Team UK - January 2010

Hi everyone

We had a UK group going last year and new start to the year means new group for 2010.

Everyone in the UK is welcome to post goals, progress and to support of each other in meeting our targets.
From past experiance everyone i have chatted to has been so much help. I lost 2 stone over the last 5 months of last year and look forward to the continued support this year in helping me finaly get back to 10 stone.

So my targets for this month -

current weight 168lbs,
Goal weight 160lbs

I intend to do 5 hours of walking per week and continue my weight training as well as getting back to the healthy eating

Feel free to post your goals and keep us all updated on your progress.



  • Simplicity
    Simplicity Posts: 383 Member
    Hey James. We match for once lol.

    Start weight 168lbs
    My goal weight is still 160lbs but im hoping to see more fat loss this month with p90x in the morning.
    Body Fat is 21% according to my scales but as long as he figures move in the right direction.

    Good luck everyone else. time for sleep now

  • kpnuts23
    kpnuts23 Posts: 960 Member
    Afternoon!! Hope you guys are both ok? So its the 5th of Jan and im full of cold... Bahh its rubbish, so i have no motivation to get down the gym.. however i've cut back the cals a LOT... its my birthday party on the 22nd Jan and i suppose im going on a bit of a crash diet.. i know i know... i shouldnt be doing it, but once the party has passed i will continue with the healthy eating/exercise... and seeing as im not exercising at the moment i dont really think its tooo bad...

    Xmas was amazing, ate loads of yummy things, drank a lot of booze.. all of which i didnt log... i wonder why!!?!!! heh! How did yours go?

    Its a new year, so it means a new start... and a new me... and it will be summer before i know it!!

    x mwah x
  • shoppie
    shoppie Posts: 618 Member

    I was in team UK last year at some point. I got about 4 or 5 lbs off goal, and then gained 8/9 over Xmas!!! So I have about a stone to go again (bang head on wall)

    I got back on the diet wagon Jan 2nd, getting back in the swing of itnow and praying hard for my first weigh-in on Sat!

    PS does anyone know how to change your original start weight?? As saying I have lost 11lbs is technically true versus Jan o last year but somehat misleading! (I had a 10 week old babyin Jan last year!)
  • James501
    James501 Posts: 148
    Shoppie welcome and i feel your pain i have gained over half a stone since start of december.
    You can change your start weight by going in to the weigh in page and at the bottom it says change previous entries. just go into that and amend from when you started.

    Keep us posted on how things are going

  • James501
    James501 Posts: 148
    We have 4 member starting well. KP and Simplicity good to see your both back on it as well.
    Sounds strange with the snow outside but i cant wait to hot the beach in the summer with a slim toned body, might not be easy but i am focused.

    Overal target is by June to have lost 2 stone and to have tonned up and re-discover the 6 pack i once had( i swear it is below this only going to weigh myself every 2 weeks as not seeing a result one week is enough to send me crazy. I have put on just over half a stone but i blame xmas and the cold weather. good news is i'm still at a normal BMI even if i have put a little on.

    Simplicity good to see we have the same goals this month we can compare with each other how things are going. Think i will have to get some new scales to record my body fat too.

    Catch you all soon
  • shoppie
    shoppie Posts: 618 Member
    Sounds like you are on a really god track. I am a bit over my healthy BMI at the mo :-( My target weight is only about 7lbs under the maxfor my height though and I have been that weight before and it is genuinely slim for me *nod* Thanks for the tip on how to change my start weight too :-)

    kpnuts - were you around last year? I'm sure I remember you? Tbh I don't think there's anything too wrong with crash-dieting provided its short-term and you accept that to maintain the effects may mean a few weeks of no reslt from 'normal' dieting while your body catches up with itself.

    I am doing ok so far, did a big 5 mile walk in the snow yesterday as I'm obviously not going to get to the leisure centre in this!! I might do the same tommorrow so at least I will hit my minimum 3 workouts per week goal (I swam Tues a before the snow hit).

    Generally I'm still doing ok, a couple of little slips (extra slice chicken breast, extra rice cake) but fortunately nothing too major.
  • SugarMummy2010
    Hey :smile:

    Was wondering if I could join this group? I only joined MFP yesterday :smile: so a bit of a newbie xx
  • Belle84
    Belle84 Posts: 36
    heya wondering if i could join up here as well....just started week ago lost 4lbss xxx
  • kateyb
    kateyb Posts: 138 Member
    Hey guys - I'm another newbie that wants to join. Started Monday and am 5.9 lbs down so far. Long way to go though. I'm aiming for 90 lbs by the end of this year and am hoping to drop the first 30 lbs by my birthday (Easter weekend).
  • shoppie
    shoppie Posts: 618 Member
    Ooh, a flurry of newbies, welcome! :-D Good luck, it will be really niceo have some more people posting in here :-)

    I have my first weigh-in tomorrow, I'm sooo nervous! I have been really good today, I walked 5 miles in the snow and spent 2 hours shovelling snow *faint* I have had some nice food, but all good (Tsco lamb light choices moussaka, boots shapers stuff)

    Good luck everyone!
  • Simplicity
    Simplicity Posts: 383 Member
    Its so good to hear people talking about Tescos and normal foods instead of Walmart and stuff. I never understand what some of the Americans are eating lol.

