumbbell set
    from Wal-Mart for $244. That's only 59 pounds a dumbbell, but that
    should be more than enough for most people. I don't have them yet,
    but its next on my list.

  • lilangel7671
    lilangel7671 Posts: 353 Member
    Hey everyone! I finished my first round of CE in November and have been rotating the workouts for my strength training regime now. I absolutely LOVE CE! I'm sure you all will too! I started doing a bunch of her TurboJam workouts, needed some strength too- and this was PERFECT! I got myself a set of the Select-techs she uses, but resistance bands work as well, or if you have a weight set heavy enough. I typically use between 12.5-30lbs now (well 10lbs warm-up weight) depending on the move, but when I first started I definitely used lighter. I saw awesome results with this program, I highly recommend it! I have toned up my entire body and feel so great. The weight lifting parts of this program are not really for weight loss, it is a muscle building/sculpting program. However the cardio portions (ie: Burn it off and Burn intervals) are great for burning! I must add that I kept up Turbojam workouts and I am also a runner, so I do a ton of cardio besides this. If anyone has questions don't hesitate to ask! Also FYI, if anyone wants to join our TurboJammers forum you can join Dawna and I there! There are also a few others who do CE on there! Good luck!
  • jcl - Welcome, glad you joined in! We would be happy to hear how the program goes for you once you start. I have been trying to convince my boyfriend to do it with me but he is reluctant so far! Are you planning on following the food guide as well?

    lilangel - Thanks for the encouragement, it's great to hear of people with good results! You look great by the way! My boyfriend and I are actually getting a treadmill today (YAY!!!) and although I have never been a runner I look forward to starting C25K and seeing how far that takes me. I did Burn Intervals last night and...WOW, she had me sweating pretty bad! I burned about 450 calories according to my HRM! Did you follow the nutrition guide? I would really like to know what it focuses on as I do not have it and feel it is a pretty important part of the whole regimen...
  • kicklikeaGIRL
    kicklikeaGIRL Posts: 867 Member
    Dawna - Thanks for posting! I am definitely planning on getting heavier weights today (even thought the lighter ones are hard for me as it is!) I like it a lot so far as well. My boyfriend and I have also decided to purchase a treadmill (which we are getting tonight YAY!!) so I am planning on starting C25K on Sunday.

    Are you following the nutrition guide at all Dawna? I don't have it so that's the one thing I am unsure about...

    Zelda Cat, I don't use the nutrition guide- I didn't receive it with my package either. I basically just watch what I eat, and use MFP. I do eat more protein while doing ChaLean Extreme, as it helps my muscles recover. I will typically have a protein shake after a hard workout. Good luck and have fun!!! Its a grrreat workout!
  • kicklikeaGIRL
    kicklikeaGIRL Posts: 867 Member
    Hey everyone! .... Hi ZeldaCat!

    I just thought I'd mention that I have been doing the Chalean Extreme as well. I too have only been doing it for 4 days and LOVE IT! I am currently using the resistance bands but am thinking about going out and getting those SelectTechs ZeldaCat mentioned. The resistance bands are ok but it takes a little longer to switch during your workouts.

    Dawna---I was just curious have you seen any results using Chalean Extreme? Have you lost any inches or weight with the program?

    Everyone have a wonderful weekend!

    I have seen MEGA results with Chalean Extreme! Well, I also should mention that I do at LEAST 30 minutes cardio BEFORE every CE workout. I also go running on my "in between days", or do Turbo Jam. So, basically this is my schedule:
    Mon, Wed, Fri, Sat--- 45 minutes run or Turbo Jam PLUS Chalean Extreme
    Tues, Thurs- 45 min- 60 minutes cardio exercise
    Sun- Rest Day

    I have lost several inches, went from about a size 13/14 to a size 9. And I have lost 20 pounds. I'm still losing!! Its great!
  • jclguru
    jclguru Posts: 123
    For those that didn't get the Fat Burning Food Guide...did you buy the dvd's from some place
    other than Beachbody? Cause that guide should've been one of the things included.

    The book itself has 80 some recipes that are broken down by the different phases
    of her program.

    Will I be following it? Not really, but I am going to use some of her receipes as subs for
    some of my other foods that I'm currently using.

    My planned schedule is M-F for ChaLean, with at least 15 minutes of cycling afterwards.
    Other days will be filled by going to Bally, Wii and using my free weights to mix things up.

