What's your NSV (non-scale victory) for this week?



  • yoovie
    yoovie Posts: 17,121 Member
    Last week I set a deadlift PR at 105 pounds and thought it might have been too much.

    This week I did a set of 9 with that weight and Im gonna go for 125 next week :D
  • I actually went to jazzercise class 2 days in a row...I'm new to excercising!
  • creech6317
    creech6317 Posts: 869 Member
    I was able to get my daughter to work out with me. It may not sound like much, but just getting her to walk with me is a fight, so getting her to do an actual workout video is a huge deal. I am happy, soon I may get her on the health bandwagon.
  • acidosaur
    acidosaur Posts: 295 Member
    My waist is 1.5" down from when I last measured it.
  • lacewitch
    lacewitch Posts: 766 Member
    40 min run! :happy: ( slow but i kept moving! )
  • BrittanyLail
    BrittanyLail Posts: 40 Member
    Yesterday, I wore a pair of 9/10 pants that when purchased were no where near fitting. :)

    Also, ran three times this week... my longest distance was 2.5 miles :)
  • laurenb1994
    laurenb1994 Posts: 40 Member
    I lost the 5lbs I put on when I went on holiday to Venice, Italy. Officially back at my lowest recorded weight!
  • Impy84
    Impy84 Posts: 430
    two: had to get on a small plastic crate to grab something and it didnt' give away or buckle at all. Held my weight
    had to punch more holes in my belts. (being cheap i refuse to buy new ones every few months)
  • TrailRunner61
    TrailRunner61 Posts: 2,505 Member
    I'll start.

    My 25 year old daughter came to visit after not seeing me for about 6 months and called me a "health nut" and "fitness finatic".....big change since I lost the 32 lbs!!!:blushing: Hopefully will be an inspiration for her!
    LOL that sounds familiar! My 'kids' are about the same age, 23, 28, 29, and have been telling my husband and me that we are health nuts and that this is our midlife crisis! I told them if it was, it would be something that was a lot more fun than logging food and exercising! lol

    My NSV of the week is... my knees and ankles are so skinny now that there is no padding on them and it hurts to sleep on my side because the bones touch!
  • therealangd
    therealangd Posts: 1,861 Member
    my NSV this week is that I reached 20,000 steps and 100 floors on my fitbit this week. Both in one day.
  • Buying a suit this morning and having to go two sizes lower than my old suits and being told I'm slim by the sales guy.

    Now, sales guys will say anything but...I'll take it.
  • being able to elliptical for an hour on level 10. not that long ago i could barely go 15 minutes on level 1 :)
    also, here's a sweet story, my son, who is 5, asked me if i wanted to share his cookie. i said no. then in a really cute voice, like he was tempting me, he said are you sure? it has sprinkles. i then told him i was on a diet. he asked what it was, so i told him it was where i couldn't eat anything that tastes good so i could lose weight and be skinny and healthy again. he then looked at me and said, mom, you're not fat, i think you're the most beautiful woman in the world. he made me tear up. i love my sweet boy.
  • strongnotskinny121
    strongnotskinny121 Posts: 329 Member
    I have a 5k this sat, called Run for Your Lives. We will be chased by zombies while navigating an obstacle course. I'm hoping to atleast complete the obstacles and the 5k. If the zombies "eat my brains" I'm okay with that.
  • bossymomd
    bossymomd Posts: 38 Member
    I was able to do 40 jumping jacks yesterday without hurting my lower back! I have been working on strengthening my core muscles and it seems to be working! I didn't think I'd be able to do 10!!
  • Turned down the option of pizza and coke :) It's tiny, but it's the place to start, right?
  • leika79
    leika79 Posts: 114
    i brought a uk size 12 pair of jeans and i can button them!! ok so they give me a muffin top but we all need something to motivate us and that is one hell of a motivation to me as since the age of 11 i have never been any smaller than a 14!! :)
  • cyberletat
    cyberletat Posts: 8 Member
    A friend today (who I had not seen in 2 weeks) asked me if I had lost weight as I looked more "compact"! I squealed!
  • helenld1
    helenld1 Posts: 233 Member
    For me, the scale saying I'd put on 1.6lbs :grumble: but my tape measure showing I'd lost an inch off my thighs, half an inch off my waist and an inch off my hips!! :laugh:

    It took me a long time to stop relying on the scale and it was, for the most part, down to you guys on this site and your NSVs!!
  • MrsM1ggins
    MrsM1ggins Posts: 724 Member
    Cycled up a really steep hill, passing a teenager who had dismounted at the halfway stage and was pushing his bike the rest of the way. :laugh:
  • AggieLu
    AggieLu Posts: 873 Member
    I went out for a friend's birthday party last night to a Mexican restaurant/club, and a stranger came up to me and said he admired my back side, the curve of the lower back, butt, and waist. :blushing: It was a huge compliment. I started with a lotta back fat.

    This is a beautiful topic and truly inspirational thread. Congrats to everyone.