I need tips and tricks for keeping portion size down

kiku76 Posts: 352 Member
I feel like I'm always hungry. I try to eat well, make sure I eat a lot of protein, and limit grains because I find when I eat too much, I'm just even hungrier.
I don't eat horribly, my main problem is portion size I think. I eat more than I should, but if then I get hungry soon after if I don't.

I'm looking for tips to help me eat less. I could probably drink a ton of water before eating, but I'm hoping for something that helps me feel full longer.



  • SherryTeach
    SherryTeach Posts: 2,836 Member
    When you say your problem is "portion size" do you really mean that the number of calories in your plan is not enough to satisfy you? Or that you estimate your food servings rather than weighing and measuring?
  • amyowens08
    amyowens08 Posts: 107 Member
    get a food scale and measure everything! drink water 30 min before every meal.
  • jd5351
    jd5351 Posts: 116 Member
    Are you sure that you're hungry, or are you eating because you're bored?
  • KareninCanada
    KareninCanada Posts: 959 Member
    You might open your diary so people can see what you're eating and advise you. It might well be that you actually ARE undereating, and your body is trying to tell you so.

    But one thing that works well is to spread out your eating over three meals and three snacks, instead of just three bigger meals. And sip on water in between, green and herbal teas, coconut water is also good.
  • jadedzen
    jadedzen Posts: 221 Member
    get a food scale and measure everything! drink water 30 min before every meal.


    edited to add: make sure you get enough protein and fiber too.
  • sfoster3171982
    sfoster3171982 Posts: 76 Member
    I bought a food scale and it was the smartest thing I have done because now I don't use it as much except to weigh drinks to make sure I drink the portion size
  • kiku76
    kiku76 Posts: 352 Member
    When you say your problem is "portion size" do you really mean that the number of calories in your plan is not enough to satisfy you? Or that you estimate your food servings rather than weighing and measuring?
    I get enough calories. I recently started tracking again because I was slacking and gained a few pounds. my daily allowance is set at 1800
  • goodeknight
    goodeknight Posts: 5 Member
    I switched to smaller bowls and plates. Most of my feeling of satisfaction with a meal is emotional, visual. I also use more seasoning, herbs and spice, especially chilies to make the smaller portions more satisfying. :drinker: :flowerforyou:
  • kiku76
    kiku76 Posts: 352 Member
    Are you sure that you're hungry, or are you eating because you're bored?
    If I am eating because I'm bored, how do you stop that?

    If I stick to eating 5 meals a day, about 350 calories each or so, I don't want to feel hungry in between you know?
  • Eat Slowly and Drink Water Before, During and After. Also, sometimes Thirst is mistaken for Hunger if you don't have enough water.

    You could also eat a little amount each time you eat and eat more often. That way you are eating a lot more often but you aren't actually eating more food.
  • vegan444
    vegan444 Posts: 39
    Maybe try eating slower. Focus on chewing lots and taking breaks to drink water or tea.

    Veggies with lots of fiber, like broccoli or carrots, can be really filling and super low in calories. Maybe try eating a a few pieces before dinner next time.
  • kimray75
    kimray75 Posts: 66 Member
    Drink a tall glass of water before each meal. Get a food scale. That was the best investment I made. I weigh and measure everything.
  • Celliott411
    Celliott411 Posts: 49 Member
    Hi! Here's what I do to make sure I'm not overeating:

    1. Buy a food scale and only eat 1 serving size of a food.
    2. For lunches, you can pack in a bento box which have nice small portioned containers!
    3. There are many places online that have portion plates for your veggies, grains, and meats.
  • jd5351
    jd5351 Posts: 116 Member
    Are you sure that you're hungry, or are you eating because you're bored?
    If I am eating because I'm bored, how do you stop that?

    If I stick to eating 5 meals a day, about 350 calories each or so, I don't want to feel hungry in between you know?

    If you are eating because you're bored, find something to do that's not eating.

    Like, say you ate lunch an hour ago. You shouldn't be hungry yet, but you find yourself reaching for a snack. Go outside and get some fresh air, or call a friend to chat.

    It's all about creating new habits.
  • basschick
    basschick Posts: 3,502 Member
    Like others have said, weigh and measure everything. I used to eat out of bags and containers -- now I measure out a portion and put it in a bowl. Also, pre-log your food for the whole day in the morning. I'm more apt to stick to the plan if I do this.
  • cineshome
    cineshome Posts: 97 Member
    Maybe you need to eat a little more fat and/or fiber? That along with the protein can make a big difference.
  • KCramer12
    KCramer12 Posts: 153 Member
    I weigh everything on my food scale. It really helps w knowing my portions.
  • jenilla1
    jenilla1 Posts: 11,118 Member
    Measure and weigh your food. Eat fiber-rich foods. Stay hydrated - sometimes the body mistakes thirst for hunger.
  • beekuzz
    beekuzz Posts: 428 Member
    We weigh everything to follow the labels. Everyone is different, but I eat low fat and low carbs and don't worry about leveling out each category by the end of the day.
  • Crystal_Pistol
    Crystal_Pistol Posts: 750 Member
    Don't forget about fats. Protein shake- chocolate whey, almond butter, frozen banana, skim milk. A calorie boom, but keeps you satisfied for a long time. Ditto everyone on weighing and measuring your servings and drinking water.