Olive Oil is ruining my day

To make a long story short, I ended up ingesting food with approx. HALF A CUP of olive oil on it.
955 calories are now logged in for my food diary.
I'm kicking myself so badly right now, because this is entirely my fault.
I broke my cardinal rule and let someone else prepare my food.
I know Olive Oil is good for you- but I seriously doubt 1/2 a cup is healthy or normal.
Does Olive Oil evaporate at all when it's being cooked in a pan?
Even though 1/2 a cup was poured into the pan, do I have to count the entire half cup?
(my food diary is open to all!, so if anyone wants to take a look for themselves, feel free)


  • xarge
    xarge Posts: 484 Member
    :noway: What did you cook in half a cup of oil? I use one to two tablespoons of olive oil while cooking vegetables and that's for a serving size of 6.
  • Presleyforpresident
    :noway: What did you cook in half a cup of oil? I use one to two tablespoons of olive oil while cooking vegetables and that's for a serving size of 6.

    Zucchini. My mom basically spilled Olive Oil into the pan and decided to just go with it.
  • skonly
    skonly Posts: 371
    Better to spill olive oil instead of lard!
  • GnochhiGnomes
    GnochhiGnomes Posts: 348 Member
    I would then say 1/4 of a cup since lots must of dripped off when eating/ taking it out off the pan.
  • Silverkittycat
    Silverkittycat Posts: 1,997 Member
    I'm slightly confused, looked at your food diary for the last few days... ?
    I really don't think your zucchini absorbed 955 calories of olive oil.
  • BeantownSooner
    How many people ate it? You have 6 cups of zucchini on your diary as well. Did you eat all 6 cups of that as well? (Not that it's bad to eat 6 cups of zucchini).

    If 2 ate the meal then cut everything in half, if 3 cut it in a 3rd, if 4 cut it in 4ths. Also, if the pan is still there any left over olive oil sitting in the bottom of the pan? If so, measure it! If there's 1/4 cup not consumed in the bottom of the pan then nobody ate it. Apply the math above.
  • kimmymayhall
    kimmymayhall Posts: 419 Member
    Zucchini and squash does soak stuff up a lot. Was the pan dry when she finished cooking or was there still oil in the bottom? I don't think oil evaporates like that, if the pan was dry it's because the oil soaked into the veg and you should count it, sorry :frown:
  • ronaldrichardson
    It's all good. Don't worry about it, olive oil is good for you.
  • runzalot81
    runzalot81 Posts: 782 Member
    You don't need to count the entire half cup. Just account for your portion.

    When I do a huge roasting pan (like for turkeys) full of veggies and meat, I use a half cup of olive oil. However, the pan full is probably 12 to 16 servings. Takes me over a week to it. I LOVE roasted veggies.
  • cramernh
    cramernh Posts: 3,335 Member
    Better to spill olive oil instead of lard!

    Not necessarily true... lard is pork-belly fat... Ive used it plenty of times (olive oil, lard, butter) and Ive got extremely healthy cholesterol.

    Like Beantown mentions, if you do the math, I bet you it probably is alot better than you realize
  • Jules2Be
    Jules2Be Posts: 2,267 Member
  • veganbaum
    veganbaum Posts: 1,865 Member
    First of all, you didn't eat all the zucchini by yourself, did you? Unless you did, you didn't get all the oil (and some of it likely would have been left in the pan). Second, it's one day. Continue on with your day and eat as you normally would, unless you can cut a bit of calories here and there. But I wouldn't starve myself for the day, it's only one day out of ONE week. You'll be fine.
  • xarge
    xarge Posts: 484 Member
    I don't think you are looking at more than 15-20 grams of oil there per serving~ half a cup of zucchini. But since you logged 6 cups of zucchinis (seriously? O.o That's more than two pounds of zucchini!)... Too much fat won't do you any bad for one day, convince your mother to measure with a tablespoon from now on ;) Don't let one high calorie day discourage you either.
  • Presleyforpresident
    I actually did eat 6 cups of Zucchini.
    I used to have BED (binge eating disorder) and sometimes i still have those tendencies. 6 cups of zucchini is seriously nothing to what i used to throw into my stomach.
    There was a bit left over in the pan, so I'll try to calculate how much I actually ate of the Olive Oil.
    Thanks so much, everyone!
  • xarge
    xarge Posts: 484 Member
    Eggplant and zucchini can absorb a lot of oil when fried and it's not palatable to pan fry them with little oil. Try them in soup or stew when you feel like you're on vegetable spree, or slice bake them with two-three tablespoons of oil <--- will be similar to frying them.
  • beachlover317
    beachlover317 Posts: 2,848 Member
    How much olive oil is left in the pan? You can take that off too. Good luck!
  • epmck11
    epmck11 Posts: 159 Member
    It's all good. Don't worry about it, olive oil is good for you.


    A small amount of olive oil is good for you, not a half of cup of it. Just because something is "good for you" does not mean it's good for you to consume an excessive amount of it.

    Anyway, to the OP, just get over it and do better next time. I don't think oil "evaporates" like that though.
  • dixiewhiskey
    dixiewhiskey Posts: 3,333 Member
    I doubt you consumed half a cup of olive oil... just count what was your portion. So if your cook used 1/2 a cup and theres still most of it in the pan, you probably didn't have any worth crying over.. however, if the plate is dripping full of oil, you probably had more than you should have. Olive oil is great for cooking but of course in moderation

    I generally use 2 tsps
  • LokiOfAsgard
    LokiOfAsgard Posts: 378 Member
    I doubt you'd have to count it all. Even deep fried food (if fried correctly) have less than 2 tablespoons of oil in them.

    If I remember that episode of Good Eats correctly, that is.
  • ldrosophila
    ldrosophila Posts: 7,512 Member
    Better to over estimate than under estimate. Food diaries are subjective it's not going to be 100% perfect.