  • ChaslovesBrian
    ChaslovesBrian Posts: 13 Member
    Hey everyone!

    I started CX on Dec. 31st and am on day 9 of the program which happens to be a rest day. My hubby bought the program for me off ebay after paying full price for P90X, he vowed to never pay full price again. Well, in doing so, my DH got just the DVDs. No books at all.

    Well, I have been following the Atkins Nutritional Approach for over a year and have lost 33 pounds in doing so. I feel much better on this type of eating and have alot more energy. At least I thought so. I had never done such an intense workout regimen while restricting carbohydrates. I didn't realize how insanely important that is! For the first several days, I couldn't hardly walk and had NO energy at all and couldn't figure out why. Then it hit me. Your muscles are not restoring their glycogen because you aren't getting enough carbohydrates to get you through your workouts! I then upped my carbs, and I'm not near as sore now.

    However, I feel better on a low carb diet and would still like to watch my carbs, but I've gotta have enough to get through the workouts. I am very interested in what the CX nutrition guide says. I wanna be eating the right amount and not too much!

    Can someone who has it post what your caloric intake and breakdown percentages should be for the 3 phases? For those of us out here doing the nutrition blind, it would really help!

  • Dawna--Congratulations on your success! Keep up the good work! That's great to hear that you've had awesome results. I sure hope that I see some good results from using this program. On Sunday. I am going to start the Couch to 5k and do it along with Chalean Extreme. I have quite a bit of weight to loose so I'm hoping by doing these programs together along with eating right I will be able to succeed.

    Everyone have a good weekend!
  • lilangel7671
    lilangel7671 Posts: 353 Member
    Hey there again!
    Great questions everyone..
    Chas-I can't really give you an accurate nutrient breakdown because well...everyone is different! Personally I have increased my protein when I started CE the first time and usually eat more protein on my lifting days. This being said, I am a cardio freak as well-I love running, elliptical, spinning, etc.) and definitely NEED those carbs! If you are doing alot of cardio, carbs fuel the fire! My current carb/protein/fat ratio is 45/35/20. But like I said..I tend to go heavier with protein on CE days, and more carbs on higher cardio days. Essentially you have to figure out what works best for you..I still have times when I switch it up and gotta figure it all back out experiment! You're also welcome to take a look at my food diary, it is public.
    Doug-I have the books from CE but I do that too-modify the recipes to my liking/needs. It works out pretty well..I am a clean eater though, and mostly now (because I am on maintenance cals) I just eat things in moderation and make sure I'm sticking to my nutrient goals.
    Hope that helps!
  • ChaslovesBrian
    ChaslovesBrian Posts: 13 Member
    Thanks anyway. I think I have figured out a pretty good ratio in the past few days. I am down 2 pounds, so I have to be doing something right. I finally broke through my plateau after 10 long months. Goodbye 153!!!!

    I have been keeping my carbs at 20% on weight days, and then 10-15% on non-weight days. Also, keeping calories around 1300 on non-weight days and eating if I am hungry (just good veggies, complex carbs, fruit, etc) on weight days. I feel like the days I lift, I can't get enough to eat.

    When she says she is going to light a fire under your metabolism, she isn't kidding.

    I have noticed that on the "rest" days my weight seems to go down. Its almost like my body is coming back to normal on those days....Whatever works, right?

    So far, Chalene is true to her word. I have to say, she is by far my favorite trainer. 2 pounds lost and only 10 days into her program is pretty good results. Tomorrow is Burn Circuit #2!!!:happy:
  • CSnider
    CSnider Posts: 11

    I am on my second round of Chalene Extreme. It is an excellent program. I have a six pack which I NEVER had before. I followed her Program as far as which work out on which day, and also followed the meals as closely as I could. You will definately see results. Make sure to copy the pages from the book so you can keep track of the weights you are using. This is a huge help to see what you lifted the last time, so you know whether to go heavier or not the next time. Stick with it. She is really great at getting you are all worth it girls!!!

  • I used it for two months. it was awesome. I was borrowing it though and had to give it back :( . i lost 6lbs the first month and 5 lbs in the second month. stick with it and you will feel awesome. also listen to the audio cd as well. you will probably plateau, but stick with it.
  • Thanks for all the reassurances everyone! I have to really force myself tonight, I am super tired from my first day of school yesterday....
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