What's the one food you refuse to give up?



  • It's pretty much always been coffee. I try to limit it to 2 cups of fresh-brewed French Roast in the morning. Coffee withdrawal is the worst!
  • ChrisRS87
    ChrisRS87 Posts: 781 Member
  • A whole Milka chocolate bar with hazelnuts.... hmmmmmm...
  • Netterz0087
    Netterz0087 Posts: 91 Member
    Mac and Cheese.

    With Bacon.
  • Cadbury Mini Eggs!! Damn those little things.
  • BrazenHarpy
    BrazenHarpy Posts: 81 Member
    Chocolate and alcohol. Currently I'm on a month-long break from cheese, and giving it up has been easier than I thought.
  • BrazenHarpy
    BrazenHarpy Posts: 81 Member
    Mac and Cheese.

    With Bacon.

    Holy Christ! That sounds like the best idea ever!!!
  • haeffel2
    haeffel2 Posts: 34
    Dark chocolate. Nooo way is that going anywhere.
  • janvcooper
    janvcooper Posts: 86 Member
    Peanut butter. A jar a week.
  • Pop - not for the caffeine but I am a carbonation addict (I love sparkling waters too). Grew up on diet, can't stand regular pop.
    Still have not been able to give them up but I have been able to cut them back from 6-7 cans a day to 1-2 though so I suppose that's a little bit better than previously.
  • firstsip
    firstsip Posts: 8,399 Member
  • Netterz0087
    Netterz0087 Posts: 91 Member
    Mac and Cheese.

    With Bacon.

    Holy Christ! That sounds like the best idea ever!!!

    Pretty much.
  • dalila747
    dalila747 Posts: 153 Member
    i refuse to give up anything. the moment i do, i feel deprived and end up binging.

    Yeap. I'm not giving anything up.
  • Bread. Just gotta have it! Other baked goods, like cookies are a close second!
  • lizziebeth1028
    lizziebeth1028 Posts: 3,602 Member
    I'm not giving up anything!! I may not be able to eat it as often as I like and in the portion size I like but I won't eliminate it completely!
  • gldnlark
    gldnlark Posts: 53
    Cheese and sushi... or chips...or popcorn...or wine...

    ...But everything in moderation! However, if these food ceased to exist, I would probably go jump off a bridge...
  • Anything CHOCOLATE mmmmm ; )
  • WendyTerry420
    WendyTerry420 Posts: 13,274 Member
  • kaotik26
    kaotik26 Posts: 590 Member
    Coffee with sugar, gave up the cream but that's it.
  • Growing up, my dad and I had a game... He'd come home with some random cheese (at least weekly) and I'd have to guess a) what it was and b) where it was from.

    Growing up in Montreal allowed for this to be a very long lasting game (very multicultural and lots-o-cheese)!

    Later came wine.

    So, my final answer, Cheese and Wine. (though I can let everything else lapse into the world of moderation, cheese and wine I always make room for.)