    There is definitely an influx of newbs here, its all good. Everyone has high plans for the new year which is ace. My first week of P90X is going well. 4 days down 86 to go lol. I think I'm even down 2 pounds already which is great

    Just hoping I can manage without alcohol and cigarettes for the duration.
    Even learning to enjoy black coffee.

    Good luck to all the new peeps!
    Ben =D
  • samanthafernandez

    Can I join too?!

    I also have started drinking black coffee even tho I said I never would!

    Needs must eh'!

  • lorro
    lorro Posts: 917 Member
    Hello Everyone!

    Yay Team UK is back! I remember you - kp and shoppie. I was here for around 3 months last year, lost 20 pounds before I lost my way (sigh). But am now back on track!

    Welcome newbies :)

    I'm still resisting black coffee....
  • Belle84
    Belle84 Posts: 36
    im also 12 days without a cig or a drink! sooooo proud of my self lol xx
  • lorro
    lorro Posts: 917 Member
    Wow that's impressive, Belle. I have limited willpower - have to ration it on loosing weight.. Mind you, calorie counting reduces the amount of wine I drink anyway. Why has no-one invented low calorie wine?
  • mumsanutter
    mumsanutter Posts: 3,067 Member
    Hello, good to have a UK team going again.

    Christmas was a bit difficult putting on 5 lbs!! Now back down to 168lb and still the same target - 140 (I think will need to check!! lol)
  • shoppie
    shoppie Posts: 618 Member
    Hi lorro, nice to see you :flowerforyou: Welometo belle and samantha too :flowerforyou:

    OMG I lost 6 POUNDS!!!!:noway: I have never los that much in one week- presumably a combination of the act I was due on a last weigh in (:blushing: ) and water loss on top of the dieting but still!!!! I'm now'only' 3 lbs heavier than pre-Xmas. Wth a bit of luck if I keep it up I should defo be back to normal by the end of the month and can then worry about the last tricky few pounds. I'm honestly not undereating - my target loss is 2 lbs per week, but have eaten slighly ove on 3 days of 7 (100 cals) or so and slightly under by a similar amount on the other days. Really hope this motivates me to keep going.

    Am in awe of those kicking booze and cffee at the same time! I gave up both drinking and caffeine when I fell pregnant (2 years ago now! :noway: ) and still pretty much don't do either (only very, very rarely).

    Lets' keep it up!!
  • kpnuts23
    kpnuts23 Posts: 960 Member
    WOW! Its so lovely to see so many new as well as old faces back on the Team UK group!! Its nice to know that you are out there... in the snow!! :-D

    Im having trouble with the exercising at the moment, partly due to my chesty cough/blocked nose and of course... that SNOW!! Its pretty amazing to be fair.. and as i type it is coming down thick and fast again in Guildford! Its good in a way because it means i wont venture out into town tonight with the girls for another drinking session!! = Fewer Cals!!!

    So what have you all given up for New Years??? And how are you finding it?

    I haven't had Chocolate, Cake, Biscuits, Crisps or any sort of snacky things along those lines for 6 days now... I started when i went back to work on monday!! :-D couldnt quite give those things up straight after New Years.. especially when hungover and craving carbs and sugar! :-D
    My motivation is my 21st Birthday in exactly 2 weeks! Im soo excited! I met up with the party planner yesterday to go over the final arrangements ect, i felt like i should have had an MTV crew following me round making a programme called "My Super Sweet 21st"!!!!!!!!
    After that.. who knows.. i might be able to do it for a little bit longer?

    This is a first for me logging on the weekend.. im pretty proud of myself!!

    Hope your all ok... and Welcome Newbies!!

    x Katherine x
  • SugarMummy2010
    Hey :smile: Thank you for the welcome :flowerforyou: xxx

    Well done to all the people that have lost and are giving up various things - I admire all of you :love: xx

    I have decided my weigh -in is going to be every monday morning - really hoping I have lost a pound as I have been cutting out all the nasties and changing it to the healthy things :smile: x

    I am looking forward to doing my monthly food shop at the end of the month and stocking up on different food rather than piling my tesco's trolley with crisps and dips etc. I have noticed one thing that everything I do that I enjoy always involves a bad way of eating- Movie = chip/dip - reading a book = nibbling on choccie, never quite realised how bad I had got !

    I ordred myself some working out clothes today :smile: and cannot wait for them to arrive. Hoping that will get me motivated once again!

    Kpnuts23 - Your party sounds like it is going to be fab! :smile: !

    Hope you are all having a good day,

    Sam xxx
  • lorro
    lorro Posts: 917 Member
    Well I've lost the 6 pounds I put on when I stopped using MFP and it's only taken me a week! :bigsmile: I thought it would take me ages.

    Shoppie I have the Tesco light choices lamb mousssaka in my fridge too - a bargain at around 250 cals. Well done on shedding 6 pounds in a week. Isn't it a GREAT feeling?

    Sam you have more willpower than I in being able to stick to a weekly weigh in - my scales are in my bathroom and I can't resist hopping on and off them daily, just to see how things are going. I have certain times when I snack too. Tried cutting them out all together but eventually ended up doing a combination - eliminating some, replacing others with healthier alternatives and keeping a few but planning for them.

    Katherine your party sounds like it's going to be fun - tell us what you have planned :smile: